PS3 General Discussion

Just found out that if you press start on a second controller on The Simpsons Demo you can play it split screen, one being Homer the other being Bart. Quite an intresting twist to the game to make it last a bit longer. :)
According to Home Media Magazine (and to be honest I've never heard of'em) BR accounted for 71% of the hi-def disc sales for the week ending 10/14. Also the chart in the middle of page 1 indicates that to date BR discs sales have garnered 61% of the hi-def disc market.

Sooo if accurate... to my mind this supports my theory that the prime reason Sony included the SpiderMan 3 BR movie in the 40GB package is to attempt to kill off hd-dvd this holiday season. Apparently only a very small percentage of current PS3 owners realize the device is a BR media/movie player, so packing in the SM3 BR is a very good way for ensuring that a much higher percentage of the 40GB buyers make this key connection. And if BR is still leading the market, admittedly a very young and small market at the moment, by such a strong margin with fairly limited ps3 owner support just imagine the gain in market share BR could enjoy if only 1/3 to 1/2 of the 40GB owners begin to regularly purchase/rent BR movies. Also goes to highlight what we've known all along, the PS3 was always envisioned by Sony as a device that would leverage their popularity in the gaming sector to further their aspirations in defining the standard for the hi-def media market.
OHHHH HOW SWEET IT IS! Literally I just finished signing up a Japanese PSN account and the very first time I log in what is sitting there waiting for me????? Well hello Mr. GT5:P demo :D

I got an question. Will the 80 Gb version ever be released in Europe or do we only get the 40gb version?

I haven't seen definitive word but many of us believe that once the 60GB's are gone Sony Europe will announce a "new" 80GB model that still supports PS2 BC.
I just experienced my first PS3 "freeze".

I was trying out different wallpapers off my external HD and about the fourth one that I had selected to set as the wallpaper it locked up after I pressed X to replace the current wallpaper with the new one. It just kept saying "Saving...", but the little XMB working icon in the upper right hand corner wasn't moving so I knew something was up.

It wouldn't recognize the controller, but at least it allowed me to turn it off by just touching the power icon on the console itself. I was afraid that might not have worked and I was going to have to do a hard shutdown by switching off the power to the console. :nervous:

Good news though, it turned off and rebooted with no problems. I then tried to set that same pic for my wallpaper to test if the error was related to that particular pic, but it worked just fine.

So, I'm not sure why it locked up, but all is good again. :)
Mine locked up for me the first time today, starting a race in GT5PD. The loading screen came up, but none of the sound effects or music started, and the HDD light stopped blinking. I attempted to Quit Game (the controller was responsive), and it just sat there for a minute at "Please wait..." and then the system rebooted. Probably just a glitch in the demo. Unfinished code and all that.
mine locks up occasionally on warhawk and oblivion, it's annoying as hell but it seldom happens and I imagine it could be patched at some point
Mine locked up for me the first time today, starting a race in GT5PD. The loading screen came up, but none of the sound effects or music started, and the HDD light stopped blinking. I attempted to Quit Game (the controller was responsive), and it just sat there for a minute at "Please wait..." and then the system rebooted. Probably just a glitch in the demo. Unfinished code and all that.

yeah happned to my console and my cousins exactly the same problem , tried to quit and rebooted , this is just to show you how incomplete this demo and it still rocks :sly:
Comparing world wide console sales rates since the 360, PS3, and Wii were released, it's remarkable how closely the PS3 is tracking along the same sales rate as the 360... of course Nintendo is dancing to an entirely different tune (Dance Mario Bros.) :D


The Wii sales rate is remarkable and apaprently close to the PS2 sales rates. I think it was Duck that said it took Sony just two years to sell 25 million PS2's, but I can't recall the exact quote.

However, I have a hard time believing the Wii is going to have the kind of longevity that the PS2 has enjoyed and amazingly is still selling very well for a seven year old console. :eek:

Regardless, for all the bad press Sony has gotten in the past over sales, it's interesting to see that they seem to be right on pace with the 360... although compared to PS2 and Wii sales rates, I'm sure both Microsoft and Sony are very disappointed, and would certainly love to see things improve.
I was going to post that as well, D-N, but I was going to wait for one of the bigger blogs to post more information. I guess I'm going to wait around forever on that. Maybe if they (joystiq, kotaku, etc.) pulled Microsoft's head away from their crotch, they might notice this news story.
Intresting fact D-N. Sadly MS seems getting away with it's head start. Possible turning point might be christmas, after that i think it is too late.
Ratchet & Clank includes a firmware update to give the game rumble. Too bad most of us have to wait months before the Dual Shock 3...
Well wrote this article that provides analysis of similar data with the only difference being they claim to use NPD supplied data. Anyhoo based on that here is their console LTD sales chart:

So if one chooses to perceive the NPD data as being more reliable, which probably most will, then it looks like the ps3 is tracking very closely to the 360 but it is also starting to lag a little over the past several months. However like DN pointed out, the ps3 is hanging in there pretty well considering the very competitive market it had to enter into (or chose to enter into depending on your view of them including the BR drive).

I still believe there is a looooong way to go in this war, what some guesstimating that the likely WW total will end up being some 150 million (+or-) total sales. Sony's got their work cut out for them no doubt, but also they can no where but up from here. And given the quality of the hardware, coupled with the potential greatness of the 2008 software lineup, I'm thinking that come 2009 they and we will be feeling much better about the long term prospects of their little hotdog grill ;)
So if one chooses to perceive the NPD data as being more reliable, which probably most will, then it looks like the ps3 is tracking very closely to the 360 but it is also starting to lag a little over the past several months.
NPD only reports sales in the US. (Which is also why if you look at the listed amounts of "Millions of Systems" it is well below world wide sales for all three consoles.)

Video Chartz uses sales data from all around the world, including many of the same market research sources that NPD uses. It is also why Video Chatz has over the last couple years become to de facto resource for hardware and software sales data for investment research, and quoted by billion dollar fund managers... so I think they have a lot of confidence in the numbers reported by Video Chartz.

Outside the US, the 360 has not been nearly as well received as the PS3, which would account for the differences in the rate of sales when comparing US sales only and world wide sales.

However like DN pointed out, the ps3 is hanging in there pretty well considering the very competitive market it had to enter into (or chose to enter into depending on your view of them including the BR drive).

I still believe there is a looooong way to go in this war, what some guesstimating that the likely WW total will end up being some 150 million (+or-) total sales. Sony's got their work cut out for them no doubt, but also they can no where but up from here. And given the quality of the hardware, coupled with the potential greatness of the 2008 software lineup, I'm thinking that come 2009 they and we will be feeling much better about the long term prospects of their little hotdog grill ;)
Good points.

BTW: It looks like Microsoft may have finally realized that the 360 is just not going to last as long as they had hoped it would, and that they not only need to come out with a completely re engineered console, but one with support for games on high capacity optical discs (finally!), in this case HD DVD. Also likey to add HDMI 1.3 and Dolby TrueHD & DTS-HD MA decoders (also about time!). Possibly adding a TV Tuner and DVR capabilities, and maybe even getting rid of the external power brick:
NPD only reports sales in the US. (Which is also why if you look at the listed amounts of "Millions of Systems" it is well below world wide sales for all three consoles.)

True, true. Actually I believe they cover Canada as well, but same difference (no disrespect intended to the Canadians natch :)). I meant to make that distinction and kinda forgot to obviously. Doh. :dunce:

Video Chartz uses sales data from all around the world, including many of the same market research sources that NPD uses. It is also why Video Chatz has over the last couple years become to de facto resource for hardware and software sales data for investment research, and quoted by billion dollar fund managers... so I think they have a lot of confidence in the numbers reported by Video Chartz.

Outside the US, the 360 has not been nearly as well received as the PS3, which would account for the differences in the rate of sales when comparing US sales only and world wide sales.
It's been my impression visiting vgchartz and reading various opinions, including the source, that they are best at getting the relative percentage sales amongst the platforms pretty spot on, as opposed to the abolute sales numbers themselves. Although it does seem they have managed to improve the absolute sales figure here a fair bit in the past several weeks.

I definitely agree that outside of NA the 360, not including the UK, is simply not selling at an equal pace compared to the ps3 (never mind the wii obviously).

BTW: It looks like Microsoft may have finally realized that the 360 is just not going to last as long as they had hoped it would, and that they not only need to come out with a completely re engineered console, but one with support for games on high capacity optical discs (finally!), in this case HD DVD. Also likey to add HDMI 1.3 and Dolby TrueHD & DTS-HD MA decoders (also about time!). Possibly adding a TV Tuner and DVR capabilities, and maybe even getting rid of the external power brick:

Yeah I saw that, but with BR already outselling HDDVD at near a 7 to 3 rate coupled with the $400 40GB ps3 being packed in with a BR movie, I think HDDVD is gonna be effectively finito by the time Toshiba and MS release their little combo unit late 2008 or early 2009. Besides I question the gain to MS, versus the damage from fracturing their user base even further by releasing a model with a highly modified spec, by going this route. Maybe they can more effectively diffuse the negative publicity by only releasing the unit under the Toshiba name. Either way, what then for the developers? Do they allow them to use HDDVD media for games too? Maybe the knee jerk reaction is no because why would they want to piss off the base once again, but you know there's gonna pressure from the programmer's side. Let's reference the rumors to GTA V going exclusive ps3 simply because of anticipated storage limitations of DVD vs BR media. It really seems to be a no win situation for MS going forward into 2009 and beyond, they just won't be able to compete head to head with the ps3 on a feature by feature basis.

I could always be wrong, but that's how I read the tea leaves right now.
I can't say much, but I can say...I've been playing Ratchet and Clank since Wed, and it's simply amazing.

It should be in stores tomorrow, and you owe it to yourself to buy it.
I can't say much, but I can say...I've been playing Ratchet and Clank since Wed, and it's simply amazing.

It should be in stores tomorrow, and you owe it to yourself to buy it.

I do plan on purchasing it on friday, aka, payday!

BTW, gave Ratchet and Clank future a 9. They said it was hands down the best looking Playstation 3 game to date. I dont doubt that at all.
R&C:ToD gets 9.4 from IGN, 9.3 from, 5/5 from Gamepro. However , the dudes at Gamespot (GS) only gave this game a 7.5 (which is no surprise to me, like 1up, GS has been known for trashing the PS3)
I don't think Gamespot is biased towards the PS3. You will have to go to each individual writer to find any biases. As for 1UP, they are unbearable to read or listen to, so I wouldn't know of any biases from them.
Well, ****, I wish I did write for Gamespot. It would be nice to go to the 7-11 on Market Street every day for lunch. Can you show an example of bias from Gamespot? I sure don't remember any.
From the screenshots they give most of the games look identical or better anyway, apart from Call of Duty 3 looking a bit washed out on the PS3, and in a couple of games the textures being less detailed than the 360. About the only true difference is the framerate, but as you say, all of them are ported from the 360, so what do you expect...
So .. I'm definitely getting a PS3 maybe tomorrow, maybe friday. I figured I might as well buy it now instead of buying a 360 now and having it rrod a few times and then getting a PS3 for GT5 anyways lol.

The 80GB bundle with MotorStorm and the 5 movies made it a waaaaaay better deal than the 360 elite holiday bundle in my opinion. Needless to say, I can't wait for this weekend so I can really get a chance to play with my new toy to be.

Anyone know if you can network your PS3 and your PC so you can play music off your PC or transfer files or anything of the like? I've not been able to find any information on that at all.

Oh, and for some of you old timers, I'm back :D
I can't say much, but I can say...I've been playing Ratchet and Clank since Wed, and it's simply amazing.

It should be in stores tomorrow, and you owe it to yourself to buy it.

Is it just like the demo; unlimited lives?

I've never played a R&C game before. Only a previous demo, and I didn't like it at all. However, the RC demo up since two weeks ago is awesome.
Is it just like the demo; unlimited lives?

I've never played a R&C game before. Only a previous demo, and I didn't like it at all. However, the RC demo up since two weeks ago is awesome.

Yea, just like the demo, only full of 300% more awesome, and 600% more ass kicking.

The weapons are absolutely awesome, and the story is the best I've experienced (played every R&C). Hands down the best platformer released in the last 2 years.

Pixar has been owned, lol.
So .. I'm definitely getting a PS3 maybe tomorrow, maybe friday. I figured I might as well buy it now instead of buying a 360 now and having it rrod a few times and then getting a PS3 for GT5 anyways lol.

The 80GB bundle with MotorStorm and the 5 movies made it a waaaaaay better deal than the 360 elite holiday bundle in my opinion. Needless to say, I can't wait for this weekend so I can really get a chance to play with my new toy to be.

Anyone know if you can network your PS3 and your PC so you can play music off your PC or transfer files or anything of the like? I've not been able to find any information on that at all.

Oh, and for some of you old timers, I'm back :D

Congratulations on your PS3 purchase. The 80GB PS3 is the best deal I have ever seen relating to video games, a much better value than any 360 SKU.

Yes, you can definitely network your PS3 to stream music, photos, and videos from your PC using PS3's DLNA Media Server. Here is the Media Server instructions from the PS3 online manual:

It's very simple to set up. Impress your friends as you stream music and video from your PC with magic!