Prophet Mohammed cartoons furore

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Religeon always tries to be censorious in observance of Rites.

But the people who made these cartoons are not under that observance and trying to transfer that observance is associating those rites w/ idolaters.
Ask any muslim what 'association' will get ya on the sin richter and then put forward the argument above. The muslims who started this ****-stirring debacle are actually the ones commiting blasphemy because they are associating infidel activities w/ the strictures of their own religeon. But like all blue-haired old drag queens w/ a bee up their arse it does'nt matter if they're right or wrong (in this case, wrong) as long as they can feel 'shocked' and 'incensed' & therefore they are doing right by their god that's watching ( which is ironic if ure against ure religeon to do so, but its GODS watchfullness that counts).

Like all fundament, its a we're right ure wrong number. The koran is a long diatribe about how everyone around them have sold out the almighty, 'cept ures truly the big M & whatever we can shift on camelback. The paranoia mechanism and inappropriate usage are common throughout races/creeds, its a disease of the human spirit and a very dangerous one, such mass ego-mongering only fuels the alien that feeds on panic, large emotion and imbalances. Salman weathered his freedom of speech nightmare and the west has to persist in bolstering these rights no matter how insane the 'religeous' sideshow gets.
The bottom line is, these extremeists just plain hate us. Even if we submitted to their threats all th time they'd still hate us, we'd still get attacked by terrorists. There's no move or hint of a move towards peace coming from these people, if they want something from us they just make violent threat's. Well I guess if they want to turn the few people around that are left that still dissagree with this war on terror, they're doing a good job.
How do you come to terms with a large group of people who are continually looking for ways to prevent you from coming to terms with them?
Such is the conundrum of dealing with terrorists. If you don't meet their terms, they kill you. If you do agree to terms, then they think that they can threaten you some more to get something else. If you don't agree to that, they kill you.

There is no talking them down; they're just bat**** insane.
In short if the creator is not muslim I think hes just exploiting a sensitive issue for quick fame.

I've watched or read at least a dozen stories on these cartoons and I still have no clue who drew them.

If that's the plan, it's not going too well.
Look it up. He's Danish, no, he's not Muslim, and yes, they do poke fun at Mohammed in some parts, and they show him in a serious light in others.

I bet a lot of people who are protesting them have never seen the cartoons, and don't understand what the author is trying to say.

And I stand firm. Look at the numbers who are protesting, and qualitatively, at who is protesting. Sure, it's alarming... but it's just a damn media frenzy... started by one cartoonist (with the best of intentions, maybe), propagated by other media sources as plain attention seeking behaviour, and scooped up by the same media sources as controversy.

@Duke: my post was made in response to the Indonesian story... I'm reading the other one now. (damn merged threads!)

Okay... those armed groups are the ones who would take any excuse to attack infidels. Heck, even when things are completely quiet, they'll still find some way of venting steam. (London Bombings, anyone?) How do we deal with them? Wait till they attack. Declare them terrorists. Kill them off. Right?

Here's a conundrum... are you going to print those pictures because you have freedom of expression, and they're a valid and contemporary topic for publication? Or are you printing them merely to prove a point and to get some media mileage and notoriety out of it?

I'm pretty sure the original intent of the pictures was that they were a valid topic for discussion. Now it seems that people are just using them to further the issue and gain some air time.

You've got to give the rest of the Muslim world time to come to terms with this. The problem is that both sides are using the cartoons merely to polarize the issue. Like I've said: People are trying to turn this into a black and white issue to force people to choose sides. And the more you try to shove it down people's throats, the more likely they're going to pick the other side.

It's not an us vs. them. It's us vs. the radicals, fundamentalists and hardliners. And the more people try to push the issue that Muslim = different, the more support those radicals get.
You've got to give the rest of the Muslim world time to come to terms with this.

Come to terms with it quickly. The "protestors" in London were waving flags saying:

"Execute those who insult Islam"
"Go to Hell, BBC"
"BBC = British Blasphemous Conspiracy"
"The Mujahideen are coming"
"7/7 is on its way"

With one speaker saying "Mohammed said "If someone insults a prophet, kill him"."

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but if he's quoting the central figure of Islam verbatim, any claims it has towards being a religion of peace go out of the window. And what the hell have the BBC got to do with it? They haven't published anything - and nor has any paper in Britain, so why the 7/7 comment?

It seems that these people (by which I mean the thousands of protestors, rather than the billions of Muslims) just want to fight and kill, even when their targets are nothing to do with the provocation. If they hate the UK so much, WHY are they living here? Again though, you refer to them as "fundamentalists". How can they be "fundamentalist" if violence is not fundamental to Islam?

It also seems that unless they are treated the same as everyone else, they cry "racism", but when they ARE treated the same as everyone else, they claim their religion is being "disrespected" and call for holy wars and murder.

Is it any wonder that there's a "them & us" feeling?
Absolutely, all they want to do is fight the westrn world and they will use any excuse to do it.

In defence of Islam, the people that quoted Mohammed as saying "If someone insults a prophet, kill him" are stirring crap, theres no record of Mohammed ever saying that , but your totally right, these people can't claim to be following a peaceful religion, then say that. It also show's how these people will bend and twist anything, even the foundation's of Islam to achieve their goals. The wold would be a better place without them, put it that way. It's unfortunate that it's probably impossible to get rid of them all. I tell you what I'd do with these in London though, I'd round them all up and stick them on the next flight to ther middle east, send them straight back to where they were before they asked for us to let them in our country, and not let them back in the UK.
This is deeply worrying... I have photographic evidence that fundamentalists are planning a terrorist attack on Denmark :nervous:

The target............... The Weapon............. Another target?....

Being accused by Hamas of 'idiotic behaviour' is a bit like being told off for swearing by Roy Chubby Brown... now pass me my Carlsberg :irked:
Come to terms with it quickly. The "protestors" in London were waving flags saying:

"Execute those who insult Islam"
"Go to Hell, BBC"
"BBC = British Blasphemous Conspiracy"
"The Mujahideen are coming"
"7/7 is on its way"

Freedom of expression?

Distasteful I know , but in their eyes so were the cartoons.
"Execute thoes who insult Islam", "The Mujahideen are coming" and "7/7 is coming" are more than freedom of exression, they're threat's. If someone in England, is making threats to England, get them the **** out. Make them live the rest of their lives in whatever underdevolped country they come from originally and never let them back in.
Difference being, no-one wants to plant a bomb in someone's turban...

But seriously, what have the BBC - or London - got to do with anything? They're all too scared and "PC" to print/broadcast the pictures (leaving us to find out about it on the internet instead), so why are they a target of hate?

"I may not like what you have to say, but I want to behead you and every one who lives in your country - and a couple of others we don't like the look of, and one we saw on the way over - then burn the corpses in the name of "peace" if you choose to say it."
"Execute thoes who insult Islam", "The Mujahideen are coming" and "7/7 is coming" are mroe than freedom of exression. They're threat's, and if someone in England, is making threats to England, get them the **** out. Make them live the rest of their lives in whatever underdevolped country they come from originally and never let them back in.

I take it that they have insulted you with those banners?

You can't have your cake and eat it.

May I ask if anyone got arrested for those banners?
No, they haven't insulted me at all, I don't however want people running around the UK spreading hate against the UK. You don't see Brit's running around the Gaza strip shouting, anyone that insults us is going to get their knees drilled out and a bullet in the head, or stupid stuff like that. If we went there and did that we'd be killed on sight or maybe taken away and tortured on a web cam. Get the ****ers out of the country, this isn't the only time they've ever said or done anything like this in the UK and yet they asked us to let them in because they were being supressed and mistreated ect. Not all of them are doing this, I know alot of muslim's and so on that are decent people. But the one's that are making threat's like this need to go.
Jeez it's just a cartoon...who killed their sense of humour?
Who remembers the boondocks cartoons at the height of their popularity around the time we were going to war with Iraq. Those cartoons got sensored and banned in some states didnt it for making fun of the US president/government and past presidents with their involvement with osama bin laden when it was in theyre favour.

As for radicals saying they gonna blow us up and taking my tax money at the same time I hate them and this government needs to get a grip. I hate the tories but I hope the conservative party does come to power to put a stop to all of the illegal immigration and have a no nonsense policy to anyone who threatns the lively hood of the british citizens.
💡 I think everyone who has had enough :mad: should make it a point to purchase products from Denmark and boycott as much as possible anything from the Middle East. Just my $0.02.
426 HEMI
💡 I think everyone who has had enough :mad: should make it a point to purchase products from Denmark and boycott as much as possible anything from the Middle East. Just my $0.02.

if we boycott them we will run out of fuel.
And the stupid B******* have just burned down the Danish Embassy in Syria.. Towelheads !...
The first part - stupid on their part and completely unacceptable.

The 2nd part, I find offensive since you have just insulted me (:
Fatwah on Flerbizky... :D
Naaah, not extreme enough. His house shall see a Cessna!

Even those random people running around claiming Fatwahs - religiously, no individual has that right. It's supposed to be agreed upon by a committee of established islamic scholars or something like that.
The first part - stupid on their part and completely unacceptable.

The 2nd part, I find offensive since you have just insulted me (:

Stupid insult removed.. Sorry..
So where can I go to see these cartoons?

You guys heard about the gang/crew muslim boys in london? Now teher are some other badass gangs in london but most of them will stay out of the muslim boys way. Luckily theyre too dumb to organise any proper crime than armed robberies etc other wise we could see some drug wars. The muslim boys recruit new gang members by sticking guns to peoples heads and tellin them they must convert to islam and die. they have beheaded two people already and after they do anything bad such as robbery or murder they go to a mosque to ask for forgivness and then they do it all over again.
And apparently they've burned down the Swedish embassy as well, and are now moving towards the Norwegian.. Wonder what they'll do there....
Naaah, not extreme enough. His house shall see a Cessna!

Even those random people running around claiming Fatwahs - religiously, no individual has that right. It's supposed to be agreed upon by a committee of established islamic scholars or something like that.

So much for Islam being a religion of peace then, really, if the head honchos are the ones who decide who to murder.
You know the world is going to hell when idiots will burn down buildings because of a bunch of cartoons.

And who the hell targets Sweden? What have the Swedish done to anyone in the past 200 years?
You know the world is going to hell when idiots will burn down buildings because of a bunch of cartoons.

And who the hell targets Sweden? What have the Swedish done to anyone in the past 200 years?

Swedish and Norwegian papers re-printed the cartoons...

Yep - The Ole Norwegian Embassy got the torch treatment as well.. Looked real peaceful the way they trashed everything !...
It wasn't the government of either nation that printed the cartoons.
Apparently - To some people, that makes no difference whatsoever...

Allow me to quote Famine, in indigo :


"I may not like what you have to say, but I want to behead you and every one who lives in your country - and a couple of others we don't like the look of, and one we saw on the way over - then burn the corpses in the name of "peace" if you choose to say it."
Apparently - To some people, that makes no difference whatsoever...

Allow me to quote Famine, in indigo :
Very true. There is no rationalizing with irrational people.