Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
This from the official website: What game is Project CARS like?
Project CARS is a racing simulation so is comparable with popular console franchises Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo whilst also providing the kind of advanced features usually reserved for PC-only simulators like iRacing and rFactor.
It's like a spiritual successor to the ToCA games.
A console game structure with a career mode, coupled with realistic physics, tons of options and a proper racing atmosphere. Now they just need to get the gamepad input right...

Of course! :P

i didnt know that, you're an old school gamer ? that's cool.

Been gaming since 1989 ish. Was born in 1986 and learned the alphabet and typing at the same time, while gaming. lol
We had a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, an Commodore Amiga A2000 and later a PC with a 286DX2 @ 22mhz (turbo mode!)

12-bit colour? You must have been a power user back in the day. I can remember Indycar Racing in 256 colours!

I was. I was a lucky kid with an Amiga 2000 after my dad bought a PC. Hence my neighbour who had a SNES always came to my place to play games instead. ;)

Also I am sure you guys know the Sci-Fi series called Babylon 5. The graphics/special effects of this series were made on Amiga. Which has been the powerhouse for production up to the late 90's I think.

My first racing sim was probably Hard Driven' on the Amiga. Far before Papyrus made Indy 500. ;)

Also game music was sounding the best (in quality) on the Amiga up until I think the Playstation 1 came about.

Here enjoy some from 'Lotus 3 Ultimate Challenge'. A real arcade game. (i prefer tracks 3, 4 and 6)

Also I am sure you guys know the Sci-Fi series called Babylon 5. The graphics/special effects of this series were made on Amiga. Which has been the powerhouse for production up to the late 90's I think.

Babylon 5..... I dreamt about making 3D like that on my Amiga 1200. Had an 80 MB harddisk, and wondered what I could fill that big disk with.:)
Ha! Good one, SMS!

My heart would have skipped a beat or two if I was a member/investor.
@LogiForce -- Hey, I was born the same year as you and began gaming around the same time. I think consoles have always been bigger in the states than they are in Europe; I started off on an NES. I practiced my reading and arithmetic with Final Fantasy. :)

The first racing game I ever played was a stand-up arcade cabinet of Hang On, with my father holding me up to reach the handlebars. The first one I had at home was probably Super Off Road for the NES, but I would consider my first "racing sim" to be The Need for Speed for Windows 95. Although I wouldn't disregard the skills I picked up from F-ZERO before that -- the original game was rather instructive on the elements of oversteer and the racing line.

I came across Hard Drivin' several times in arcades -- the H-shifter and clutch pedal showed me the fundamentals of driving manual -- and eventually got a Genesis copy of Race Drivin'. I'm also familiar with Lotus 3 from the Genesis, where it was called Lotus II: RECS. 👍
If I understood the latest posts correctly, the game is scheduled to go alpha sometime this month. Is this true? If so, interesting progress. Can't wait to see the results of feature refinement. Just a question (probably a silly one, I know): does this mean the car list is finalized for the first release (v1.0) of the game?
@LogiForce -- Hey, I was born the same year as you and began gaming around the same time. I think consoles have always been bigger in the states than they are in Europe; I started off on an NES. I practiced my reading and arithmetic with Final Fantasy. :)

The first racing game I ever played was a stand-up arcade cabinet of Hang On, with my father holding me up to reach the handlebars. The first one I had at home was probably Super Off Road for the NES, but I would consider my first "racing sim" to be The Need for Speed for Windows 95. Although I wouldn't disregard the skills I picked up from F-ZERO before that -- the original game was rather instructive on the elements of oversteer and the racing line.

I came across Hard Drivin' several times in arcades -- the H-shifter and clutch pedal showed me the fundamentals of driving manual -- and eventually got a Genesis copy of Race Drivin'. I'm also familiar with Lotus 3 from the Genesis, where it was called Lotus II: RECS. 👍

Consoles have been quite big in Europe as well. My neighbour had a NES, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Megadrive 2, SNES. At least before he moved away.
Lots of friends had a console and almost non had a computer of any sort. With me having an Amiga 2000 at my disposal the consoles weren't that interesting. Kinda like this generation of consoles basically. If you have a beefy gaming rig now than the consoles aren't impressive at all, and the Amiga was a power house for a long time.

Arcades actually become non-existent quite quickly here in the Netherlands actually, as the law sees those cabinets as 'gambling machines'. So an arcade hall is in the Dutch Law's eyes the same as a Casino. And since the Dutch government only hands out 1 licence to create a casino (chain) and that's been in the hands of 'Holland Casino' for a long time.
Well... long story short. Arcade halls were killed by the Dutch government due to licensing restrictions of running one.

Oh, Hard Drivin' arcades did look very interesting and were ahead of their time (look below for some things they advertised with... FEEDBACK STEERING with H-Shifter!). Race Drivin' could even be run across 5 monitors as well! Take that current gen triple screen lovers. ;) lol



This is "Race Drivin' " with 5 monitors:
If I understood the latest posts correctly, the game is scheduled to go alpha sometime this month. Is this true? If so, interesting progress. Can't wait to see the results of feature refinement.
Yes it goes alpha mid April. There'll be exciting times ahead indeed, with finalization and polishing of features.

Just a question (probably a silly one, I know): does this mean the car list is finalized for the first release (v1.0) of the game?
Not a silly question. The BIG alpha is for the game engine. The cars each have their own development status since these are in the main being developed independent of the engine status. We have cars that are in all stages of development, and we have until launch, or at least beta, to work on them. That work includes licensing, introduction of cars that was in not-started and WIP-not-yet-in-game -status, and possibly some surprises.
Yes it goes alpha mid April. There'll be exciting times ahead indeed, with finalization and polishing of features.

Not a silly question. The BIG alpha is for the game engine. The cars each have their own development status since these are in the main being developed independent of the engine status. We have cars that are in all stages of development, and we have until launch, or at least beta, to work on them. That work includes licensing, introduction of cars that was in not-started and WIP-not-yet-in-game -status, and possibly some surprises.

Good to know. Thank you. I take it we haven't seen the last of the manufacturer licensing surprises for v1.0 then?
Been gaming since 1989 ish. Was born in 1986 and learned the alphabet and typing at the same time, while gaming. lol
We had a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, an Commodore Amiga A2000 and later a PC with a 286DX2 @ 22mhz (turbo mode!)
That is awesome man !
It's being 'built' and finished at the moment. It'd be no fun if we could already play the main part of the game before it was released!
It is being developed at the moment; the most important part of it is the reputation system (clean driving, overtaking, etc.) is the part that still needs to be finished and implemented into the career mode. While that is being done, other members of the coding crew are working on the career and contract system (which requires input from the results and reputation systems). When we get to late Alpha stage and into Beta stage, the whole career mode will be completed, so we will have the opportunity to play the mode then.

But I agree with Samus; trying to find a balance between not wanting to play the career mode before it is released, and testing the systems out to find bugs, is going to be hard.
It is being developed at the moment; the most important part of it is the reputation system (clean driving, overtaking, etc.) is the part that still needs to be finished and implemented into the career mode. While that is being done, other members of the coding crew are working on the career and contract system (which requires input from the results and reputation systems). When we get to late Alpha stage and into Beta stage, the whole career mode will be completed, so we will have the opportunity to play the mode then.

But I agree with Samus; trying to find a balance between not wanting to play the career mode before it is released, and testing the systems out to find bugs, is going to be hard.
With that reputation system implemented, at least I don't have to worry about crashing into other online players like in Gran Turismo. Man, this reputation system will all the clean racing and so on in this game is going to make Gran Turismo's online racing look silly and nothing like in reality. I guarantee it 👍