A good example of the moral hypocrisy of some of the more extreme demonstrators -
article. And what is threatening to murder people if it is not an insult to an otherwise 'peaceful' religion? This small and vocal minority would do well to remember that they do not speak for the majority of Muslims (not here in the UK anyway) and that their behaviour is not only an insult to them, it is an insult to Islam and peace loving citizens everywhere. Behead those who insult Islam??
On Newsnight last night were assembled 6 spokespeople covering a broad range of the British Muslim community. One of those was one of the leaders of the protests here in London, from the organisation Al-Ghurabaa. It has to be said that he came across very badly indeed, not only because he wouldn't answer the questions or let any one else answer theirs without interruption, but also because he just didn't make any sense.
In response to Jeremy Paxman's charge that carrying a placard saying 'Behead those who insult Islam' is incitement to murder, he replied that it was not aimed at people in the UK - that is simply a bare-faced lie... Otherwise it is a gross misreading of the situation. How about the others 'UK, you will pay, 7/7 is on it's way'? - he simply avoided the rest of the questions by accusing the media of having a set agenda before he even came on the show.... well duh.... that is usually the point. What did he think Paxman wanted to talk about, the price of Cheese? His failure to give cogent and meaningful responses to the rational and justified questions about the behaviour of himself and the rest of his organisation, spoke volumes about the legitimacy of the protests themselves. Aside from the fact that this controversy is actually about some cartoons that were published months ago and that active elements within radical Islam have deliberately exploited the situation to provoke exactly this sort of reaction, there is also the fact that none of it given anyone the right to flout British law by threatening to commit murder on the streets of Britain - a point that Paxman tried to debate with this bloke from Al-Ghurabaa, but alas failed to get any real sense out of him.
Also, the moral authority that these Islamic extremists
assume is grossly misplaced. Their inability to accept that some people may disagree with them is one thing, but their belief that indiscriminate killing of innocents is not only to be encouraged but praised is quite another. But coming from a bunch of hot-headed blokes who wouldn't know a rational debate if it bit them in the backside, who (as a matter of fact) have no moral authority whatsoever, it is a bitter pill to swallow indeed.