PS3 General Discussion

Anybodys PS3 XMB go green today? As you all know the PS3 shows pink durin the day, and gradually fades to black as time goes on, turned the PS3 on today and instead of pink its gone green. anyone els seen this yet or any other colours seen?
So I found a ps3 s-video cable but its kinda expensive so I was wondering if anyone can confirm that the main AV input on the ps3 is indeed the same as it was on the ps2 (as it looks to be) so that I can get the much cheaper and longer ps2 s-video cable.
Excellent, good enough for me. I'm doing a slideshow for two of my siters b-days this weekend at a local bar and s-video is the only connection available on this particular TV. Buying the ps2 cable means I get a much longer cable for cheap (which is good because I don't know how far from the TV this thing is going to be)
Excellent, good enough for me. I'm doing a slideshow for two of my siters b-days this weekend at a local bar and s-video is the only connection available on this particular TV. Buying the ps2 cable means I get a much longer cable for cheap (which is good because I don't know how far from the TV this thing is going to be)
I never knew there were TVs with S-video but no RCA input.
I never knew there were TVs with S-video but no RCA input.

I assume it has them, but for whatever reason apparently they are unaccessible.
so 25.99 for a 12' cable at best buy sounds good to me, I'll let you guys know if it works tomorrow or Sunday.
It gives you a finishing touch, and I'll throw out examples later.
OK, here's the examples:

Call of Duty 2, Lego Star Wars and GT4.

CoD2 just felt smooth as butter... and even though the graphics weren't as good as CoD3, the fact that 2 didn't have any framerate drops made me have a more enjoyable graphics experiment with that instead of CoD3.

Now, look at Lego Star Wars. While this may be an odd example, just tootling on at a very consistent and smooth pace (no jaggies helps as well) made this game look even better than many other 360 games out there.

The third example is GT4. While Forza may have had better sound, graphics, and such, GT4 was much smoother when you were racing at 170 MPH. Not to mention, the reflections of the cars aren't really choppy.

I also found some pretty cool pics of the enormity of Lair, but I'll have to post those later since I need to get out the door.

You know that bridge level that's been showed a hundred times in Lair? Well, here's the full scale of it:


And the part circled is this:


This is probably the first game to visually prove Blu-ray is beneficial to games.
Anybodys PS3 XMB go green today? As you all know the PS3 shows pink durin the day, and gradually fades to black as time goes on, turned the PS3 on today and instead of pink its gone green. anyone els seen this yet or any other colours seen?
Mine's never gone green but the other PS3's has...
Anybodys PS3 XMB go green today? As you all know the PS3 shows pink durin the day, and gradually fades to black as time goes on, turned the PS3 on today and instead of pink its gone green. anyone els seen this yet or any other colours seen?
Mine has gone green sometimes, I can also recall seeing light blue, and pink. It always changes. Specially on weekends.
Thank you for trying to save me, but the PS3 needs a S-Video with av-multi out on the other end, plus this has to be ready tomorrow anyways. If a regular s-vid cable would solve this heck I have a 3 foot section sitting there with audio cables
EDIT: I did however finally buy some HDMI cable, this means I will have four different ways to hook my ps3 up when it arrives
I was thinking about it today, and I wonder if my PS3 will charge my ipod. I dont want to try it!

Also, I was at Best Buy today and they have this sheet of paper that they put release dates of video games on, and it has lair on there for someday in may, i think its the 15th. This seems relatively soon, has it been confirmed?
I went to clean the dust of my PS3 yesterday evening, and realised I haven't checked under the card slot cover for about two weeks. I wasn't expecting much, but I looked anyway. There was loads of it! Look at it all! :eek:

How on earth did it all get there? The USB slots are filling up with unwanted dust as well... The back of the PS3 is completely clear.
My house is worse thanks to us living on a bus route, plus being the only road the 18 wheelers are allowed to travel down to the factories in behind my house. I literally have to clean off my tv screen every other day or it looks dim. I resorted to covering my PS3 in a sheet whenever I'm not using it, which seems to be doing the job alright so far.
I was thinking about it today, and I wonder if my PS3 will charge my ipod. I dont want to try it!

Also, I was at Best Buy today and they have this sheet of paper that they put release dates of video games on, and it has lair on there for someday in may, i think its the 15th. This seems relatively soon, has it been confirmed?

Why wouldn't you want to try it? You can screw things up by hooking them up. I use my iPod as an external drive to backup the PS3. Unfortunately it will only charge things when the PS3 is running, but since mine is always on (F@h) it isn't a problem. The 360 will continue to charge (with its controllers at least) when it is turned off, but oddly the fans keep blowing at full speed also.
I was thinking about it today, and I wonder if my PS3 will charge my ipod. I dont want to try it!
Why? You're not going to break anything.

Anytime you plug your iPod into a USB port, it charges (and connects to systems that can recognize it).

Also, I was at Best Buy today and they have this sheet of paper that they put release dates of video games on, and it has lair on there for someday in may, i think its the 15th. This seems relatively soon, has it been confirmed?
Nope. In the IGN blowout that happened recently they confirmed it for July 24th.
I went to clean the dust of my PS3 yesterday evening, and realised I haven't checked under the card slot cover for about two weeks. I wasn't expecting much, but I looked anyway. There was loads of it! Look at it all! :eek:

How on earth did it all get there? The USB slots are filling up with unwanted dust as well... The back of the PS3 is completely clear.

Rehost the photo, not working...

EDIT: Wait, when was the F1 PS3 subforum made? :crazy:
My God, I've never seen a PS3 so dusty!:eek: That truly is a dust magnet.
And as you know dust is mainly human skin. Perhaps you should wear a spacesuit?
It could be excess static electricity making the dust cling on so much. Personally I run a duster over my PS3 once a day. There's nothing in my house that dusty, apart from my copy of 'A Brief History of Time'.
I don't really believe in those dust filters. There's no way they can cycle all the unwanted dust out of the air. We don't have one anyway. I've never known anyone to have them...

I think I'll just have to brush it over more often. Or I stop running F@H, which is probably doing it...
I think I'll just have to brush it over more often. Or I stop running F@H, which is probably doing it...
Actually yeah. Being powered up will make it attract dust more. Still it'd be a shame not to run F@H some of the time.
Anyone bought Blast Factor?

I'm just wondering why I cannot connect to their servers. It's happening all the time, and I cannot see any issues about it on the 'net.