(PS4) Grand Theft Auto V - Roleplay Events

  • Thread starter bscar27
Alright well guys to keep up to date with me and the RP events, Please Follow me on Twitter and My Facebook Like Page. They are both right below in my Signature. Also If would be really Appericated if you also Follow my Livestream to, Because I will be Livestreaming Every RP Event and other Events.
How will communication work for the lobby? Will it just be the in game text messaging?

You do not need a microphone to play. We use the PSN chat room for In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) chat. Though it is not necessary, you may find it easier to put [OOC] or something alike before your message. In character, when interacting and conversing with another player, let them know you are talking/interacting with them. If not, they probably won't recognize you.
You do not need a microphone to play. We use the PSN chat room for In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) chat. Though it is not necessary, you may find it easier to put [OOC] or something alike before your message. In character, when interacting and conversing with another player, let them know you are talking/interacting with them. If not, they probably won't recognize you.

Edit: I'll be available for RP Mon-Thurs 6AM-11AM GMT, Friday 12PM-11AM GMT and 9PM-11AM GMT
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Sorry guys, I can't do a RP event this weekend. Something came up but maybe next weekend or during the week. But I will keep you up to date on everything
Hey, is it alright for me to change my bio one more time, I thought of something better and I haven't started RP yet so it wont mess anything up

In Character (IC)

Name: Jason O'Niel


Job/Career/Money Source:
Marine Research/Pilot

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
At a young age, Jason had a big interest in planes. He studied them and dreamed that one day he would fly them. He was born and raised in San Fiero and he began attending flight school. after a year of flight school Jason became a helicopter pilot, but his real interst at the time was planes. He could fly alright but not good enough to become a professional pilot. Jason had a good friend who was a submarine pilot who was always telling him how fun it was and there was an opening in their marine research company in San Andreas. Jason decided to try out the job. he enjoyed and still has this job today. Recently, Jason and the team found millions of dollars worth of ancient artifacts deep under the sea. The team was split up due to most of the team retiring with their millions, but Jason still works in the marine research department. Every once and a while the company lets him have access to the submarine which is his favorite part of the job. Jason is on the water almost every day, and with his money he finally bought himself a velum plane. Not the best but its his own personal one and he hopes that one day he'll be able to afford a Dodo. He also still does some piloting jobs every once and a while. With the money he was also able to restore his old Vapid Slamvan that hes been working at for years, and now he doesn't have to drive his rusty old Surfer everywhere. Hopeless with women, prefers prostitutes and loves chicken nuggets.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Mostly calm, still wishes his life amounted to more. Doesn't always take jokes very well and is not afraid to throw a punch at an asshole. He is very calm and happy when hes on the water or in the sky.

Vehicles: Most to least used- Ubermacht Oracle, Bravado Paradise(work van),Declasse Stallion, Declasse Rancher, Vapid Slamvan, BF Surfer
For some reason it wont let me add you on PSN it says "Cannot send the friend request because of the recipient's settings" You can try adding me, my PSN is the same as my username, Shlirpy
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Alex Barnes
Age: 19
PSN: TPDisney
Role Play experience: RP Forums, GTA:V RP group (PS3) RPG's: ES:embarrassed:blivion, Fallout 3 GTA:IV Roleplays.

In Character (IC)

Name: Mitsuko Takara Chu

Age: 31

Job/Career/Money Source: Executive Officer at Pacific Standard

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Mitsuko has always had a privileged life, when she was a toddler she was home-schooled by a tutor, her parents both worked for the government of Japan and were therefore rarely at home. Her tutor taught her basic mathematics, science and Japanese, as well as teaching her English, French and Mandarin Chinese.

She was then sent to a private international school at her parents discretion. She then spend the next 12 years attending two different schools for two levels of education at her parents expense, they wanted to ensure their daughter received the best education that they could buy. From having a head start from an early age, Mitsuko excelled in her subjects achieving high grades, as well as being the captain for her school's swim team. She finished her high school career at the age of 18 and applied to Universities in the UK to study Finance and Business. She was accepted into Greenwich University and studied there for three years, after this she carried on and acquired a masters in Physiology from Cambridge.

Once she finished her time in Cambridge she applied to work for a range of financial institutions and was offered a position with SHCB (Shanghai and Hong-Kong Corporation of Banks) After a period of time she found a better opportunity in Los Santos with Pacific Standard and moved shortly after attaining the job.

She moved into an apartment on Alta Street and Purchased a Weenie Issi to help her get around, after her bonus came though she then went and bought a Khamelion which part of she was able to claim part back from the State of San Andreas with the car being a Hybrid and benefiting the environment.

In her spare time she enjoys going to Vespucci Beach and shopping at Ponsonbys and Vangelico

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Mitsuko can be rather uptight over subjects, and very stern. However she can be friendly with people she knows

Vehicle: Hijack Khamelion, Weenie Issi

Photograph (If available):N/A

I like chicken nuggets.

You're Accepted, Welcome to the Club
Anyone up for a miniature session at 7:00 London time? Just friend me on PSN if u want to do one (ScorpontGamerZ)
((I'm so glad this is back and on the PS4. Here goes my app for the character I used before))

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Louis.
Age: 22
PSN: Saarai
Role Play experience: Star Wars Galaxies, City Of Heroes/Villains, Champions Online, Age Of Conan, Fallout series, etc.

In Character (IC)

Name: Maria Munroe
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug dealer/hired gun.

Bio: Born in Los Santos to a Jamaican mother and Peruvian father, Maria was no stranger to the hardships that immigrants to America had to face. As she grew up she was mostly kept away from the gangs and violence that plagued her neighborhood, at the time the projects in Rancho, by her older brothers who had left home to join the Ballas.

It wasn't until her father's murder by the Vagos when she was ten years old that Maria figured she could solve her family's problems, and get revenge, with a gun and dirty money. Now staying with her eldest brother on Covenant Avenue, Maria took it upon herself to make sure the Balla OGs knew exactly who she was.

Everything from being a lookout, to crawling through cat flaps and unlocking doors from the other side for the rest of the gang was done to garner attention from the elder Ballas. It wasn't until the war with the Families flared up that Maria was really able to prove her worth.

At age 17 she helped attack and kill several members of the Carson Avenue Families. Her willingness to kill and skill with a firearm earned the young woman a real space within the Ballas gang. In and out of jail for various crimes, but still lacking in the respect she felt she deserves due to her gender, Maria would eventually start putting distance between herself and the old gang.

Now aged 23, Maria works jobs here and there for different criminal organizations and drug dealers, often as a gunman to buy her mother a home outside of Davis and eventually come into contact with someone who knows who pulled the trigger and left her without a father.

Personality: Maria can be loud, rude, and sometimes crass. Typical for someone who spent more than half their life running with a gang like the Ballas. But, the young woman is also very smart despite her expletive filled manner of speaking.

She tends to hold grudges against those that wrong her, but understands that sometimes it's just business and is more than willing to work with those who have bumped heads with her in the past. What she isn't willing to do is work with police. Growing up in Davis as a Balla, Maria has no love for the law and tends to respond to them with anger.

And gunfire if she can get away with it.
This still up? I was a PS3 member, and I'm at my brothers on his PS4 and was wondering if I could join as a one-off?
Been a while since there's been a post, just wondering if it's possible for a lobby soon-ish
Hey all, I've always wanted to do RP in GTA, seems a great game to do it if you can get the right group together. I hopefully will join in in most RP events but it will be around 11pm GMT but hopefully that shouldn't be a problem as the host is a few hours behind me. Here's my application.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 21
PSN: Brad-Flame-Red
Role Play experience: Car meets in GTA:embarrassed: (if that counts)

In Character (IC)

Name: Lottie
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Part time Security/Police, Part time Pilot.
Bio: Lottie is a British born lass. When she was in her teens, she had dreams to move to a sunny place in the US and tried all she could to fulfill that dream but one thing was stopping her, her hassling mother. Her mother was very protective over her and always had to have her in her sight or either in contact. Lottie being very young, she just wanted her space and it actually stressed her to extreme levels. Her mother only seemed to be like this after they were in a terrible crash in a taxi ride home, where unfortunately her father didn’t make it out of the crash. Over the years, Lottie lost concentration at school and college so she didn’t get her certifications for law and placement in the police force.

When Lottie left college with nothing, she finally cracked and just went for it, she left a note for her mother saying she was moving and not telling her where, just that she would be in contact via email. Lottie moved to her dream country, the US. San Andreas, was her destination where she would start her new life leaving her prison like home back in the UK. Life was tough to start with but she joined the police academy which she passed and landed a part time job where she would be a police officer and security assistant. Over time she ranked up and got high level duties where she is now.

Her hobbies consist of working on her cars (true petrol head), cruising and seeing the sights of San Andreas, she got her pilots licence and landed another part time job as a pilot delivering goods via air transport to keep the funds level. A lot of her hobbies consist of motors, even her job as a police officer she drives a lot on duty. She likes to go out for bike rides occasionally to stay active. She also loves chicken nuggets.

Personality : Shy, Laid Back, Active, Brave.
Vehicle: Benefactor Schafter (Main Daily), BF Surfer
Hey all, I've always wanted to do RP in GTA, seems a great game to do it if you can get the right group together. I hopefully will join in in most RP events but it will be around 11pm GMT but hopefully that shouldn't be a problem as the host is a few hours behind me. Here's my application.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 21
PSN: Brad-Flame-Red
Role Play experience: Car meets in GTA:embarrassed: (if that counts)

In Character (IC)

Name: Lottie
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Part time Security/Police, Part time Pilot.
Bio: Lottie is a British born lass. When she was in her teens, she had dreams to move to a sunny place in the US and tried all she could to fulfill that dream but one thing was stopping her, her hassling mother. Her mother was very protective over her and always had to have her in her sight or either in contact. Lottie being very young, she just wanted her space and it actually stressed her to extreme levels. Her mother only seemed to be like this after they were in a terrible crash in a taxi ride home, where unfortunately her father didn’t make it out of the crash. Over the years, Lottie lost concentration at school and college so she didn’t get her certifications for law and placement in the police force.

When Lottie left college with nothing, she finally cracked and just went for it, she left a note for her mother saying she was moving and not telling her where, just that she would be in contact via email. Lottie moved to her dream country, the US. San Andreas, was her destination where she would start her new life leaving her prison like home back in the UK. Life was tough to start with but she joined the police academy which she passed and landed a part time job where she would be a police officer and security assistant. Over time she ranked up and got high level duties where she is now.

Her hobbies consist of working on her cars (true petrol head), cruising and seeing the sights of San Andreas, she got her pilots licence and landed another part time job as a pilot delivering goods via air transport to keep the funds level. A lot of her hobbies consist of motors, even her job as a police officer she drives a lot on duty. She likes to go out for bike rides occasionally to stay active. She also loves chicken nuggets.

Personality : Shy, Laid Back, Active, Brave.
Vehicle: Benefactor Schafter (Main Daily), BF Surfer

You're Accepted, Welcome to the club!!