Sky.comMuslims have also boycotted Danish goods such as Lurpak butter
FamineI'd like to thank Islam for my latest avatar...
Touring MarsThe point is that certain Islamist regimes/newspapers/media outlets have no qualms whatsoever in publishing anti-semitic images (which you can easily find on the web - I will not post the images or links on GTP for obvious reasons), but these same Islamists are torching Danish embassies because someone had the audacity to depict Islam in a mocking light. At the very least it is hypocritical... the fact that so many Islamic people have been offended by the cartoons is not surprising, since they were, in fairness, pretty ill-advised - but the reaction has been totally disproportionate, given the alacrity with which the same people will happily and openly mock other faiths themselves.
The Qu'ran says: "You who believe, do not let one (set of) people make fun of another set; Do not defame one another; Do not speak ill of one another" (49:11-12)....
Touring Marsand I thought they were meant to be a non-prophet organisation...![]()
Touring MarsIt has happened, papers in France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Germany have published them - and some images of these papers were shown by the BBC - huh, and I thought they were meant to be a non-prophet organisation...![]()
Touring Marshuh, and I thought they were meant to be a non-prophet organisation...![]()
Touring Marshuh, and I thought they were meant to be a non-prophet organisation...![]()
Many of our embassies throughout the world HAVE been attacked at some point. The fact that we have the most powerful military in the world doesn't deter them.FlerbizkyWould we see syria torching the UK embassy ?.. The US embassy ?.. Cutting all business agreements - not being able to sell their oil etc. etc. etc.
This is just insanity. Peaceful religion my ass.Sky.comProtests erupted in the Middle East after Friday prayers. "We will not accept less than severing the heads of those responsible," one preacher told worshippers at the al-Omari Mosque in the Gaza Strip.
CNN articleThe real violence began only after a group of Danish Muslim leaders, or imams, went to the Middle East and exaggerated the situation, "trying to ignite public opinion against Denmark, did all these tragic events start to unfold," he said.
"I think it is a tragedy," he said. "And I do think these cartoons are not worth a single human life."
ledhedI figured out why they are all so cranky and pissed all the time . Its the gets in every crack and crevice and mix that with the lack of water shake well and you get people prone to explode .
kylehnatI just saw that, too. You have GOT to be ****ing kidding me.
Afghans who rioted Wednesday said they heard about the cartoons on the radio but none questioned had seen printed versions