[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Is there an easy way to write in the chat? It takes me painfully long with my PS3 joystick.
Plug a USB keyboard in and type away! :)

Session Overview - Kane:

Kane is back in Los Santos after finishing the first leg of his racing. Having heard news regarding a murder at the pier, he knows that Los Santos hasn't changed since he left to race.

He receives a call from a contact of Lester who offers him a contract which will help solve Kane's troubles in Los Santos. Seeing this as an opportunity, Kane signs this contract hoping that his troubles will, at last, be resolved and that he can finally live in peace in Los Santos.

The Contract:
With what wish will this contract fulfil?: My problems
Kenton for next session. If that's tomorrow, Christmas Eve and Kenton do not go hand in hand...
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Session Overview - Luke De Sanctis

Called by Simeon, who requested Luke to steal a car for him, De Sanctis returned to his old habits as a delivery boy. However, not everything ended well for the street racing thief, as a dangerous close encounter with the police, as well as having the car turned down by Simeon later on, made him rethink his view of his life.

About to suicide by throwing himself out of a building in the Del Perro area, it was Dario McAllister who convinced Luke that much more was left to be achieved in his life. Hopefully many broken vertebrae won't stop De Sanctis from fulfilling his dream of a better life, after a misstep in the building's roof made him fall to an almost certain death.


"Alright, weird Irish guy. I'll come down now."
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[/IMG] Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Alex
Age: 15
PSN: stalexgamerzking
Role Play experience: SA-MP (RP servers, in that Hardcore RP servers), The Elder Scrolls Series (Roleplayed alot on Skyrim), Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning, Fable 2, Fable 3, and alot more.

In Character (IC)

Name: Aero
Age: 28

Job/Career/Money Source: Aero is currently working as an Hitman, for Lester.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Aero is the infamous, silent, lethal Hitman to be known living in the Vinewood Hills. The Police, FIB, IIA, can't do anything since he got Lester backing him up. No one knows Aeros background, what age he's bearing, where he's from, how his past were hell they don't even know if Aero is his real name. No one knows anything about him not even Lester. Aero tends to keep working as an Hitman till the day he dies. But otherwise Aero's living the American Dream, with a house in the Vinewood Hills, expensive sports cars, and a big arsenal.

I wouldn't mess with Aero if I were you.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Aero is silent, so silent that no one have ever heard him speak, for now.

He uses other people for his own benefit, where it ends up they getting killed or not is none of Aeros concern. Aero is Cold as ice he doesent show any mercy at all, nor any love to the Human Race, but he's quite fond of Dogs. But to wrap it all up he's silent, Cold ice killer, uses other people for his benefit, love dogs and he Always finishes the job all by himself. Most likely a "Lonewolf" and a Snake" mixed personality and Life.

P.S: I love Chicken Nuggets, I can eat Chicken Nuggets until my stomach blows (which is never)

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Apologies for not turning up to any events lately. As you can probably guess, GT6 has taken up quite a lot of my time. I don't really want to leave this club as I enjoy RP events, but I probably won't be contributing much until the new year, so I'd like to give up my moderator position to someone else who'll be around a lot more than me.
Sorry I wasn't there today, I must have mixed up the hours, since I thought it would be around this time. Won't happen again.
Session Overview - Luke De Sanctis


About to race

A rainy day in Los Santos, Luke went to his local market and spoke with Chang, the owner, about his mother, Mrs. De Sanctis. Going by the allias of Mr. Rodríguez, Luke left the place before heading towards his mother's house, saying he would be always watching over her.

The young fugitive eventually found himself in a street race, coming in last place, his car absolutely trashed. Just as he was about to engage in a fist fight with another one of the drivers, police showed up on the scene, making everyone flee. Unfortunately for De Sanctis, his engine died, meaning he had to request a ride from one of the nearby street racers, hiding around the vicinities.

Later, a phone call from a friend of his, Mike, made him travel all the way to the Los Santos docks, thinking a shootout was taking place. Upon arriving, however, Mike revealed it was all a ruse, an excuse to bring Luke to him and offer him a job as a security guard in the docks. Luke promised to consider it in the future.

Near the Los Santos airport that night, however, Luke found himself on a gun fight with a private army. Coming out alive, a phone call to Lester prompted the informatic criminal to say Merryweather, and not only the Vagos and Los Santos police, were behind him. Lester's suggested course of action for Luke was to "go to Grapeseed, where they wouldn't look for (him)".

De Sanctis had another close encounter with death after being thrown out of a plane by Merryweather agents, riding a helicopter. Luke, now, knew it was for real.
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Excuse the massive post.

Session summary - Kenton:

Kenton and Christmas Eve certainly do not go hand in hand at all... In fact, he was so annoyed by the radio in his Tailgater constantly spewing out Christmas music that he smashed it with his bare fists.


Kenton was in a very interesting situation - not only was he the mouse in terms of Kenton v Esteban following previous events but he was also playing cat as he was plotting to lure someone out into the open. Said person was someone he has been trying to lure for a long time.

To his delight, Kenton successfully tracked his victim down and proceeds with the plot to lure him out. In order to do so, he went to visit 2 gangs of Los Santos... First up, the Ballers.

It had been a while since Kenton had been in Grove Street, which (according to him) hadn't changed whatsoever. During the visit, he met a figure that he would not expect to see - Esteban. At that point, Esteban proceeds to deal with Kenton. Despite being faced with a choice of exiting Grove Street in his Obey or a body-bag, Kenton merely replied with neither of the choices saying that he is trying to send the Ballers towards his victim.

In an interesting revelation, Esteban says that he has an alliance with the Ballers. This puts Kenton in a very tricky situation - killing Esteban would compromise him being able to send the Ballers after his victim, running away would solve nothing. Killing two birds with one stone was simply impossible. He had another choice, it was one that he would never expect to take... But in the end, he did - Kenton formed a deal with Esteban where he would send the Ballers after Kenton's victim. He can deal with Esteban at a later time.

With that settled, Kenton visits The Lost to make a deal. This was much easier - Kenton was witness to a gang attack involving the Lost. Two other people were involved, one being Fowler, the other fled from the scene. Lying that the person who had fled from the scene was a target of his, Kenton was able to make a deal with The Lost, in exchange of them sending over men towards Kenton's true victim.

Heading home, Kenton was stopped by Esteban who reveals that he has tracked both Kenton and his victim, who he thought was a "real nobody". Though aware that he is now tracked by Esteban following the deal, Kenton could not deal with Esteban as this would also compromise the situation with his victim. Before leaving, Esteban informs Kenton that the Ballers are ready to attack.


At Rockford Hills, Kenton overhears many people talking about Christmas, in particular what they are doing. One person mentioned that they'd spend time with family.

But while this happened, Kenton recieved a call...

???: What the heck is going on? The Lost are all out attacking me - I thought you were meant to help me, not worsen my situation!

Kenton: Are you not aware that solving problems will simultaneously create more? It's a fact of life.

???: ...So?

Kenton: The contract only offered to solve your current troubles, and not the ones created from it.


Kenton: I believe you are the one who tricked yourself for signing this contract, not realising the consequences. You haven't changed at all, cousin.

???: C-Cousin?!

Kenton: You speak as if you don't know me... What a shame...

???: What is the meaning of this, Kenton?!

Kenton: I have reason to believe that you have been following my footsteps without letting me know? Why, criminal activity does run through our family doesn't it? And I never thought that a goodie little too-shoes like would join in the fray...

???: I shouldn't really consider you "family" in the first place - you were only born as a result of your father taking advantage my aunt while she was drugged!

Kenton: ...Implying that I'm an accident? My, the criminal world has really seeped into you... Unfortunately for you, that does not faze me at all. There are many great inventions and discoveries, like fireworks, that happened by accident. Ergo, even if I was an accident, I still turned out great.

???: Believe in what you want, but remember Hitler did as well!

Kenton: Hah! Please! You're making me cry... WITH LAUGHTER. Anyway, you know how I "dealt" with the Ballers...? Yeah, that's a lie - they should be heading for you soon. You know you can't just run away from what you have caused. In fact, you remind me of this one guy who I cornered some time ago... Heh, he was screaming his last prayers or something. "I'm just a nobody!", "I'll do anything for you!"...Something along the lines. In fact, he happens to be with the Ballers, or so I've heard, so you may meet him when they come for you... Even a rich pussy like him could confront you. Good luck with that, Marco Kane.

Kenton was heading home when he spots a car parked directly in front of his drive. Furious, he proceeds shooting all four tyres out and kicking the living hell out of it. This time around, Nathan Fletcher witnesses this and questions Kenton if the punishment was neccessary, especially as if there was enough space to get around. Kenton believes that it was, though Nathan preferred a warning. However, said punishment was the warning (according to Kenton) and links to Karma. Nathan dismisses this theory completely, and asks "Why ya gotta blame everything?". "There's a cause and there's an effect. Said effect happened because of the cause. Since the cause caused the effect, we blame it." replied Kenton. Seeing as if there was little reason to continue, Nathan left.

...Surprised? If you didn't notice it, look again. Now the next few sessions will get interesting. Maybe.
Anyone heard from SirRealWolf? No? It's weird, the only people that make David's story slightly interesting never join. Oh, well.
I'm going to skip this lobby as I'm busy on the PS4 right now. If the lobby is still up by the time I've finished downloading the rest of Killzone, I might join.
I haven't been joining because I'm away for the holidays. I also just got GT6 (haven't hardly had time to play it at all yet). Ideally, I'll switch between GT6 and GTA V when I get back from visiting family and hopefully join some events.
So, asking a second time - has anyone seen MichruleJJ, KingToadstool, or darren200cook (GTP_Daz) around lately? If not, they will be removed. I don't remember them joining lately, so I'm throwing it out there.

I am also updating the events list in the OP.
I had to leave for a while, sorry for that. Should have told you.
I feel like I have to pick up the slack of this group. Whether that means removing people who no longer want to participate whether they say so or not, making everyone create a new character, adding a second admin to assist me in setting up events so that the events are not only under my convenience, or anything else that is a possible contribution. I do not want the same fate of my old RP club to be the same for this club. Time to pull out the weeds and mow the lawn, because I want things looking good for this club for a long time.
I feel like I have to pick up the slack of this group. Whether that means removing people who no longer want to participate whether they say so or not, making everyone create a new character, adding a second admin to assist me in setting up events so that the events are not only under my convenience, or anything else that is a possible contribution. I do not want the same fate of my old RP club to be the same for this club. Time to pull out the weeds and mow the lawn, because I want things looking good for this club for a long time.
I'm still here just on part time for commitment reasons. :)
Hmm. What I'm curious about is the reason that there have been low numbers. Maybe it is to do with the current time of year or some other factor.
Low numbers of events or members? It goes both ways. The past 3 events, I just looked who was online and didn't even make an event, because I knew it was going to be a waste of time. Even when I make a room and invite people, it either never kicks off or it's silent through the entire hour or so.
I feel like I have to pick up the slack of this group. Whether that means removing people who no longer want to participate whether they say so or not, making everyone create a new character, adding a second admin to assist me in setting up events so that the events are not only under my convenience, or anything else that is a possible contribution. I do not want the same fate of my old RP club to be the same for this club. Time to pull out the weeds and mow the lawn, because I want things looking good for this club for a long time.

I like this idea.
As interesting as it sounds, I still feel that my current characters can still develop further - Kenton has not yet revealed his secrets and his rivalry with Esteban can easily continue for a long time. On the other hand, Kane has yet to find a resolve for his troubles.

Maybe it is ideal for those who are struggling to find ideas for their characters though.
My character is merely a reflection of my online "career" so unless you have a time machine I can't really change anything.
The idea does sound interesting but I also think that my character can develop further. Dario getting dragged into David's debt situation to save him from potential thugs could get very interesting, plus he hasn't revealed his past to anyone yet.