[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
So this means that the rooms will be played later than the listed time.
No, not really. I was referring to myself setting earlier times, such as 12:00, so that people in the UK eight hours ahead of me don't have to be awake at 10 or 11 if they want to play a game.

I don't start lobbies precisely at the same listed - I'm not perfect and occasionally I'm late or I'm trying to not only set up my character, but also go through this thread for any applications, check Skype for messages that may be sent to be about the RP or generally what's going on with me at that certain time, and other IRL things. I wish I could be able to sit down and just start a lobby at exactly this time and not get distracted with something else that's important to me. I find that pretty much impossible but I do my best in what I do.
Internet should be up and running sometime around Wednesday. I have final exams on Thursday and Friday, though, so I don't know if I'll be able to get online or not.
Just found out that today is the last today that I'll have to do Uni stuff for this semester (just waiting on my work mate send me the work done so I can upload to the Uni server) apart from the 16th (got a test to do because I was stupid in physics '-'), so I'll probably will be able to put some work on the new character this week and get back to the action. :D
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: James
Age: 23
Role Play experience: Been roleplaying since 2010 on GTA IV & RDR.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jim Smith
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Mechanic
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Jim grew up not knowing much about his mother, he grew up with his father living in Algonquin. Jims father was always working and staying out late, so Jim didn't really spend time with his dad. At the age of 15 Jim ran away because his father came home drunk and was beating him. Jim snuck into a cargo plane, not knowing where it was going and ended up going to Sandy Shores Airfield where he just hitch hiked to where ever seemed to fit his need. Jims dad reported him missing a week later, no one heard anything of his where abouts because Jim layed low until he was 18. Jim worked on vehicles at Beekers garage out in Poleto Bay. 13 years now since he left Beekers, Jim rides around in 2 vehicles, his street meet car Black Sentinel and his regular truck, Mettallic Midnight Blue Sadler. Jim is a well trained mechanic and loves to be around cars, he goes to street races to try and get people for business at fair prices. In the future, Jim hopes to own a garage and be his own professional boss.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): smart, car freak, & funny
Vehicle: Black Convertable Sentinel & Midnight Metallic Blue Sadler.
Photograph (If available):
So you guys basically want me to write a big story on how the character grew up? Didn't know an application can be so hard, I'll think of a story. I was gonna do a bio of living in a mobile home but after reading pinks bio, I'm gonna look into something different, I'll keep you guys posted. The main thing I'm trying to do here is get into a roleplay group because I just hate going into public lobbies and getting shot up, also it doesn't help that I DONT have much friends because they went inactive. Plus, I know how the whole roleplay thing works I've been there and done it. Like I said, I just want to join a group of people like me who likes to hang out and play GTA with a little fun instead of just going around with guns blazing at people because they shot me and I gotta defend my sorry ass. Sorry for ranting off, I just think its crazy we gotta make a whole paragraph as an application just to get into a group. I'm not really good at writing bios or coming up with names, I'll try my hardest next time and hope the 3rd time is a charm. If not I'll just leave the forum and find something new. Also, I didn't want this to sound like a sob story just to get in, but I know some of you knows how that is. Next post I make should be my Bio.
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: James

Age: 23


Role Play experience: Since 2010, GTA IV & Red Dead Redemption

In Character (IC)

Name: Anthony "Tony" Giovane

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: Odd Jobs of any sort.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Tony started his life in Liberty City. Tony's parents, well let's say they weren't around to take care of the young lad. Tony's mother was a groupie of a Mafia Family so Tony didn't know much about her because the mafia didn't want her around him after he was born because they wanted to bring him into the family to find out where his RAT of a father was hiding. Tony's father ratted out the whole mafia family to the police on everything they were doing from smuggling weapons, drugs, and solicitating prostitution. Tony's father only ratted the family out because he wanted to be underboss of the family and they never let him. 10 years went by and still no sight of Tony's father until he came up on Liberty City Weazel News where he was gunned down in Algonquin by a biker crew called The Damned MC. Tony knew it was his father because of the last name, the Mafia that Tony was born in, they were the Constello Crime Family.
Once Tony turned 16, the family came up to Tony and asked what he wanted to do in life, Tony told them that he wanted to start a new life and not be involved in the crime business like his parent were. So the family took him out driving for a few weeks and told him he can be the driver of the Don and Underboss of the family and when they were to go to meets he stay in or next to the car with a gun on him at all times just in case something goes down like a shootout or a bad deal.
5 years go by and Tony is still driving for the Constellos, but there was this 1 meet that changed everything for Tony and the Family, they had a meet with the MC that killed Tony's father, this meet they were supposed to exchange cash for drugs. One thing that both parties didn't know is there was a police force waiting for them to make the transfer, once everything got handed off the police moved in and there was arrests made and casualties lost. Tony, The Don, & Underboss all got away, the family died after that because there were anyone left.
Don Constello and The Underboss let Tony go and live his life. They all separated and went their own way, Don & Underboss went to Vice City and Tony went to San Andreas. Tony lives in Poleto Forest at the BayView Lodge. Tony works in and around Poleto Bay doing any job he can find his his Black Rancher XL Truck. Tony tends to keep to himself now that he's new to San Andreas but he gets to know people he's an outgoing pethen who likes to have fun.
Vehicle: Black Rancher XL
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>wants to keep PS3 on to download MW2012
>can't play games while downloading
>goes up to desktop
>desktop works fine for a while then suddenly internet dies on desktop alone
>have to restart router
>desktop working fine again
>ps3 refusing to connect

I may be sitting today's event out if I can't connect again. Sometimes it just takes a couple of hours for it to actually start connecting again so I'll try again just before the event starts. Guess I'll have to finish my download tomorrow... :(
I am able to make today's event. I wasnt able to make the last one because of my girlfriend graduation sorry I didn't give you a notice
This roleplay going on now? All I wanna know is if I got accepted? I got the money to buy the super diamond now.

There is one scheduled for now, but it's not currently happening. You'll have to wait until @Pinkintron gets online to start it and accept or decline your application.
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: James

Age: 23


Role Play experience: Since 2010, GTA IV & Red Dead Redemption

In Character (IC)

Name: Anthony "Tony" Giovane

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: Personal Driver/Chauffeur

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Tony started his life in Liberty City. Tony's parents, well let's say they weren't around to take care of the young lad. Tony's mother was a groupie of a Mafia Family so Tony didn't know much about her because the mafia didn't want her around him after he was born because they wanted to bring him into the family to find out where his RAT of a father was hiding. Tony's father ratted out the whole mafia family to the police on everything they were doing from smuggling weapons, drugs, and solicitating prostitution. Tony's father only ratted the family out because he wanted to be underboss of the family and they never let him. 10 years went by and still no sight of Tony's father until he came up on Liberty City Weazel News where he was gunned down in Algonquin by a biker crew called The Damned MC. Tony knew it was his father because of the last name, the Mafia that Tony was born in, they were the Constello Crime Family.
Once Tony turned 16, the family came up to Tony and asked what he wanted to do in life, Tony told them that he wanted to start a new life and not be involved in the crime business like his parent were. So the family took him out driving for a few weeks and told him he can be the driver of the Don and Underboss of the family and when they were to go to meets he stay in or next to the car with a gun on him at all times just in case something goes down like a shootout or a bad deal.
5 years go by and Tony is still driving for the Constellos, but there was this 1 meet that changed everything for Tony and the Family, they had a meet with the MC that killed Tony's father, this meet they were supposed to exchange cash for drugs. One thing that both parties didn't know is there was a police force waiting for them to make the transfer, once everything got handed off the police moved in and there was arrests made and casualties lost. Tony, The Don, & Underboss all got away, the family died after that because there were anyone left.
Don Constello and The Underboss let Tony go and live his life. They all separated and went their own way, Don & Underboss went to Vice City and Tony went to Poleto Bay, San Andreas where he now lives 4 years later doing what he can do to get the memories of his life out of his head.
Vehicle: All Black Super Diamond

P.S. DONT have Super Diamond yet, but as of this post I'll be grinding some missions to get the money for it, it cost $250K and I only got $195K.
Also, hope this Bio fits what you're looking for, I pretty much wrote a story, and in my opinion, I think it should pass.
Accepted! I'll add you now.
A lobby has been set up for a while - I just want to know if anyone else will be joining the event tonight. If not, it will be canceled.
Somewhat RP session notes:

~Harley (Me) had to cover a sick delivery driver from the Cluckin' Bell factory in Paleto Bay (she does odd jobs around the town so this isn't unusual), after reaching the city and finishing her drop off, she picks up a hitch hiker (Tony) who was headed to Paleto Bay. They conversed on the trip back with casual pleasantries etc. Upon arrival Harley showed Tony her business and then they parted ways.~

James_JR, just some insight but I'm not so sure how well a Super Diamond fits in Paleto Bay, it's a run down hill billy town. I don't know if you maybe want to relocate or maybe switch some things around. It's up to you, just seems a little off.

Look forward to a bigger session soon :)
Somewhat RP session notes:

~Harley (Me) had to cover a sick delivery driver from the Cluckin' Bell factory in Paleto Bay (she does odd jobs around the town so this isn't unusual), after reaching the city and finishing her drop off, she picks up a hitch hiker (Tony) who was headed to Paleto Bay. They conversed on the trip back with casual pleasantries etc. Upon arrival Harley showed Tony her business and then they parted ways.~

James_JR, just some insight but I'm not so sure how well a Super Diamond fits in Paleto Bay, it's a run down hill billy town. I don't know if you maybe want to relocate or maybe switch some things around. It's up to you, just seems a little off.

Look forward to a bigger session soon :)
If I change things up I wouldn't know what to change. I wanna be a driver of some sort living in Poleto Bay. I would have to redo my bio and all. Maybe I'll look around the wealthy areas of the city and live there, because you're right, even if I were to change vehicles, still a guy in a suit in a rundown town of Poleto Bay also would seem right. So for now I'll live in Roxford Hills area near where Michael lives until I can come up with a new bio that fit Poleto Bay. Maybe you can help me out...thanks for the insight.
Alright, here's my new character. As much as I liked Terri, her life was a little too boring for my tastes, so here's something a little more exciting that should keep me motivated. Big thanks to @Ishikawa M and the Brookley gang for letting me in. :sly:

Name: Kristi Brookley
Age: 22
Job/Career/Money Source: Mechanic at Auto Exotic
Kristi is the second youngest of the Brookley family and the only girl of the litter. She, just like her brothers, had everything given to her on a plate, yet very rarely saw her parents. Despite being given anything and everything she wanted, she never felt happy this way. She would often tell people that she wasn't related to the rather well-known owners of the Los Santos Country Club, and instead told people that she just had the same surname as them by chance. She was afraid people would mistake her as a typical rich, snobby Richman kid coming from a typical rich, snobby WASP family, so instead made up stories of living a normal life in Mirror Park or Vespucci Canals. Her siblings, however, embraced this image and took full advantage of it. This caused her to clash and not get along with them all that well, apart from the youngest, Vixen. Her and Vixen shared similar mindsets of not wanting the rich stereotype, resulting in the two getting along rather well.

Growing up in a household filled with boys and nannies, she never really had a chance at the girly lifestyle and instead began to develop the same interests as the middle Brookley child, Diego. Diego was not like his brothers who obsessed over Superman or Transformers - he instead obsessed over cars. Kristi would walk past her brother's room in a morning and notice his walls lined with car posters, and decided she liked the look of these four-wheeled machines. She began to read books and magazines about them, watch movies and TV shows about them, and soon her room began to resemble that of Diego's. She particularly became interested in the import scene, bewildered by the wacky and wonderful creations of the Japanese. Soon, she found her favourite car - the Karin Futo. A legend on the streets of Japan, tackling the mountains in touge battles, anything the Futo did, she loved it. Her love for the Futo only grew stronger when Diego was given one for his 16th birthday, and she carefully watched him work on it for 2 years until he could drive it for himself when he turned 18. Kristi received a Futo herself on her 18th birthday as a first car, and it has been her pride and joy for four years. Originally Frost White, Kristi for the first time invested in the Bank of Daddy, got it resprayed Midnight Purple and turned it into a flame-spitting tyre-slaying drift monster.

During her high school years, she was always one of the boys. She never really had many things in common with the girls and none of them appreciated her interest in dirty oily cars. Granted, she had female friends, but found it easier to get along with the male friends. Obviously, her favourite lesson was auto shop, and it was here she learned many skills she uses now in her job at Auto Exotic, located just off the freeway in Hawick. She'd spend most of her days after school staying behind to help her teacher work on his old Sabre GT, looking up to him and admiring his vast knowledge of cars. Due to her only really having an interest in auto shop however, meant that she didn't try too hard in other lessons nor strived to achieve high grades like some of her siblings did. Instead, she settled for mostly Cs in her subjects with maybe the odd B, yet passed auto shop with flying colours, scoring the best in her class. She graduated high school with her mediocre grades and went straight to various garages around Los Santos looking for a job. Eventually, Auto Exotic in Hawick took her on and she's been there ever since.

Her new work mates were keen drifters, building race cars after hours and drifting them on the streets at night. Kristi loved the idea of this not-so-legal pastime and joined them in her own Futo, tearing up the streets of Los Santos and getting into a little bit of bother with the law enforcement. Her parents and some of her brothers don't know about her automotive endeavors, and tries to hide this from most of them to keep her 'good girl' image. She's never been arrested for this, only ticketed and fined, but even if she was arrested, her father would most likely bail her out instantly and slide a big wad of cash over to the feds to persuade them to drop the charges.

Kristi hopes to perfect her drifting skills and possibly start a professional drift team with her pals at Auto Exotic. She has yet to partake in safe, legal drifting however.

Personality: Kristi is a happy-go-lucky type of person, and is often seen with a smile on her face. She's hostile towards her older brothers but protective over her younger. She's also very protective of her Futo and spends most of her free time either tweaking with it or pampering it. She's friendly to everyone and tries to get along with most people, and always tries to see the better side of things.

The fire breathing purple dragon itself. No, not Spyro.

Chillin' outside work.
Name Tay
Age: 15
Roleplay : MosFree Roam games.

Name Adam
Age 21
Job Courier
Bio : Adam has been a courier for LS Haulage for 3 years & knows the area really well. His father own the Suburban clothes store & South LS customs, the shop specializes in Rock Climbing vehicles, they dont get many customers so it would be nice if you could pop by. Adam has a Dominater (Navy & white GT500*replica) when driving casually but when he is in his free time he drives his jumped up Rancher off road & rock crawling. His dream Job is to be a cop & is waiting for his application for the force to be accepted. My mother died when I was 8, living in Liberty City was too much for her. She was the woman found dead at the bottom of the Empire State building... Since then I've never been back. I liked growing up with my dad, going football games, stunt shows and he even taught me rock climbing, but now, with my father working, he never has time to do father and son stuff. I have 2 brothers who are somewhere in Afghanistan fighting. I recieve letters weekly which I keep safe incase the inevitable happens...

Adams hobbies are football, he liked going to the games with his dad, and rock crawling. Adams past life involved gun crime and drug abuse but he served his time when he was sentenced to a youth offenders at the age of 15, his sentence was 3 years but halved as mysteriously the evidence against him was damaged and was not enough to charge him with the gun crime. Adam is now a revolved criminal living the high life after his father gave him money as he has no time for him. He lives in La Puerta and likes riding his JetSki through the little tight canals, he has had a few accidents on it but not as big as the accident he had in 2012.. He was off-roading down the tight paths of Mt Chiliad and crack... His wheel axle snapped and he was sent off the cliff side. After spending 2 months in hospital he was back to his job delivering parcels for LS Haulages.

Adam feels safe around his area, but has a lot of hate through and around Strawberry, but other than that he is a nice chap & can get really frustrated & angry around bad drivers.