Yeah, thats true, but surely Sony would have known this and wont this make the console look stupid to the average person on the street, if someone saw that article on the web and knew the 360 was alot cheaper then they would buy it.....Sony are going to loose to the people who have no allegience to consoles aswell as first time buyers, people go purely on what they can see at that point... they dont think about developers needing more time to perfect programming!
Also its a good point to note that all the games gamespot featured were multiplatform games, which and this point are all basically 360 ports! If you look at games tailor made for the PS3 like resistance then ofcourse they look far more amazing... but as for things like fight night, is that dubbing down of graphics (looks alot worse) to such a large extent really necssary to make it run on PS3 hardware, you would have thought they could have done better with that!
I do argee, but Sony need to get there act together because apart from the hardcore fans there is little reason at the moment to sway the average buyer into buying a PS3..... which is not a good thing!