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Religeon always tries to be censorious in observance of Rites.
But the people who made these cartoons are not under that observance and trying to transfer that observance is associating those rites w/ idolaters.
Ask any muslim what 'association' will get ya on the sin richter and then put forward the argument above. The muslims who started this ****-stirring debacle are actually the ones commiting blasphemy because they are associating infidel activities w/ the strictures of their own religeon. But like all blue-haired old drag queens w/ a bee up their arse it does'nt matter if they're right or wrong (in this case, wrong) as long as they can feel 'shocked' and 'incensed' & therefore they are doing right by their god that's watching ( which is ironic if ure against ure religeon to do so, but its GODS watchfullness that counts).
Like all fundament, its a we're right ure wrong number. The koran is a long diatribe about how everyone around them have sold out the almighty, 'cept ures truly the big M & whatever we can shift on camelback. The paranoia mechanism and inappropriate usage are common throughout races/creeds, its a disease of the human spirit and a very dangerous one, such mass ego-mongering only fuels the alien that feeds on panic, large emotion and imbalances. Salman weathered his freedom of speech nightmare and the west has to persist in bolstering these rights no matter how insane the 'religeous' sideshow gets.
But the people who made these cartoons are not under that observance and trying to transfer that observance is associating those rites w/ idolaters.
Ask any muslim what 'association' will get ya on the sin richter and then put forward the argument above. The muslims who started this ****-stirring debacle are actually the ones commiting blasphemy because they are associating infidel activities w/ the strictures of their own religeon. But like all blue-haired old drag queens w/ a bee up their arse it does'nt matter if they're right or wrong (in this case, wrong) as long as they can feel 'shocked' and 'incensed' & therefore they are doing right by their god that's watching ( which is ironic if ure against ure religeon to do so, but its GODS watchfullness that counts).
Like all fundament, its a we're right ure wrong number. The koran is a long diatribe about how everyone around them have sold out the almighty, 'cept ures truly the big M & whatever we can shift on camelback. The paranoia mechanism and inappropriate usage are common throughout races/creeds, its a disease of the human spirit and a very dangerous one, such mass ego-mongering only fuels the alien that feeds on panic, large emotion and imbalances. Salman weathered his freedom of speech nightmare and the west has to persist in bolstering these rights no matter how insane the 'religeous' sideshow gets.