I'm as understanding of someone's religion as the next ignorant infidel, but I've just run out of patience with Islam.
When was the last time someone was threatened with beheading for drawing a picture of Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Haile Selassie or Zoroaster? Or Jews walking through the streets of countries throughout the world waving automatic weapons because someone said Abraham bonks sheep (or suchlike)?
Yes, by all means protest about something - as Sphinx points out, the right to protest is directly aligned with the right of free speech - but this flag-burning, violence against natives of the country in which the "aggressor" lives (how is that supposed to help?) and threats of holy wars just because of a picture is utterly ridiculous.
The impression apologists would have you believe is that Islam is a peaceful religion. So why, whenever something like this happens, is there a crowd of THOUSANDS all trying their hardest to burn the flag of wherever, and why does it occur in multiple cities simultaneously? And why is this claimed minority always referred to as "fundamentalist" - if peace was fundamental to Islam as is always claimed, then fundamentalists should be the peaceful ones. The fact that "Islamic fundamentalists" are always the violent ones indicates that violence is fundamental to Islam, does it not?
They must love the David Blane episode of South Park.