One more time - all of my novel is just matter of actual hardware-count and consequnces of not including HD drive in 360.
The same that made PS2 being sold in 100+ million and give investment back to Sony, while first Xbox didn't earn a dime ever, period. PS2 was weaker then both XB and GC, but it had few AA titles, worldwide brand and - DVD player functions out of the box. XB needed a remote and stupid IR sensor, while GC had none.
360 is spending even more to MS with it's hardware specifications, marketing (MS has payed a fortune to FIFA to become a AAA sponsor of this years World Cup Finals - which Croatia will win eventualy
) annd without any idea of returning a cent in next 5 years.
And in the moment when cheap Revo with DVD play and expensive PS3 with BR shows-up simultaniousely at the market in Christmas time, somebody is going to suck a big whale.
And it will continue to suck the same whale because it does not have HD drive, it does not have armies of players who already bought a compatible handheld system (and please sustain from "PSP 2 360" compatibility, it has to do nothing with games) which they can use on new ways with new consoles and they do not have a previous games portfolio ready to download. Yes, the whale-people maybe have a great arcade portfolio, but I will not be so sure in facing Metroid Wars with Metroid Prime or Metal Slug with first Metal Gear Solid in HD.
I see a lack of HD drive as a Problem with big P. If the 360 does not start selling in this very moment - and the famous "shortages" continue to prevail in this very moment - I hope Gates is going to do the same thing he did with Vista guys - fire all 360 people.
Close to 4 millions 360 sold worldwide so far (5 or 6 shipped, since Microsoft is running one numbers on one side and others on other side) is nothing. Zero. Nul. With sales like this, if they lower the price with PS3 coming in November, they're shot themself in the head - and that Vertigo of market, bussines models, future standards, developer needs, market requests, invest refund, profit models and so on they got themselves into - is tending to wipe them out from the market.
New console is the only thing that can save them. Just try to imagine the industry in 18 months from now and try to fit current 360 specs in the picture. It just does not look good. No way.
Oh, yes - this is my last post to this subject since I seem to myself as a Jehovah's witness with all this things.