- 439
- United Kingdom
Of course improving weather is a good option. Though I'd prefer to see a new implementation of it than the slots. I'd much rather have a % of rain for the race and the game decides the weather. Maybe your engineer can tell you what the percentage chance is as well.
For example: "The chance of rain is 70% in the next 30 minutes. But there is no rain expected for the rest of the race beyond that."
"The chance of rain for this hour is 25% but it is not expected to arrive for another 50 minutes."
Of course, that's a dream. But SMS have done things I'd have said was a dream a few years ago playing GT or the F1 games.
I agree with the weather needing an overhaul. My biggest problem with it is that, no matter what weather you select, the track always starts dry and the livetrack only starts changing from the start of the session. From watching Yorkie's video on the weather I know that it's a percentage alteration for the livetrack, I just wish that the game could decide what percentage the weather should be at when the session starts... simulating how long it has been precipitating for.
Even better would be where you could see in the loading screen for the session what the weather had been like in the preceding few hours... thus opening up the possibility of starting qualifying on a drying track and having to weigh up the odds of coming out immediately on wets or waiting to run with slicks...risking that another rain shower won't roll in.
One possibility for customising this could be that the weather selection screen gets an overhaul, and instead of selecting the weather for each segment, you instead select the weather for each hour, kind of like when you view a weather forecast on a website...possibly even up to the 25 hours around a race(to simulate the hour before a 24 hour race). Then, whatever time the race starts, you get the weather that was selected for the race start time, plus an estimation of the track conditions based on the preceding weather.
This, coupled with the percentage chance that Jake mentioned, could create a truly life-like weather experience, which is already one of the biggest strong points of the game.
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