Project cars DLC

  • Thread starter SK8RBOI

Casey Ringley
Vehicle Lead

Join Date
Sep 2011
Cigar City

Originally Posted by Dorny
What happened to the BTCC renault laguna which was licensed, but seems to have disappeared. Thought if it was going to come out, it would of been in the recent renault pack. Was this complication with BTCC license something that stopped the laguna being done?

Laguna was going to be difficult to source and build. It got swapped directly for the Formula Renault 3.5 and R.S.01. Good trade, I think.

Found here:

And, about the DP212:
"Today, 11:31#56Casey Ringley

Vehicle Lead

Join Date
Sep 2011
Cigar City

Originally Posted by balderz002
Has the DP212 gone the same way as the Laguna?


Found here:

While looking back through the pages, I noticed a couple of stand outs that are definitely a no go now.

1) Mid-race saves:

"Today, 10:58#19Ian Bell
Head of Studio

Join Date
Jul 2011

Originally Posted by Schnizz58
Ian, did anything ever come of the idea to allow game saves during a pit stop? Last I heard it was going to be looked into but no promises were made beyond that. I'd love to have this feature so that I can do long endurance races one stint at a time. Thanks for your time!

Yes, we're rewriting that area of the code for pCARS2. Retrofitting it in to this one is not in scope for us."

2) New career series/tiers (does this mean all those question marks where you start your career won't become anything?)

"Today, 11:01#22Ian Bell
Head of Studio

Join Date
Jul 2011

Originally Posted by Shinzah
Only questions I have:

Will there be more tiers/series coming for Career?
Will random weather be looked at to be added to Career?
Where are the rain lights?!

That is all.

What rain lights sorry?"
Smh. Pcars2 pcars2 pcars2. I'm sorry but damn are we getting anything in pcars1 that the customers has been asking for?

We've gotten a fair bit so far, but it seems when they said "up to two years of support", they actually meant "less than a year of DLC content, and some bug fixes that mostly dont work or introduce new bugs".

On a brighter note, Ian's response to whether the FG will still be coming seems to indicate it will.

On a less bright note, Ian's response to whether we'll ever get the animated pit crew they advertised suggests they likely won't be coming after all.

With all of this news today, I'm really bummed about the future of Pcars. I'm really doubting now that the game will ever be freed of it's most major bugs, and a number of big features that seemed guaranteed are now cancelled.

All this means is, like future GT games, I'll have to wait for reviews and customer feedback before buying Pcars 2.
My guesses for the next DLC, Ford Falcon and Holden Commendore V8 Supercars, McLaren 570 for the other one in the middle row then possibly a BMW M6 GT3 and M4 DTM car in the left row.
I don't think a Holden Commodore is being planned, but I would be thrilled if it is!
I've not seen anyone trying to guess what track(s) is/are going to be included in the next pack.

If the next pack is the"Redbull Pack", my guess would be the RedBull Ring.
It's just to build some hype...

Possibly, as I kinda hinted at too.

With regards to your questions, he's already said they've scrapped historic Spa, Monza and Solitude, and no other historic tracks will be coming. I've asked if those tracks will be in Pcars 2, actually I've asked twice now, but he's not answering.
Possibly, as I kinda hinted at too.

With regards to your questions, he's already said they've scrapped historic Spa, Monza and Solitude, and no other historic tracks will be coming. I've asked if those tracks will be in Pcars 2, actually I've asked twice now, but he's not answering.
It was a classic Spa classic Lotus race that got me hooked onto Project Cars and the one track I wanted above all for DLC. 🤬 :banghead:
Just finish digging through the track files and tiny bits of the historic tracks were found (track map and naming only), sucks that we are not getting any more historic content.
It was a classic Spa classic Lotus race that got me hooked onto Project Cars and the one track I wanted above all for DLC. 🤬 :banghead:

I feel your pain brother. As I posted earlier in this very thread, I started following Pcars after watching the very same videos of historic Spa with the Lotus 49. Historic Spa, Monza, and Solitude were the three I was looking forward to most, which is bloody typical that they brought out the other three and binned the ****ing best ones.

Something like:
"No. No. No. pCars2. pCars2. pCars2."
This is really bringing my piss about SMS to a boil right now, money milking ***holes

I'm with you, and I feel your frustration, but I'll admit, your post made me giggle. Nice wording mate. :lol:
So there's no custom championships coming. That's a major bummer. I couldn't see a reason given though, anyone know why it's been scrapped? In theory it doesn't sound like a huge task to implement, but what do I know?
no monza and no spa is a big letdown.
well basically i'm done with dlc as i'm not interested in random cars and i've almost completed the career mode.
At the end of the day the best dlc was the limited edition one with proper invitational events in the career mode.
I skipped all the others except for audi and lotus historic.
After WMD members assuring the community that ovals were guaranteed, the other historic tracks were guaranteed, and everything we'd seen WIP models also, this comes as a massive disappointment.

Seems they're just putting the brakes on development of Pcars 1. The upcoming content list just got nuked.

For me, this means no buying Pcars 2 at launch. Failing to deliver on advertised content is a no no IMO. I'll wait a few months and get it discounted IF it contains the necessary content and advancements it needs over Pcars 1.

Damn it, sorry about the double post. I'm gettin' all worked up haha.

I hear you. All I can say is: We WMD members were mislead as well as you were, we relied on the word of that man and we re left standing in the rain just as well. All I can say is: Be very careful to trust SMS/Ian Bell, be sure to only buy pcars2 if they actually put up this time around and the game is complete, good and actually working without catastrophic bugs at launch.

Oh and for the record: I got banned at the official forum for saying that I will uninstall pcars because taking away Solitude is the final straw and I m tired of all the broken promises. I also thanked him for making us waste huge amounts of time and money to get them references for the track. Nope, Ian doesnt like to be confronted with his own sweet talk.
I hear you. All I can say is: We WMD members were mislead as well as you were, we relied on the word of that man and we re left standing in the rain just as well. All I can say is: Be very careful to trust SMS/Ian Bell, be sure to only buy pcars2 if they actually put up this time around and the game is complete, good and actually working without catastrophic bugs at launch.

Oh and for the record: I got banned at the official forum for saying that I will uninstall pcars because taking away Solitude is the final straw and I m tired of all the broken promises. I also thanked him for making us waste huge amounts of time and money to get them references for the track. Nope, Ian doesnt like to be confronted with his own sweet talk.

The same with animated pitstops.... there is a picture with animated pitstops on the backround of the cd-cover and it isn´t in the game!
I hear you. All I can say is: We WMD members were mislead as well as you were, we relied on the word of that man and we re left standing in the rain just as well. All I can say is: Be very careful to trust SMS/Ian Bell, be sure to only buy pcars2 if they actually put up this time around and the game is complete, good and actually working without catastrophic bugs at launch.

Oh and for the record: I got banned at the official forum for saying that I will uninstall pcars because taking away Solitude is the final straw and I m tired of all the broken promises. I also thanked him for making us waste huge amounts of time and money to get them references for the track. Nope, Ian doesnt like to be confronted with his own sweet talk.
The guy sounds like a massive douche. I like PCars but everything just seems like a scam. Crowdfunding PCars 2 for example, they sold a million copies! Surely you have made enough money to make PCars 2 instead of having to ask people to put their money in again. Does anyone have any information on how much money they have got by the way for PCars 2? I know they wanted a minimum of 7 million.
I hear you. All I can say is: We WMD members were mislead as well as you were, we relied on the word of that man and we re left standing in the rain just as well. All I can say is: Be very careful to trust SMS/Ian Bell, be sure to only buy pcars2 if they actually put up this time around and the game is complete, good and actually working without catastrophic bugs at launch.

Oh and for the record: I got banned at the official forum for saying that I will uninstall pcars because taking away Solitude is the final straw and I m tired of all the broken promises. I also thanked him for making us waste huge amounts of time and money to get them references for the track. Nope, Ian doesnt like to be confronted with his own sweet talk.
Haha I read that post, didn't read like ban-material though. He did at least say the console QA/bug testing will be handled by a publisher and not whatever they had for pCARS1...

He also said there was another 4 months of DLC support but I'm only reading about the Scottish track and no others. Hope that's not true.
The guy sounds like a massive douche. I like PCars but everything just seems like a scam. Crowdfunding PCars 2 for example, they sold a million copies! Surely you have made enough money to make PCars 2 instead of having to ask people to put their money in again. Does anyone have any information on how much money they have got by the way for PCars 2? I know they wanted a minimum of 7 million.
To correct this assumption.....

They made clear for pCARS 2 funding that they DIDN'T need any crowdfunding support, however they opened up limited funding options because they saw many benefits to the WMD process during pCARS 1. This time round far fewer people signed up (the entry fee was a lot higher too), and it's just guys who are interested in the actual game building process who are on board.

Now nobody can accuse pCARS 1 of being "abandonware", as patch 7.0 and a big pile of DLC clearly demonstrates. Yes, it's a shame that they didn't get everything in, but we don't have the full picture as to why choices were made for adding or dropping content, so it's hard to judge. I still think SMS have been VERY brave showing off their game "warts and all" during development, with all those hundreds of daily builds. Very few early access processes offer anywhere near that level of interaction. The fact that SMS have been unable to include everything we playtested is obviously painful for us, but it's clearly nothing unusual in an industry where licensing is not always easy to arrange.

[To give a comparison: People were able to mod DiRT 3 car models into DiRT Rally recently. Those car models are clearly available to Codemasters, however they were unable to secure licensing for those cars in DiRT Rally. I'm sure they had all those models up and running in game during development, but sadly had to take them out. If the community had playtested cars like the Renault Turbo or Saab and then not got those cars at release it would have caused the same reaction. But Codemasters gave us only polished early access content which they were sure would make the final game, SMS gave us absolutely everything they had available]

For the record: I signed up as a pCARS 2 backer, despite not being a huge fan of pCARS 1 (it's a good game, but there are other games out there which I prefer). For me, the backer "investment" in pCARS 2 is purely watching the game grow, testing out those loose surface physics which is the headline feature. Whether the game is good or not, I will have got my money's worth during the years of development, exactly as I did for pCARS 1.

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