That's why i think Sony can make a better system, since they make half the stuff the systems include, they can save money. Just remember Sony makes computer also, so basically all they need is a video card. Thats were Nvidia comes in. Even though i am a ATi ownder and lover.
Wait, isnt this EXACTLY the same arguement that has been made against the 360? If it is a PC that plugs into your TV, it would seem by your rationale that the PS3 is just the same...
There is no question in anyone's mind as to wether or not Sony is going to maintain marketshare. Microsoft will never top Sony's Commanding Heights, maybe if hell freezes over and Sony ships something that sucks, but it will probably NEVER happen. All Microsoft can do is chip away at the marketshare split between Sony and Nintendo, and although it has been a slow process, they are doing it nonetheless. Marketshare is obviously a driving force in the economics of the issue, but clearly you do not have to be on top to successfully sell a product.
About the previous generation consoles:
I bought my PS2 the week that the GT3 packs shipped (was it 2000?). I've been pretty happy with the product, and I most certainly have gotten my $400 out of it. It works great as a DVD and CD player, and plays some great games. But, I've only added nine other titles to the collection, due mostly to the fact that I bought an XBOX.
...Why the XBOX? Well, IMO their titles better suited my tastes overall; Sports, Racing, and Action titles. Games like Madden, Splinter Cell, etc. may be multi-platform, but they were almost always better on the XBOX... Added to that was of course Halo, PGR, Top-Spin, Rallisport, etc. Other fruits appeared, such as the BioWare titles of KOTOR and Jade Empire, Morrowind, Ninja Gaiden, etc. Although I did not buy every single one, the XBOX took the main stage, while the PS2 was regulated to GT and DVD play.
Once again, its a matter of preference, and people prefer different things. You may think I'm some backwards gamer hick for playing sports and racing titles (ooooh, he doesnt play too many RPGs! OMG, Where are the games like SOTC???)... But I dont care. I've gotten my money out of both playing games that I like, and thats all that matters.