[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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I was going to join this, but I'm having problems with my internet connection, so I won't be able to take part. Which is a shame, because I had a great idea for a character's backstory: a law student whose career was ruined when his father - a councillor in Blaine County - was exposed as corrupt in the Paleto Bay heist from the main storyline. The only job he could get would have been serving subpoenas on behalf of a shady defence attorney, which basically amounted to witness intimidation for Martin Madrazo.

Since I am out before I was ever in, you can feel free to use that backstory if you wish.
I think the 1st option would be best. I really like Kenton and Kane. And having a restart can work at a few kinks you may have had at the start, so I'd go with that myself.
That would have been one of my first choices as well.
So without further ado, I'm announcing that I will retain both Kenton and Kane but their stories will be "restarted". Of course, there will be minor revisions throughout taking account of the recent changes.
Also the beginning of both character's stories will be revised for the restart - previously it just felt like they were dumped in and there was no beginning to their story.
Name: Oswald Leigh
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: Lives off his disappeared parents inheritance.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Oswald was born Aaron Leigh on May 30th 1986 to Matthew and Alicia Leigh, in Los Santos. Growing up in Paleto Bay, Oswald developed a strong fondness towards the ocean, thanks to his father's interest in ships and boats. Aboard the deck of the Ifantus, the family ship, Oswald took his first steps.

Despite belonging to the upper class of Los Santos, his family refused to move to the Vinewood Hills. Strange for a boy from his social status, Oswald was reputedly a friendly kid at school, particularly with the middle class students. A good student with fantastic grades, Oswald was usually picked as both Student of the Year by teachers and Classmate of the Year by fellow students. In 1992, his brother Joshua was born. Unlike Oswald, Joshua had average grades, and wasn't as much of an angel as Oswald was. Still, following the advice from his older brother, Joshua started to improve his behavior and his dedication to study.

Everything was going well for the Leigh family. They had money, health, two wonderful children and two loving and caring parents. Everything was going well... until one day, 13-year old Aaron Leigh arrived at his house, only to find his parents and brother missing. Aaron Leigh waited three consecutive days for his parents and his 7-year old brother. They never returned. Nobody noticed their disappearance, as Matthew was on vacations from work, and Alicia barely left her house, unless she was with her husband. It was Aaron's school teacher who called the cops after noticing his favorite student missed class for four consecutive days, with no explanation whatsoever from his parents, and with nobody picking up the phone at his house.

When the police entered the house, little Aaron was weakened from not eating or drinking anything in the past days. An investigation was ordered to find the three missing Leigh family members. A witness near Paleto Bay said he had seen their ship sail south the supposed day of their disappearance, just hours before Aaron returned from schoo. Of course, the ship never returned. One week later, the wrecked remains of Ifantus were found west of Fort Zancudo. No bodies were found inside the ship or in the vicinities of the wreckage.

Aaron Leigh thus became famous during his teenage years after the disappearance of his parents, Oscar and Matilda Leigh, in 1999, and the subsequent finding of the Ifantus wreck, near the bay of Fort Zancudo. The media drew comparisons between his family's disappearance and the disappearance of 8 Los Santos citizens that same year, believed to be perpetrated by Sandy Shores' resident Merle Abrahams, otherwise known as the Infinity Killer by the press. No proof whatsoever was found that connected the Leigh's disappearance to Abrahams' presumed murders.

After his family's disappearance, Aaron Leigh had his name changed to Oswald Leigh, hoping to keep the media away from him. Oswald returned to school one year after his family's disappearance, after intensive psychiatric care. His grades, but most importantly, his friendliness with other human beings, never returned. Leigh came back to the spotlight in 2003, after he attempted to murder Merle Abrahams during the Infinity Trials in Sandy Shores, using a crowbar hidden under his coat as a deadly weapon. Oswald was tried as an adult and pleaded guilty for first-degree attempted murder, and was sentenced to 10 years in the Bolingbroke Penitentiary, the same prison where Merle Abrahams was held in.

In 2006, Matthew, Alicia and Joshua Leigh were declared legally dead, seven years after their disappearance. Oswald Leigh as yet to visit their grave. Two years earlier, Merle Abrahams died in his prison cell after slicing his own throat. On January 4th, 2014, after completing his term at the Bolingbroke Penitentiary, Oswald Leigh was released from prison. He has inherited his parents' wealth, and asked for a red Vapid Peyote to be delivered to the prison upon leaving. Consider yourself warned.


Losing your family at 13 can be a harsh thing to deal with. Trying to murder someone who you don't even know if he's guilty of their disappearance may be the first signs of going crazy. 10 years at the Bolingbroke Penitentiary turn any kid into a tough man. They may as well turn a crazy, yet still innocent kid, into a fully fledged psychopath. This is a man who will not think twice, if you are looking at him the wrong way, to bash your skull in with his fists. Or in the worst of cases, his crowbar, which he calls "Justice". Highly aggressive, extremely dangerous, 100% charming. Only one known weakness: he is afraid of the water now.

When asked if he would visit his parents' grave after leaving prison, Leigh answered "I think I will visit Abrahams' first."


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As a reserve and only just posted my character do I have to create a new backstory? Or can I just keep the one I submitted with.
As a reserve and only just posted my character do I have to create a new backstory? Or can I just keep the one I submitted with.
You can just use the one you already made, since you haven't even been to an event yet :). I was going to say Lucas doesn't have to make another character either since he's so new, but guess I'm a bit late.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Kubilay Sahin
Role Play experience:I've been roleplaying in GTA:SA , on Heavy RP servers such as LS RP , RC RP.
In Character (IC)

Sean Clarke
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Dealing/ /Not rich,just a broke nxgga trynna earn money.
Bio:He saw his father getting killed in front of his eyes,execution on an alley,his life was never the same,he swears revenge on the killer.He deals drugs (Crack,Weed,Cocaine very often)to get the money to rise in power.He once robbed a store in LS,he was 17 years old when he did that.Every balla has respect for him,He has respect for all the ballas.He hates LSV(LS Vagos) and Chamberlain famillies(old GSF).He takes things too seriously sometimes.He has much problems with the LSPD,went in jail for 2 years when he was 15 years old ,the reason was because of dealing cocaine,a friend snitch'd him,thats how he got caught,and doesnt trust people too fast.He can be found in Davis,Grove Street,mostly with a BMX and a Basebal bat.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):He gets angry very fast.If you annoy him,he will react very angry.
Photograph (If available):
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So, i'm guessing since we're going to RP we've been in a gang for a while, some of us can just already be good friends with eachother if we've talked with the other person?
So, i'm guessing since we're going to RP we've been in a gang for a while, some of us can just already be good friends with eachother if we've talked with the other person?

That's how I imagine it will go. After all, that's what we set the gangs up for - so characters already knew each other. :P
That's how I imagine it will go. After all, that's what we set the gangs up for - so characters already knew each other. :P
So, if we created the gangs so characters would already know eachother.... then we don't need different gangs! We could just put everyone in the same gang and call it the Friendship Gang! Right, guys?
So, if we created the gangs so characters would already know eachother.... then we don't need different gangs! We could just put everyone in the same gang and call it the Friendship Gang! Right, guys?

But then everyone would be friends and there wouldn't be any epic gang fights. Where's the fun in that? :lol:
But then everyone would be friends and there wouldn't be any epic gang fights. Where's the fun in that? :lol:
Hmm. I wonder how the gang fights will go. I imagine they'll go like a cutscene in every game ever.
"That sniper's gonna shoot you!"
"No, it won't! Behold! My invisible plot armour!"
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I might not ever get involved in GTA RPing, but have you guys ever considered street racing gangs, instead of the typical violent gangs like the Ballas and the Families?
I might not ever get involved in GTA RPing, but have you guys ever considered street racing gangs, instead of the typical violent gangs like the Ballas and the Families?
That's exactly what we're doing, actually.
I might not ever get involved in GTA RPing, but have you guys ever considered street racing gangs, instead of the typical violent gangs like the Ballas and the Families?

Yes, we have. :P

Upon staring blankly at my TV screen, listening to a strangely sped-up version of Living Days - Little White Lie on Radio Mirror Park while sat in my Oracle in Horny's car park, I've come up with an idea for the gangs.

This was inspired by @Volchelkin's new character and my new character (I'll post her bio once I've developed it a bit more). How about street racing gangs? Or, at least, a criminal drug-dealer gang that also takes part in street racing? These gangs need a name and a leader (the best name I can come up with right now is Los Santos Speedhunters for one of them but that's terrible :lol:), so I suppose two people could create a character to be the leader of a gang? Of course, for those of you who want criminal characters but don't want to take part in street racing can create a non-street racing gang, and the two gangs can fight over drugs and territory and all that jazz. I would offer to be the leader of a gang, but my character is young and the plan was that she would be the 'new recruit' of one of them after meeting a current member somewhere. Sound good?
Here's how the gang layout is going down.

LS Ruffians (or another name here, ideas are welcome)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

LS Harriers (or another name here, ideas are welcome)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

There will also be two more sections listed in the OP along with these, such as "Not Affiliated" (has nothing to do with both gangs) and "Affiliated" (not members of either gang but related to them in some way). I also do not wish to use in-game gangs such as the Ballas because I know sometimes they can get in the way and they have no effect with the others when it comes to raids or whatever else.

Credit goes to @Katiegan
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Kubilay Sahin
Role Play experience:I've been roleplaying in GTA:SA , on Heavy RP servers such as LS RP , RC RP.
In Character (IC)

Sean Clarke
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Dealing/ /Not rich,just a broke nxgga trynna earn money.
Bio:He saw his father getting killed in front of his eyes,execution on an alley,his life was never the same,he swears revenge on the killer.He deals drugs (Crack,Weed,Cocaine very often)to get the money to rise in power.He once robbed a store in LS,he was 17 years old when he did that.Every balla has respect for him,He has respect for all the ballas.He hates LSV(LS Vagos) and Chamberlain famillies(old GSF).He takes things too seriously sometimes.He has much problems with the LSPD,went in jail for 2 years when he was 15 years old ,the reason was because of dealing cocaine,a friend snitch'd him,thats how he got caught,and doesnt trust people too fast.He can be found in Davis,Grove Street,mostly with a BMX and a Basebal bat.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):He gets angry very fast.If you annoy him,he will react very angry.
Photograph (If available):
Interesting, but I'd like more detail on his past. Maybe explain why his dad was killed.
My sleep schedule has had me all kinds of messed up, but I'll be trying to get back into the swing of things. Really want to involve Maria in some stuff.
Interesting, but I'd like more detail on his past. Maybe explain why his dad was killed.
He got killed by a GSF Member back in 95' because of drive by's on Grove street fam members,fights ect...
(btw what year are we rping in ?)
In Character (IC)

Name: Dan Smith
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Small time mechanic. Just got into the business. Makes decent money, enough for him to get by but for his long term goals its not good enough.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Grew up in the average middle class family. No family problems during his young age. Grew up with a passion for football. This was because of his dad who also loved football and was a coach a the local high school. He was a QB. He loved the responsibility and leadership of that position. Always had to be in charge or he would get agitated. This can lead to future problems as it still affects him today. One of his key reasons of wanting to do football was that he was good enough to go pro and become rich off it. that was and still is his lifelong goal is to become rich and prosper. He is willing to do anything to achieve this goal. He was destined to be a NFL QB.

Throughout middle school and high school he kept a solid 3.5 GPA and became amazing at football. He was offered many scholarships to play football, he decided to go with the scholarship he was offered at B.Y.U. It was a full ride. He did good throughout college, being able to balance out his social life and school life. He is a very friendly person but is very manipulative. Can deceive people without them ever knowing. Was popular throughout college as he was the starting QB for them. Never got in any trouble, well never got caught at least, he always escaped every bad situation. His football career there was outstanding breaking school records for total TD as a QB and most YDs by a QB for a season and career at B.Y.U. He was destined to be a first round draft pick. He was the #1 QB entering the draft. His senior season he was selected to play in the East West bowl for his final game. He wanted to win this game more than any other game because he wanted to end his college career on a win. But then it all changed... It was the 3rd quarter West up by 2 TD's and they had the ball. He was in, and had the ball on their 40. It was a simple pass play, he snaps it, drops back and sees that no one is open. He sees a gap in the defense right down the middle, it was 3rd down and they needed 7 Yds, he takes off running up the middle and get the 7 Yds but breaks free. One defender to beat, the safety. He tries to juke around the safety but it doesn't work, the safety wraps him up but does not bring him down. He then tries to get a few more yards but then a LB comes full speed and hits him as he's going down. Right into the top of his shoulder. It was the hardest hit Dan ever had, he dislocated his shoulder, and shredded his labrum. It was in his passing arm. He career was ended with that one hit.

Ever since that day he has not been the same, people say he acts different now. Its like he almost gave up on life. It was his all time low, well for now at least. 3 weeks after that happened both his parents were killed in a taxi on the way to his surgery. Another driver crossed the center median and hit them head on and killed his parents. He wakes up from his surgery and thats the first news here hears. He instantly leaves the hospital and takes off. Not knowing where he is going but he just leaves.

He find a city called Los Santos, finds a car shop that needs an extra hand (Los Santos 4x4, I have LS4x4 as my crew and a shirt with that logo so thats his work shirt). With his previous knowledge of working on cars with his dad, he takes the job. He has been there for roughly a year makes decent money, moved up in the career but its not what he wants. He wants to be rich, achieve his life long dream that his dad always said he would achieve. He is at the point where he doesn't care what he has to do but he is willing to do whatever it takes. He lives in an average house with an average car (Will update later). He is very athletic and likes spending a lot of time with friends and at parties. You can always find him doing something, he isn't the the kind of person just to sit there. He is an avid golfer, as that is one of the few sports he can still do with his shoulder. He is very social so he is always with other people. He likes the city life so you can always find him in the city doing something. And is naturally friendly, but is kind of shady. Doesn't release lot of his background to you unless he really trusts you.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Keeps to himself about personal stuff, but is very social. He can deceive you very easily. He has to be in charge in what he does. He would make a great boss but would not be a good muscle guy as he will always do what he thinks is best not what others tell him. And is very independent.
Photograph (If available): Not yet...
Are the backstories of these gangs going to be listed later, or is it just pick the name you like?
Well, I never really thought of a backstory. However, I'd like to have one that's really just a /street/ gang and one that's more sophisticated.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Job/Career/Money Source:
Not rich,just a broke nxgga trynna earn money.
Uh, what? nxgga?

Hey,when is the next RP event gonna start? :P
I would love to have one today - we're pretty much ready to have a small one, but the gang issue is still being sorted out.
Well, I never really thought of a backstory. However, I'd like to have one that's really just a /street/ gang and one that's more sophisticated.
Cool. If we're judging by the names, i'd go for the LS Harriers as the more sophisticated ones. Also, i'm guessing even though there'd be one gang more sophisticated than the other, they'd still be balanced. For instance, the LS Harriers would be really strategic, but the LS Ruffians would have more firepower.

EDIT: I'd like to be the Commissioner of the sophisticated gang if that's how it'll work.
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What about the LS Brotherhood as the more sophisticated gang? Like the small brotherhood but is really smart and tactile about their approach. Anyone else like the Brotherhood?

And I can become LT for sophisticated gang under Volchelkin. As I have a mic (If thats even needed) and would fit my character really well. As he is smart but likes to be in charge and not a fan of taking orders.
Question: If I'm just strolling along and get gunned down by a player, is my character "officially" dead and I have to create a new character? Or, not at all?
Question: If I'm just strolling along and get gunned down by a player, is my character "officially" dead and I have to create a new character? Or, not at all?

If the player just randomly kills you, then your character won't be dead in the RP, and whichever player randomly killed you will most likely be banned or given a slap on the wrist. If, however, the shooting was part of the RP, then yes, your character will be officially dead and you'll have to make a new one. Although, the shooting would have to be realistic, and not '*rolls down window and shoots Dan* "lelel u ded" *speeds off*'.

I think. :P

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