- 245
- Ireland
- Volchelkin
Right. Bio changes done. May need to change my car, as I have a white Buffalo and i'm not sure that'd fit well with the Harriers, but i'm sure I can just change the colour to black.
You're good to go!Hey @Pinkintron do you need to accept changes to an old character? If yes, I made some changes to Brandon, could you check it out?
In another news, was just checking some of the last pages and I'm neighbour to both Doog and Katie. '-'
No problem, adding you now.@Pinkintron add me to LT of Harriers. It suits my character well as he is a very social, person that can deceive anyone and is a natural leader.
Also anyone have any other suggestions for names? I'm not to fond of harriers myself...
From the OP -I'm lost. My character is supposedly is in the racing gang... but all I'm hearing is Ruffians and Harriers gangs. What the news on the street racing gang?
Midnight Club LS
This gang represents the chain and a 9mm pistol. They represent where they have came from, and can often be found street racing. They love to hustle in anyway to earn money - that's their top priority.
I'm lost. My character is supposedly is in the racing gang... but all I'm hearing is Ruffians and Harriers gangs. What the news on the street racing gang?
You're good - this is fine. Thanks!In Character (IC)
Name: Peter Ferrera
Age: 30
Job/Career/Money Source: races for money, legal or not.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Peter grew up in a medium sized house on a large property in the desert with his both parents and 2 brothers.His brothers were older than him which meant they didn't get along very well.He would often be found sitting out on the porch thinking about his future. His dad was a mechanic at the time so peter often got the chance to see lots of cars and learned a lot from his dad. Peter wasn't allowed to work on them since he was too young but he got to watch. His mom was a marine biologist but he didn't go there much because it never interested Peter. As he got older, he was allowed to help his dad more in the shop and slowly saved up money for a car of his own. A black Ruiner. He worked on it for months with the help of his dad. And when it was all done he entered a local race and won. Years later his dad asked him if he wanted to take over the shop. Peter refused and said that he wanted to race instead.
Today, peter live alone in his own private garage where he still has his old Ruiner and some new cars. His dad died of a heart attack and his mom moved away to continue her studies. Peter hasn't heard from his brothers. Apparently one of them is in jail for stealing a store and the other went with his mom to follow the same path.
Peter has joined a street racing gang and raced all over town until one day the gang got busted and shut down by the police. After that he calmed down and stopped racing for awhile.
In the future he plans on joining another street racing group and hopes this time they will be better and not get shut down. Another thing he plans on is keeping his Ruiner working and make it the fastest racing machine on the street. He doesnt plan on getting a proper job until he actually needs it.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He is competitive, sometimes clumsy guy, who doesnt enjoy being rushed and often under estimates himself. He will accept almost any challenge. He's not the kind of person you would expect him too be.
Photograph (If available):
should i fill in the whole sign up? of just new character?
The Ruffians was originally going to be the street racing gang, but the name has now been changed to Midnight Club LS.
I'll re-write Kathi's bio so she is the leader of Midnight Club. Hopefully more people will join it though... I may have to include some side-characters of my own to be members until we recruit people, just to make the RP interesting. As for re-naming the Harriers to be something more classy, @Ishikawa M came up with some good names that sounded rather mafia/mob like that I think would work, here they are;
I quite like Abagahni as a name, but it's up to the current members which name they like. Or, they could come up with another as their own if they wish.![]()
Checklist of people who have created a new character or told me otherwise. To help clear out some of the inactive members, those who don't respond with their new character or tell me they wish to keep their current one by January 10th will be removed from the club. Queue listed members will not be effected. This post will be edited through the next 7 days. Those who have their name crossed through means they have a new character or told me otherwise. This will be posted in the OP for quick access.
Pinkintron (hellraiser-14) - Eric Fletcher
Katiegan - Lori Harwell
Doog (Dooglers8) - Nathan Fletcher
AudiMan2011 (Street-King-07) - Dario McAllister
darren200cook (GTP_Daz) - John Sando
BeAsTPkRIPPER - Chandler Blackson
DBeav12 - Cameron Burnett
FIZIXDriver (FIZIX_Driver) - Paul Fujiwara
GTDriver1230 - Kenton Outway
KingToadstool - Richard Lamar Tyler
Lucas (clonosario) - Luke De Sanctis
MarshalDredd - John White
MichruleJJ - Dan Smith
NumberN9ne (Saarai) - Maria Munroe
PhantomPheoni (SirRealWolf) - Emily Haroway
Irishgamer217 - Ray 'Poison' Malone
Snorevette (sovietmexican) - Maximilian Peter Rockston
StancedOut(7) - Esteban Rodriguez Perea
Terrific(Terrific-Hunter) - Florian Crawford
thenew (freandchar) - Dom
Volchelkin - David Foley
C seems likely with Max's current situation - there's a few ways which he can get into said situation:I'm a little confused about the current situation but from what it sounds like I think I should make a new bio. I love Max but it honestly doesn't sound like he he would get involved in all this gang warfare apart from A. secretly being a drug lord, which would be pretty boring, B. being a complete wildcard with access to mercenaries and military hardware, which would just be ridiculously OP or C. being a target for murder/kidnapping.
C seems likely with Max's current situation - there's a few ways which he can get into said situation:
1. Being insanely rich the gangs could easily want him purely for money. (might be a tad boring but you could probably extend this)
2. The gangs may want something with Rockston Technologies and may possibly try pressuring Max to create something useful for the gangs.
If not, try creating a story for Max. Is there something in his past, which he doesn't talk about, that is worth giving him an interesting story that would somehow get him involved in the gangs? Could the companies be sabotaged by a gang? There's likely lots more possibilities but I need to think harder about it.
Yup. Brotherhood of Corruption.@Pinkintron We decided to change the name from harriers to brother hood of corruption.
I talked to the members of the gang to come up with this.
if you host a event on a friday or saturday,i can join 100% thats no prob for me,but i cant on school days since school begon againWell damn. That's a solid 11 hour difference between you and I. It'll pretty damn impossible to plan an event with that time with me or heck - Americans in general. Maybe some members from the UK can host some events for you fancy Europeans.![]()
That fine - adding you to the gang now - sad thing is, you and Doog no longer have the same car!I updated Kathi's bio and changed her background a bit. I made it so she founded the Midnight Club, if that's alright? She's also aged a bit (29 now instead of 21) and has a Gauntlet instead of an Oracle.
Generally, yes. Maybe not jobs because that effects the lobbies and it would make me have to invite everyone again, but yes on the crate drops, gang attacks, and armored trucks.Would these gangs do the Crate drop jobs, Gang Attacks, Armored Trucks, and other free mode jobs randomly appearing? Also would the gangs do the Jobs given by the contacts?
I have not set up a biker gang, no. Would be interested to have one, but the idea of having 3 or more gangs sounds simply too busy.I don't know. Max was designed around being rich but I have no idea if I'm going to be rich anymore when I switch GTA V on today.
I also kinda want to be a part of one of the gangs... are any of them biker gangs? That way I can have a use for my Bagger.
Gotcha. Changing it now.@Pinkintron We decided to change the name from harriers to brother hood of corruption.
I talked to the members of the gang to come up with this.
Normally I wouldn't accept this because of the shortness of your character's Bio, but since you seem to already care about the club's affairs and seem devoted, accepted. You'll be added to the queue list, however.Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Kubilay Sahin
Role Play experience:I've been roleplaying in GTA:SA , on Heavy RP servers such as LS RP , RC RP.
In Character (IC)
Name:Sean Clarke
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Dealing/ /Not rich,just a broke nxgga trynna earn money.
Bio:He saw his father getting killed in front of his eyes,execution on an alley,his life was never the same,he swears revenge on the killer.He deals drugs (Crack,Weed,Cocaine very often)to get the money to rise in power.He once robbed a store in LS,he was 17 years old when he did that.Every balla has respect for him,He has respect for all the ballas.He hates LSV(LS Vagos) and Chamberlain famillies(old GSF).He takes things too seriously sometimes.He has much problems with the LSPD,went in jail for 2 years when he was 15 years old ,the reason was because of dealing cocaine,a friend snitch'd him,thats how he got caught,and doesnt trust people too fast.He can be found in Davis,Grove Street,mostly with a BMX and a Basebal bat.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):He gets angry very fast.If you annoy him,he will react very angry.
Photograph (If available):![]()
I think we should wait.Edit: Would anyone want an event right now? Or would you rather just wait until the 10th when the character deadline is?