[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
I mean a new backstory. Again, I do not want to make everyone make a new GTA V character - that might be asking a lot or not, I don't know. It seems like a lot of work for me, and since I have my own character and my brother has his, I can't really make another one, so I'm going to stick with the one I've been using.

Awesome. Will get my idea going later on.
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Mitchell

Age: 15

PSN: Gauthier_123- (And no im not the same person as that guy "OfficerDino". We just have the same username. Dont ask me how but we do)

Role Play experience:GTA V, GTA IV, Red Dead, MidnightClub LA, Minecraft, Euro Truck Sim 2

In Character (IC)


Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: He does whatever is nessicary to get money. Wether it be drug dealing, repo-ing cars, selling hot weapons

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Tyrese grew up on Grove Street so he knows his way around the hood. He was involved in gang activity before he was 10. If anyboby can convince the gang to do something its him. He likes the gang, always has, always will. No matter how many times he's been in prison (4) he still continues to do it.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Tyrese can go through multiple feeling at the same time.

Photograph (If available): N/A

I like chicken nuggets
I kind of just figured to leave the characters how they look, and just use the same avatar - but a different back story and name and whatever else. I don't want to make everyone to create an entirely new male/female in game, but just change the back story on the one they have been using to start off with a clean slate.

I mean a new backstory. Again, I do not want to make everyone make a new GTA V character - that might be asking a lot or not, I don't know. It seems like a lot of work for me, and since I have my own character and my brother has his, I can't really make another one, so I'm going to stick with the one I've been using.

At least this saves the trouble of creating a whole new character. Expect my new character application quite soon
Another idea if pink wants to do it. Have rival gangs, the stereotypical rivalry you get from two gangs. But instead of a third gang have the police force or DEA for players that want to have a good character that does good things and tries to shut down the gang. This can lead to gangs having people getting into the police as an insider. This adds a whole new insight to the gangs cause now you have to hide your activities.

Just my .02

And pink if need any help coming up with gangs or just a 2nd input let me know and we can talk. I'm willing to help.
Another idea if pink wants to do it. Have rival gangs, the stereotypical rivalry you get from two gangs. But instead of a third gang have the police force or DEA for players that want to have a good character that does good things and tries to shut down the gang. This can lead to gangs having people getting into the police as an insider. This adds a whole new insight to the gangs cause now you have to hide your activities.

Just my .02

And pink if need any help coming up with gangs or just a 2nd input let me know and we can talk. I'm willing to help.

Sounds fun. I wanna be in a gang if i made it in
Upon staring blankly at my TV screen, listening to a strangely sped-up version of Living Days - Little White Lie on Radio Mirror Park while sat in my Oracle in Horny's car park, I've come up with an idea for the gangs.

This was inspired by @Volchelkin's new character and my new character (I'll post her bio once I've developed it a bit more). How about street racing gangs? Or, at least, a criminal drug-dealer gang that also takes part in street racing? These gangs need a name and a leader (the best name I can come up with right now is Los Santos Speedhunters for one of them but that's terrible :lol:), so I suppose two people could create a character to be the leader of a gang? Of course, for those of you who want criminal characters but don't want to take part in street racing can create a non-street racing gang, and the two gangs can fight over drugs and territory and all that jazz. I would offer to be the leader of a gang, but my character is young and the plan was that she would be the 'new recruit' of one of them after meeting a current member somewhere. Sound good?
Upon staring blankly at my TV screen, listening to a strangely sped-up version of Living Days - Little White Lie on Radio Mirror Park while sat in my Oracle in Horny's car park, I've come up with an idea for the gangs.

This was inspired by @Volchelkin's new character and my new character (I'll post her bio once I've developed it a bit more). How about street racing gangs? Or, at least, a criminal drug-dealer gang that also takes part in street racing? These gangs need a name and a leader (the best name I can come up with right now is Los Santos Speedhunters for one of them but that's terrible :lol:), so I suppose two people could create a character to be the leader of a gang? Of course, for those of you who want criminal characters but don't want to take part in street racing can create a non-street racing gang, and the two gangs can fight over drugs and territory and all that jazz. I would offer to be the leader of a gang, but my character is young and the plan was that she would be the 'new recruit' of one of them after meeting a current member somewhere. Sound good?

Street racing gangs seem like a good idea. For my character (I will post bio tomorrow), he will remain resoundingly Scottish, but will come from a drug-running background, having moved from Blaine County to Los Santos, and will have been in said street racing gang for quite some time.
So, when'll we create the gangs?
We'll probably create gang(s) when everyone has created their new character. And actually, where your new character lives, I think you stole the house that I was going to plan on living at :lol:. There's one just as good next to it though, I could use that one.

Hmm. I'm guessing at this rate most people will have a new character. If this is the case, carrying on with both Kenton and Kane's stories will be tricky as some (if not most) of the relations will be gone, especially if Esteban won't be used anymore to rival Kenton.

I've got several choices:

  1. Keep the two characters but "restart" the story. Many things I had planned hadn't quite materialised but there will be minor revisions (taking account of the changes) to freshen the characters up. I also enjoy RPing as Kenton too much :lol:
  2. Carry on with the two character's stories and see how it pans out, at the expense of some lost relations from before
  3. Kill off one or both characters and start a new character. However, the stories of each character aren't at the point of being killed off yet plus it might take a while for me to think up of a new character that is completely different.
  4. Completely start with new characters without finishing the stories of the existing characters.
However, this new idea with the gangs will be useful to me. Should I retain my two characters, I can revise Kane's beginning: Kane was forced into the criminal world on arrival but that didn't actually happen in the RP, only the "events" before. I can also do something for Kenton too.
I think the 1st option would be best. I really like Kenton and Kane. And having a restart can work at a few kinks you may have had at the start, so I'd go with that myself.

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Mitchell

Age: 15

PSN: Gauthier_123- (And no im not the same person as that guy "OfficerDino". We just have the same username. Dont ask me how but we do)

Role Play experience:GTA V, GTA IV, Red Dead, MidnightClub LA, Minecraft, Euro Truck Sim 2

In Character (IC)


Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source: He does whatever is nessicary to get money. Wether it be drug dealing, repo-ing cars, selling hot weapons

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Tyrese grew up on Grove Street so he knows his way around the hood. He was involved in gang activity before he was 10. If anyboby can convince the gang to do something its him. He likes the gang, always has, always will. No matter how many times he's been in prison (4) he still continues to do it.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Tyrese can go through multiple feeling at the same time.

Photograph (If available): N/A

I like chicken nuggets
I don't know why you mentioned OfficerDino. Did you really go through all the pages of the RP and find his application and ban posts? I now have a feeling that you are OfficerDino that used "Gauthier_123" and just added a hyphen.
EDIT: You didn't add a hyphen. It's the exact PSN account. And seeing as how you (OfficerDino) was last active on that account yesterday, no doubt you are the same person. Get out.

Another idea if pink wants to do it. Have rival gangs, the stereotypical rivalry you get from two gangs. But instead of a third gang have the police force or DEA for players that want to have a good character that does good things and tries to shut down the gang. This can lead to gangs having people getting into the police as an insider. This adds a whole new insight to the gangs cause now you have to hide your activities.

Just my .02

And pink if need any help coming up with gangs or just a 2nd input let me know and we can talk. I'm willing to help.
That sounds good. I'd actually love help with creating a gang or two - I don't want to do it all myself, because it's a lot of work and I don't want to force everyone to use a gang that I came up with even if they do not like an idea or part in the gang. I'd like everyone to pitch in to make this gang or gangs likable for everyone.

Is there an event on today? I'm guessing so since the OP says the 3rd of December but, i'm sure that's a mistake.
Oh, yes, that is a mistake. But I really want to get everyone's character made up first and start at the same time before we have another event.

Upon staring blankly at my TV screen, listening to a strangely sped-up version of Living Days - Little White Lie on Radio Mirror Park while sat in my Oracle in Horny's car park, I've come up with an idea for the gangs.

This was inspired by @Volchelkin's new character and my new character (I'll post her bio once I've developed it a bit more). How about street racing gangs? Or, at least, a criminal drug-dealer gang that also takes part in street racing? These gangs need a name and a leader (the best name I can come up with right now is Los Santos Speedhunters for one of them but that's terrible :lol:), so I suppose two people could create a character to be the leader of a gang? Of course, for those of you who want criminal characters but don't want to take part in street racing can create a non-street racing gang, and the two gangs can fight over drugs and territory and all that jazz. I would offer to be the leader of a gang, but my character is young and the plan was that she would be the 'new recruit' of one of them after meeting a current member somewhere. Sound good?
Sounds great. I do like the idea of a street racing gang - And like you said, there has to be something to have conflict between the gangs, such as selling drugs in the wrong turf or dealing guns to whomever that effects the business of the other gang. I really wouldn't like to be a leader of a gang, so that's up for grabs. Any names that can be thrown out there will be greatly appreciated as well. Go forth, Los Santos Speedhunters :lol:.
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As a reserve, and just wanting a kill-free zone to "play sims" am I obligated to create a new character? I like me. :)
I really wouldn't like to be a leader of a gang, so that's up for grabs. Any names that can be thrown out there will be greatly appreciated as well. Go forth, Los Santos Speedhunters :lol:.
Hmm. I think i'd rather not be the leader of a street racing gang. But if anyone needs a right-hand man, i'm your guy :P
I really wouldn't like to be a leader of a gang, so that's up for grabs. Any names that can be thrown out there will be greatly appreciated as well. Go forth, Los Santos Speedhunters :lol:.

I would not like to be the leader of the street racing gang either.
Name: Brian Hendrickson
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Currently living off the money earned from selling the family estate and cars. Is trying to find work.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Brian was born to Stephen and Rochelle Hendrickson in Prickle Pine, Las Venturas. He had an older brother, Michael, and was soon joined by a younger sister, Nicole. Stephen Hendrickson was a modestly successful criminal lawyer who took the recommendation from a client to move to the Liberty City area for higher-paying work. The client was right, and soon after the family settled in Suffolk, Stephen was introduced to a man who needed assistance with some legal troubles. The man had a court date looming if the distance, and his lawyer had suddenly disappeared. Stephen was fairly skilled at finding loopholes in the legal system and managed to win the case for the man.

The man turned out to be an affiliate of the Ancelotti crime family, based nearby in Little Italy, and told his associates of Stephen's expertise in the legal field. A consequence of being one of the five main crime families of Liberty City, the Ancelottis needed regular 'legal help'. The family saw Stephen as an asset; without him, several of their most valued affiliates would be in prison, and their economic stronghold over southern Algonquin would be weakened severely. Stephen's income and client base grew, and the family moved to a nicer apartment closer to Little Italy.

Brian himself was a decent kid. He got good grades, generally stayed out of trouble, and he was rather observant. He'd watch Ancelotti men come in and out of their apartment, each time asking to see Stephen in his office. Through this firsthand exposure, Brian began to learn a lot about how the mob worked. Michael wasn't around much, always occupied by school sports or friends. Nicole was usually out as well, she preferred friends to hanging out with cigar-smelling men at the house. Rochelle kept busy by entertaining clients, visiting friends or exploring the city.

Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks was when Stephen decided to move the family back west. The Ancelottis' power over Algonquin was waning, leaving less work to keep Stephen busy. He'd amassed a fair amount of money to afford a privileged lifestyle for his family, and took a loan from the Ancelottis to move to an impressive estate in the Vinewood Hills. The family adjusted well to life on the west coast, work was steady-ish, and the lifestyle choices were becoming increasingly extravagant.

Unfortunately for the Ancelottis, Stephen grew to have expensive taste. The family went on trips to exotic places thousands of miles away regularly, the family's cars were replaced on a yearly basis, and debt went through the roof. It was on one of these exotic trips, a vehicular excursion through the Sahara Desert in Africa, where Brian realized he had an interest in cars. He grew to enjoy the sensations of riding in the back of an open-top SUV across a desert, taking in the scenery and the nearby wildlife. Soon after returning from the trip, Brian told Stephen how he enjoyed offroading in the desert, and found a new Gallivanter in the driveway for himself, despite the fact that he was fourteen at the time.

Brian graduated from high school with a respectable GPA and attended the nearby university in Richman with Michael, who had been accepted to the school on a football scholarship. Brian majored in automotive mechanics initially, but decided to pursue economics and business after one semester.

Soon after beginning economics, Brian noticed that the mood at home had changed. His parents had more and more finance-related arguments, and for the first time in years, the family cars were not replaced after a year. He started noticing some old faces at the house: Ancelottis. This time, however, the relationship was not the same. There were more arguments, Stephen began staying out late, and Rochelle filed for divorce.

It was one Friday night when Brian noticed smoke rolling over the Vinewood Hills as he drove home from school. To his surprise, the smoke was coming from his own home. Flames were erupting from the driveway as Brian stopped short in the road. The remains of a Feltzer were warping and disintegrating in the fire. The fire department arrived soon after to suppress the fire before anything else of importance was harmed, but the damage was done. The police hung out at the house for several days, taking interviews, looking at the evidence and going through files. What was certain was that Stephen and Rochelle were in the car at the time of the fire, about to head to a marriage counselor. The police came to the conclusion that some sort of ignition bomb has been placed on the car, causing an explosion as soon as it was triggered.

None of the kids showed much emotion towards the deaths other than the initial shock. Leading up to their demise, their parents had grown distant and bitter towards one another, and none of the kids wanted to be around that. After seeing no attempts from his siblings to tie up the loose ends, Brian took the situation into his own hands and started selling things. First he sold the extra cars, only keeping Stephen's Oracle- which had been paid off, for himself, as well as a Baller for Nicole and a Schafter for Michael. Neither objected. What did cause disagreement was when it came time to find a new house. Brian insisted that they move to a new development in Mirror Park, which despite being far from the university for Nicole, was cheap enough compared to the houses in Vespucci Canals that Michael wanted, as well as the houses in Rockford Hills that Nicole pined for to negate any extra fuel costs.

After convincing his siblings how much extra money would be available, both begrudgingly obliged, and the estate in Vinewood was sold for enough cash to pay off the loan from the Ancelottis. Brian has not heard back from them since, and has assumed the money settled their animosity. A deal has been closed on a house in Mirror Park, and almost all of the furniture that hadn't been sold has been moved.

Personality: Brian is fairly laid-back, but responsible. He considers himself the head of the household, and looks out for his younger sister's safety. He makes sure Michael stays away from the 'roids, and that the bills are paid. When not managing his siblings, he's approachable and doesn't mind a good conversation, especially if it's about cars. He doesn't get angry often, but when he does, it can get scary.

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EDIT: Holy macaroni and cheese, me and Doog posted at the same time and we're next door neighbours.

Here's my new character.

Name: Kathi Stanley
Age: 29
Job/Career/Money Source: Head Honcho of the street racing gang 'Midnight Club LS'
Bio: Life wasn't always fast cars and guns for Kathi. She was born to Marie Stanley and Robert Fitts in the small town of Paleto Bay in northern San Andreas, as Kathi Fitts. She had an older brother Erick who was 3 at the time of her birth, and 4 years later her younger sister Brooke arrived on the scene. Robert was a truck driver for the nearby Cluckin' Bell factory, and Marie was a housewife. Home life wasn't the best, and Kathi never got along with her father, and he never got along with her mother. Whenever Robert was home from trucking, he would argue and fight with Marie, often in front of the 3 children, resulting in little Erick having to take his little sisters down to the sea front to take them away from the fighting. It was these frequent trips to the bay that sparked Kathi's interest in cars and racing. The local off-road clubs would meet up at the beach in their trucks and ATVs and race along the coast line, tearing up the sands and speeding past the young children at high speed. Kathi would watch the racers work on their vehicles, and often popped over to their service bays and asked questions. The off-roaders enjoyed Kathi's company and taught her how the engines worked and how to make them faster, and even let her ride shotgun on their practice runs. However, when Kathi was 10, the fights between her parents became too much for Marie, and she took her 3 children and boarded the next train out of Paleto Bay, as well as changing their surnames to Stanley.

Marie had bought a cheap, run-down house in the less-than-friendly neighbourhood of Murietta Heights in Los Santos, which is where the family moved. Kathi and Erick found it hard to adjust to the new city life, whereas Brooke, aged just 6, was a tad too young to really notice the difference. Shortly after moving to Los Santos, Marie started to drink heavily and became an alcoholic, meaning Erick had to go back to caring for his sisters. Both Kathi and Erick began hanging out with the kids in the 'hood and started to misbehave at school, and were forever getting into trouble for petty things. Despite their bad behaviour throughout school, both of them managed to score places at the University of San Andreas in Richman. Kathi never quite settled into university life and soon dropped out, but Erick stayed and befriended the 'jocks', the rich kids from Rockford Hills who managed to get away with anything. Kathi was more set on her interests back in Paleto Bay - racing. There weren't very many off-road racers in the city, but there was a street racing scene starting to build up. Kathi soon became fascinated with street racing, and began researching it. She discovered the 'Mid Night Club', a famous street racing gang in Japan that was active during the 90s. She began working for Hao, a street racer who owned the Los Santos Customs shop in La Puerta, and got involved in the street racing scene from there. With a used Ubermacht Oracle she bought from a dealership in La Mesa, she slowly began to make a name for herself, beating some of the best racers from the Families, Ballas and Vagos. The payouts from the races were big, which only fueled her addiction to the racing even more. However, there wasn't a gang dedicated to street racing. Sure, the existing gangs raced, but they were more focused on drug dealing and arms dealing. Small street racing gangs were formed, but were shut down by the LSPD, due to the leaders knowing the wrong people. So, with the decent amount of money she had earned from the races, she decided to do something about it. She moved out of the run-down house in Murietta Heights and moved into a new housing estate in the nearby neighbourhood of Mirror Park, sold her Oracle and replaced it with a Bravado Gauntlet, and formed her own street racing gang with help from Hao. She decided to call it 'Midnight Club LS', after the famous Japanese gang.

Her gang still exists, and is slowly but surely growing by the day. In order to make her gang known, Kathi had to do some 'dirty business' and get into drug dealing and the like, which the gang still does now, but primarily focuses on street racing. She still lives in her humble home in Mirror Park, despite having collected a fair bit of cash now. Her younger sister Brooke has also joined her in the house, but does not take part in the street racing, and is instead Kathi's lawyer and secretary, having studied law and business at the University of San Andreas. Erick graduated from university, moved into an apartment in Morningwood and started working for Lifeinvader. He is also a regular customer of Kathi's drug dealers, mainly buying marijuana. Marie still lives in the house in Murietta Heights and is still battling the bottle, and Robert... well, nobody really knows what became of him.

Kathi hopes of expanding the Midnight Club even more, and continuing the legacy of the original 'Mid Night Club'. However, a small rival gang called the Brotherhood of Corruption is also expanding across the city, and Kathi isn't too happy about that...
Personality: Kathi has built up a tough shell from her time with the gangs. She is aware she is at a disadvantage with her gender in a male-dominated society of street racing, but doesn't let that phase her. She likes to keep fit, both as a hobby and for self-defense when things get hairy. She rarely opens up about her past in Paleto Bay, but anybody she does open up to, she cares about an awful lot. She's very blunt and tells it how it is, and can sometimes say things that are better left unsaid. To members of the general public that are not affiliated with gangs, she can be friendly and sociable, but to anyone known in the gang world, she is usually hostile and uneasy towards. She finds it incredibly hard to trust people.
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Instead of editing my post, I replied to it. oops.


EDIT: Holy macaroni and cheese, me and Doog posted at the same time and we're next door neighbours. And by the looks of things, we have the same car too? :boggled:

Mother of coincidences. :P
Checklist of people who have created a new character or told me otherwise. To help clear out some of the inactive members, those who don't respond with their new character or tell me they wish to keep their current one by January 10th will be removed from the club. Queue listed members will not be effected. This post will be edited through the next 7 days. Those who have their name crossed through means they have a new character or told me otherwise. This will be posted in the OP for quick access.

Pinkintron (hellraiser-14) - Eric Fletcher

Katiegan - Lori Harwell
Doog (Dooglers8) - Nathan Fletcher

AudiMan2011 (Street-King-07) - Dario McAllister
darren200cook (GTP_Daz) - John Sando
BeAsTPkRIPPER - Chandler Blackson
DBeav12 - Cameron Burnett
FIZIXDriver (FIZIX_Driver) - Paul Fujiwara
GTDriver1230 - Kenton Outway
KingToadstool - Richard Lamar Tyler
Lucas (clonosario) - Luke De Sanctis
MarshalDredd - John White
MichruleJJ - Dan Smith

NumberN9ne (Saarai) - Maria Munroe
PhantomPheoni (SirRealWolf) - Emily Haroway
Irishgamer217 - Ray 'Poison' Malone
Snorevette (sovietmexican) - Maximilian Peter Rockston
StancedOut(7) - Esteban Rodriguez Perea
Terrific(Terrific-Hunter) - Florian Crawford
thenew (freandchar) - Dom
Volchelkin - David Foley
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Right, so i'll be in the street racing gang since it'd go well with Liam's backstory. Also, how will we sort out the hierarchy? Will we put it to a vote for who will be the leader, commissioner, etc.?
Right, so i'll be in the street racing gang since it'd go well with Liam's backstory. Also, how will we sort out the hierarchy? Will we put it to a vote for who will be the leader, commissioner, etc.?
I don't see how using the Rockstar Crew Hierarchy system would harm anything, so maybe we could just use that.
I don't see how using the Rockstar Crew Hierarchy system would harm anything, so maybe we could just use that.
Yeah, we could use that, but i'm saying how will we sort it out? As in, we've got a hierarchy system, but we still need to sort out who goes where.
New Character time.

Name: Fraser Stewart
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Runner/Transporter
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Fraser had a tough childhood growing up in the desert of Blaine County. His parents had moved to San Andreas from Scotland in the hope of starting a new life, but it turned out to be very different. Fraser was the only child in the family, so he had to endure beatings from his abusive father and had to help his mother, who was suffering from terminal cancer when he was 11 years old. 4 years later, Fraser's mother passed away which caused his father to turn to drugs to ease his pain. However, when Fraser turned 16, his father died from a drugs overdose.

Alone, and depressed, Fraser became a drug addict himself by 17, and soon became a transporter, running guns and drugs across the northern areas of the state for a gang that had connections to Trevor Phillips Enterprises. His driving skills impressed the other gang members as he skillfully evaded the police on every run he made over a 5 year spell. Soon afterwards, the gang split up after somebody betrayed them having been an undercover FIB agent.

Fraser spent 2 years in hiding in his home town of Grapeseed before he was contacted by Liam O' Reilly. He told Fraser that he had heard about his rise to a notorious drug and arms runner in Blaine County and that his 'services' as a transporter were in pretty high demand amongst the sociopaths living in Los Santos. Liam said he had an apartment lined up for Fraser in Del Perro Heights where he could reside.

Begrudgingly, Fraser agreed to go to Los Santos and was forced to sneak out of Blaine County under the cover of darkness. Having made decent money from his arms and drug running, Fraser bought himself a used Obey Rocoto SUV that been heavily modified by the previous owner, and a Tailgater sedan for daily driving.

After 3 months staying in LS, Fraser received a phone call from Liam, who was in a gang called the Brotherhood of Corruption, who stated that Fraser's driving in Blaine County had attracted their attention and wanted to see what he was made of. Fraser went along to Chamberlain Hills where some members of the Brotherhood were meeting, including those higher up the ranks. Fraser's 'initiation' was to drive a specific route with a 'hot load' whilst avoiding any police attention and get back to the meeting spot as quickly as possible. Fraser completed the task with such great ease that the Brotherhood was taken by surprise. The other members, and hierarchy, accepted Fraser into their gang, Also, he has run drugs across the city for numerous clients independently when there was not any work.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Fraser is quite sociable when he is not with the gang due to being an outsider coming from Blaine County. However, Fraser has trust issues and is quite apprehensive of those who get close to him. Those who get on the bad side of Fraser, would see their lives become a whole lot worse.

Photograph (If available):
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*I'm relative new at this so please bare with me.
**I may adjust the Bio and Personality as I have OCD and have the urge to change something.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Ishikawa (No, I'm not Asian and this is my name in Japanese. My actual name is on my profile)
Age: 15
PSN: PeteWheet (Don't laugh)
Role Play experience: All I can think of is GT5 (Cops/Cruise club & moderator)

In Character (IC)

Ricki Parkinson
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: In search of work. Currently living on father's wealth from his will.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Ricki was born into a rich family in Los Santos. His father is Andrew Parkinson and is involved in business. Andrew was a major success and is a multimillionaire. His mother is Jessi Parkinson and has no profession. Jessi would be deemed as a absolute b*tch and stuck up. Ricki has a 30 year old brother named Ross Parkinson and a 16 year old brother named Elijah Parkinson. Ross is a college graduate, lives separately and works in a accounting firm. The family used to live in a house next to Vinewood Hills.

Life in the Parkinson house isn't how you see in "family movies." Ricki hardly saw his father during his age at 16 years old as Andrew was out during the day and came home late at night. Jessi was hardly raising Ricki or any of the kids as all she did was go out partying with her friends, spending her husband's money. Ross was in college during the time and Elijah was in his room most of the day since he was home schooled. Ricki was going through a period of sexual attraction and he had a interest in guys but did not want to tell anyone. Only he confessed to Ross when Ross came home for a vacation time and took Ricki to the beach. Ross supported Ricki and even came out to Ricki but, Ricki sometimes became confused and depressed and, because of the way his family is, lonely.

As Ricki reached 18 and prepared for college, problems began to arise at the house. Andrew and Jessi began fighting more often and more disturbingly. Andrew was starting to receive calls on his phone more and stayed at home a lot more. Ricki sensed that something was wrong and one night decided to look through his dad's computer while his asleep. Ricki discovered that Andrew had been doing deals with the Mafia and had been receiving death threats for a deal that went wrong. Then on one afternoon as Andrew went out to his Super Diamond and started it up, his family then hear a loud explosion and ran outside to see what was going on. They go outside to witness a burning, dead Andrew inside of his fire engulfed Super Diamond. The family was then shattered and shocked.

The family went to see what Andrew left them in his will. Andrew left Jessi 20 million dollars. Andrew left Ross 30 million dollars. Andrew left 6 million and the house to Ricki. Finally, Andrew left Elijah 10 million dollars in a trust fund with Ross. Jessi had left and is with another rich man. Ross went out, bought a penthouse and took Elijah in to take care of. At this point, Ricki went off to college and majored in business for 3 years.

Ricki is currently out of college and is looking for work anywhere. He had a fond of cars as he have a Felon, a old and new Oracle, and a convertible Sentinel. He heard of a gang forming close to his home. He has thought about doing some jobs for the gang for a short amount of time, but he does normal activities in the meantime.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Ricki is usually quiet and calm and is sometimes sociable. But due to what happened in his childhood, Ricki has a few issues that he deals with. He has depression due to a lack in relationship, anger due to what happened to his father and his mother being completely useless, loneliness, obsession, and hormones due to no relationship experience and his family's history and rage. He is one person who you do not want to upset but he may also be the one who you want to be around.
*Chicken nuggets? Yes, I like chicken nuggets.
Photograph (If available):
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In Character (IC)

Isaac Riddle
Age: 19
Job/Career/Money Source: N/A
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
On May 12th, 1994, Isaac was born in Palm Springs, California. At age 5, he was placed under foster care from his mother abusing Codeine. A few days after his 6th birthday, he was placed in a foster home in Paleto Bay with his "new" mom Terri, dad Ivan, and his two brothers Leonard and Phillip. He never considered his new parents "mom" and "dad." Throughout the years, he'd often act out and get in trouble with the local neighborhood kids. It seemed like Isaac spent more time grounded than not.

Isaac never felt right in Paleto Bay in his childhood years. It was too small for him, and he felt so awful for thinking that the home he was taken under was terrible. It wasn't until about age 13 when Isaac started to act a bit different around his parents. He'd try and help out more, be generally be nicer and more responsible toward the things he cares about.

There was a problem, however. Isaac, even though trying his best to be a better son, always felt third best and just a shadow behind his brothers. His parents always seemed to be talking condescending to him. Even though he knew his parents was just talking down to him, he always kept trying to impress them. Just graduating high school, Isaac plans on getting his Bachelor's degree in visual development. He hopes and he keeps trying to impress his parents. Knowing his parents probably won't help him financially, Isaac knows he has to find a way to make money, and fast. How will he? We'll see.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Isaac is generally outgoing and happy. He tries his best at things that are important to him or his success.
Photograph (If available):

*I'm relative new at this so please bare with me.
**I may adjust the Bio and Personality as I have OCD and have the urge to change something.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Ishikawa (No, I'm not Asian and this is my name in Japanese. My actual name is on my profile)
Age: 15
PSN: PeteWheet (Don't laugh)
Role Play experience: All I can think of is GT5 (Cops/Cruise club & moderator)

In Character (IC)

Ricki Parkinson
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: In search of work. Currently living on father's wealth from his will.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Ricki was born into a rich family in Los Santos. His father is Andrew Parkinson and is involved in business. Andrew was a major success and is a multimillionaire. His mother is Jessi Parkinson and has no profession. Jessi would be deemed as a absolute b*tch and stuck up. Ricki has a 30 year old brother named Ross Parkinson and a 16 year old brother named Elijah Parkinson. Ross is a college graduate, lives separately and works in a accounting firm. The family used to live in a house next to Vinewood Hills.

Life in the Parkinson house isn't how you see in "family movies." Ricki hardly saw his father during his age at 16 years old as Andrew was out during the day and came home late at night. Jessi was hardly raising Ricki or any of the kids as all she did was go out partying with her friends, spending her husband's money. Ross was in college during the time and Elijah was in his room most of the day since he was home schooled. Ricki was going through a period of sexual attraction and he had a interest in guys but did not want to tell anyone. Only he confessed to Ross when Ross came home for a vacation time and took Ricki to the beach. Ross supported Ricki and even came out to Ricki but, Ricki sometimes became confused and depressed and, because of the way his family is, lonely.

As Ricki reached 18 and prepared for college, problems began to arise at the house. Andrew and Jessi began fighting more often and more disturbingly. Andrew was starting to receive calls on his phone more and stayed at home a lot more. Ricki sensed that something was wrong and one night decided to look through his dad's computer while his asleep. Ricki discovered that Andrew had been doing deals with the Mafia and had been receiving death threats for a deal that went wrong. Then on one afternoon as Andrew went out to his Super Diamond and started it up, his family then hear a loud explosion and ran outside to see what was going on. They go outside to witness a burning, dead Andrew inside of his fire engulfed Super Diamond. The family was then shattered and shocked.

The family went to see what Andrew left them in his will. Andrew left Jessi 20 million dollars. Andrew left Ross 30 million dollars. Andrew left 6 million and the house to Ricki. Finally, Andrew left Elijah 10 million dollars in a trust fund with Ross. Jessi had left and is with another rich man. Ross went out, bought a penthouse and took Elijah in to take care of. At this point, Ricki went off to college and majored in business for 3 years.

Ricki is currently out of college and is looking for work anywhere. He had a fond of cars as he have a Felon, a old and new Oracle, and a convertible Sentinel. He heard of a racing gang arising in Los Santos. He received information of a race going down by the beach. He went to the race gathering in his Sentinel and placed a bet on entrance to the gang. In exchange for losing, they would keep his modified Sentinel. Ricki then defeated the opponents and as a bonus for winning, the gang gave him a Carbonizzare as the gang car and a low-mid range rank. Ricki was then given as a contact to those who need transporting. Though Ricki does not plan on staying for long and has a second plan of working a civil job.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Ricki is usually quiet and calm and is sometimes sociable. But due to what happened in his childhood, Ricki has a few issues that he deals with. He has depression due to a lack in relationship, anger due to what happened to his father and his mother being completely useless, loneliness, obsession, and hormones due to no relationship experience and his family's history and rage. He is one person who you do not want to upset but he may also be the one who you want to be around.
Photograph (If available): View attachment 95273
Interesting - you are missing a little something something that's required though. Please read the rules just one more time very closely, and I think you'll get it! Accepted!
Also, please let me know when you are going to make changes, if possible.
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