Project Cars 3 Suggestions

  • Thread starter Corsa


United States
United States
I'm not in the business of wish lists.
I'm thinking about how 3 could possibly be improved.

The Madness engine is great, we have the tracks, cars, and content but what could be done or adjusted to really wake up those that may be on the fence?

They look very good on my vanilla PS4 but up against GT not great.

Do you use it?
A vast majority of online races never have weather, the track surface is always almost certainly dry.
What if SMS scrubbed live track 3.0 and put those cores used to graphics?
Smooth it out and put the jaggy police to rest.

Pull back the reigns a little and focus in this order.

Your thoughts?

In the 8 months since this thread was created I've moved to PC, with that my original opinions have changed.
While I never thought PC2 console performance was bad, it is obvious and realistic to say it is restrained by hardware.
It is still the same game and I have no doubt SMS did great console optimization, but the benchmarks on my rig now have really turned it loose.

Consistently getting 100fps makes live track 3.0 how I imagined it, fantastic. No more stutter while raining, smooth wet/dry/day/night transitions.

My OP is no longer relevant.
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I'm not in the business of wish lists.
I'm thinking about how 3 could possibly be improved.

The Madness engine is great, we have the tracks, cars, and content but what could be done or adjusted to really wake up those that may be on the fence?

They look very good on my vanilla PS4 but up against GT not great.

Do you use it?
A vast majority of online races never have weather, the track surface is always almost certainly dry.
What if SMS scrubbed live track 3.0 and put those cores used to graphics?
Smooth is out and put the jaggy police to rest.

Pull back the reigns a little and focus in this order.

Your thoughts?
live track 3.0 is much deeper than just weather, the racing line, track rubber and everything else that involves racing grip is part of it. So in short, NO leave 3.0 alone just for the sake of a deeper color of Ferrari red LOL

edit: and yes I love the weather aspect of PC2, try doing some sunrise/ sunset racing with a touch of fog or haze, you want to stop and just gaze
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The madness engine is getting extremely old now and creaking under all the strain. Id be hoping SMS are busy working on a new engine to take the series forward.
Absolutely have and love the fog/sunsets as well.
Snow/ice/rain not so much.
LOL I hear you, but the trick I do is set up multi-weather slots. My thinking is I survived the rain/ snow know let's make some time and pass these fools LOL
Get rid of 3.0 for improved graphics? No, this isn't GT Sport.

Captain obvious.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the franchise?

I'm specifically referring to rain/snow/ice from live track 3.0 as it takes a lot of processing power.
Captain obvious.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the franchise?

I'm specifically referring to rain/snow/ice from live track 3.0 as it takes a lot of processing power.

Yes it is obvious, obvious they should not only keep it but improve on it. Chances are pc3 will likely run on higher processing units so why lack on features just to further graphics when we can have both.

My pc3 suggestions: custom offline championships, custom in game grid tool, bigger grid sizes, more cars, tracks, classes. Further immersion, more lively pit lane and circuit atmosphere., safety car etc

To your point. .Physics are already great but I'm sure it can be dialed in even more. Multiplayer side of things matchmaking and fix the penalty system.
PC3 will most likely be on PS5, so they’ll have more power. They didn’t have enough power on the Vanilla PS4 for everything, but they will on the PS5.
PC3 will most likely be on PS5, so they’ll have more power. They didn’t have enough power on the Vanilla PS4 for everything, but they will on the PS5.

Quite possibly correct, I read today 2020/21 PS5 release placeholder predictions.
With the PS4 approaching 70 million sales I think Sony will milk it as long as they can.
Live track 3.0 shall stay i don't t care if people complain about some stupid eye candy.

Project cars 2 despite its issues shall continue to innovate and put in new features. Rolling back such features is stupid.

Rome was not built in a day. Project Cars series with each new iteration should get better rather than castrating it.
Actually graphics in Project Cars 2 are very good. On good PC with higher Anti Aliasing settings it looks decent in my opinion. Graphics problems are only on consoles because of not enough power. On PS5 it should be good enough i hope and even then i would prefer more cars on track, even more detailed Livetrack (4.0?) and 60 FPS.
Okay, this might not be a popular thing to say, But...

I liked the driving school/missions in GTS.

... I think I hear crickets....

They were short, addicting and sometimes frustrating, but what it did great was thoroughly teach me how to play the game. I had to try different approaches to get gold and learned the different characteristics of various cars. Which would be great for someone like me who’s not the greatest racer/gamer, especially in such a complex game like pcars.

Imagine that sort of “side quests” in a sim like Pcars? Plus, sometimes you don’t have time for a full race, just want something quick.

Just my two cents...c’mon haters, let the bashing begin :)
Okay, this might not be a popular thing to say, But...

I liked the driving school/missions in GTS.

Why not popular? I think this missions are great. This is one of the best driving tutorials i saw in racing games. I would definitely love to see this in PC3 or even PC2 as post release patch.
Especially Circuit experience missions. This would be hard to do for all 60 tracks, but it would be great help to learn the track. Launching certain corners to master it, some kind of video and audio tutorials etc. etc. This would work very well for such advanced simulation like Project Cars. I hope Ian Bell would read this and think about adding something like this in the future.
Really the only two things I can think of are the obvious offline custom championships and expanded car/track list. Mainly I would like to see some more cars from lower classes (GT4 needs more real cars) plus some more classics. Track wise I would like to see some more tracks from the America's.

Let's just hope they keep supporting PC2 for a while before thinking about PC3

I wouldn't be surprised if they started working on it prior to PC2 even getting released. You don't need certain people for post-launch support (UI designers, stuff like that) so you might as well have them working on the next project instead of putting them out of work.
Don't know how PC3 can be improved because it isn't out yet. :P

However, what info SMS are gathering from PC2, offline needs to be tweaked. Delete the road car class structure. Revamp it to group vintage cars separate from newer cars e.g; 2020s, 2010s, 2000s, 1990s, etc. Keep the race car classes as that works fine.

Enable Private Testing the option to add AI cars.

In wet races, improve the spray from behind cars.

Enable date changes in Custom Race, for Practice and Qualifying.

My opinions on making improvements to the franchise.
I know I'm probably the only one who would like to see this but I'm allowed to dream ;p

I'd like to see a 'dial your own physics' feature, where one can in fact tweak the overall physics engine via a simple set of sliders/scales system.

I know this wouldn't be able to be implemented as a 'everyone has their own settings' since it wouldn't work in multiplayer etc. BUT I would also think that a 'common' physics set would be used online and gradually shaped with what the highest ranked drivers have setup for themselves, in other words literally a 'Community' agreed physics set as the original vision of the game always intended it to be.
Concentrate on some points, not be over-ambitious to realize difficult things nobody know if it works.

KI (behavoiur, balancing on the tracks...)
Set ups and driveable cars out of the box

Further extend in good running things. Livetrack, motorsport feeling, track roster, cars....
Lets see first make it a PS5 title only
It seems PCARS2 has flopped massively going head to head to head with Forza n GTS so would Sms be willing to go with a small userbase with PS5 compared to 90 to 100 million? Imo after a great succces of the first game and then getting it all wrong for the second game they will need to get it right for no.3.

Also we know PCARS sells most on PS especially the first title where it sold massively conpared to pc or xbox but PCARS2 has shown that sms do not take or prioritise the playstation console even though thats where the most coin is made so they obvs have issues with the platform we might see it go PC or Xbox only.
It seems PCARS2 has flopped massively going head to head to head with Forza n GTS so would Sms be willing to go with a small userbase with PS5 compared to 90 to 100 million? Imo after a great succces of the first game and then getting it all wrong for the second game they will need to get it right for no.3.

Also we know PCARS sells most on PS especially the first title where it sold massively conpared to pc or xbox but PCARS2 has shown that sms do not take or prioritise the playstation console even though thats where the most coin is made so they obvs have issues with the platform we might see it go PC or Xbox only.

Also, you seem to underestimate how much of an uphill battle it is to go head to head with the likes of Forza or Gran Turismo. The reason Forza survived in the first place was because it had Microsoft's blessing and carved its own audience as its own exclusive on what turned out to be a successful new platform, but it took time to get to where it is today. Several other prominent publishers took on Gran Turismo in the '00s and they all failed, making it all the more impressive that a relatively small company like SMS seems to have found a foothold with PCARS.

Though to be fair, GT is not quite so formidable now...
It seems PCARS2 has flopped massively going head to head to head with Forza n GTS so would Sms be willing to go with a small userbase with PS5 compared to 90 to 100 million? Imo after a great succces of the first game and then getting it all wrong for the second game they will need to get it right for no.3.

Also we know PCARS sells most on PS especially the first title where it sold massively conpared to pc or xbox but PCARS2 has shown that sms do not take or prioritise the playstation console even though thats where the most coin is made so they obvs have issues with the platform we might see it go PC or Xbox only.
Keep in mind, I know SMS have worked on other racing projects in the past, this is number 2 compared to the other franchises that are at number 7. What's amazing is, SMS actually being comparable to those titles in its infancy. Imagine what they'll do with more resources.

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