Just a quick question for the steward.
I pitted early with WII when I noticed my frame rates were somewhere between watching Youtube in HD on my crappy laptop or sixties cartoons whenever I was near more than two cars.
When I pitted, the stupid cursor was jumping all over the place and I was trying to change the options, and ended up with Sports Soft up from and Racing Intermediates. Less than 300 meters out of the pits, I completely totaled my car.
When I originally pitted, my intentions were to get rain tires. Will I get disqualified even though I never did a racing lap on Intermediates? My car was completely damaged and I'm sure they didn't help my lap any. I pitted on the next lap, still in the green, and finally got racing rains. Since there was no traffic around, the frame rate was just fine.
The opening laps were terrible for me. I couldn't go one lap without another car hitting my rear bumper.
Sorry Cicua. I thought I was going to stop in time, but when I realized I wasn't, I tried to get out of the path of your car.