Hey guys,
By now you know that we encountered some website issues during our official release yesterday. We sincerely apologize to anyone that had to deal with those issues.
We made some mistakes, and I (as the company's representative), take full responsibility for that.
We want to try and make sure that these issues aren't a problem for future batches, so we've devised a plan.
There have been some very vocal individuals that have suggested we move to a "pre-order" type system, or even a "waiting list". Initially, we did give this idea some thought, but decided against it for a number of reasons that I won't get into here.
What we would like to do is ask our user base what they think would be the most viable solution. We've had so much great feedback along this journey that we decided to use all of our available resources to come up with a better way to handle
such limited quantities of pedals. We have decided to create a poll that has several different options to choose from.
You can visit the link below and choose which option you'd most like to see implemented. This does not mean that your idea will get adopted. This is just a request for user feedback. If we find that most users prefer a different system
than what we're doing now, we will consider changing our current system.
You can visit the poll here:
If none of these options appeal to you, you may reply to this email with your own suggestions, and we will take each of them under consideration.
The bottom line is, we want you guys to have a seemless experience when interacting with our website, or purchasing our products. We appreciate any feedback you can give us, and we look forward to gathering the results of this poll.
Chris Smith - Co-Founder - ProtoSimtech