[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Thinking what I'm going to do on tomorrow's RP event!

I'm getting some money to buy some clothes for tomorrow..

Sending an FR ASAP to @Pinkintron
I can't make tonight's event, I've got a maths exam first thing tomorrow morning. I probably won't be able to make any until Friday, when all of my exams are done and school is finished.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chance
Age: 15 (I'm mature and NOT a squeaker.)
PSN: BurntBreadz
Role Play experience: I have some experience across multiple forums and games.

In Character (IC)

Jeffery "Jackle" Marston (I got the RDR character as a father* so he looks UGLY as hell.)
Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source:
A 'courier' of the sorts, does odd jobs and sometimes has various part-time jobs.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Not really knowing his parents due to a car accident, he was raised with his abusive uncle in Grapeseed for the first fifteen years of his life until social services got involved after that he moved from house to house, broken. That is, until he got his first car, a beat up, barely running Uranus, having it rebuilt from the ground up, using any part he could get his hands on, soon he would start skipping school, then not going altogether, leaving him with an unfinished high school diploma, even though he was rather smart for his age. He raced illegally on the highway until he found out about downhill runs. After winning a few races there, he was noticed, but in the worst of ways. He was rammed off the bridge while on his way to the LSC in the East, crashing into the Los Santos Canal, breaking most of his ribs and one of his legs, him and his passion almost died there. Now he still enjoys taking his cars out for a spin but generally stays away from racing. He can now be seen in the mountains with his Sadler, enjoying some off-road. In the future he hopes to have a modified Mesa for his new off-road hobby. He loves chicken nuggets but prefers a good steak more than anything.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Quiet and shy, he tends to be indecisive over many things, thus causing him to have to troubles with money and tends to gain and lose a lot of items in a short period of time. He's obsessed with driving cars and doesn't like confrontation, he would rather spend his days working on his car than talking to the ignorant morons of Los Santos and surrounding.
Vehicle: Changes a lot so at least ONE TRUCK and one CAR (Muscle or Sports) until I settle with one
Photograph (If available): Will get one on soon.

*Read Grandfather.
Timezone is Mountain Standard and I have curfew at 8PM, any time before that I'm usually on.
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Excuse my absence. I haven't been getting any alerts. Looks like I'll have to put the link back in my signature. -_-
Don't know if I'll make today's event. If I can even connect (I've given up on predicting at this point) I'll be maybe 30-45 minutes late at best.
I may not be able to attend tonight as it's my mothers birthday and I'll probably get home too late to participate.
Name Tay
Age: 15
Roleplay : MosFree Roam games.

Name Adam
Age 21
Job Courier
Bio : Adam has been a courier for LS Haulage for 3 years & knows the area really well. His father own the Suburban clothes store & South LS customs, the shop specializes in Rock Climbing vehicles, they dont get many customers so it would be nice if you could pop by. Adam has a Dominater (Navy & white GT500*replica) when driving casually but when he is in his free time he drives his jumped up Rancher off road & rock crawling. His dream Job is to be a cop & is waiting for his application for the force to be accepted. My mother died when I was 8, living in Liberty City was too much for her. She was the woman found dead at the bottom of the Empire State building... Since then I've never been back. I liked growing up with my dad, going football games, stunt shows and he even taught me rock climbing, but now, with my father working, he never has time to do father and son stuff. I have 2 brothers who are somewhere in Afghanistan fighting. I recieve letters weekly which I keep safe incase the inevitable happens...

Adams hobbies are football, he liked going to the games with his dad, and rock crawling. Adams past life involved gun crime and drug abuse but he served his time when he was sentenced to a youth offenders at the age of 15, his sentence was 3 years but halved as mysteriously the evidence against him was damaged and was not enough to charge him with the gun crime. Adam is now a revolved criminal living the high life after his father gave him money as he has no time for him. He lives in La Puerta and likes riding his JetSki through the little tight canals, he has had a few accidents on it but not as big as the accident he had in 2012.. He was off-roading down the tight paths of Mt Chiliad and crack... His wheel axle snapped and he was sent off the cliff side. After spending 2 months in hospital he was back to his job delivering parcels for LS Haulages.

Adam feels safe around his area, but has a lot of hate through and around Strawberry, but other than that he is a nice chap & can get really frustrated & angry around bad drivers.
Accepted! But please choose a last name for your character.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Austin
Age: 15
PSN: Lil_Moto_21
Role Play experience: None
In Character (IC)
Name: Austin
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Undercover cop.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Austin grew up in a little family that never had money, he grew up having to be home schooled then later on went to real school and graduated high school and law school to be a cop. Austin was then able to be an undercover cop ( where he is now) and become known for a change. He never had friends and never was cared for and that’s his goal for the future. To be known as someone, to have a family, to have a good start with life. I like chicken nuggets.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Austin is very chill and fun to be around.
Vehicle: Surono Benefactor
Photograph (If available):
Please add more detail - I don't care for four sentence applications. Also I'd like to know more about your character's personality. Something more than just "very chill and fun to be around." Thanks!

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chance
Age: 15 (I'm mature and NOT a squeaker.)
PSN: BurntBreadz
Role Play experience: I have some experience across multiple forums and games.

In Character (IC)

Jeffery "Jackle" Marston (I got the RDR character as a father* so he looks UGLY as hell.)
Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source:
A 'courier' of the sorts, does odd jobs and sometimes has various part-time jobs.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Not really knowing his parents due to a car accident, he was raised with his abusive uncle in Grapeseed for the first fifteen years of his life until social services got involved after that he moved from house to house, broken. That is, until he got his first car, a beat up, barely running Uranus, having it rebuilt from the ground up, using any part he could get his hands on, soon he would start skipping school, then not going altogether, leaving him with an unfinished high school diploma, even though he was rather smart for his age. He raced illegally on the highway until he found out about downhill runs. After winning a few races there, he was noticed, but in the worst of ways. He was rammed off the bridge while on his way to the LSC in the East, crashing into the Los Santos Canal, breaking most of his ribs and one of his legs, him and his passion almost died there. Now he still enjoys taking his cars out for a spin but generally stays away from racing. He can now be seen in the mountains with his Sadler, enjoying some off-road. In the future he hopes to have a modified Mesa for his new off-road hobby. He loves chicken nuggets but prefers a good steak more than anything.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Quiet and shy, he tends to be indecisive over many things, thus causing him to have to troubles with money and tends to gain and lose a lot of items in a short period of time. He's obsessed with driving cars and doesn't like confrontation, he would rather spend his days working on his car than talking to the ignorant morons of Los Santos and surrounding.
Vehicle: One modified Karin Futo and one Vapid Sadler. (Plus one project car that doesn't run for the sake of the RP)
Photograph (If available): Will get one on soon.

*Read Grandfather.
Timezone is Mountain Standard and I have curfew at 8PM, any time before that I'm usually on.
Interesting - Accepted! I'll have to add you to the queue list. My friends list is full with all 25 members added and I can't add another one (hence the member limit).
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Luke Davenport

Age: 16

PSN: Thief_x_47_x_

Role Play experience:

Although I have never participated in a legitimate role-play event, I used to role-play with friends on games such as GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption. I would like to expand my roleplaying experience through your events set up. I will be a good content player and I will not disappoint.

In Character (IC)

Name: Nathan Digiralimo

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source:

Job: Assistant Under Cover Cop (Living with lilmoto21)

Career: Detective

Money Source: State

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Nathan Digiralimo was born in the outskirts of los Santos. He was raised by his grandparents since he was 2 years old. His father was a psychopathic murderer and killed his own wife. (Nathans Mother) Nathan never really understood what happened to his parents until he was 18 when his grandparents told him about the incident.

He was sheltered from what actually happened for his own good because his grandparents didn’t want him knowing the terrible outcomes of the incident at such a young age. Now, as Nathan goes on living his abstract days in a crime filled city he wants to make the people that are like his father pay and parish for what they have done to modern society.

He wants to grow up and be a detective and help murder victims’ families in finding relief by taking down killers and restoring faith in the community. He is a strong individual (spiritually, mentally and physically) and wants to rid the city of sadness and despair. His main goal is to help others find happiness.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):

Although Nathan tries to help others, his anger sometimes gets the best of him because of the incidents in the past. Sometimes he is overwhelmed with stress and sadness, but he keeps moving forward. He tries to keep his head up high and continues moving on as a happy cheerful individual for the sake of others. His friend Bryant Fredrickson helps motivate him through bad times.



Photograph (If available):

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Sorry for not being able to make it to the events it's just that What's and Ameer's club is getting more active and more lobbies are getting opened. :indiff:
I was feeling sick after the Canadian GP after seeing Perez and Massa's crash, I was planning to get there on time, but I fell asleep and woke up like an hour later, I got into PSN to see if the session was still on, and I see pinkitron just disconnected :(
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Austin

Age: 15

PSN: Lil_Moto_21

Role Play experience: GTA 4 cop role-play

In Character (IC)

Name: Bryant Frederik

Age: 21

Job/Career/Money Source:

Undercover cop (State)

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Bryant Frederik grew up not knowing his father and having a crack headed mom who didn’t care about anyone but herself. Bryant then had to go to a foster home for 5 years until he was finally accepted by a husband and wife named Mary Frederik and Joe Frederik. They weren’t young but not old, they took care of him like he was there’s from the beginning.

After living with them for 12 years he finally went to law school with a bachelor’s degree and a scholar’s degree. He thought everything was perfect until one day his “mother” was shot and died in the hospital with Bryant overhead. He was so devastated he had to go to depressant classes and had to take pills for about 3 years. His “father” then died from a massive heart failure which made Bryant so sad and mad to where he still has those memories that make him who he is today. Bryant finally got those bad memories out of his head and plans for bigger and better things for the future.

He will try and keep LS safe and make sure no one goes through what his mom did and be depressed like him. He is determined to change himself… To change LS.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Bryant will never stay the same, he always has a reason for everything.

Vehicle: Sultan

Photograph (If available):
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Hey Pink, I think his last name will be Thompson, & also will I be able pick a new job or will I have to create a new bio?
I was feeling sick after the Canadian GP after seeing Perez and Massa's crash, I was planning to get there on time, but I fell asleep and woke up like an hour later, I got into PSN to see if the session was still on, and I see pinkitron just disconnected :(
That was a pretty bad crash & I can't believe Perez got the blame.. Illegal line change apparently :/
That was a pretty bad crash & I can't believe Perez got the blame.. Illegal line change apparently :/
He miscalculated the distance between him and Massa while braking and changing to a defensive line to the corner
He miscalculated the distance between him and Massa while braking and changing to a defensive line to the corner
Yeah, I saw him block him the first time but thought Massa drove into him, but I watched it again & I can see he tries again. Do you think Hami can catch up to Rosberg or not?
Sorry for not being able to make it to the events it's just that What's and Ameer's club is getting more active and more lobbies are getting opened. :indiff:
Because of summer vacation.
LEAVE you weenie.
@Lil_Moto_21 What part of South Carolina are you in?

Sorry @Pinkintron, but once again I haven't been getting alerts for this thread and WHaT's club is being a boob (If you get the reference, I love you). Speaking of @ProjectWHaT, the other family members @Katiegan (School reasons I'm aware of), @DBeav12 (that's what happens when you go outside), and @AzNTypeR (Since you bother procrastinating, you can show up here) don't show up too often, so I'd just stay out until at least Katiegan and another person returns.
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