[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Tom
Age: 21
PSN: Marshall_Dredd
Role Play experience: 8-12 MMORPGs, GTA 4, Minecraft, GMod, loads of different games from RTS like Empire at war to FPS like Battlefield.

Have been looking for a good looking role play crew for GTA5, this seems to be it:) I recently brought GTA5 purely for the hope of role play on it as the limits are nearly endless, really hoping to make friends and have a great time here, I am from England sadly so I am not completely free when your events are up, but I will do my best to attend when I can, I see you are full at the moment, but I will just be waiting for a slot to join:) I like chicken nuggets, spend my time playing games or working.

In Character (IC)

John White

Age: 28
Job/Career/Money Source: Police officer, Bounty Hunter
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): John grow up in an abusive family, at the age of 14, his father beat his mother to death, John was put in to care at this point in his life, he witnessed great injustice as he grow up, which gave him a obession for truth and justice, doing his up most to bring criminals to justice.

As he wanted to legally make the world a safer and better place to be, he decided the best way to stop injustice was to join the police, which at the age of 24 he did.

At the age of 25, he came across a stolen car and pulled it over, the driver of the car was wanted for domestic abuse, he brought the man to the PD but due to lack of evidence, the man went let off without punishment, which John at this point in his life decided that he could no longer stay on the side of the law completely, he started to take more risks to catcher any criminals he had chance to.

A short time after this event in his life, he decided to become a bounty hunter in his free time, he doesn't completely take legal jobs, choosing to use the underground world to find people that were unoffically known as criminals.

At this present time, he spends his free time enhancing his skills in shooting and tactical driving.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He has a strong moral code, he will always do his best dealing out justice wheather it is legal or not, being obessed with his job in the law, he is trained to be calm and careful in life, but will push his limits when the need comes.
1: Nice aviators.
2: Accepted!

I have an idea. 💡

Here it is: So, me and some other people in this group enjoy having car meets and offroad meets. Instead of asking if anyone is interested every 10 minutes in the chat, I was thinking like every Friday night (in game) we could have a car meet at the boardwalk and then Saturday afternoon (in game), we could have an offroad meet. So, it would be an event to go to even if only a few people are interested. I think maybe this would get more of our characters to meet. What do you guys think? :dopey:
That's a pretty good idea. Instead of throwing it out, it's scheduled. I like it a lot.

Any update on what is going on with tonight's event?
It will start in 45 minutes, if enough people joins. Normally, enough people means about 5, 6 people.

I will also be going through the members list, and getting some of the inactive ones out.

TripleA5 has been removed - He has not joined a single lobby.

XBOXEDDY has been removed for not being active at all - He has not even accepted my friend invite in order to be invited to the lobbies.

Now, has anyone seen MichruleJJ, GTDriver1230, KingToadstool, or darren200cook (GTP_Daz) around?
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So, I got an option to change my character one last time. I took this opportunity to make David look like he hasn't been dragged into an alley and beaten with a baseball bat five minutes before every event.
I just realised I owed Kane a session but forgot! Next session it'll be Kane while I figure out what to do next for Kenton.
Speaking of which, I need to know what happened to James Fowler after I left since I had left during what seemed to be an interesting confrontation.

Roleplay Summary - Kenton:

Kenton spent much time in hiding from Esteban hunting him down. Though he is aware that he needs to be cautious, he went outside in today's session.

In this session, Simeon asked Kenton to repo another car even after the time with Esteban's Carbonizzare. Seeing that Simeon is sending him out on a suicide mission, Kenton finally gave up dealing with Simeon.

While wandering around Los Santos, Kenton stumbled across a gang war involving The Lost, who he had already ran into numerous times before. However, it appeared that someone else dealt with them before Kenton did and not long after, Kenton had a guy donning a red jacket pointing a gun at him.

Of course, Kenton realised that this person was not part of The Lost and must be the person who had dealt with them. Said person was James Fowler, who was trying to chase someone down but had been lead to The Lost's camp. The Lost started attacking James while his victim fled in a stolen bike, which Kenton saw. According to Fowler, The Lost and his crew shared a mutal alliance back in Liberty City but following the current events, it is assumed that the victim has connections with The Lost. Thus, the alliance has been broken.

Nevertheless, James invites Kenton to his appartment where James offered to hire Kenton. Having been asked to do so, Kenton told James about his previous job - mainly his childhood consisting of gang wars in the cul-de-sac when he was just 11. It wasn't long before Kenton received his first job with James where they would "visit" a shop keeper who had not paid his dues to him.

Upon arrival, James' target from before had shown up and started to confront him...

Rather unfortunately, I left at that point.
So, Kane is owed a session and I shall do so next time. It will be interesting to see what happens if he meets the same people Kenton has done beforehand...

I need a break from this for a little while. I've had a really bad day in real life and need to cool off.
Seeing as Stanced was on today, I used Kenton to continue the Kenton v Esteban battle. Now NEXT time I will get back to Kane xD

Summary: Kenton Outway

As usual, Kenton's day starts at Del Perro Pier. While he was there, he saw a crowd of people taking pictures of a guy posing as a statue. Annoyed by the fact that they are fascinated in a persona merely pretending to be a statue, Kenton decided to intervene. But when I say intervene, I mean taking a knife out and stabbing him to no end. The crowd all ran away, with Kenton yelling "NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL STILL!", with "still" meaning the dead body of the statue mimic.

While Kenton kept stabbing and laughing his head off in satisfaction (which might have surprised Pink a bit), a guy in a Meteorite truck calls 911 after Kenton, who dived into the ocean.


Kenton went to Pacific Standard and, as he was bored and desired so, punched a random guy. For the second time, a by-stander called 911 but little did Kenton know, it was Esteban.

Esteban gave chase to Kenton, but was unsucessful having totaled his Infernus in his attempt. Of course, he wasn't going to stop - Esteban decided to plan and prepare another attack.

The next morning, Kenton tried to get out of his garage but a parked car had blocked his way out. Seeing as the traffic warden had apparently buggered off to UpnAtom, Kenton decided to intervene... With a shotgun to each tyre as he lacked a clamp (not that he'd use even if he had one...). Unsatisfied, Kenton climbed onto the roof and started kicking the living hell out of the car, not realising that a shocked Esteban was watching him.

With the car "rightfully" punished by Kenton, Esteban uses this chance to confront Kenton. The cops came for Kenton, who was forced to steal a nearby MINI to getaway. While he evaded the cops, Esteban was very much on his tail in his Sanchez and had shot Kenton's makeshift getaway car and its tyres, sending Kenton into a nearby traffic car.

With Kenton unable to get away, and the cops finding him again, Esteban surprisingly offers to help him out of the situation. With no other choice, Kenton was forced to accept the aid.


After having evaded the cops, Kenton (who still has not yet recognised him) asked Esteban what's in it for him. Esteban wanted something in return for saving his life but of course Kenton declines - why give something in return to someone who tried to kill him? Esteban dismisses Kenton's objection, and said that he kept him alive as his reputation would be helpful for Esteban. But Kenton was still not interested and so Esteban pointed a gun at his head and started counting down. The tables had turned, it seemed.

At 2, a civillian nearly runs over Esteban and the cops (oddly) start chasing him. Kenton sees this as a chance to run away. And run away he did, with Esteban now having to run a Plan B...


Kenton wakes up to find yet another car blocking his garage and proceeds to deal with it. BOOM. Esteban had stationed a bomb in that car which exploded at that point. With cops immediately onto him, he was unable to check for bodies and was forced to flee with the help of comrade David Foley.

Kenton watched on as the cops swarm in pursuit. At this point, he realises that it was Esteban trying to take him out after all - Kenton had thought that Esteban, much like his cousin, buggered off and left him alone.
But even if Esteban has new comrades, Kenton has James Fowler's gang to back him up...

Final comments by GT:

An interesting session that has further developed Kenton v Esteban. To this point, I am still confused how that cop ran over both Kenton and Esteban during one of the mini-confrontations...
As I've said, definitely Kane next session and we'll see how his side of the story develops...
So David is now working for Max and Esteban simultaneously, without either employer knowing about the other. This could get interesting.
I will update the event list tomorrow morning, so don't freak out. I am also going to try and work and get my character more involved. His character is missing his brother (doog) so I'll have to see/try if I can RP well without him.
I will update the event list tomorrow morning, so don't freak out. I am also going to try and work and get my character more involved. His character is missing his brother (doog) so I'll have to see/try if I can RP well without him.

So no event today (Monday)?
Christmas holidays should be an excellent time to develop both Kenton and Kane's story. I've still got a lot of things on my plan that I have yet to realise on the sessions as I need to get everyone's characters to know both Kenton and Kane well...
So David is now working for Max and Esteban simultaneously, without either employer knowing about the other. This could get interesting.
Wow. I just realised that. This could lead to David getting seriously screwed over if one or both employers find out. I have a feeling i'm going the enjoy to next few sessions...
Also, Pink, you could try and RP with the ambulance when Doog isn't in the session, since you said that was fun.
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GTDriver1230, post: 9086732, member: 210069"]Christmas holidays should be an excellent time to develop both Kenton and Kane's story. I've still got a lot of things on my plan that I have yet to realise on the sessions as I need to get everyone's characters to know both Kenton and Kane well...[/quote]
Remember the idea that we had earlier?:)
Remember the idea that we had earlier?:)
That's been jotted down into my notes, but I could probably do with some more details at a later point.
Once the holidays start, I can really expect massive lobbies which will be very interesting in terms of action and drama... :mischievous:
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That's been jotted down into my notes, but I could probably do with some more details at a later point.
Once the holidays start, I can really expect massive lobbies which will be very interesting in terms of action and drama... :mischievous:
Yep. That'll be cool. Only thing is I don't think all members will be able to join since you can only fit 16 people in a lobby
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Yep. That'll be cool. Only thing is I don't think all members will be able to join since you can only fit 16 people in a lobby
That's why I capped the member list at 20 - so just in case there would be full, massive lobbies, it's probable that at least 4 won't join due to IRL issues or something. Even if they do want to join, it's only 4 people that wouldn't be able to join, unlike a few Gran Turismo 5 groups I was in that had god knows how many people in it, with everyone trying to dig for a spot.

Edit: Heh, DBeav knows what I'm talking about ;)
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I have an idea. It just popped into my head, so it may not be a good one but i'll still just put it out there. So, Esteban could want to do a deal with Max (I don't actually know if there's some sort of rivalry going on between the two, but whatever.) so Esteban or Max could call David for backup. Thing is, David won't know who the other person is so it'll be quite a surprise for him. Then i'll leave the rest up to the RPers. If it would make it any better, Dario could be hired by the employer that didn't hire David making it harder for David to choose sides. Just an idea.
So, asking a second time - has anyone seen MichruleJJ, KingToadstool, or darren200cook (GTP_Daz) around lately? If not, they will be removed. I don't remember them joining lately, so I'm throwing it out there.

I am also updating the events list in the OP.