PS3 General Discussion

Solid Lifters
I still say the price will be $499. That's not a bad price for a great game console that plays HD movies, Super Audio CD player and has a hard drive for storing movie, games, songs and pictures from the internet or other sources. PSM's price of $399 seems a little under priced to me. But hey, I'm not complaining.

Yeh I totally agree with that, $499 or £499 thats not too bad of a price considering the technology you get, and seeing that Sonys online stratagy is free its not too bad at all.

Play mag had an interesting price comparison thing in Issue 138, they summed up that to get the 360 upto spec with PS3 you would need to spend around £300 more than just the console.

PS3 = £0 360 = £17
wrong, you can get a av to scart converter for 90p or a full scart cable for £11.99

Wireless controller
PS3 = £0 360 = £32
This is true if you buy an official controller, but buy a third party on and you can save £10

Wirless hookup kit (allows you to use a wirless controller)
PS3 = £0 360 = £15
£13. Really this should have been standard.

WI-FI connector
PS3 = £0 360 = £60
I found a british price on this and its £55, but still this again should have been standard.

Memory card
PS3 = £0 360 = £60
Really this was a boo boo on thier part, the Memory card is only £18, thats a far cry from £60, plus cant you save your games to the HDD?

HD-DVD drive
PS3 = £0 360 = £300+
Personally I don't think that a HD drive will be £300+ but you never know, again tho, MS dropped the ball and it should have been standard.

So they made it out to look like the 360 will eventually cost £506 rarther than £210, which is a massive £296 over the price, they totally messed up tho and im not going into the mistakes, but this dose make a point about the price of the PS3, it is still reasonable at £500. Because you get a bigger HDD, no messing around with extra cables and stuff, plus you dont have to pay to play online unlike the 360, add another £35 a year.
I don't think so, it's only $100 more than the 360 premium, and it comes with Blueray, 1080P, HDMI outputs,well, sound like a good deal to me.
If it's $499 it'll be £399, £399 is still more than $499. If that's what the PS3 comes out at, I'll proably get three or four (I'm not kidding either).
I will not need scart, i will be using HDMI on my 1080i HDTV. :)

Anyway I was reading PSW yesterday, and they said in there next issue they will be showing off the games from E3 on the PS3.

Those games with new screens or the first bunch of screens in the next issue are:

MGS4, Pro Evo 6, RE5, Devil May Cry 4, Killzone - PS3, GTA PS3, HL2 (Yes HL2, most likely on the PS3 next), New NFS

And the PS3 uses Blu-Ray not HD-DVD buddy.
Solid Lifters
PSM magazine has stated they have the price of the PS3 for North America and Europe. The price is $399. Nothing official, but they do have former writers and members of the magazine now working for Sony and other companies that are very close to Sony. They've been wrong before, but they do have a knack of getting some good insider information.

Wait for E3 for anything official, though. Just more "Pre-E3" fireworks, folks.

And, as it turns out, this story is pure crap. Crap started by some XBox wiener at a XBox fan site.

I got this story from a guy who posted it at a different gaming website, who got it from a XBox fanboy web site. If I'd known that, I would have never posted anything on it.

I have the PSM issue in question, and it BRIEFLY lists the "POSSIBILITY" of the PS3 price as $399, which PSM have guesstimated a long time ago.

Ignore this story. It's worthless.

I still think the price of the PS3 will be $499, and it's a bargain at that price. But, cheaper is always better.
The new brothers in arms footage looks great, awesome detail, great effects, and wonderful smoke. Makes me hopeful laides and gentlemen.

Here is some footage of a new title in the works for PS3 (possibly other systems, not sure).

It is called "Darkness" and is a super natural first person shooter created by the same developers who created Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Looks pretty good to me for the most part. Most noteable is the texture work, which is very good on certain environments, and character models.

What looks very poor, however, is the lighting. It needs a lot of work.
yeh con thats looking like a really nice game.

here is the link to E3tv, which will have DVD quality vids of all the stuff at E3 starting on the 1st of May.

I hope it hasnt been posted



I knew someone was listerning to my posts on AI...
LucasArts whips up interest for Dr Jones' next adventure
Words: Matt Cundy

Friday 28 April 2006
LucasArts has announced that its new, still unnamed, Indiana Jones title - slated for release on next-generation consoles - will use fancy-pants artificial intelligence technology that will allow the game's interactive characters - including the daring Dr Jones himself - to act more like "actual human beings without the limitations of traditional animation".

What does this mean exactly? Well, LucasArts is claiming that the 'euphoria behavioural-simulation engine' (ooooh) will allow the action to be simulated rather than scripted, meaning that even when replaying scenarios gamers will never have the same experience twice. LucasArts offered the following example of how this might work in practice:

"Imagine a swaying rope bridge. With euphoria in action, characters visibly attempt to balance themselves, their feet stumbling, their arms flailing, and their hands reaching for security as the unpredictable movements of the bridge threaten to send them plummeting to their doom. Perhaps they all survive. Perhaps they all fall. The use of euphoria means the action isn't scripted - it's simulated - so you'll never be able to predict exactly what will happen."

Sounds pretty neat, huh? LucasArts will be showing off the super smart euphoria engine when it debuts its Indiana Jones game at E3 next month and you can count on us to be there to excavate all the info.
Source: CVG

New PS3 pricing rumours stir up the 'net

Just over 200 quid for Sony's next-gen console? That's what unconfirmed reports are saying, at any rate

Hurray for console pricing rumours, and hurray especially for PS3 pricing rumours! New gossip circulating the 'net is suggesting Sony's next-gen console could hit the UK cheaper than previously thought - at around 222 quid.

Apparently, these latest PS3 price-tag rumours originated in a US PlayStation magazine, grandly stating that the next-gen console will hit States-side for 399 USD in November (which, according to our abacus, works out at around the above mentioned 222 GBP). Obviously it'd never retail for 222 GBP - the 'ending in 9' pricing convention MUST BE OBSERVED - and, of course, it's unlikely we'd get anything near a direct dollar to pound conversion either, but that's cheap godammit. If it's true.

An intriguing rumour to be sure but one that, let's face it, is pretty hard to swallow - especially considering the expected supreme cost of Blu-ray players, which will feature inside the PS3. We'd love it to be true, but let's just wait for E3 where Sony will deliver concrete info on PS3 pricing. Well, it'd better do otherwise we're going to, er, do something bad.


Since Blu-Ray is linked to the PS3, some news I just found.

Source: CNN

iPods may get Sony and Disney movies

Apple angles to get Blu-Ray movies on iPods.

When Apple (Research) signed on to support Sony's controversial Blu-Ray videodisc initiative, it gave the embattled format a boost in the marketplace. But now Steve Jobs' quid pro quo is becoming clear. Rumor has it that he's asking Sony and other studios to include iPod-ready versions of their movies on Blu-Ray releases. Disney, which has worked closely with Apple on video content in the past, is also in the Blu-Ray camp. Persuading Sony (Research) and Disney (Research) to add iPod support would greatly expand Apple's movie library from the one title it sells today, Disney's "High School Musical." Since Blu-Ray discs are much more capacious than DVDs, it shouldn't be a technical problem to store a much smaller iPod version of a movie alongside the full, high-definition version. The Slashfilm movie blog points out that Apple would be giving up revenues it could realize by selling those movies through the iTunes Music Store - but that having more iPod-ready movies available would help Apple sell more of the devices.


HDTV UK talking about CNN's article

Last week it was revealed that Steve Jobs is trying to convince studios to include iPod compatible content on Blu-ray format movie discs. This is intriguing news and especially important for Sony, especially with fresh doubts growing as a result of Blu-ray’s late entrance to the High Def market. Apple has kept itself pretty quiet since its joining the Blu-ray camp in March of 2005, but its huge influence and strong allegiances with both Sony and Disney studios could be just enough to tip the scale back into Blu-ray’s favour.

This development could be subtly hinting at the new, much anticipated iPod (assuming it does actually exist) – presumably it is one sporting an even bigger screen for better movie playback. I am also interested to see how Apple sees the content being transferred to the iPod if it doesn’t rely on having computers – most notably Macs – with BD drives...

Sega Revs Full Auto 2 for PS3

Full Auto is getting a sequel, but it's not coming to the Xbox 360 (where the first Full Auto appeared). Instead, the Sega published car battler's sequel, Full Auto 2: Battlelines, is heading to Sony's PlayStation 3 - exclusively.
Battlelines will feature 25 different cars, 20 different tracks and more than 20 explosive weapons. The single-player campaign will incorporate a multi-branching story path, and the multiplayer will include six different modes. The rewinding Unwreck function returns, allowing players essentially a do-over to try whatever turn it was they botched on the way to destroying their car.

When franchises hop platforms, like the Full Auto franchise hopped from Xbox 360 to PS3, there's always other factors at play - perhaps at next week's E3 conference, we'll be able to dig up why the Psuedo Interactive team moved development to PS3.


with E3 coming, maybe we can put togheter a list of all the best sites to get info and media about the show... 💡 i did saw sprite´s link and started to think that it´s going to be crazy to keep up with all the news next week...
What do you expect, games with thousands of car's and hundereds of track's suddenly poping up all ove the place.

Game's will get bigger in terms of graphics, physics, special effect's, coding etc, the ammount of content won't, in general increase much. With a new console, the content for the first few years, will take longer to make than the content on the last console. There is absolutely no reason to expect game's with hundereds more things to be included in next gen game's, at least not until the second year of the console's life or later. Give it time, and I'm sure game's with more will show up, but certainly not straight away.
Yes, I expect more content. Twenty five cars and 20 tracks are a low amount for today's standard already, even weaker for next gen where you'll have much more storage space and hardware power. I don't expect the next gen to be only about better graphics, I expect it to be better in everything.
but a game like full auto is not really about lots of cars, its about damage, customization... and lets not forget that thing called "downloadable content" that they talk about all the time. for a game like GT5, i think it safe to say that it will come out earlier than we think, but with a small list of cars right of the bat... to get 1000+ looks like we will have to download...
Large amount of content takes longer to make in any generation, I don't expect much extra content in new generations (maybe a little) but improvements in graphics, sound, physics, AI, gameplay etc.

For example 1980's Streetrod for Commodore 64 had more cars in it than NFS for playstation 1 in the mid 90's. If every game must have extra content through every generation then new games would be giant.
Dang fasj6418 you beat me too it, ok Full Auto was a poor game on the 360. It got so many bad reviews and average reviews.
I know its frame rate turned me off as i dont like 24-50 fps jumps in a games that supposed to be next gen. When This peice was delayed with ESIV I lost interest in Xbox 360 all together, well until i can change my mind...
Trailer for Assassin's Creed

Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed for Playstation 3

With the "Prince of Persia" series having already pushed its genre to the edge, Ubisoft today announced the same Montreal studio responsible for POP and Splinter Cell is working on a brand new intellectual property and franchise. "Assassin's Creed," the first in a series of games, will be released exclusively for the Playstation 3 next year and debut at E3 next week.

The official synopsis of the first game in the series is as follows: It is set in 1191 AD, when the Third Crusade was tearing the Holy Land apart. Shrouded in secrecy and feared for their ruthlessness, the Assassins intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict. Players, assuming the role of the main character Altair, will have the power to throw their immediate environment into chaos and to shape events during this pivotal moment in history.

The following teaser trailer gives us a glimpse of what appear to be a combination of Splinter Cell stealth, Prince of Persia moves, a history lesson and wonderful old world visuals. Granted this is all no doubt pre-rendered at this stage but the potential for greatness is certainly there. We'll have more thoughts after the full reveal of "Assassin's Creed" at E3 next week.
source: QJ net (can we trust them?)

Playable PS3s in the Sony Booth on E3

Listed in: News If you think have been dreaming that Sony will simply have a booth in E3 with their PS3s locked in glass cases, well, wake up kid. That's not going to happen.

Thanks to Insomniac Games' announcement, we can sleep peacefully knowing that we could preview games in this highly anticipated console in E3! Insomniac Games' Resistance: Fall of Man, a first person shooter game developed for the PS3, can be played in the Sony booth in E3. The lines will definitely be long, but the PS3 experience might just make you forget about having skipped lunch just to get in line.

So far, we have only heard that Resistance will be played in the Sony booth. Hopefully, they have other PS3 games for us to try. With announcements for Metal Gear Solid 4 as well as other highly anticipated games for the PS3, we hopefully could at least see if this new console is worth every penny in our wallets.

so it ends the suspense wheather the PS3 will be playable or not at E3:)
Source: IGN

Pre-E3 2006: Sonic The Hedgehog
Fast, intense, and spunky, Sonic hits the next-gen running.

At SEGA's pre-E3 event in late April, IGN grabbed its first look at the newest version of Sonic the Hedgehog. It was a good thing too, since Sonic is a tough nut to crack and an easy one to break -- especially following his re-emergence from the rather somber Saturn days to the initially exciting Dreamcast Sonic Adventures revitalization and the mind-numbingly odd Shadow the Hedgehog (a dark version of Sonic with guns). Think about it for a second, after his stunning debut as a 2D furry mascot with an attitude in the Genesis days, Sonic has wavered to and fro in the 3D landscape, an environment that's not his natural habitat, per se. That's why, when we watched the first live, in-game footage of the new Sonic, we knew that SEGA was listening to its critics.

According to SEGA, the key to re-introducing Sonic on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is focusing on the impact of his speed and sense of control from the early Genesis days (and the wild aerial jumps introduced in Sonic Adventures). In its 15-year anniversary, SEGA's new Sonic is one in which crisp high-res visuals, 60 frame-per-second gameplay, and an evolution of the hedgehog's general form.

Sonic is no longer the stubby, kid-like bullet with blue spiky fur. While retaining his general appearance -- smirky smile, giant blue head spikes, and classic white and red outfit, replete with white gloves -- SEGA has grown Sonic into an adult by means of a few simple techniques. The team has basically stretched his legs and arms to relatively human proportions. Thus, Sonic still looks just like always did but now he's about 5'10". In fact, all of the characters we saw, Dr. Robotnik (Eggman) and Sonic's new nemesis, a white hedgehog, retained relatively human-sized heights. The effect is a little alarming at first. Sonic looks like a skinny dude in a mascot suit now, or at least when he's standing still. Once he starts running, it's all different. Even so, you'll need to take second and third glance to get accustomed to his new look.

The hedgehog's new game follows a simple narrative premise. In a pristine kingdom holding a royal family, a certain Princess Elise retains a chaos emerald... and a deep secret. In an inevitable turn of events, Dr. Robotnik learns of the emerald and kidnaps the princess and thus the emerald. Sonic is compelled to retrieve her and the precious stone, of course, but the new rival, basically a cream-colored furry that looks remarkably like Sonic, appears in a following cutscene. Looking down from a towering hill into a village, the mystery animal proclaims, "I've finally found it, the Iblis Trigger." The Iblis Trigger, we're told, is Sonic and this new rival is going to cause him great pain due to vaguely revealed supernatural powers. You'll also be able to play as the new character as a twist.

It's all a little cryptic at this point, honestly, but Sonic,no doubt, has to rescue the princess, fight this new punk hedgehog, defeat Eggman (like always), and set the record straight on who the bad-assiest hedgehog in town really is. We all know it, but in a world of superhero hedgehogs and all-powerful emeralds and techno-savvy fat men, well, things just work a little bit differently. You just have to go with the flow.

It's all a little cryptic at this point, honestly, but Sonic,no doubt, has to rescue the princess, fight this new punk hedgehog, defeat Eggman (like always), and set the record straight on who the bad-assiest hedgehog in town really is. We all know it, but in a world of superhero hedgehogs and all-powerful emeralds and techno-savvy fat men, well, things just work a little bit differently. You just have to go with the flow.

The other type of stage is the town stage, which SEGA hid from us so we would come by its booth at E3. Sneaky! The town stages are apparently open and free-roaming too, giving Sonic the ability to mingle with other characters and explore and do things that heroic blue hedgehogs normally do (I wonder if there are chili dog vendors in this new town..?).

This all leads us to E3. Sonic the Hedgehog (temporary name) looks fast, colorful, and like good arcade-style fun. We're hoping the town stages make an excellent complement to the action levels. We'll soon find out!


as an old sonic fan, i hope they got it right this time...
A 5'10" Sonic?! This... I gotta see. But even if he does look a little funny at first, I expect this to be the ultimate expression in blue attitude. After the huge explosion of glory on the Dreamcast, I have a lot of faith in Sonic Team to deliver the speed and exciting gameplay we crave.

Now... where's the sequel to NiGHTS we've been waiting for like forever??
Tenacious D
A 5'10" Sonic?! This... I gotta see. But even if he does look a little funny at first, I expect this to be the ultimate expression in blue attitude. After the huge explosion of glory on the Dreamcast, I have a lot of faith in Sonic Team to deliver the speed and exciting gameplay we crave.

Now... where's the sequel to NiGHTS we've been waiting for like forever??

i´ve heard somewhere that the sequel to nights would be a wii game...:yuck: only thing i remember is that it was a trusted site, but can´t recall if it was 1up or ign...
Now here's an article that is likely to hit you hard should you believe its claim. Turns out The Inquirer has "a source" that says the chip yield is "horrible" for the Cell. This article, which is small and could easily be mistaken as puny, does nothing to sway this fanboy from still regarding the Cell chip as the "mack daddy." Given this new information, are you still confident in the new chip and its sheer pow-ah?
SOURCES CLAIM that yields of the Cell microprocessor for the Playstation 3 are not good. A process mole tells us that the Cell yields are far enough below par that the amounts of good dies off the test wafers are "horrible".
The problem is that IBM and Sony designed the chip for some very aggressive process technologies that did not materialise in the way the fab boys were expecting. Because of this, we are told Sony is scrambling to get yields up before it has to make them for real, a fast approaching deadline.

Will it get it done? Who knows. Will it be able to make enough to satisfy initial demand? Not a chance. Then again, in consoles, what else is new?µ
Tenacious D
A 5'10" Sonic?! This... I gotta see. But even if he does look a little funny at first, I expect this to be the ultimate expression in blue attitude. After the huge explosion of glory on the Dreamcast, I have a lot of faith in Sonic Team to deliver the speed and exciting gameplay we crave.

Now... where's the sequel to NiGHTS we've been waiting for like forever??
Pics of the Sonic game here.
Not that I'm too interested myself.
Solid Lifters
Now here's an article that is likely to hit you hard should you believe its claim. Turns out The Inquirer has "a source" that says the chip yield is "horrible" for the Cell. This article, which is small and could easily be mistaken as puny, does nothing to sway this fanboy from still regarding the Cell chip as the "mack daddy." Given this new information, are you still confident in the new chip and its sheer pow-ah?
SOURCES CLAIM that yields of the Cell microprocessor for the Playstation 3 are not good. A process mole tells us that the Cell yields are far enough below par that the amounts of good dies off the test wafers are "horrible".
The problem is that IBM and Sony designed the chip for some very aggressive process technologies that did not materialise in the way the fab boys were expecting. Because of this, we are told Sony is scrambling to get yields up before it has to make them for real, a fast approaching deadline.

Will it get it done? Who knows. Will it be able to make enough to satisfy initial demand? Not a chance. Then again, in consoles, what else is new?µ

Why on gods green earth would you post such stupid, incomprehensible nonsense? Is it just in your blood? Every single nook and cranny, every little 5th grade tale you hear about the PS3, you're running here to post it.

FIVE MONTHS AGO IBM...yes...I..B...freaking..M, stated that the Cell processor had the *best* yield of any of it's past processors.

Sorry if I sound like a complete asshole, I am, but seriously, you don't have to post everything you come by, especially since you of all people should know this is bull****.
I don't think you read his post properly, he said it wasn't enough to sway him. Solid isn't anti-PS3 in any way, chill out, relax, take a deep breath, he didn't just insult you, so why insult him. If anything I found the article to be quite funny in how blatantly wrong it was and judging from the first part of that post I'd assume that's what Solid thought as well.
Why on gods green earth would you post such stupid, incomprehensible nonsense? Is it just in your blood? Every single nook and cranny, every little 5th grade tale you hear about the PS3, you're running here to post it.

FIVE MONTHS AGO IBM...yes...I..B...freaking..M, stated that the Cell processor had the *best* yield of any of it's past processors.

Sorry if I sound like a complete asshole, I am, but seriously, you don't have to post everything you come by, especially since you of all people should know this is bull****.

What the hell is the matter with you? I think you've passed 'asshole' way by for 'flippin nuts.'

I found something about the Cell chip, which I think is BS, and posted it here for people to read and decide for themselves what it is. I simply copied and posted.

Stop looking for every opportunity to start a fight with me. I'm not interested.

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