Just one man's opinion, take it with a grain of salt... I look at all of the good in pCARS and what it has to offer. It was/is an ambitious undertaking that hits the mark on a lot of things and more to come after release. BUT, from reading the posts, mostly on GT Planet (very critical forums), it seems that many are expecting perfection. I'm afraid to see the initial nick-picking (in my opinion) once the masses gets their chance to try this racer for themselves in May. Example, just had a race on Azure Circuit and purposely severely cut a couple hairpins to see if I would be disqualified - I wasn't, easily won the race by the huge advantage I gained lap after lap. This isn't brought up to "nitpick" or "slam" pCARS, it's something that still needs to be fixed and I can overlook. If I want to earn a win, I wouldn't cut the track.
There will be many more quirks and inaccuracies if you look hard enough (some easy to find) but the game will be fine-tuned in the months/years to come - it will be a great start in my opinion.
Funny thing is, many on GT Planet are coming from a racer that has been buggy and lacking (promised) features for years but it still sold very well, and in the large scheme of things pCARS has much more to offer the virtual "racer".
Just had to get that off my mind, after reading pages upon pages of nitpicking based on YouTube vids, I think I need to avoid these forums after release.
Those giving credit where credit is due, and love a racer with "sim" features, I believe will have a great time. If you are the "glass-half-empty" gamer, then you will be spending more time posting than racing.
How's that something to chew on...May 7-12 is rapidly approaching, we'll see...
EDIT: FULL "DAMAGE" does relate to penalties for track cutting, I was able to cut multiple times before disqualification though so... not a real good "example", I could have picked something else. But with that said, I stand by my original comments as there is and will be things found that are not perfect (animations, graphical glitches, IRL comparison inaccuracies, etc.), but the GOOD easily outweigh the bad - glass half-full!