Project Cars 3 Suggestions

  • Thread starter Corsa
It seems PCARS2 has flopped massively going head to head to head with Forza n GTS so would Sms be willing to go with a small userbase with PS5 compared to 90 to 100 million? Imo after a great succces of the first game and then getting it all wrong for the second game they will need to get it right for no.3.

Also we know PCARS sells most on PS especially the first title where it sold massively conpared to pc or xbox but PCARS2 has shown that sms do not take or prioritise the playstation console even though thats where the most coin is made so they obvs have issues with the platform we might see it go PC or Xbox only.
I guess you forgot to add a link to all insider expert knowledge. If you could please add them I would love to read what SMS sales and expectations of sales are not to mention their plans for the future
It seems PCARS2 has flopped massively going head to head to head with Forza n GTS so would Sms be willing to go with a small userbase with PS5 compared to 90 to 100 million? Imo after a great succces of the first game and then getting it all wrong for the second game they will need to get it right for no.3.

Also we know PCARS sells most on PS especially the first title where it sold massively conpared to pc or xbox but PCARS2 has shown that sms do not take or prioritise the playstation console even though thats where the most coin is made so they obvs have issues with the platform we might see it go PC or Xbox only.
Maybe I have some kind of subconscious bias that I'm unaware of, but owning nearly all PS4 sim racing games, PCars2 is hands down my favoirite. Hardly a flop in my book. And I enjoy playing Assetto, GTSport, Dirt Rally, but whenever I dive into PCars2 I end up racing all night and until the sun comes up. It's just the most immersive, most enjoyable experience to me. I can't help but think you're missing out on something.
I understand this could be difficult with the variation, but realistic brake feel, i'm thinking more about the modern road/supercars, i haven't driven any but i'm sure it doesn't take 50% pedal travel to come to a stop from 60km/h for example. From what i've heard, modern brakes are generally sensitive and barely need much brake pedal travel at all. Though it would be more difficult and harder to modulate at first. I drove a 2015 Focus a little while ago where the brake pedal was fairly sensitive and it took a little time to get used to. I understand racecars/etc would be different.
I understand this could be difficult with the variation, but realistic brake feel, i'm thinking more about the modern road/supercars, i haven't driven any but i'm sure it doesn't take 50% pedal travel to come to a stop from 60km/h for example. From what i've heard, modern brakes are generally sensitive and barely need much brake pedal travel at all. Though it would be more difficult and harder to modulate at first. I drove a 2015 Focus a little while ago where the brake pedal was fairly sensitive and it took a little time to get used to. I understand racecars/etc would be different.
This has always been a limitation of potentiometer-based pedals/triggers, because they can only register motion, while the real deal is more about how much force you apply to the pedal.

In PCARS2, you could try increasing the Brake Sensitivity value in the control options to a value between 50 and 100. It determines the linearity of the axis, and a higher value will result in more braking with less travel.
- More consistency in the tightness of rolling starts. Sometimes, if i'm closer to the front, when the race goes green, I'm close with the AI. If i'm towards the rear, before the race goes green, the AI have supreme grip and they bolt leaving me behind. Just needs to be like in the video below.

I understand this could be difficult with the variation, but realistic brake feel, i'm thinking more about the modern road/supercars, i haven't driven any but i'm sure it doesn't take 50% pedal travel to come to a stop from 60km/h for example. From what i've heard, modern brakes are generally sensitive and barely need much brake pedal travel at all. Though it would be more difficult and harder to modulate at first. I drove a 2015 Focus a little while ago where the brake pedal was fairly sensitive and it took a little time to get used to. I understand racecars/etc would be different.
Realistic brake feel comes down to the hardware you are using rather than the software. There are some very high end pedals which do approximate the real feeling far better than your typical pedals that some with most wheels.

I don't have anything fancy in that regard - I run the relatively common T3PA pedals with my T300 Alcantara and with the brake mod they do feel excellent. I have the mod practically touching the pedal and so have a tiny amount of travel and this means my braking now feels like it is all about how hard I push rather than how far I move the pedal. It feels far more realistic to brake with a sense of pressure in your foot rather than a sense of the position of your foot.
I have the T3PAs as well, and honestly they feel better to me with the conical brake mod removed.
I left foot brake and noticed my foot becoming very sore after a decent session.
Project Cars adjustability is incredible with everything, something the competition really needs to get on board with.
It feels far more realistic to brake with a sense of pressure in your foot rather than a sense of the position of your foot.

I agree with this, and definitely prefer this, it's even how the brake pedal in my own car is, and i'm sure in most racecars. But theres also many cars which are not like this, and more based on just how far you depress the pedal, so the realism would be a plus but it's not a dealbreaker. :)
I have the T3PAs as well, and honestly they feel better to me with the conical brake mod removed.
I left foot brake and noticed my foot becoming very sore after a decent session.
Project Cars adjustability is incredible with everything, something the competition really needs to get on board with.
If getting sore with the brake mod it is likely because you have calibrated with too much travel needed. If you go back in to calibration with the brake mod installed you can recallibrate at a pressure you find comfortable. For me and my brake mod position, and the amount of pressure I'm willing to apply, 100% braking is about 40% travel.
If getting sore with the brake mod it is likely because you have calibrated with too much travel needed. If you go back in to calibration with the brake mod installed you can recallibrate at a pressure you find comfortable. For me and my brake mod position, and the amount of pressure I'm willing to apply, 100% braking is about 40% travel.

I would absolutely and have done that, unfortunately the real driving simulator aka GT doesn't allow us such adjustments.
I play them all and don't want to install remove repeat ya know?
I guess you forgot to add a link to all insider expert knowledge. If you could please add them I would love to read what SMS sales and expectations of sales are not to mention their plans for the future
Well its not rocket sceince is it? SMS and Namco are a buisness and the first game sold or was very close to selling over 2 million so from a buisness point of view they would of been wanting to grow hence it got rushed out infront of Forza n GTS. Im sure theyd of been looking at around 2.5-3 million possibly even more as no buisness in the world would be wanting to do much less numbers than the previous product.

Its a shame it has sold so poorly this time round but SMS were too confident after the great sales of the first and totally underestimated the power of GT n Forza games which both of them has drastically out sold PCars2. They really should of been launching this March or April or possibly even in the coming fall.
Well its not rocket sceince is it? SMS and Namco are a buisness and the first game sold or was very close to selling over 2 million so from a buisness point of view they would of been wanting to grow hence it got rushed out infront of Forza n GTS. Im sure theyd of been looking at around 2.5-3 million possibly even more as no buisness in the world would be wanting to do much less numbers than the previous product.

Its a shame it has sold so poorly this time round but SMS were too confident after the great sales of the first and totally underestimated the power of GT n Forza games which both of them has drastically out sold PCars2. They really should of been launching this March or April or possibly even in the coming fall.[/Q

So 3 months of sales for Pcars 2 should be better than lifetime sales of Pcars1? Okay, what are the sales of Pcars2? TOTal consoles and computer

So 3 months of sales for Pcars 2 should be better than lifetime sales of Pcars1? Okay, what are the sales of Pcars2? TOTal consoles and computer
So 3 months of sales for Pcars 2 should be better than lifetime sales of Pcars1? Okay, what are the sales of Pcars2? TOTal consoles and computer
No no certainly not, I have no idea how you can come to that conclusion thats just insane. Im talking about how 3 months sales of 1 and 2 have compared. I have no idea of exact sales but 2 dropped off all the sales charts once the big two came out while it remained in charts for months for the first title. Maybe Ian can shed some light on the sales and if it was a mistake going head to head with them or if indeed PCars 2 is surpassing 1 numbers and not being in charts doesnt reflect how youd expect sales to turn out. Also if your on PC diesel or have friends on PC they can see sales numbers on steam and compare which youd actually expect to surpass 1 since no GTS and a poor Forza port and no ther sims around it.

Edit: a quick google week 1 sales were down 72% in the first week and 74% in the first month in the uk with Ian blaming Fifa for the poor sales.
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Its a shame it has sold so poorly this time round but SMS were too confident after the great sales of the first and totally underestimated the power of GT n Forza games which both of them has drastically out sold PCars2. They really should of been launching this March or April or possibly even in the coming fall.

Out of curiosity, where are your numbers to back this up?
Out of curiosity, where are your numbers to back this up?

Ian also comments and is not denying its true infact pretty much confirms it.

I also dont see month 2 or 3 having massively higher sales. It might pick up once it hits £19.99 but its very hard for any game to beat month 1 of sales these days.

I think you guys are incredibly naive to think this is selling as well as the first title or not having poor sales. Out of curiosity what are you guys basing this on at all?

Usa sept charts it didnt make top 20

October again no where with both Forza n GTS making it in

I could go on but surely you guys are getting the picture now? Im to hungover to look more but all pal charts are easily available to have a gander yourselves.
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Ian also comments and is not denying its true infact pretty much confirms it.

I also dont see month 2 or 3 having massively higher sales. It might pick up once it hits £19.99.

I think you guys are incredibly naive to think this is selling as well as the first title or not having poor sales. Out of curiosity what are you guys basing this on at all?
Oh. So it links to that article I've already seen. They're UK only and don't include digital sales as the first comment actually states. I thought we had something more concrete than that...
Oh. So it links to that article I've already seen. They're UK only and don't include digital sales as the first comment actually states. I thought we had something more concrete than that...
As i say incredibly naive and you choose to ignore plenty of the post.

The only time we will get concrete numbers is when Namco release them to their shareholders. Right now imo its not looking good.
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As i say incredibly naive and you choose to ignore plenty of the post.
I ignore it because I don't trust it as a reputable source. How can you prove that it's the case when you can't show the full picture?

Anyway, this is far off topic.
I ignore it because I don't trust it as a reputable source. How can you prove that it's the case when you can't show the full picture?

Anyway, this is far off topic.
You dont trust NPD as reputable? Really?!?! Okay well bookmark this page and come back when Namco release the numbers since you have absolutely nothing to suggest the game is selling well.
You dont trust NPD as reputable? Really?!?! Okay well bookmark this page and come back when Namco release the numbers since you have absolutely nothing to suggest the game is selling well.
I meant that specific article. I don't know enough about them to have a view on whether they're reputable overall or not. This isn't the thread for such a discussion. I'm enjoying playing the game and I don't care about sales figures. To be honest, why do you care? Apart from flag waving and people making key decisions, there's really no reason to care about sales figures.
I meant that specific article. I don't know enough about them to have a view on whether they're reputable overall or not. This isn't the thread for such a discussion. I'm enjoying playing the game and I don't care about sales figures. To be honest, why do you care? Apart from flag waving and people making key decisions, there's really no reason to care about sales figures.
I care as poor sales could have a knock on affect on future PCARS titles and more specifically PCARS 3 which is exactly what the thread is about. I want PS4 PCARS games to have dedicated servers like the PC version that sells little compared to it. If they fail to make a huge profit what chance have we ever got? Sales of games have massive knock on effects from progressing massively to having to call it a day. If you didnt care why bother with all the posts on it?
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Having a look through the weather, I'd like to see Heavy Rain as an additional setting. For example, with the rain amount of Thunderstorm just without the Thunder.
I want to be able to practice a specific corner or section of the track over and over without needing to do the rest of the track.

Example, T1 at brands hatch. Select that portion of the track and the game loads the straight, going into T1, and you exit down the hill, and blend back into the straight before T1. Obviously the realistic options are limited but some level of that would be awesome.
I want to be able to practice a specific corner or section of the track over and over without needing to do the rest of the track.

Example, T1 at brands hatch. Select that portion of the track and the game loads the straight, going into T1, and you exit down the hill, and blend back into the straight before T1. Obviously the realistic options are limited but some level of that would be awesome.
The only problem in races the track changes(green track to rubbered in track) so might nail that corner in the first couple of laps after that you could be lost. I think racing is all about rhythm and means getting a smooth feeling from corner to corner lap after lap
I’d rather have the option to practice specific corners and sections that give me problems, or that I like, than not.
Nothing wrong with options, but as was pointed out, mastering those specific corners, also has to do with linking other parts of the track for that flow.

I get you though. It's like the point A to B tracks that have sections broken down. Why can't we choose specific sections on a circuit?
Having a look through the weather, I'd like to see Heavy Rain as an additional setting. For example, with the rain amount of Thunderstorm just without the Thunder.

Yeah, can't understand why so many people associate thunderstorm with heavy rain. I live in Poland and I can't recall ever seeing such conditions in my life. Here we only have heavy rain or heavy thunderstorm occasionally with light rain, it's never like in the movies or games, where thunder storm is accompanied by heavy rain.
I dont see a pcars 3 coming anytime soon. But I hope SMS doesnt get discouraged with the lower inital sales (which was predictable) and keeps on improving pcars 2.. the userbase will grow in time.. its not like there is a huge competition in the sims market (especially on consoles)... the lifespan of titles like this one should be several years providing there are constant updates and polishing. even if there is a huge jump in consoles technology if would be more for paying for a graphical update (as The Crew did).. pcars 2 has pretty much everything i need minus matchmaking
I'm not in the business of wish lists.
I'm thinking about how 3 could possibly be improved.

The Madness engine is great, we have the tracks, cars, and content but what could be done or adjusted to really wake up those that may be on the fence?

They look very good on my vanilla PS4 but up against GT not great.

Do you use it?
A vast majority of online races never have weather, the track surface is always almost certainly dry.
What if SMS scrubbed live track 3.0 and put those cores used to graphics?
Smooth it out and put the jaggy police to rest.

Pull back the reigns a little and focus in this order.

Your thoughts?
I vote handling realism should take top priority. I would like to see at least 4-5 cars in each class of historic/vintage race cars.