PS3 General Discussion

This makes me wonder if the PS3 will see more late releases in order to avoid the need for DLC so it can be added to the BD.
I doubt developers are going to delay their PS3 releases and get worse sales just so they don't have to put up DLC on PSN. It makes no sense anyhow. Release ______ on PS3 with other platforms at full price, get maximum sales due to hype, and release DLC down the line for extra cash... or release it months later with DLC with less hype and no extra cash for DLC coming in. This makes no financial sense.
As it wasn't available for PS3 I hadn't paid too much attention to Lost Planet. I may have to check it out now.
It's a decent rental. It was a complete letdown though. Archaic game design, action that's not satisfying, very short campaign, etc. Hopefully Capcom won't release it at full price or anything, because it sure as hell doesn't deserve it.
Love the made possible with blu ray bit, could this be a phrase we start to here more often... hmmm
There have been several developers, like Super-Ego Games, Free Radical, Rockstar, Take-2, Richard Garriott & NCsoft, among others, over the last six months announcing they are developing new games exclusively for the PS3, and BD may in fact be one of the reasons. It may also be why Microsoft has been unusually quiet about their 2008 game titles, and kept canceling presentations, one show after another this year.

We already know some games have been released and are in development that far exceed the capacity of a DVD, and that apparently the reason L.A. Noire went from a multi-platform release to an exclusive PS3 title is that it simply was too big for anything but a Blu-ray release...although we might see a multi-disc PC edition, and still much can change as apparently this project has become so big that they now do not expect it to be finished until 2009.

Speaking of which, did you all see that the PS3 not only outsold the 360 in Europe last week by nearly twice as much, but also outsold the Wii for the first time. :eek:

Of course in Japan Wii continues to dominate sales, and the 360 continues to fail miserably with PS3 sales still firmly between the two.

It also looks like Scandinavians have more love for driving in the mud than shooting their buddies in the head, as MotorStorm outsold Halo 3 last week. No love for Halo 3 and PGR4 in Japan either.

While the $300+ million in sales that Halo 3 has brought in, much of that isn't profit, nor does it do much in the way of off setting their billion dollar losses. If things don't improve drastically, and Microsoft doesn't come out with several games with Halo 3 like sales, 2008 may end up being an even worse year financially for Microsoft's Xbox division.
I doubt developers are going to delay their PS3 releases and get worse sales just so they don't have to put up DLC on PSN. It makes no sense anyhow. Release ______ on PS3 with other platforms at full price, get maximum sales due to hype, and release DLC down the line for extra cash... or release it months later with DLC with less hype and no extra cash for DLC coming in. This makes no financial sense.
Good point, although I don't know what kind of costs third party devs have to pay for putting up DLC.

Reworking the question, could we see more of these multiplatform games, that are delayed for other reasons, getting the DLC added for free since the ability and time is there?

There have been several developers, like Super-Ego Games, Free Radical, Rockstar, Take-2, Richard Garriott & NCsoft, among others, over the last six months announcing they are developing new games exclusively for the PS3, and BD may in fact be one of the reasons. It may also be why Microsoft has been unusually quiet about their 2008 game titles, and kept canceling presentations, one show after another this year.

We already know some games have been released and are in development that far exceed the capacity of a DVD, and that apparently the reason L.A. Noire went from a multi-platform release to an exclusive PS3 title is that it simply was too big for anything but a Blu-ray release...although we might see a multi-disc PC edition, and still much can change as apparently this project has become so big that they now do not expect it to be finished until 2009.
My only hope is that we see games requiring BD more for their content and less for things like sub-par movie tie-ins included or to be able to include all seven language tracks on one disc. Of course, the language track issue makes sense when you consider the games are region free, so it makes it possible to have the game released over multiple regions without having to put separate tracks on for each region.

Speaking of which, did you all see that the PS3 not only outsold the 360 in Europe last week by nearly twice as much, but also outsold the Wii for the first time. :eek:
I want to see whether they were cheaper 40gb sales or people snagging the remaining backward compatible 60gbs.

Concerning the Wii, did it also drop or just more PS3s? Just wondering if recent polls showing many Wii owners haven't been playing it in a while have affected the Wii sales.

It also looks like Scandinavians have more love for driving in the mud than shooting their buddies in the head, as MotorStorm outsold Halo 3 last week.
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I'd take Motorstorm as well. Question is, are these bundled MotorStorms or individual sales?

No love for Halo 3 and PGR4 in Japan either.
I don't blame them, but I also don't get how they play some of the games they do play.

While the $300+ million in sales that Halo 3 has brought in, much of that isn't profit,
That all depends on how you spin statistics. Is it profit in that it has made more than it cost to make? Yes. Is it profit for the division as a whole? No.

I wonder how M$ will spin this.
That all depends on how you spin statistics. Is it profit in that it has made more than it cost to make? Yes. Is it profit for the division as a whole? No.
Agreed. I was actually pointing out that when a company like Microsoft reports $300 million in sales for a game, that isn't taking in account all the millions they have spent developing the game, marketing the game, manufacturing discs and packaging, nor is it taking in account all the distribution, personel, management and misc costs, etc. Nor is it taking into account how much of that $300 million goes to retailers as well as contractual royalties to specific individuals involved in the development of the game. A lot of Halo money will be leaving with Bungie now that they have left Microsoft.

So of that $300 million in sales, it is likely only a small percentage of that is actual profit that will go into Microsoft's hands... and as you pointed out, that's just profit from one game. Unfortunately for Microsoft, they are reporting yet another $1+ billion dollar loss from their gaming division adding to their already $7+ billion dollar losses from their Xbox endeavors. Thus why I said, they will need dozens of games as successful as Halo 3, and release new consoles that are not plagued with so many technical failures if they ever have any hope of recovering all those losses. :eek:

Although I'm sure Sony would love nothing more than to have a PS3 game of theirs sell nearly as well as Halo 3 has and will likely continue to sell. Fortunately for Sony they at least can fall back on their highly profitable PS2 and PSP sales until PS3 sales reach higher levels.

I wonder how M$ will spin this.
Not very well I assume.
Just noticed the PS3 can now be had for £279. PS3 here I come. You have finally reached an acceptable price :D
Just noticed the PS3 can now be had for £279. PS3 here I come. You have finally reached an acceptable price :D

Keep in mind that will be for the 40gig model, which (rather obviously) has a smaller HDD (but an upgrade or USB external drive is an eaasy fix), no PS2 backward compatability, two (rather than four) USB sockets and the data card readers (SD, Memory Stick Duo, etc) removed.

If you can the extra £50 or so for the 60gig model is a better bet, but either way I would recommend going for it, Warhawk alone is worth it for on-line mayhem (and of course the GT5:P demo on the 20th).


I wonder how M$ will spin this.

They won't need to. The blogs will do it for them.

So, are there any more excuses left to not buy a PS3? The system is at an acceptable price, a whole year worth of games, a decent online system, what more do they want?
Speaking of which, did you all see that the PS3 not only outsold the 360 in Europe last week by nearly twice as much, but also outsold the Wii for the first time. :eek:

Well I did notice in following the link that n4g used as their source, and I know many here are leary of the numbers vgcartz comes up with. Although from what I've read on the site they do admit their numbers are essentially educated guesses but they have been improving in their accuracy (as measured M2M against NPD here in NA) over time. Anyhoo.. just wanted to point that out.

Also has an article pointing out that of the 178% increase 89% of that weekly total went towards the purchase of a 60GB model in one bundle or another. How this relates to the eventual popularity of the 40GB remains to be seen of course.;title;2
PS3 has 178 percent UK sales surge
The launch of the new 40GB model and 60GB price drop sees sales of the console nearly triple.

By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK
Posted Oct 16, 2007 3:50 pm GMT

On October 10, the 40GB PlayStation 3 went on sale in the UK, along with a new Value Pack for the 60GB machine, which includes two first-party games, and costs £349 (approx $710)--a £76 ($155) drop.

Sony's holiday push seems to be working. For the week ending October 13, there was a 178 percent increase in sales of the console over the previous week, according to Chart Track, the official UK game industry sales tracking body.

The week was the third biggest week for PlayStation 3 hardware since it was launched in the UK on March 23--the first and second being the two weeks after it was launched. However, the figures weren't enough to get the PS3 the top slot--the DS Lite sold the most number of units, followed by the Wii, then the PS3, and then the Xbox 360.

Chart Track director Dorian Bloch commented, "The PS3 60GB is proving very popular, even with the introduction last week of the 40GB model. Eighty-nine percent of purchasers opted for some form of 60GB model, since this is sold with at least two games for only £50 ($102) more than the 40GB model, and sometimes other extras...check some retailer Web sites and you'll find Blu-ray discs also included for £350."
40GB PS3 confirmed for North America (Updated Spiderman 3 & 80GB Price Cut)
Posted on October 18th, 2007 at 10:13 EDT on PSU
Jack Tretton, President of Sony Computer Entertainment America has now confirmed that the new 40GB PlayStation 3 will make it's way to the U.S., releasing on November 2 for a retail price of USD 400.

If that wasn't good enough, Tretton also confirmed that the 80GB version will be getting a hundred price cut, dropping it from USD 600 – 500.

For the new 40GB PS3, Sony has removed its ability to play PS2 games, which for some people was a selling point.

"We're choosing to focus on the PlayStation 2 consumer with the PlayStation 2, which remains incredibly relevant, and focus on the PlayStation 3 consumer with the new 40-gigabyte model and the great software coming out," Tretton said.

"Backward compatibility is a nice secondary consideration, but it's far from the number-one priority."

With this recent announcement we can only hope that the U.S market responds to the new SKU and price drop like the U.K., driving sales up 178%.

No word on Spiderman 3 being bundled with the 40GB PS3 or if the 40GB will be the white ceramic version seen in Japan and Korea, but stay tuned as PSU will keep you updated.


We have been notified that the 80GB price cut is effective immediately.

Additionally, according to Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities in Los Angeles, the 40GB PS3 will come bundled with the Spider-Man 3 Blu-ray disc as previously rumoured.
Just for the sake of completion here's a link to the full text of Sony's press release, which naturally confirms all of the above.

Sony Computer Entertainment America Announces New 40GB Playstation(R)3 (PS3(TM)) Configuration and Price Reduction Of Current 80GB Model

And so now where does this leave the 60GB model? I mean they've got the slightly gimped 80GB with a MotorStorm pack-in at the exact same price as the hardware only 60GB. I'd have to imagine 9 out of 10 are gonna take the extra 20GB and MS without thinking twice. So there's gotta be some sweet 60GB deal that will be coming down the pike soon ;)
I'm glad to see the news! :cheers:
Just saw it on CNN and decided to come here and see if it was known yet on the board. Of ocurse it is known! :D

This should be great for all perspective buyers. The only problem I see is that the 40gb model will not play PS2 games. :( Other than that, I think they've made the right move. 👍

Hopefully this will speed my purchase of a PS3! :sly:
I'm glad to see the news! :cheers:
Just saw it on CNN and decided to come here and see if it was known yet on the board. Of ocurse it is known! :D

This should be great for all perspective buyers. The only problem I see is that the 40gb model will not play PS2 games. :( Other than that, I think they've made the right move. 👍

Hopefully this will speed my purchase of a PS3! :sly:
Matt Peckham on PC World, who apparently has been a long time critic over Sony's pricing of the PS3 has an interesting response to the news:

Time to Buy a PlayStation 3?
Posted on Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:24 AM PT by Matt Peckham
It's officially official: the recently announced $400 40GB PlayStation 3 slips onto shelves in the United States on November 2, while the 80GB model drops $100 to $500, giving Sony a much needed one-two sales punch this coming holiday season. The 40GB model's arrival is crucial, because it's just $50 more than Microsoft's $350 Xbox 360 Premium.

I've spent plenty of time lambasting Sony for its arguably Napoleonic posturing this last year, and I think rightly so. The company must have known for months leading up to its debut last November that its pricing and component costs were out of control. Combine that with the PS3's incredibly powerful but developmentally grueling architecture, and the notion that Sony might have a Sega Saturn on its hands was hardly inconceivable.

But hold up a second. Leaving aside Sony's mediocre software library, which time and money suggests will look radically different in 2008, just what sort of value proposition is the PlayStation 3 in light of the latest price drops and model reshuffles? Let's have a look.


Going by my chart, Sony's PlayStation 3 handily thumps Microsoft's Xbox 360 if you're judging apples to apples. Oh sure, you have more entry-level "bare-bones" buying options with the 360, but how many of you won't eventually pick up that $100 wireless card so you can play in front of any TV in the house without a cable? The hard drive (on the entry-level "Arcade" 360) so you can download demos and import music and store unlimited saved games and avoid jerky performance in certain hard-drive-preferred games? The $50 a year Xbox Gold membership so you can play Xbox 360 games against other players online? Even without the $180 HD-DVD player to view high-definition movies, add the rest up and you get "practical use" configurations that rate notably more expensive than Sony's all-in-one PlayStation 3.

Last week I asked "What do you want most this holiday season?" I expected the PS3 to take a drubbing. Out of 907 votes, the PS3 snatched 36% (323 votes), compared with 22% for the Wii (203 votes) and a marginal 8% (71 votes) for the Xbox 360.

A sign of things to come?
While I agree with much of what he says, I find it interesting he was critical of the PS3 price prior to this new PS3 line, when compared to what a "reasonably" configured 360 would cost, especially for those who plan on playing online... where $50 a year for each user can really add up, especially if you share your PS3 with your family and they each want to play under their own ID. The "actual" costs of owning a PS3 has been lower than the 360 from the get go for all, but the seelct few that don't play online.

Then there is the advantage of not only playing Blu-ray HD movies, but having games that are far bigger than dames on DVD.

There are other advantages of course, and I suspect that's why a couple million people saw the value in it even when you got less for $100 more... rather than now, where you get more for $100 less. :)

That said, I agree that if nothing more than offering a low budget version of the PS3, then the 40GB edition is a smart move, and at least in this case, unlike the basic 360, it's only significant difference between it and the 80GB edition is the lack of full BC support... so as a percentage of PS3 sales, I suspect it will sell better than the basic 360 model as a percentage of 360 sales.

It will certainly be interesting to see how this impacts PS3 sales.
I think you'll find most observations from E3 regarding the upcoming slate of PSN games, like those for the featured PS3 games, have been vry favorable.

Here is a recent article on the subject published by ars technica, one of the leading technical journals online:

Ars at E3: Sony shows strong lineup of downloadable games on the PlayStation Network.
By Ben Kuchera | Published: July 11, 2007 - 05:33PM CT
Now that Frank and I are out of the Sony Press Conference, one thing is clear: the PlayStation Network is going to be become a powerful contender in the world of downloadable games. Sony lead off their PlayStation Network portion of the show with a new game called echochrome, a game they promised would give us the "least graphics with the most gameplay." They were right; the graphics consist of black lines on a white screen, simple planes, and designs that look very much like a very pared-down MC Escher work. The game's hook is that by revolving the camera you can change how you interact with each puzzle, much like the PSP title Crush. It's a great concept, and looks great. Even the game's classical score sets off its very new and fresh feel. Even better? The game is also coming to the PSP.

WipeOut HD looks great but then again, it's not much of a trick to make WipeOut look good in 1080p. Even though it's a no-brainer, the game looks like it'll be a must-download when it's released. Sony also showed off Warhawk, as well as a new SOCOM title called Confrontation. All these titles looked good enough to be full-featured PS3 releases, and they easily blew away the games on Xbox Live Arcade, at least graphically. Sony also promised a taste of the upcoming Gran Turismo 5 with Gran Turismo 5 Prologue available later this year on the PlayStation Network. The game looks great, but it was hard to tell if we saw any actual gameplay.

Outside of the sublime echochrome we knew about most of these games, but seeing them back to back really showed off Sony's ability to pull forward when it comes to digital distribution. That built-in 60GB hard drive allows them to create immersive experiences and sell them directly to the customers, and they're taking full advantage of it.

FYI: Here are the exclusive PSN games shown at E3 slated for release this year (except for the full version of LBP), although there are more than this:
  • Blast Factor: Advanced Reasearch
  • Echochrome
  • Everyday Shooter
  • Go! Sports: Ski
  • Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
  • High Velocity Bowling
  • Little Big Planet (2008)
  • Nucleus (just came out)
  • PAIN
  • SOCOM: Confrontation (like Warhak w/online gameplay for up to 32 players)
  • Wangan Midnight 3
  • Warhawk (online gameplay for up to 32 players & up to 4 players per PS3)
  • WipeOut HD

I couldn't find a thread for Wipeout HD, so this will have to do:

Sony just released the lastest fact sheet for Wipeout HD:

Get ready to race at blazing speeds and experience adrenaline-filled, anti-gravity racing action in full-1080p High Definition (HD) running at a breathtaking 60-frames-per-second on PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3). Coming to the PLAYSTATION Store soon, WipEout HD is set to redefine anti-gravity combat racing.

Featuring a selection of the best tracks taken from previous versions of the WipEout® franchise, WipEout HD offers meticulously crafted and fully reworked tracks that showcase the processing power of PS3. And for the first time, players will have the option to navigate their ships utilizing the SIXAXIS wireless controller's motion sensing technology.

Additionally, players will be able to take on the best competition from around the world in online multiplayer modes as up to eight players will be able to compete against each other in a range of online races. And to keep the adrenaline flowing, WipEout HD will include nine tracks from WipEout Pulse soundtrack, all remixed in 5.1 Dolby surround including artists like Kraftwerk, Booka Shade and Noisia.

Available exclusively by download on the PLAYSTATION Store, WipEout HD will set a new standard for the future of the iconic anti-gravity racing series.

  • PS3 - Get ready to experience WipEout in full-HD 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second on PS3, exclusively available for download from the PlayStation Store. Greater processing power of PS3 enables more immersive visuals and sound effects in WipEout HD, heightening the speed within the stunningly beautiful tracks and environments.

  • SIXAXIS wireless controller - WipEout HD provides full support of the SIXAXIS wireless controller to give the player a variety of choices and depth of control unseen in any previous iteration of WipEout.

  • Tracks - A selection of the best tracks taken from previous WipEout titles, meticulously crafted and fully reworked from the ground-up to showcase the full-HD resolution. Tracks include the new Mag-Strips feature, which causes ships to be temporarily locked to the track surface, allowing greater variety and dynamism in track design and introducing track features such as loops, vertical drops and 90-degree angled sections.

  • Teams - WipEout HD features eight teams from WipEout Pulse, including: Feisar, Assegai, AG-Systems, Qirex, Piranha, Triakis, Goteki45 and EG-X.

  • Five Race Modes - WipEout HD features five race modes, including: Single Race, Tournament, Time Trial, Speed Lap and Zone Mode.

  • Race Campaign - The Race Campaign feature contains many unique predefined race events to give an all new sense of progression for the player.

  • Difficulty Levels - WipEout HD offers three difficulty levels; adjustable independent of speed class.

  • Online Multiplayer - Up to eight players will be able to compete against each other in a range of online races, across several game modes.

  • Additional Content via Download - Extra game content will be made available to download and plug directly into the main game, including extra teams and ships, extra tracks and additional events for the race campaign mode.

  • Music - WipEout HD features nine fully-licensed music tracks, remixed in 5.1 surround sound.
What Hi*Fi Sound and Visions Awards 2007

Winner - Best DVD & HD Player £300 - £500 = Sony Playstation 3

To say that they liked the PS3 as both a first rate Blu-ray player and upscaling DVD player would be a massive understatement. Keep in mind that What Hi*Fi have no interest at all in its ability as a games machine, simply how well it stacks up in Home Cinema applications. The liked its 1.3 spec HDMI output, and said that to get a superior Blu-ray performance you would have to spend a good £250 more (above the old retail of £425).

Tom Parsons
I love gaming, but this machine offers so much more - a true all-rounder.

The PS3 is proof that convergence can work: its a great HD player, music server, fine DVD player, games console and the rest

Rather interestingly they also reviewed the Xbox 360 Elite and HD-DVD drive in the same issue, unfortunately from a home cinema point of view it didn't fair well. Scoring 2 out of 5, that the Elite is black and the HD-DVD drive isn't is critisised, and MS are described as "rather lazy the HD-DVD drive is not built in". However that could be forgiven if the player performed well, unfortunately it doesn't. Lack of good audio support for surround is criticised as a weak point, and the HD output is described as "displaying more digital noise, worse motion handling, and weaker colours than any of the standalone HD DVD players tested. The most damming comment is....

The truth is the Elite is a rather half-baked attempt to match the PS3's do-it-all ability. Perhaps you'll be seduced by it's gaming abilities, but if movies are very important to you, look elsewhere.

....given that Sony have just cut the price of the PS3 and that What Hi*Fis awards are used by many as a marketing tool and customer do listen to the results, I can only think that Sony are feeling a little better (in the UK at least) today.

In other reviews Sony does well again, with the new Slim and Light PSP getting a five star review as an MP3/MP4 music and video player, with praise given to the sound and picture quality (to be fair they did praise the original in this regard as well.


My aunt and uncle came round the other day ad wanted to look at ps3 as they were thinking of buying a BD player. Showed them what it can do and they liked the look, my aunt however loved Super Rub a Dub game of which we have the full version, they brought round the ps3 for me to update and transfer some movie trailers and for us to download the demos for them as they only have dial up and this would be next to impossible unless you have the patience of a saint.

After downloading the update, logged onto my dads account on their system creating an account and then logging into the PSN, from there i downloaded the SRaD starter pack and installed it, i then downloaded the unlocking file to make it the full game, this worked too giving them the full version, then without thinking i deleted my dads profile so they didn't have access to my Debit card (i pay for all PSN stuff) and it deleted the unlocking file and made the SRaD turn back into the demo version.

Guess they will have to purchase this for themselves once they have BB connection.
Wow, Sony is really doing well finally. They are making the right marketing decisions, and although the lack of backwards compatibility sucks, the 40gb model will definitely sell really well i suspect. And who wouldnt opt for the 80gb model PS3 as opposed to the Elite 360, for just $30 more? Things are looking up for Sony.
Over at Amazon, the 80GB PS3 is currently #1 with a 890% increase. For $499 you get Motorstorm and five Blu-Ray movies. That is an amazing deal, I am totally jealous. I payed $649 and all I got was Talladega Nights...
And still climbing! Guess the 80GB at $500 is proving to be the most popular choice by a wide margin. 👍

That + denials from Sonytards and Ninthings (if the Wii gets outsold easily) + bitter tears from Xbots if the 360 doesn't outsell the Wii even with its biggest game ever = lulz.
Hands him a tissue.
  • NPD = US Sales Only (but yes, Halo 3 certainly had an impact!)

  • Wii outsold the 360 world wide once again.

  • PS3 outsold the 360 in Japan and Europe once again. (and by a very wide margin this last week)

  • PS3 Sales Jump over 1,000% on Amazon Today, with a Top 10 Sales Rank in Video Games (hardware & software) category.

  • And Microsoft has still lost over $7 billion dollars on the Xbox/360 and that figure is still growing..... Not exactly an accurate portrayal of a mighty King Kong.... Possibly a King Kong at the top of a skyscraper being shot at by Microsoft accountants, stock holders, and management wanting to put an end to a huge money pit. ;)


Meh. NPD numbers are starting to sink in and the bat**** insane fanboys are spinning worse than something that spins a lot. It's really funny, worth a few chuckles.
You mean fanboys that post only NPD numbers in threads like this? ;)

Then again, I'm guessing you guys don't care one bit about that kind of stuff, so I'm guessing I'm blabbing for the sake of blabbing.
OK, quick question about setting up multiple accounts - and no it isn't about actually setting it up.

I am most likely setting up a Japanese account for the GT5:P Demo tonight. My question is do I have access to all my material on my US account while logged into my JP account, such as downloaded games, videos on the hard drive, images etc?

I'm asking because I was thinking I would watch my recordings of some TV shows I missed last night while the demo downloads and I try to avoid streaming it over media share while downloading files, so I need to know whether I need to copy the file over on my JP account too or if I will have access to it on my US account as is.

I know I could figure it out in about two minutes once I set up the account, but I am at work right now and the thought just hit me.
And still climbing! Guess the 80GB at $500 is proving to be the most popular choice by a wide margin. 👍

I think his little pic is accurate. Remember, King Kong rips the T-Rex mouth off, killing it. Then, the human shoots King Kong off the Empire State Building killing it, even though the human is smaller.

Very accurate, indeed.
OK, quick question about setting up multiple accounts - and no it isn't about actually setting it up.

I am most likely setting up a Japanese account for the GT5:P Demo tonight. My question is do I have access to all my material on my US account while logged into my JP account, such as downloaded games, videos on the hard drive, images etc?
Yes. As long as you have not set any restrictions for an account, then you have 100% complete access to all content on the PS3 no matter what account you are using or which account may have downloaded the content. 👍

Also, background downloading still works if you switch accounts during downloading. So you can set a bunch of stuff to download from one store, change accounts, set a bunch of stuff to download from another store, and if you check your downloading status, you'll see all the files you selected from all the stores will be in queue to be downloaded. 👍

It's perhaps the single most convenient feature when using the PS3 to download content. 👍👍

I think his little pic is accurate. Remember, King Kong rips the T-Rex mouth off, killing it. Then, the human shoots King Kong off the Empire State Building killing it, even though the human is smaller.

Very accurate, indeed.
:lol: and true... but me thinks Nintendo is a bit tougher than that T-Rex right now. :D

How the consoles compare among Amazon's current Best Sellers for all Video Game Hardware & Software:







Looks like the Halo 3 Effect didn't have much legs to it... and that even in the US, the PS3 is back on track to outsell the 360.
Well, maybe the PS3 is outselling the 360 now, but you guys have to take into consideration that the 360 has been out almost two years now, and everyone has one. This is the first good opportunity for people to get a cheap ps3, so they are taking advantage of it.
Well, maybe the PS3 is outselling the 360 now, but you guys have to take into consideration that the 360 has been out almost two years now, and everyone has one. This is the first good opportunity for people to get a cheap ps3, so they are taking advantage of it.
Quite true. Although one could argue people had a good opportunity to get a cheap PS3 when the 60GB were given price cuts as well, and we saw a big jump in sales back then.

So basically we have had three different models selling for $500:
  • 20GB w/BC Support but no wireless and no card reader
  • 60GB w/BC Support +5 Free Blu-ray Movies
  • 80GB w/BC Support +5 Free Blu-ray Movies +Game
Considering this recent huge sales jump is primarily for the $500 80GB model due to the latest price cut, maybe we will see more PS3 sales if the 40GB model is a hit for the real bargain hunters who may not care for BC support?
Honestly though, Sony has got to gag their execs, because they come out sounding bad.

Joystiq yesterday


Sony America CEO, Jack Tretton, tries to explain dropping BC by saying that a 40gb at $400 + a new PS2 at $129 is $529....$70 less than the original 60gb with BC.

Joystiq quickly points out that it no longer makes sense because the 60gb and 80gb models are now $500, $29 cheaper than a 40gb + PS2, and with more features.

Honestly though, Sony has got to gag their execs, because they come out sounding bad.
#132 in the book of Useful things to do with Duct Tape! :D

Yeah, Tretton's reasoning is flawed on so many levels! Not least of which is that many people would just as well not have more consoles to have to mess with.

Personally, I think he should have simply said, "For some consumers, price is more important than BC support and other features as well, and the 40GB model was made to address the needs of those consumers."
yeah I think that removal of BC is the only downside of the 40gig but as long as you can still get a PS3 that has BC it's not that big of a deal. I think my friend might finally get one now so we can play warhawk together
Personally, I think he should have simply said, "For some consumers, price is more important than BC support and other features as well, and the 40GB model was made to address the needs of those consumers."
Really, Sony probably has a completely legitimate reason that sounds very close to this and instead you have various execs doing interviews and making Sony sound like a bunch of idiots. There is a reason why they hire PR and spokespeople, so that guys like this aren't overheard talking in public.
Not to mention, I am sure that most of the people who will benefit from the 40 gb, already have a playstation 2 lying around somewhere. So if they really need to get their GH2 or GTA:SA fix, they still can, all while enjoying the luxuries of the PS3 at $400.