amar212: (Sorry for calling you Amaro by the way)
You and Solid Lifters bring some of the best, informative and most thoughtful posts to the boards. But the one about the XBox720 is kind of... meh.
I can't deny being an unabashed Playstation fanboy, and the 3 is definitely going to blow the video game/entertainment world wide open. The 360 isn't just suffering from shortages, it's also having to fight the shadow of that 100 ton gorilla called the PS3 which the whole world has been drooling for since the solid info came out at the 2005 E3 Expo. And Sony, those dastards, leading us on about a spring 2006 release has undoubtedly made many people not bother to think of buying the 360, especially with the shortages. Plus the fact that in the U.S., you pretty much have to pay $450 for a bundle package you might not want, and that's for the base 360 without the hard drive! Developers are hurting from this too, so it's some good news for everyone that supposedly the shortages of 360s are over.
Now I have to quibble a bit. The
perception that the 360 is a weak system is definitely in the gamer's psyche, and to be sure, the PS3 is ridiculously powerful. But game wise, with the tools both camps have for their systems, the 360 is not all that different. The quality of games is astounding. I just frankly don't want any of them. If there was a Forza 2 forthcoming, I'd give it some serious consideration, but it's not that long before PS3 hits the shelves.
A new 720 system isn't needed. Nintendo is actually going to go the route of lesser power and more fun, old style games, and I'm sure the Revolution will do well, might even take the second place spot from Microsoft. Al MS has to do is start chunking those 360s out of the factory and putting them on shelves, and making developers happy. Plus, like Sega and Sony both did, make sure that the games which come out for the 360 are of the highest quality and most fun factor. Going with the DVD format... well, what could they do? HD-DVD wasn't ready and would be expensive, and most games take up little of a DVD disc anyway. And high content games have come on multiple discs before, we're used to it. Microsoft just needs to work on that game library, and they're good.
Oh, and as for Forza 2 (and I'm assuming it's an EA game)...
PLEASE! For God's sake, DROP the ignorant NFS:Ugly bumpercar bots! FIX the audio! FIX the 3D perspective! FIX the steering, car feedback to me and physics! FIX the camera system! I like Forza, but damn, that game is dramatically more irritating than anything in GT4! AARGH!