Project CARS 3 Information Rundown: Revamped Career, New Cars, and More

i think I'd prefer to see the rear wheels jacked up off the road compared to seeing the spoiler pop off the car... that just looks like something out of NFS from 2005

That's beta footage. I think they will change it

On C8 gameplay Spoilers were not so easy to pop off the car.
I'm pretty sure the damage model on that car is a bit overtuned. Those who had wmd in the previous game saw the same thing happening on other cars and that was fixed before release
Rear wings used to do that by default in original rFactor, changing one line of text fixed it(although the way they just calmly roll off in this trailer is an extra bit of comedy). Of course, we have to rely on the devs to do that for us since most games don't have that kind of easy changes. I'm just saying that that's not really something that's a difficult problem to fix. Of course, one has to wonder why they thought it was okay for a major trailer to show that too...
The car collisions is something to takeaway from the trailer and gameplay. Those that play GT Sport know that the collision physics is like marbles, a single bump and you get sent off like marbles colliding with each other. Seeing these collisions in the PC3 game footage behave more like leaning into and pushing other cars is actually showcasing the collision physics. The NSX has to push through the Mercedes instead of bumping off of each other. Other gameplay footage with the slides and driving with slip angle is an indication that the physics supports on the edge driving like Driveclub does, that's what makes driving a car fun.
Rear wings used to do that by default in original rFactor, changing one line of text fixed it(although the way they just calmly roll off in this trailer is an extra bit of comedy). Of course, we have to rely on the devs to do that for us since most games don't have that kind of easy changes. I'm just saying that that's not really something that's a difficult problem to fix. Of course, one has to wonder why they thought it was okay for a major trailer to show that too...
2. the spoiler falls off of cars very easily, which is just really bizarre and breaks the feel of an official circuit race. it'd be different if this was truly a NFS game where police chases and destruction was common....but this is a serious circuit race and the cars are falling apart via a slight touch. that didn't make any sense and makes it feel like SMS isn't sure what it wants to be.

It was the gameplay showcase, not the trailer. "Early Beta Footage" is clearly shown at the bottom of the videos.

Can we agree that complaining about bugs in an early beta build is a bit...daft?
What i can't understand is why they keep making a point about saying gamepad controls are refined, gamepad controls are this, and that, better/improved etc. They said that pcars 2 and it only felt marginally better. I don't understand why they have struggled with it so badly...shift 2, completely different physics of course but that felt excellent on gamepad so they need to better than tell us, they need to show us. I wonder if we'll get an beta build to try out.

Besides the career revamp, i don't see many new circuits being added. More than likely just updates with a few new, which is no issue because it already has a superb list of tracks, hell, probably one of the best selections in any racing game but my goodness...the car list, damn. If they don't sort the damn car list out to include a bigger, better and more varied list this time i'm going to be very annoyed. It may sound greedy but 200 cars doesn't feel anything anymore. I really want the return of 80s, 90s and 00s road and city cars to thrash about and upgrade as so many cars in the last 10 years in the "road car" category are so incredibly "safe" and dull besides a select few...again, in my opinion.

Wow I prattle on...apologies. In short, I really want to believe PCARS 3 can be better, but I just can't at the moment. We shall see, at least this more information is slightly more promising career wise.
It was the gameplay showcase, not the trailer. "Early Beta Footage" is clearly shown at the bottom of the videos.

Can we agree that complaining about bugs in an early beta build is a bit...daft?

Not entirely sure why you quoted me as I thought I was pointing how incredibly minor of a thing to complain about that was.

Maybe mentioning that they might have considered spending a few minutes making them not do that before showing the game to the world threw the focus off, sorry. Staying on point is not my strong suit. :)
This game has me intrigued. Won’t be getting it Day 1, but anxious to see some gameplay footage. And I want to see more than just cars going around the tracks. I want to see a playthrough in career mode, and how much ‘sim’ vs ‘cade’ is it, and what’s the final car and track list.

If it’s a little more user friendly as far as car setups go, but they keep the sim handling and great game options like PC2, then it’s a buy.
This could be a day one buy for me, if they release more info on platform compatibility. If i but the ps4 version, will i get a free upgrade for ps5? How much does the PC version differ from consoles?

I think the PS5 should be an upgrade if you buy the PS4 version. Think. NOT GUARANTEED. Otherwise, the only thing on PC that caught my attention was the ability to support 12K resolution. :eek: I presume hardcore gamers with 3 4K monitors together.
Really? XP for the Career mode? Points for taking corners well? A decade too late Dubstep in the background?
How much uninspired and generic can you get?

Everything I read and watch makes it sound more and more like the newest GRID game.

For anyone expecting this to be a "Simcade" competitor to GT Sport or Forza. I think you're going to be heavily disappointed. It seems like they are actively trying to compete with GRID directly.

And now the talk about how the tyre model is catered towards a mix of "sim and fun". That kills my last hope for an actual sim underneath the skin.

I wouldn't particularly think GRID was successful, considering it was a game that tried to cater to everyone.

For both fans of Sims and Simcade, including myself, I think we're getting ready to weep when this comes out.
...I really want the return of 80s, 90s and 00s road and city cars to thrash about and upgrade as so many cars in the last 10 years in the "road car" category are so incredibly "safe" and dull besides a select few...again, in my opinion.

Pcars2 was a day 1 purchase for me on ps4. After all the bugs it had I'll check reviews and forums first before touching the next one.
Pcars2 was a day 1 purchase for me on ps4. After all the bugs it had I'll check reviews and forums first before touching the next one.

Same here - After enjoying PC1 despite the difficult controller handling, I bought into the hype for PC2 and pre-ordered on PS4 only to be extremely disappointed at the number of bugs that were obvious within a few minutes of starting to play. While I agree it improved, it still gave the impression they didn't really care about the console versions.
I did enjoy Shift 2, Driveclub, and PC 1&2, so a combination of those sounds OK to me - but I'll definitely be taking their own comments about how great PC3 is going to be with a large dose of salt this time round, and wait for reviews and actual player feedback on here.

And for people saying it shouldn't be called "Project Cars 3" if its a different style - weren't they originally planning to call this next iteration "Project Cars Revolution", or did I imagine that?
And for people saying it shouldn't be called "Project Cars 3" if its a different style - weren't they originally planning to call this next iteration "Project Cars Revolution", or did I imagine that?

it might be the name for it internally, pCARS Revolution name was seen when they announce their own console but it was never confirm as the name of the sequel.
I'll believe the 'sublime' gamepad play when I feel it myself...they were selling their controller integration for pcars2 as well and even though it was better than pc1 and miles ahead of shift 2 it was still way off games like GT Sport, F1 etc. Let's hope codies managed to jump in and get their gamepad play up to F1's standard.

If they have all the features of pcars2, with added cars and tracks and the new 'fun' approach I'll buy it. But if pit stops etc. were removed then I'm out.
Hope to see a crossover DLC with an other game : like in Forza Horizon with LEGO
(GRID, Burnout, F1, etc...)
It will be crazy ! :cheers:
Hope to see a crossover DLC with an other game : like in Forza Horizon with LEGO
(GRID, Burnout, F1, etc...)
It will be crazy ! :cheers:

Not sure that'll happen. Maybe F1? In the classic car/1 modern car sense as Codemasters holding that license may play into their hands but who knows.
Hope to see a crossover DLC with an other game : like in Forza Horizon with LEGO
(GRID, Burnout, F1, etc...)
It will be crazy ! :cheers:

I'm imagining Ridge Racer-inspired livery or even fictional 'machines' since it was published by Bandai Namco, like the Japan-exclusive PCars 1 Perfect Edition
Oh boy! I was at first shocked by the feedback in this thread, but then I remembered that it's a "GT"planet website so not everyone in here is a simulation geek.

I was EXTREMELY disappointed by the trailer. I had fears it looked/felt like a Forza/grid game. Then the gameplay came to verify my fears. It's a simcade at best. And that's not a bad thing by itself. But it's also not what a pCARS game was promised to be. Call it Grid 2020, call it NFS shift 3, call it whatever you want SMS, but why call it PC3?! Why ruin that great image that you worked hard to build for PC2 in our minds?!

Now to answer some of the people questioning what's looking arcadey in this game, or that some stuff look fun and that fun contradicts with simulation.
1- fun isn't contradictory with simulation but fun is subjective. What you might find Fun, I might find it silly, stupid, etc... The opposite is also true.
2- the game introduces heavy blur effects which are a trademark of all arcade games from NFS, to FH to Asphalt games. That fake sense of speed.
3- points for taking a corner perfectly?! Really?! Points for getting the line right?! What is this?! Asphalt 8?! If that was a tutorial it would be understandable, but unfortunately it wasn't.
4- the car reactions look very weird, from braking to accelerating.
5- the HUD is very similar to GRID HUD. Now imagine the downgrade that happened from the amazing PC2 HUD to this...
6- oh is taking cars out, as seen the the start of the trailer, considered fun to some people in here? Just watching the awesome serious trailer of pc2 gives me chills. Now this trailer makes me sad, disappointed, and angry...

Again, nothing against arcades or simcades, but that wasn't what the series was promised to be. Just call it something else and keep pCARS series for the real deal. Is it too much to ask for?! But of course it's their call in the end... And we can simply voice our disappointment in 2 ways: forums/posts, and our money.
How does one put Grid and Forza in the same sentence? :confused:
This could be a day one buy for me, if they release more info on platform compatibility. If i but the ps4 version, will i get a free upgrade for ps5? How much does the PC version differ from consoles? Is there PSVR support? What’s it look like on the X1X or Series X? I plan on buying it anyway, but I’d like to know which platform is best for me.

You should be able to answer most of those questions yourself. Looking at PC2 and its competition, its pretty obvious that PSVR is not going to happen. If you want the best version, look for the PC version. On consoles, Xbox X should have a slight advantage over PS4 Pro, as usual. Dirt 5 will be playable on both Xbox One and Series X. Its a Codemasters game, and Slightly Mad is a Codemasters company by now. Maybe they will handle it the same. But with PC3, Bandai Namco is the publisher. They will make the decision.
I see a lot of hate for this game... i don’t understand. If sms will manage to connect great sim expirience with fun factor, career mode etc they will creat best game for both sides. Why is this a problem? I can assume that sim aspect of driving will be at least as good as pcars 2 (and upgraded) i really doubt they reaal dumb this out. We should wait and see.
I see a lot of hate for this game... i don’t understand. If sms will manage to connect great sim expirience with fun factor, career mode etc they will creat best game for both sides. Why is this a problem? I can assume that sim aspect of driving will be at least as good as pcars 2 (and upgraded) i really doubt they reaal dumb this out. We should wait and see.

They've already said it won't be dumbed down for the people who want that experience. Unfortunately people are just basing their comments on tiny things like the 321 go countdown and some motion blur. Apparently that makes a game an arcade racer irrespective of its physics :boggled:.

Like you say, how dare they make a fun racing game, they should be ashamed :lol:

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