PS3 General Discussion

I was unaware of that possibility. Would that work with my Lap top? Picked up Killzone2 , no time to play with my moving. I bought 154 DVD rack and its doesnt support Blu ray cases. But on the bright side my Ps2 and DVD moves pretty much filled it up 95%. I'll have to shop for a blu ray case rack.
I have a question guys / girls . PLEASE

Does anybody here know anything about the newer 160gb versions ? My 80g bit the dust last week and I am considering buying another to use and keep the 80g as a backup once it's fixed.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. THANKS
Does anybody here know anything about the newer 160gb versions ?
If you are looking for what the 160 version has/is missing, give this a look.

Personally, with how hard drive prices have been falling and capacities going up, unless you are planning on buying Uncharted (in which case it's $400 for the PS3, $60 for Uncharted and $10 for PAIN leaving $30 for the additional 80Gb drive = not a bad deal), I'd go for an 80Gb and upgrade the drive with the $100 you save.

Awesome , thank you TB , appreciate this , perhaps just another 80g version and do what you said , an upgrade. I am sending it back to Sony ( still under warranty , only 10 months old ) , get it back and "modify it" :sly:

Once again , THANKS , TB
I was going to start a new thread about this, but i was afraid that the moderators would cry "SAMENESS!!" and lock it.

anyway, here goes:

I heard from one of the GT forums (I think it was the GT5 forums that the PS3 Price was going to drop.

So I went to My Local Gamestop and asked someone who worked there.

She said that Sony was going to announce the price drop sometime in the spring.

so, do any of you guys know about this, or is it just me?
I heard from one of the GT forums (I think it was the GT5 forums that the PS3 Price was going to drop.

So I went to My Local Gamestop and asked someone who worked there.

She said that Sony was going to announce the price drop sometime in the spring.

so, do any of you guys know about this, or is it just me?
Analysts have been saying it for six months now because Sony has predicted that the prices of manufacturing would drop enough for them to actually make a profit on PS3 sales by the end of this fiscal year (April). Sony has repeatedly refused to respond to any rumors.

Most recently an analyst said they would announce one very, very soon. But he also said that it might be a model without Blu-Ray, which immediately proves him out to know absolutely nothing about the PS3.

So, long answer: if you believe rumor and speculation you might see a price drop.

Short answer: Sony says they have no plans for a price drop.

Personally, I think that if we see a price drop it will be timed similar to the 360 price drop last year; an early fall price drop so that it will peak in sales by Christmas and feed the October-December glut of games released at the end of the year. I think that a cut this year is likely as they need to increase their market penetration to be truly profitable when the system itself is, but if they do it this spring then the system will still not sale at a profit.
I was unaware of that possibility. Would that work with my Lap top?

I dug around on the PS3's support site. There's no USB-modem support nor Bluetooth tethering, so you cannot use the Blackberry to provide internet access directly. You could probably use it to get your laptop an internet connection, but you should see if your data plan covers it.
Technical question, my modem just went crazy & shut it self down, but the strange thing is when it did my PS3 turned itself off. could this be a problem with my PS3 or is it a problem with modem.
Technical question, my modem just went crazy & shut it self down, but the strange thing is when it did my PS3 turned itself off. could this be a problem with my PS3 or is it a problem with modem.

Technically speaking, the PS3 can't turn off your modem. If the PS3 shutdown immediately afterward and they share the same power source, my first thought would be to check the power source (power strip, socket, circuit, etc).

Also, when you say your modem went crazy... what exactly did it do?

Are they both working fine since restarting them?

If they are working, but you are worried about it happening again, and you are sure it had nothing to do with the power source, then I would start by troubleshooting your modem with any diagnosis software that is available for it, and if not, perhaps contacting the manufacturer of the modem for technical support.
Technically speaking, the PS3 can't turn off your modem. If the PS3 shutdown immediately afterward and they share the same power source, my first thought would be to check the power source (power strip, socket, circuit, etc).

Also, when you say your modem went crazy... what exactly did it do?

Are they both working fine since restarting them?

If they are working, but you are worried about it happening again, and you are sure it had nothing to do with the power source, then I would start by troubleshooting your modem with any diagnosis software that is available for it, and if not, perhaps contacting the manufacturer of the modem for technical support.

Yes, it happened again, the modem shut down, then the PS3 at the szme time. both times today.
Technical question, my modem just went crazy & shut it self down, but the strange thing is when it did my PS3 turned itself off. could this be a problem with my PS3 or is it a problem with modem.

The PS3 can't turn off the modem and vice-verse. Like was said, have you checked the power source. I think it was probably a power surge, anything with a built in protecter might turn itself off,to protect itself from blowing up, if that makes any sence. They don't have to be plugged in to the same socket to both suffer ( it could be a particular socket problem though ) I have had a PS2 go off and the PC, yet the dvd player keep time and the TV stay on, it only happens when there is a slight lapse or surge. It is my guess that you have some sort of minor power failure probably for less than a second, but that is enough to cause problems with certain equipment.
And I say that this digital distribution talk is still all useless. Who in their right mind wants to wait on the downloads for MGS4, LBP, or Killzone 2? Those three right there are over 100GB combined.
And even ignoring the fact that DD in consoles many never get a footing, could PSN as it is now even handle it?
And even ignoring the fact that DD in consoles many never get a footing, could PSN as it is now even handle it?
I doubt any current distribution network could handle the load that would be seen on launch dates for games like GT5, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Halo, Gears, God of War III or any that have over a million pre-orders. The servers would get completely bogged down, worse than anything we have seen on a Thursday evening.

It would be different than even anything iTunes has seen. We are talking huge launches where this online store is the only way that consumers could get the title.

But as the few days this, so-called, analyst predicted it would be announced in have passed I am sure we can completely write this off.
Which always makes me wonder, where is the accountability for reporting like this?
Look up Michael Pachter. He seems to be the leading, or at least most vocal, analyst for the video games industry. If he predicts it then there is a 90% chance it won't happen.

When he predicted a PS3 price drop Joystiq even commented on how they wish he hadn't because now it definitely wouldn't happen.

I agree with you, these guys should be held to some sort of standard of accuracy, because people invest their money based on their predictions.
Besides... Sony has already been offering $100 credit when you purchase a PS3 and no interest for 12 months. If you don't want an extra card, simply cancel it afterwards. 👍
They are still offering that? That has been going on for at least nine months now.


Look what I just found:

Trophy tracking coming soon to
by Jem Alexander { Mar 2nd 2009 at 3:12PM }


Do you know the exact number of Trophies you have ... off the top of your head? We know how tedious it is loading up your PS3 every time you want to remind yourself of your in-game accomplishments. Thankfully, this is now a thing of the past. Once updates with its new Trophy tracking features, you'll be able to check your PSN level, Trophy count and lists for each individual game from anywhere with internet access.

The update is due to go live tomorrow. The functionality will be very basic at launch, allowing you to simply check your own Trophy stats. After a later update, you'll be able to compare your Trophies against friends' and "look at your Trophies in new and interesting ways." We're hoping the info will be made available for third-party applications and websites to access at some point in the future, too.

In the meantime, check out our gallery below to see what your Trophies will look like on and visit the PlayStation Blog for a video walkthrough of the new site features.
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So I'm about to upgrade the PS3's HDD, but my USB drive (which has enough capacity) always gets an error using the backup utility. So I've decided to back up my saves and start from scratch (ie redownload and install PSN games.) I have about 40 games with save data, and I'm just going down all of the the saves in the save game utility and copying them to the USB drive. Of all these games, the following aren't allowed to be copied:

KILLZONE 2 :mad:
Crash Commando :indiff:
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Ultra X-treme Hyper Omega HD Remix (or whatever.... :lol:)
Brain Challenge (don't buy this game)
Motorstorm: PR

I know you can circumvent this by using PS3's backup utility, but like I mentioned before it won't work with my USB drive :grumpy:

I don't get why just those five don't allow copying to flash drives. Some of the big-name games that have no problem copying to the drive are Bioshock, Resistance 2, Burnout Paradise, LittleBigPlanet, Call of Duty 4&5, Uncharted: DF, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, MC:LA, GTA4, Warhawk, etc.... as well as about 10 PSN games.

If I could keep just one out of all of those saves it would be KZ2, as I'm still actively playing the single player. Sigh...
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I recently got MC: LA, and it's...alright, I guess. I do prefer it over NFS Undercover, but trust me, it's just way too hard.
So I'm about to upgrade the PS3's HDD, but my USB drive (which has enough capacity) always gets an error using the backup utility.

What's the error message?
Have you tried troubleshooting the error message with the manufacturer of the hard drive?
Have you tried reformatting the USB drive?

If none of that works, I would consider getting rid of the drive, or at the very least don't put any files on it that you wouldn't mind losing, as the error may be a hint that the drive is on the verge of bricking. :nervous:

Personally, I would find a way to do the Backup Utility, perhaps even borrow a hard drive from a friend, as it is so much faster than having to re-download and install everything.
Thanks for your input DN 👍

Just looked up the error code: 8001002A :indiff: Oh well, I'll just have to re-do Killzone 2 (not that bad considering I beat it on regular difficulty in 7h 23m ;)) Maybe I'll have a friend do it :dopey:
Thanks for your input DN 👍

Just looked up the error code: 8001002A :indiff: Oh well, I'll just have to re-do Killzone 2 (not that bad considering I beat it on regular difficulty in 7h 23m ;)) Maybe I'll have a friend do it :dopey:

The link talked about getting that error code with a game install on the HDD, not when trying to use the backup utility on an external USB drive, so maybe the problem is unrelated?

I wouldn't write off the chance of still being able to use the Backup Utility. If you can, try reformatting the USB drive (not the HDD), and/or try a different drive if possible. The time you save downloading and rebuilding game saves will be worth the effort. 👍
Are you having trouble during the backup or the restore phase of the utility? I had issues with the restore phase since my 2.5" drive could not start up fast enough without the power brick. Make sure the power brick is plugged in.
The link talked about getting that error code with a game install on the HDD, not when trying to use the backup utility on an external USB drive, so maybe the problem is unrelated?

I wouldn't write off the chance of still being able to use the Backup Utility. If you can, try reformatting the USB drive (not the HDD), and/or try a different drive if possible. The time you save downloading and rebuilding game saves will be worth the effort. 👍

I have two USB drives, one is blank, and one isn't recognized by the PS3. :grumpy: I have an external HD that isn't recognized either (filesystem...) To be honest I don't really care about downloading and rebuilding game saves for KZ2, at this point I won't mind redoing it.

Are you having trouble during the backup or the restore phase of the utility? I had issues with the restore phase since my 2.5" drive could not start up fast enough without the power brick. Make sure the power brick is plugged in.

I press backup, choose the save destination and it quits before reaching 1%...
So I'm about to upgrade the PS3's HDD, but my USB drive (which has enough capacity) always gets an error using the backup utility. So I've decided to back up my saves and start from scratch (ie redownload and install PSN games.) I have about 40 games with save data, and I'm just going down all of the the saves in the save game utility and copying them to the USB drive. Of all these games, the following aren't allowed to be copied:

KILLZONE 2 :mad:
Crash Commando :indiff:
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Ultra X-treme Hyper Omega HD Remix (or whatever.... :lol:)
Brain Challenge (don't buy this game)
Motorstorm: PR

I know you can circumvent this by using PS3's backup utility, but like I mentioned before it won't work with my USB drive :grumpy:

I don't get why just those five don't allow copying to flash drives. Some of the big-name games that have no problem copying to the drive are Bioshock, Resistance 2, Burnout Paradise, LittleBigPlanet, Call of Duty 4&5, Uncharted: DF, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, MC:LA, GTA4, Warhawk, etc.... as well as about 10 PSN games.

If I could keep just one out of all of those saves it would be KZ2, as I'm still actively playing the single player. Sigh...

If you update Motorstorm: PR, the copy protection has been taken off, why games have it I don't know, stops you backing up your save files and after I lost everything once when my PS3 broke, I don't intend to lose everything again.
Well, I have finally backed up my PS3's HDD, so now when I get my internal replacement I am set.

One question though: Does anyone know if it compresses the back up? I ask because after the back up the PS3 said it used 39GB on my external drive (I am assuming it is not just one file as external drives need to be Fat 32). But when I look at my system info it says I have 6.8**GB/55GB free. Rounding it up to 7GB that means I am using 48GB. So, if the back up is not compressed there are 9GB unaccounted for.

Now, if as rumored the video store files do not back up that means I have ~4.3GB there. That leaves 4.7GB.

Since it has been nearly two years I cannot remember how much HDD space was used by the system when it was new. I want to say it was ~5GB. If that is the case then everything is accounted for.

Too many ifs, so I would like some confirmation. Does Video Store content not back up and what is the initial HDD space used by the system?

And if the Video Store content does not back up then that means two purchased movies (Gattaca and Ghost Rider) and three TV episodes (Watchmen Motion Comics - I stopped buying them when I heard a Blu-Ray edition will come out) will be lost when I switch drives. That is $9.99 per movie and $1.99 per episode lost. Their DRM policy will lose me $25.95. To be fair, I wrote off the Watchmen stuff the moment I decided I wanted the Blu-Ray version. So, I will only complain about $19.98. Looks like I may need to grab a 4GB Memory Stick to copy them to in PSP format to save them.

If this is how it all works then I will be very upset and I will join the constant complaints for them to fix their DRM policy. I already stopped buying once I realized the Download List did not work like the games.

Anyway, fingers crossed it is just compressed and I lose nothing.

Thanks for your input DN 👍

Just looked up the error code: 8001002A :indiff: Oh well, I'll just have to re-do Killzone 2 (not that bad considering I beat it on regular difficulty in 7h 23m ;)) Maybe I'll have a friend do it :dopey:
Since it seems to be a corrupt data error, assuming it is the same issue causing multiple problems, you could start by pulling up their system utility menu (hold the power button down until it beeps three times) and try the options for rebuilding the database and whatnot.

Or you could go through the recoverable data (like installed game data), deleting them one at a time until the backup works. At least then you will know which file was causing the issue. The problem here is that it is possible to delete nearly everything before you find it. So, I would suggest starting with your least commonly used things, like Brain Challenge.