[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Austin
Age: 15
PSN: Lil_Moto_21
Role Play experience: None
In Character (IC)
Name: Austin
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Undercover cop.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Austin grew up in a little family that never had money, he grew up having to be home schooled then later on went to real school and graduated high school and law school to be a cop. Austin was then able to be an undercover cop ( where he is now) and become known for a change. He never had friends and never was cared for and that’s his goal for the future. To be known as someone, to have a family, to have a good start with life. I like chicken nuggets.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Austin is very chill and fun to be around.
Vehicle: Surono Benefactor
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Austin
Age: 15
PSN: Lil_Moto_21
Role Play experience: None
In Character (IC)
Name: Austin
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Undercover cop.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Austin grew up in a little family that never had money, he grew up having to be home schooled then later on went to real school and graduated high school and law school to be a cop. Austin was then able to be an undercover cop ( where he is now) and become known for a change. He never had friends and never was cared for and that’s his goal for the future. To be known as someone, to have a family, to have a good start with life. I like chicken nuggets.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Austin is very chill and fun to be around.
Vehicle: Surono Benefactor
Photograph (If available):
I won't be able to make it. I've got a biology exam tomorrow so I should probably learn stuff.
Grr. As per usual, I'm studying for Math so I can't attend any lobbies for a while. Sorry about that! However, I might join a couple here and there whilst I'm procrastinating..
Review of my first RP:
Jake takes his Maibatsu for a spin and met Maria Munroe and took a few pictures of her car. Then Jake drove around the again and witnessed an explosion. The explosion then never happened apparently. He then asked if he could take a picture of a Zentorno, but that also never happened. Then Jake called Vixen and asked if he wanted to cruise. Together, they drove one mile until I had to go, because my parents were yelling at me to read a book.
RP Summary - Kenton Outway:

Keen to create more trouble for the LSPD, Kenton takes his Zentorno to attack an armored truck where, having eluded the cops completely, he amassed a grand total of over $11k. He then decides to head to the vineyard to stock up on his stock of wine in his apartment.


There's a red bike following Kenton. Each junction, Kenton checks his wing mirrors to see that he is still being followed. But he just dismissed it as one of the kids who are absolutely desperate to get pictures of the Zentorno and try to get a lot of stalkers over on Lifeinvader.


At the vineyard, Kenton parks the Zentorno and sees that the red bike had indeed followed him the entire way as it was parked on the other side of the car park. Turns out that the guy on the bike was Marcello Fennelley, who immediately asks if the Zentorno was stolen. Slightly disturbed, Kenton countered saying that he had found it "while out for a walk", though he was talking "figuratively" for browsing the internet, finding it and ordered it (Marcello had never heard of such phrase, have you?). Even still, Marcello claimed that he knew the true owner of the Zentorno and was going to dial 911. Kenton, laughing his head off thinking that this was a joke as the guy was jealous he can't get his hands on a hypercar, heads over to the wine shop to get his daily wine.


Free samples. Can't go wrong with them, can you? That's what Kenton thinks, as he walks up to the free samples section in the wine shop. He gives one of the bottles a try.

[Kenton coughs uncontrollably]
Kenton: GOD. WHAT. *cough* WHAT IS THIS? IT'S SOOOO SWEET IT'S LIKE SOMEONE HAS DIABETES. At the rate America is going, I won't have any metallic tasting blood!
[Kenton continues to gag]
Kenton: **** me, that's terrible. And two terrible drinks in a row! I should get the lottery.
It was at that point that he notices a familiar looking person, Douglas McGregor, snickering nearby him. With a small angered grunt, Kenton ignores him, picks up his usual bottle of wine and proceeds to the checkout. Purchasing the bottle proved to be difficult as Kenton was unable to understand what the cashier was saying (who spoke in an amazingly similar fashion to Douglas) and really needed the Pentagon's top cryptologists working 24/7 to understand what the hell he was saying. After a bit of negotiations, Kenton exits the wine shop.


Kenton was gobsmacked on what he saw as he left the wine shop. He saw a massive blazing traffic jam caused by a private jet which had somehow crashed and the wreckage blocked the entire road what appeared to be a police officer with Marcello inspecting Kenton's Zentorno. Asking what the hell was going on, the officer introduced himself as Officer Young who was dispatched here to investigate the Zentorno after Marcello called 911. Kenton was almost on the floor laughing that Marcello had called the cops - Kenton didn't think he was serious at all. While Kenton watched on as Officer Young aimlessly investigated the Zentorno, he gives a threatning glare to Marcello who hardly seem fazed at all. Afterwards, Officer Young confirms that Kenton's Zentorno had been stolen as it matched up with the records and orders Kenton to step into the Stanier. Officer Youngs checks the police database for Kenton, who was found to be disturbing the peace. It was then where Kenton noticed that one of his tyres on the Zentorno had been deflated, and instantly yells out that Marcello had been vandalising his Zentorno as no other person was at the car park when he left to get his wine. Seeing as if Marcello had taken the opportunity while he wasn't looking, Kenton called him a coward for his actions and immediately tries to get him arrested for vehicle vandalism. It was useless, as Officer Young clearly didn't listen while Kenton was being taken to the police station, along with the Zentorno.


Kenton got bored during the journey to the police station...

Kenton: Seriously, are you living in the prehistoric years? You got a Stanier for ****'s sake! And I thought the coppers were in the new cars... Whatever they were.


[Officer Young is held up by a tractor]
Kenton: Hey, you do realise that you could just... Shoot the tyres out? It's great fun that, you can't miss them.


Kenton: Tch, and I bet "that guy" was doing this to ride my car... I know it's an amazing car and that but come on.


Kenton: Ok I'm bored.
[Stanier passes a river]
Kenton: Ooh! Pretty river!
[River becomes out of view]
Kenton: OH IT'S GONE!

At the police station, while Officer Young thanks Marcello for the help and tries to prepare the investigations for the Zentorno, Kenton starts to repeatedly kick a wall with a police officer painted on it right where his man berries would be.

Officer Young: Mr. Outway. Up here please
[Kenton continues to kick the wall]
Kenton: DAMMIT. Why can't cops on walls feel pain?! I'm kicking him in the balls for crying out loud!
[Kenton finally stops]
Kenton: Alright. I'm good... For now.
[Kenton walks to Officer Young]
Kenton: So I'm here now with what probably is a broken foot. What now.
Some time to spend in prison, Kenton! Though this is almost second nature, according to Kenton who has been in prison several times in his life for mostly disturbing the peace of society and several stabbing but he managed to get out of prison as the station he was often put in were dreadful at security, almost as dreadful as the officers who happen to pursue Kenton daily. After a brief chat concerning Kenton's antics, Officer Young goes to tell the reception to inform the Zentorno's owner Marco Kane that the Zentorno might have been recovered. With Kenton now in prison, he can reminisce on the time he was given mushroom soup which gave him diarrohea for an entire month.

Final comments by GT:

Good RP! So yeah, Kenton is in prison but that doesn't mean that I'll stop using him. I'll probably get him to do some Kenton antics as well as have him talk to Officer Young or whoever decides to visit him while in prison. He'll get out at some point but realistically he needs to spend some time there (not that I mind, I haven't properly RP'd his prison antics). Now I can't technically give the Zentorno back to Kane (that sharp angular styling suits Kenton more for his vehicular manslaugher) but that doesn't matter...

Oh, there was another officer who came by in the entire Zentorno fiasco but I forgot their name. I'll add them in once I know xD
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Event on tonight? It's been 40 minutes since 12:00 PST, I think.
Yeah, I was setting it up - I was also reading an application that I didn't accept/deny yet. If I accept both of the most recent applications, Lil Moto will be in the queue list.
Sorry. I haven't been very active recently, as I've been doing my As level exams. But my last one was yesterday so I should be able to be more active now. yaaay
Won't be making it this weekend fellas. Owen Goodman has a date with Circuit de la Sarthe...