PS3 General Discussion

One more time - all of my novel is just matter of actual hardware-count and consequnces of not including HD drive in 360.

The same that made PS2 being sold in 100+ million and give investment back to Sony, while first Xbox didn't earn a dime ever, period. PS2 was weaker then both XB and GC, but it had few AA titles, worldwide brand and - DVD player functions out of the box. XB needed a remote and stupid IR sensor, while GC had none.

360 is spending even more to MS with it's hardware specifications, marketing (MS has payed a fortune to FIFA to become a AAA sponsor of this years World Cup Finals - which Croatia will win eventualy :)) annd without any idea of returning a cent in next 5 years.

And in the moment when cheap Revo with DVD play and expensive PS3 with BR shows-up simultaniousely at the market in Christmas time, somebody is going to suck a big whale.

And it will continue to suck the same whale because it does not have HD drive, it does not have armies of players who already bought a compatible handheld system (and please sustain from "PSP 2 360" compatibility, it has to do nothing with games) which they can use on new ways with new consoles and they do not have a previous games portfolio ready to download. Yes, the whale-people maybe have a great arcade portfolio, but I will not be so sure in facing Metroid Wars with Metroid Prime or Metal Slug with first Metal Gear Solid in HD.

I see a lack of HD drive as a Problem with big P. If the 360 does not start selling in this very moment - and the famous "shortages" continue to prevail in this very moment - I hope Gates is going to do the same thing he did with Vista guys - fire all 360 people.

Close to 4 millions 360 sold worldwide so far (5 or 6 shipped, since Microsoft is running one numbers on one side and others on other side) is nothing. Zero. Nul. With sales like this, if they lower the price with PS3 coming in November, they're shot themself in the head - and that Vertigo of market, bussines models, future standards, developer needs, market requests, invest refund, profit models and so on they got themselves into - is tending to wipe them out from the market.

New console is the only thing that can save them. Just try to imagine the industry in 18 months from now and try to fit current 360 specs in the picture. It just does not look good. No way.

Oh, yes - this is my last post to this subject since I seem to myself as a Jehovah's witness with all this things. :D
Well, Microsoft's third 360 plant went online I belive last week, so the shortages should be ending as we speak. No longer will Microsoft be shipping in 360s by 747s, but by boat, and almost ALL of the new consoles from the third plant are going to be comming to the US, as we make up the largest group of XBOX buyers.

So, if youre looking for a 360, they should be sitting on the shelves at Best Buy, Circut City, Comp USA, Wal Mart, Meijer, etc... by the end of the next week or so.
I think people will wait, the 360 has been in shortage since November, and I think after E3, a lot of people will decide to wait. Here's to the Month of May and the best trade show ever.
Microsoft made a HUGE mistake rushing out the 360 without the ability to quickly catch up to demand. People get sick of that quickly and would rather wait for something from a company that has a track record of getting the consoles out then waiting and waiting on what is quite frankly, a low-end console by 2006 standards.
Not just the 360 was in shortage, pretty much EVERYTHING was. HDDs, 360 Component cables the lot. It was pretty annoying and we were VERY lucky to get most of what we needed. We never got a component cable until a few months after the console was released which was damn annoying.

Fingers crossed, the PS3 launch won't have so much of a problem, but it will be more popular I suppose.
Not just the 360 was in shortage, pretty much EVERYTHING was. HDDs, 360 Component cables the lot. It was pretty annoying and we were VERY lucky to get most of what we needed. We never got a component cable until a few months after the console was released which was damn annoying.

Fingers crossed, the PS3 launch won't have so much of a problem, but it will be more popular I suppose.

That's just plain stupid. Why would needed components be in shortage? Specs for those have to be in place many months before production and can't be but so much different from the original Xbox. Especially when it comes to the compenent cables. MAn, that would seriously anger me. Glad I didn't pick one up now. :)
You wouldn't BELIEVE the prices the cables were going for on eBay a week or so after release, £100+... Just insane.

Shame really. The Premium pack buyers get the HDD and cable with it, but like us, we got the Core Pack (we needed a 360! Our local store let us down and couldn't supply a Premium anymore *anger*) and had to buy the HDD and cable seperatly for the experience. Shame really, that MS couldn't supply enough for the few Core buyers that were out there...
How much was PS2 when Xbox and Gamecube came out? Still $299.99 with no desperate acts of free games. Expect Xbox360 to still be the same price but offer a free game or something free. I predict there will be one 360 option later this year. a pack that just comes with a wired controller and a 20GB HDD with PGR3 or PDZ(both like $40 used now) for $299.99
How much was PS2 when Xbox and Gamecube came out? Still $299.99 with no desperate acts of free games. Expect Xbox360 to still be the same price but offer a free game or something free. I predict there will be one 360 option later this year. a pack that just comes with a wired controller and a 20GB HDD with PGR3 or PDZ(both like $40 used now) for $299.99
When the PS2 first cvame out it was $400-$500. Some people baught theres up to 6-700! O.O I got mine for $400.
Same case for the Xbox360. But the ps2 and Xbox did not have shortages to the point were stores would force people to buy expensive bundles
When the PS2 first cvame out it was $400-$500. Some people baught theres up to 6-700! O.O I got mine for $400.

He's referring to retail price, not inflated Ebay market price. The MSRP on the system was $299. That's what I paid.
And where exactly is "here"??
Here = where he lives, I guess:dopey:
Some interesting news came from Reuters last week. Nvidia Corp. has signed another contract with Sony. The contract will extend into 2007 and is for "slightly more" than the 30 million Sony paid for the PS3 graphics chip design. This news came from Nvidia’s chief financial officer Marv Burkett who said that "We had anticipated that (contract revenue) would drop off, but that's not going to happen, we have new contracts with Sony to do some further designs."

When asked about the product Nvidia would be developing for Burkett was not forthcoming, only saying "We have a contract to do engineering work for them. I don't think I should discuss what that product is."

It is far too early to begin development on a graphics chip for the PS4, which leaves the possibility that this is for a new PSP or another Sony product. Development for a new PSP still seems a little early, but you never know since designing can take years. The high contract price tag certainly suggests an item they expect a sizable return on. PS3Portal will keep an eye out for any news as to what this mystery product will be.
I would think it's very possible they are beginning their platform for the "next generation" of household console gaming. PS4? Who knows, but I'm pretty sure it's possible they are starting now. This way, they have PLENTY of time to do something groundbreaking, afterall, R&D takes time, not money.
And where exactly is "here"??
I'm saying "Here" because i have no clue what the prices were elese where. But me and along with everyone i know, we got it for about $400 on and near release. At the store, and not ebay.
I would think it's very possible they are beginning their platform for the "next generation" of household console gaming. PS4? Who knows, but I'm pretty sure it's possible they are starting now. This way, they have PLENTY of time to do something groundbreaking, afterall, R&D takes time, not money.

Yeah, they've got to be thinking of or already laying groundwork for PS4 for sure.
...oh, and R&D=time=money :dopey:
...insert large amar212 post here...

The 360 is quite powerful as you know, it just suffers from "ps3 envy" at the moment. When the ps3 has been out for a bit and the hype and mystery is gone we'll have 2 screamin' powerful consoles with beautiful games to choose from.
I think it's safe to say that MS is also working on xbox3 or whatever but to think they will release it before 2008 at least...please pass the drugs. :drool:
Thanks for pointing out the vid on GT slackbladder, yes I was expecting a really good video with some footage of Motorstorm and the Keynot @ GDC but alas it was never to be :(

BTW you guys are aware that a new additiond to Normal mapping is coming to the fore now for games that use normal maps, it uses a z-depth (called Relief maps) map to actually make textures look like the are poping out and not just semi 3D, this a a great way to get things looking mighty fine, so the amount of storage needed to store these along with Normal maps, specular maps, colour maps & alpha maps is going to use BD to the max capacity, but for now they are only in PC games but im sure they will make it to PS3.

Here = where he lives, I guess:dopey:
Some interesting news came from Reuters last week. Nvidia Corp. has signed another contract with Sony. The contract will extend into 2007 and is for "slightly more" than the 30 million Sony paid for the PS3 graphics chip design. This news came from Nvidia’s chief financial officer Marv Burkett who said that "We had anticipated that (contract revenue) would drop off, but that's not going to happen, we have new contracts with Sony to do some further designs."

When asked about the product Nvidia would be developing for Burkett was not forthcoming, only saying "We have a contract to do engineering work for them. I don't think I should discuss what that product is."

It is far too early to begin development on a graphics chip for the PS4, which leaves the possibility that this is for a new PSP or another Sony product. Development for a new PSP still seems a little early, but you never know since designing can take years. The high contract price tag certainly suggests an item they expect a sizable return on. PS3Portal will keep an eye out for any news as to what this mystery product will be. version:

PlayStation 4 Watch: Chipmaker nVidia Lands New Sony Design Deals

Reuters is reporting that graphics chipmaker nVidia, who designed the powerful video chip for the PlayStation 3, has secured a lucrative new deal with Sony.

The new contract will, according to the Reuters piece, "pay more than it earned for creating the graphics processor for the upcoming PlayStation 3 video game console."

Though the story mentions nothing about the PlayStation 4 -- or whether there will even be one -- the timing syncs up neatly with other recent stories that have suggested that Sony is planning for the next-next-generation of video games, whatever form that might take.

Recently, Reuters reported that IBM, Sony, and Toshiba are extending their technology partnership for another five years. The three companies had originally banded together to create the unusual, powerful Cell chip that powers the PS3 -- that partnership lasted for five years and resulted in the PS3.

Reuters reported that, under the new partnership, IBM, Sony, and Toshiba will focus on making faster next-generation Cell chips (32 nanometer die size) for use in consumer electronics and video games.
hey guys, Ive just checked out the website that the guys from Sony sugested (on the new GDC vid that slackbladder posted). Have any of you signed up ? because they are asking for information im not really willing to give up unless its worth doing. Any sneek info from the site?

I think this one pretty much explains itself:

In the last Famitsu, Tomonobu Itagaki - head of Team Ninja (Dead or Alive series) and one of the most experienced developer for Xbox - stated that main problem for optimising DoA4 was the lack of space on DVD media.

He also stated it has been taken in big concern for process of making Dead or Alive Xtreme Volleyball 2.
Does DoA4 have FMV? I'm pretty sure I've heard some developers complain about the lack of space on a regular 360 DVD disc. But I think Microsoft responded by saying that there was no need for FMV anymore so space can be saved by ditching it.
Still, in the long run it may not help. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion uses a dual-layered DVD9 and although it's a huge game it's actually fairly repetetive in textures and so on (speech certainly).
Using Blu-Ray for the PS3 will give developers all the room they need for their games. None of them will complain about having 25GB's (or more) of space to fill!
I was thinking that 25-50gigs of space on a Blu-Ray disc would mean a lot of vacant space. But if developers are filling up that space with high definition models, graphics, textures and video, then it looks like Sony is indeed wise and forward thinking. 👍

I do hope the 360 succeeds, and I think it will, but the gamers are a fickle bunch and I've heard of a lot of people so far passing on the 360 in favor of the PS3.
360 now is like disappear from the stores, with a few games, same old demos (PGR3, Kameo, COD2..) and the consoles themselves are no where to see, whenever ask, get the same answer: "Uh...We don't have it right now...":guilty: And it's been 5 months since 360 released,:dopey: Luckily I am not that crazy about the 360:tup:
I really doubt that I'll be interested in a 360 till Christmas. Maybe not even then, but Forza 2 or some other A-ticket racer would change my mind in a hurry. Right now, that's the only thing I'd want a 360 for as I'm unaware of any A-list title that has me hankering for the Next Box. I'm still waiting with baited breath for that PS3. My money is already set aside.