Prophet Mohammed cartoons furore

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Why is it Muslims have to take everything to the extreme? There are cartoons about every other god, but you don't see them creating an uproar & threatening to kill people. It's crazy.
Why is it Muslims have to take everything to the extreme? There are cartoons about every other god, but you don't see them creating an uproar & threatening to kill people. It's crazy.

Some people really need to lighten up. Its just a bunch of pictures. Get over it.

On the other hand, this does not surprise me in any way. The Danish government should have at least issued a statement a long time ago saying they condemn the drawings; it probably would have let them save face with these smacktard radicals at least. Although that's far from a guarantee.

Newspapers in other European countries have also published these cartoons. I'm just waiting for some group of fanatics to go after the Swiss next... :rolleyes:
We've got Freedom of Speech up here. It's one of the most massive pillars of our society. Why the **** should the Danish government condemn and apologise for what one single newspaper print ?..

And get this - A Muslim Iman, living in Denmark, named Abu Laban, after the friday prayer today, compared the drawings to 9/11.. Retarded.. Simply retarded...
Jalal Talabani
"The Islamic religion is facing a disfigurement in essence to its reality as a religion of love, compassion and peace by a small group of radicals who have lost the way,"

Bull. S***.
We've got Freedom of Speech up here. It's one of the most massive pillars of our society. Why the **** should the Danish government condemn and apologise for what one single newspaper print ?..

You may also have the freedom to protest over whatever you feel is important to you. If so then it should also be a part of that massive piller to your society.

Horses for courses?
We've got Freedom of Speech up here. It's one of the most massive pillars of our society. Why the **** should the Danish government condemn and apologise for what one single newspaper print ?..

And get this - A Muslim Iman, living in Denmark, named Abu Laban, after the friday prayer today, compared the drawings to 9/11.. Retarded.. Simply retarded...
They should have apologized so they wouldn't have fanatical idiots launching attacks against them. I never said they actually have to truly believe what they would say, its just something to try and keep them from recieving attacks.

And also, if they are offended by the drawings, shouldn't they be at least attacking the newspaper or the guy who drew them in the first place? You'd think these assholes could at least choose a proper target...
You may also have the freedom to protest over whatever you feel is important to you. If so then it should also be a part of that massive piller to your society.

Horses for courses?

I'm sorry, I'm not even close to understanding what you're saying....
They should have apologized so they wouldn't have fanatical idiots launching attacks against them. I never said they actually have to truly believe what they would say, its just something to try and keep them from recieving attacks.
Would be like the US apologising the Muslim world for 9/11....

And also, if they are offended by the drawings, shouldn't they be at least attacking the newspaper or the guy who drew them in the first place? You'd think these assholes could at least choose a proper target...
They're trying the best their small minds can. The Newspapers department here in Copenhagen have been flushed a couple of times this week due to bombthreats...
Bull. S***.


...or something like that :rolleyes:

Quite seriously, the religion is no more violent than Christianity or Judaism. It's just that we currently have a large number of idiots that think death is the only answer

As for the comic, the government owes them nothing. If the comics truly were offensive, the newspapers should apologise if, only for the reason that the papers are supposed to be unbiased.
I'm as understanding of someone's religion as the next ignorant infidel, but I've just run out of patience with Islam.

When was the last time someone was threatened with beheading for drawing a picture of Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Haile Selassie or Zoroaster? Or Jews walking through the streets of countries throughout the world waving automatic weapons because someone said Abraham bonks sheep (or suchlike)?

Yes, by all means protest about something - as Sphinx points out, the right to protest is directly aligned with the right of free speech - but this flag-burning, violence against natives of the country in which the "aggressor" lives (how is that supposed to help?) and threats of holy wars just because of a picture is utterly ridiculous.

The impression apologists would have you believe is that Islam is a peaceful religion. So why, whenever something like this happens, is there a crowd of THOUSANDS all trying their hardest to burn the flag of wherever, and why does it occur in multiple cities simultaneously? And why is this claimed minority always referred to as "fundamentalist" - if peace was fundamental to Islam as is always claimed, then fundamentalists should be the peaceful ones. The fact that "Islamic fundamentalists" are always the violent ones indicates that violence is fundamental to Islam, does it not?

They must love the David Blane episode of South Park.

I'm as understanding of someone's religion as the next ignorant infidel, but I've just run out of patience with Islam.

When was the last time someone was threatened with beheading for drawing a picture of Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Haile Selassie or Zoroaster? Or Jews walking through the streets of countries throughout the world waving automatic weapons because someone said Abraham bonks sheep (or suchlike)?

Yes, by all means protest about something - as Sphinx points out, the right to protest is directly aligned with the right of free speech - but this flag-burning, violence against natives of the country in which the "aggressor" lives (how is that supposed to help?) and threats of holy wars just because of a picture is utterly ridiculous.

The impression apologists would have you believe is that Islam is a peaceful religion. So why, whenever something like this happens, is there a crowd of THOUSANDS all trying their hardest to burn the flag of wherever, and why does it occur in multiple cities simultaneously? And why is this claimed minority always referred to as "fundamentalist" - if peace was fundamental to Islam as is always claimed, then fundamentalists should be the peaceful ones. The fact that "Islamic fundamentalists" are always the violent ones indicates that violence is fundamental to Islam, does it not?

They must love the David Blane episode of South Park.

You just got all the Reputation points I could scoop up !...
I'm as understanding of someone's religion as the next ignorant infidel, but I've just run out of patience with Islam.

When was the last time someone was threatened with beheading for drawing a picture of Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Haile Selassie or Zoroaster? Or Jews walking through the streets of countries throughout the world waving automatic weapons because someone said Abraham bonks sheep (or suchlike)?

Yes, by all means protest about something - as Sphinx points out, the right to protest is directly aligned with the right of free speech - but this flag-burning, violence against natives of the country in which the "aggressor" lives (how is that supposed to help?) and threats of holy wars just because of a picture is utterly ridiculous.

The impression apologists would have you believe is that Islam is a peaceful religion. So why, whenever something like this happens, is there a crowd of THOUSANDS all trying their hardest to burn the flag of wherever, and why does it occur in multiple cities simultaneously? And why is this claimed minority always referred to as "fundamentalist" - if peace was fundamental to Islam as is always claimed, then fundamentalists should be the peaceful ones. The fact that "Islamic fundamentalists" are always the violent ones indicates that violence is fundamental to Islam, does it not?

They must love the David Blane episode of South Park.


God Damn. I wish I had your vocabulary "skillz". That's exactly what I wanted to say, but I just couldn't put it into words for some reason.

I even heard that Islam is boycotting Lurpak Butter. That's taking it one step too far. Even Islam needs butter on its toast.
I even heard that Islam is boycotting Lurpak Butter.

Oh. My. God. Or, more to the point, oh. Someone. Else's. God.

That is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. Then again, I suppose the fundamentalists couldn't boycott bacon or Carlsberg...
I've had a discussion on a swedish forum before about this, and I'll repeat what I think on GTP...

I think that the muslim demonstraters should **** off or just leave Denmark forever. I've also asked my muslim class mates and they didn't really care about it, they were just a little bit pissed off about it (not surprised).

Anyway, there is no way that Danish goverment should apoligize.
The cartoon portraying wasn't offensive, not even close.

Bull. S***.

Like evry other religion.

Lets burn "The Boondocks" creator to the stake.

However if it is a non muslim who is takin the piss out of their prophet in such a way that the creator turns him into a terrorist what did they expect to happen. Certainly not protests I bet.

In short if the creator is not muslim I think hes just exploiting a sensitive issue for quick fame.
That is basically what I hear as well.. Our Muslim neighbours, shopkeepers etc. They do no think the cartoons was the best idea since sliced bread, but they don't want to make a big deal out of it either..

Then Who is starting this friggin' mess ?...
That is basically what I hear as well.. Our Muslim neighbours, shopkeepers etc. They do no think the cartoons was the best idea since sliced bread, but they don't want to make a big deal out of it either..

Then Who is starting this friggin' mess ?...
The concept of 'peaceful protest' is pretty much non-existent in much of the eastern world and in many countries that aren't very well off. Typically, their governments don't give a damn about the people since they're terribly corrupt. Peaceful demonstrations would merely be ignored.

The major problem is that people in countries like that aren't exactly well educated, nor are they all very well off. Their knowledge of things like this comes from their local community leaders. They are essentially sponges - they just absorb what they're told and believe it without thinking twice. When those small groups get riled up, it doesn't take much for them to get lost in the fenzy of the hate filled speeches that are so easy to write (think of the '1 hour hate' things from 1984). Once the frenzy starts, the idiots pull out flags and start torching things.
It's like the Satanic Verses all over again, Danish style.

Where's Salman when you need him? Hiding no doubt. :)
@Poverty: It may be a little of both. After having seen the cartoons, they're squarely in the realm of legitimate political satire.

I think what struck Muslims was when they put them all together. That struck a raw nerve... sort of twelve different ways you can make fun of Mohammed. Much of what was in the cartoons was truth. An uncomfortable truth, and in parts, not terribly sensitive to Muslims, but truth nonetheless.

Most Muslims I know wouldn't go so far as to call death down upon all Danes, but you have a lot of fundamentalists out there egging people on. In a country as big as Indonesia, I think it's laughable that they only managed to get 100 people to storm the Danish embassy. It's not a huge number of Muslims protesting in the streets or throwing riots of the scale that followed the Rodney King trial, but hell, it makes great news. Thus, papers are going to keep reprinting these cartoons till kingdom come, just to keep the controversy going.

@emad: There's some truth to what you say, but it's not about education. There are a lot of well-educated people who do engage in peaceful protest, but there are radical elements and hardliners who see violent protest as a way to sway opinions and to raise support for their cause. The more violent the protests, the more support they get, as moderates on the issue are polarized and move to the extremes. E.G.: put things in black and white, don't give people a middle ground to cling to.

P.S.: I've had teargas shot at me on my way to class (seems like decades ago) because some a$$hole or another figured that throwing rocks at riot police during the middle of a peaceful protest was a good way to get more TV air time. Of course, the only ones who got hurt were the legitimate protesters in front... all of the ****ing radicals throwing rocks from the sidelines managed to slip away.
I suggest you read this story.

I have to ask a question to which there is no good answer: What is the way to deal with these people?

Is the Islamic world simply going to continue pissing itself off until there is a massive, global civil war, in which millions of innocent people will pointlessly die, and it ends with the West carpet bombing the Near East just to make them shut up and go away?

How do you come to terms with a large group of people who are continually looking for ways to prevent you from coming to terms with them?

Believe me, I fully understand that not all Muslims are like this in any way. I hate extremists of all other factions as well. But the first half the 21st century is going to be characterized by sane, decent people trying to deal with a temper tantrum thrown by 250 million 5 year olds armed with AK47s.

It's really starting to piss me off.
You may also have the freedom to protest over whatever you feel is important to you. If so then it should also be a part of that massive piller to your society.
You have the freedom to protest - verbally, or by well-written treatises replying to the issue, or by publishing cartoons of fat newspapermen in embarassing situations, or whatever you wish... BUT you have no right to simply kill or threaten to kill everyone with whom you disagree.
I completely agree, they're way of trying to fix it is always to threaten Europe or the US. I think your spot on when you say they're "continually looking for ways to prevent you from coming to terms with them." If they were really after peace with the west and for us to understand them and wanted us to sypathise with them, they wouldn't threated to blow us all up, using every possible thing as an excuse.

I'm fine with the idea of them getting annoyed at thoes cartoon's, it's perfectly acceptable to me that it's pissed some people off, but them threatening with violence is not getting them any sympathy. If I read an article or a cartoon in the paper that seriously offended me I'd write to the paper. Planting C4 in their HQ and blowing it up at 9am is not going to get me anywhere and it's not going to get people saying "you know what, he was right about that paper, I'm with him".

The bottom line is, these extremeists just plain hate us. Even if we submitted to their threats all th time they'd still hate us, we'd still get attacked by terrorists. There's no move or hint of a move towards peace coming from these people, if they want something from us they just make violent threat's. Well I guess if they want to turn the few people around that are left that still dissagree with this war on terror, they're doing a good job.
You have the freedom to protest - verbally, or by well-written treatises replying to the issue, or by publishing cartoons of fat newspapermen in embarassing situations, or whatever you wish... BUT you have no right to simply kill or threaten to kill everyone with whom you disagree.

And I never said that it was.
Is the Islamic world simply going to continue pissing itself off until there is a massive, global civil war, in which millions of innocent people will pointlessly die, and it ends with the West carpet bombing the Near East just to make them shut up and go away?
I hate to say this, but... at the moment, my feelings are mostly pointing to ... Sure.. Why the h3ll not.. Shut the **** up already.....

A month ago, I was first inline when there was a Anti Neo Nazi demonstration...For the moment, I'll just stay at home and watch tv...
I know the feeling, I've been against this war on terror, not that openly because I'm not really that political. But what choice are they leaving us with, I'm still against it and always will be, the question is, when I really think about it, am I against that as much as the possible alternatives. I don't think I am anymore, and half of the possible alternatives I used to think of I don't think would really be possible anymore, these people will not quit at peace, they want us to fear them, instead I'm just finding less reasons why it should bother me when us or the US bombs them all to hell.