[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
2 questions.
1. Do you HAVE to have experience in role play or are first timers welcome?
2. OOC info is basically personal information?
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chance
Role Play experience: much

In Character (IC)

Name: Dom
Job/Career/Money Source: Forklift operator at Farm/wheat products in. He also runs freight from the farm company to.
Bio (description of your character):Dom grew up from a poor family living on the skirts of liberty city, he always wanted to better himself, and make it big, but with his dad and sick mom, he has never really been able go much farther then a couple of blocks. After his mom past away, and his dad moved into another condo, he was working at the container yard, and a Tall man walked up to him and asked him about himself, they became to talk and the man offered him a job in Los Stantos, working as a forklift operator on a farm business. Thrilled at the opportunity, he went home to talk to his dad, who told him to go for it. He got his ticket the following week. When he arrived I'm Los santos, he was able to meet with the man and start work. Now about a year sense he arrived, Dom has bought a small garage with a truck, he has a everyday life, and tries to somewhat enjoy it.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): he's in a middle mood about everything, he's a nice and a cool guy but can take someone out in a heart beat
Photograph (If available):
Roleplay experience: I have roleplayed with many groups, on many different games and platforms, I'm mature and know how to play well with others.
2 questions.
1. Do you HAVE to have experience in role play or are first timers welcome?
2. OOC info is basically personal information?
No, you do not need experience in role play to join. I just prefer someone with experience so at least I know what they are doing and what they can do as a player in my lobbies.

Yes. IC is information on the fictional character you have made. OOC would be your IRL first name, age, yada yada. Share whatever you're comfortable with, but it helps me get to know you better if you aren't shy with information.
@Pinkintron put me as a reserve spot please. I don't think I'll be playing GTA V with that much intensity as I have been playing for the last month, so I don't want to take spots of people who will RP better than I did.
@Pinkintron put me as a reserve spot please. I don't think I'll be playing GTA V with that much intensity as I have been playing for the last month, so I don't want to take spots of people who will RP better than I did.
Yes me too please. I already sent you a message regarding this topic.
Roleplay experience: I have roleplayed with many groups, on many different games and platforms, I'm mature and know how to play well with others.
I've RPed with you before, so I know how you work - Accepted!
@Pinkintron put me as a reserve spot please. I don't think I'll be playing GTA V with that much intensity as I have been playing for the last month, so I don't want to take spots of people who will RP better than I did.
Yes me too please. I already sent you a message regarding this topic.
Doing doing done.

I am also updating the event date list as I didn't do it last night.
I think we should come up with ideas for the RP here, on the thread. In my opinion, the first event was so fun because all the characters were new, which ment that we all had good ideas. There were quite a few interesting moments because of that. But now some of us are running out of ideas. It's also rare for our characters to meet now. The size of Los Santos doesn't help. So yeah, if we got our characters to meet and shared ideas here, that might liven things up a bit. Just a suggestion.
I'm on right now, anyone els?
The event starts in 40 minutes. Are you sure you got the right time? It's 5:00 PM PST. And actually, you're in the queue list, so technically you're not in the club yet - but since Fullertron hasn't joined an event, I'll remove him. He told me he has little time, but whenever I invite him to an event even though he will be on GTA V for quite some time, he wouldn't join.

EDIT: Considering there is only 3 members online, event cancelled.
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Lee
Age: 18
PSN: Irishgamer217
Role Play experience: Experienced Roleplayer

In Character (IC)

Name: Ray 'Poison' Malone
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Dealer/Gang Leader
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Ray grew up in Sandy Shores in a dysfunctional family, Ray has little thought of right or wrong, only making a profit. He frequently got in trouble with the law and has been in jail a lot from his teens to his early adult years. When he was 23, he got into the drug trade, making, pushing, selling methamphetamine, making a slight name for himself. It wasn't till his activities landed him deep with the local Lost Brotherhood chapter of Sandy Shores. They wanted him to be a member, and for a time, he was. It wasn't till he thought he could do better then some bikers and then decided to leave; after blowing up one of the Lost's trailers. Now he lives in Sandy Shores trying to get his won gang started.
Personality: Has a temper, short fuse, and is will deal with anything in his way.
Photograph (If available):

Sorry if this is short, i'm not great at applications. I like chicken nuggets.
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I wouldn't mind a session. Only problem is, i'd only get about an hour, and it mightn't be fun for everyone else, with three people and all.
I'm removing xRawrrzzzz for being completely inactive. He has been active on this thread since the 15th of October. He also has not been joining lobbies.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Lee
Age: 18
PSN: Irishgamer217
Role Play experience: Experienced Roleplayer

In Character (IC)

Name: Ray 'Poison' Malone
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Dealer/Gang Leader
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Ray grew up in Sandy Shores in a dysfunctional family, Ray has little thought of right or wrong, only making a profit. He frequently got in trouble with the law and has been in jail a lot from his teens to his early adult years. When he was 23, he got into the drug trade, making, pushing, selling methamphetamine, making a slight name for himself. It wasn't till his activities landed him deep with the local Lost Brotherhood chapter of Sandy Shores. They wanted him to be a member, and for a time, he was. It wasn't till he thought he could do better then some bikers and then decided to leave; after blowing up one of the Lost's trailers. Now he lives in Sandy Shores trying to get his won gang started.
Personality: Has a temper, short fuse, and is will deal with anything in his way.
Photograph (If available):

Sorry if this is short, i'm not great at applications. I like chicken nuggets.
This is... short, but it's good to see someone be an antagonist for once. A heavy antagonist.

A session could work with a few people, plus i'd like to introduce my character.
That would only be possible if you were accepted! (;
But, it's best to introduce your character during a big lobby, so you don't really have to explain to people what you did or whatever.
I'm removing xRawrrzzzz for being completely inactive. He has been active on this thread since the 15th of October. He also has not been joining lobbies.

This is... short, but it's good to see someone be an antagonist for once. A heavy antagonist.

That would only be possible if you were accepted! (;
But, it's best to introduce your character during a big lobby, so you don't really have to explain to people what you did or whatever.

Okay, and thank for accepting my app! :D