PURE | Integra World Championship III | Series Champion: R1600Turbo!

  • Thread starter Müle
26 is good.

I'm gonna open the room early so guys like Paul can get their connections sorted.

Sorry about that, Sy. It's fixed. 15 now :)

The colour is Hawaiian Blue
I just reset router reguardless of what Ray said be back as quickly as possible.

Ugh now starts the incompatibility bullcrap...

Try 2, incompatibilty again...

Try 3, incompatibilty again... :ouch:

Try 4, nevermind just race without me :indiff:.
Last edited:
Sorry I had to quit out guys, just wasn't feeling very well. Seemed my car was very under powered and for whatever reason I was getting dizzy. I hate to quit mid race but I just couldn't continue.
Oh dear, dad turned the internet on and off. Got disconected around lap 21 or so.. had some nice tight battles with Pag, Sy and SOHNVONSTIG!

Apologies for the beginning to Mule, but it wasn't me who beached you. I over braked into that stupid deep corner but just cut across guys turning in. Let about 4 guys past due to that.
grrrrrr. Yesterday i was disconnected from the Nascar room. And today disconnected from the IWC room :( . I think there's a problem with in network those days :(
I don't have a GTP tag or the motivation to get one.

Wow, 55 laps, 2 hours and a margin of victory = 0.017
Oh dear, dad turned the internet on and off. Got disconected around lap 21 or so.. had some nice tight battles with Pag, Sy and SOHNVONSTIG!

Apologies for the beginning to Mule, but it wasn't me who beached you. I over braked into that stupid deep corner but just cut across guys turning in. Let about 4 guys past due to that.

I you did that just as I made a move to try to pass syjones. then someone else hit me right after into the sand :(
I just reset router reguardless of what Ray said be back as quickly as possible.

Ugh now starts the incompatibility bullcrap...

Try 2, incompatibilty again...

Try 3, incompatibilty again... :ouch:

Try 4, nevermind just race without me :indiff:.

Unlucky Paul. Sorry to say, you missed a corker!
Bit of dive bombing on the first lap but a corker all the same. We even had a bit of trolling!
Great end to the season mule!
Sorry I had to quit out guys, just wasn't feeling very well. Seemed my car was very under powered and for whatever reason I was getting dizzy. I hate to quit mid race but I just couldn't continue.

That'll be that bud light ;)
I'd like to thank everyone for not kicking me out of the series after the first race. 👍:)

I had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit about racing these cars. You all are incredibly good at this and most of you should be pursuing racing careers, if you can translate your performance in game to real cars.

I hope I am welcome to participate in future series in this car and others, even though I am not nearly as fast as the rest of you. I hope to get better.

I tried to stay out of everybody's way for the most part all season and just go as fast as I could.

Mule, I had a lot of fun chasing you around after your misadventure with the sand snake. Damn shame I couldn't see bdub. I had no idea he was with us during that bit. Was it turn 2 that we dive bombed you? I remember trying to give you room to go around the outside and couldn't keep it on the curb.

The end of the race was incredible for me since I had the front row seat for the finish. In between not trying to ram RT or outlaw and watching for Biffy to catch us so I could get out of his way, it was a fairly tense 9 laps. They lapped me as I was coming out of the pit and I figured I could pass them at some point with my brand new fresh tires and they were running on rims, but then thought since they were racing for the lead to just stay on their tail and see what more I could learn. It's kinda sad how much better they are than me with 400 laps on their tires and me on fresh.:crazy:

Again thanks to all for your tolerance for this GT rookie and online racing newb.


Thats what experince is for Dragon, after all you can't learn and get better if you dont start somewhere :).

As usual Integras has been awesome, I just wish this bs connection issues could have allowed me to race more than just one round.
Is there anyone that can post up a replay I can download and watch since my replay won't show bdub? I could always download the replay file and transfer it to my ps3 if someone would upload the file where I can get it?
My race report:

I knew starting from the back I would have my work cut out for me, but I really didn't expect to be battling for the lead. My goal was to just cruise, save tires, and finish where I finish. I think I started 9th or 10th, and was able to click off one car at the start. The there was a big pileup at the tight right hand turn on the first lap and thankfully nobody was below me when I got to the turn, so I was able to make a hard right and squeeze out of there.

From there I was just biding my time and as the lead cars ahead of me started losing grip on their tires, I was able to catch up. For the first couple stops I pitted just after everyone else. It looked to me like outlaw was trying to stretch it out enough to make 1 less stop than I had planned on doing, so after my second stop I eased off to save the tires. I knew that as long as I stayed within reaching distance of him, I could make it work out. Since I was saving tires, he was able to catch me and pass, but I slotted in behind him and waited. I absolutely had to pit on lap 40, so when he didn't come in I went ahead and made my stop as scheduled. (after 17 laps on those tires) :eek:

Outlaw stayed out for another lap or two and with my new tires I was able to pass him and get a nice cushion, but again not worried about him catching me as I was saving tires yet again. He did in fact catch me and ride along behind me for quite some time before eventually passing with I think 6 laps to go. I just tagged along behind him while also keeping my eye on the mirror for Biffy or WiiFreak. I saw Biffy coming fast, but I knew that if he pushed too hard to catch us that his tires would be toast by the time he caught up. So, I concentrated on staying behind outlaw and planning my winning move. This came on the last lap coming out of the last corner. Tried to draft and was able to get some pull, but outlaw kept moving over towards the pit wall and I was afraid that if I stayed behind too long I would bump him and give him a boost. So I pulled out and just hoped that I would get there first.

...which didn't happen. Almost. :P

Happy with 2nd though. That race took some serious concentration.
Is there anyone that can post up a replay I can download and watch since my replay won't show bdub? I could always download the replay file and transfer it to my ps3 if someone would upload the file where I can get it?

I have all the replays of the first 5 races on my flash drive. I'll get this one up as well.
Oh dear, dad turned the internet on and off. Got disconected around lap 21 or so.. had some nice tight battles with Pag, Sy and SOHNVONSTIG!

Apologies for the beginning to Mule, but it wasn't me who beached you. I over braked into that stupid deep corner but just cut across guys turning in. Let about 4 guys past due to that.

Those first few laps were awesome 👍 great racing from everyone.

My Race report..and it's a long one :P

Tried 3 stopping

Race Report:

So, how many laps of practice did I have for this event?

15, and my longest run was 4 laps.

I had no strategy, since I had no clue how long my tires would last. However, since tire-saving master Jason (RT), was on the field, I made up my mind. Stretch the tires all I can, and hope for the best.

Start from 4th was great, but I had nowhere to go, so I backed off rather than shove my nose in there. Stig was having trouble keeping up, which gave me some breathing room into the 2nd hairpin. I saw a lot of smoke behind, and once the leaderboard finished shuffling around, Jason was already in 5th. What did I think of that at the time?

Oh, c'mon! :irked:

I was stuck behind Litchi for a bit, unable to pull off a pass until he had lost Biffy/Wii's draft train. From there, I had to find a balance between catching up to the leaders, and not letting Jason catch up to me. It worked until I actually caught up to Biffy/Wii. I couldn't go anywhere, and worse, I got into Biffy when he tried getting onto pit road. Let's just say I have no love for the pit road design in Grand Valley. :indiff:

I kept going until the end of Lap 14, when my tires were around 10%. When I came out, I dropped all the way down to 7th, which was expected. However, what surprised me is that I ended up behind a 3-way battle for position. Great to watch, but I had to somehow get around them. I eventually did so, but I lost so much time, I thought any chances of winning flew out the window. Fortunately, I had clean race track all the way until Lap 26, when I pitted a second time. After that, no traffic at all, which was great. I ran a tad harder in that stint, finally catching up to Jason around Lap 35-37. He followed behind me a few laps before pulling in. When I peeked at the lap counter, I was certain he wasn't pitting again.

Yeah, bad, very bad. :ill:

Once I got tires the following lap, I knew that Biffy and Wii, now ahead of Jason and I, were coming in again. Therefore, there was only one option left, somehow catch up to the tire-saving master, and have him pull me around until the final lap.

Much to my surprise, it worked. I pushed him along, waiting to make my move on the final lap. However, everything changed around Lap 49 when I saw a red car appear on my rear-view heading into the last turn. It was Biffy, and he was coming, fast!

Forget saving tires. If I didn't get around Jason at that point, then that red Integra would get us both.

With that in mind, I passed Jason, and pushed all I could, hoping I'd get enough distance to break the draft. That way, Biffy would be battling Jason, and I'd get away. Nope. He got enough pull on the straightaway to wipe out the small lead I built. Yet Jason stayed behind me, and pushed me along for the final few laps. That, coupled with my initially move, was just enough to ward off Biffy. Now it was just me and Jason on the final lap. Predictably, he stayed behind the whole lap, so I knew that he wanted to steal one, just like so many have done to me in the past.

Exiting the S curves, I did a subtle snake maneuver on the straightaway, drifting left, drifting right, then turning right for the last corner. At the apex, my car turned in better than expected, so instead of drifting out, I went more toward the middle on exit. Jason used up all the track, which meant he wasn't lined up behind me. Perfect! I inched toward the pit wall, forcing him to follow me, likely scrubbing off his speed. The checkers flew. Jason had no room to my right. He swung around to my left. I went below the white line, holding the car in 5th, until the engine all but blew up before going into 6th. Side-by-side, and ...

... winning! :lol:
okay, yeah, I put myself in the sand. typical.

really not in a great mood after today. I had a car that could do well, but never really recovered from that.
I have all the replays of the first 5 races on my flash drive. I'll get this one up as well.

Where would I be able to download it from?
I'll upload all of the replay folders somewhere. Probably Filefactory.

Expect another post from me sometime tonight.
If I wasn't in the process of moving, I'd have the last lap uploaded already on YouTube. Hope to get it up sometime this weekend.

In the meantime, I've leave you guys with this. Different series, same track, different direction, similar result.

If I wasn't in the process of moving, I'd have the last lap uploaded already on YouTube. Hope to get it up sometime this weekend.

In the meantime, I've leave you guys with this. Different series, same track, different direction, similar result.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QH3L_rwIx8">YouTube Link</a>

Quality. Love that car. Best racing I've had on GT5.
Thought I would give everybody in here a sneak peek on the video >_>". Of course the full video will be in HD.
-Also Syjones i will replace the 6 with a 1
Looks incredible 👍. Totally digging the pokemon music. :lol:

Alright, so it's well past time I got around to this, but lets all give a big congrats to R1600Turbo for dominating the overall championship. I don't have the final points up, but I do know that Biffy edged out Wiifreak for 2nd overall


-The following prizes will be given out at the end of the season, or specific race:

Overall points:

-Series Champion (R1600Turbo): 1 car, worth up to 1,000,000 credits from the New Car Dealer or Online dealer.
-Series Runner-up (GTP_Biffy): 1 car, worth up to 250,000 Credits form the New Car Dealer or Online dealer
-Series 3rd place (Wiifreak): 1 car, worth up to 100,000 credits from the New Car Dealer or Online dealer.

Special prizes:

-Grand Valley enduro winner (outlaw4rc): 1 car, worth up to 500,000 credits from the New Car Dealer or Online dealer.
-All drivers who compete in every race (not including the preseason race) will receive a random paint chip

-I am not eligible to win any of the above prizes. if I were to win one, then the next highest driver will receive the prize.
-Cars may be tuned in any way by me upon request. Cars may also be painted in any colour that I own (or you send me), including DLC paint.

So yeah, you guys should claim your prizes, or at least tell me you're going to pass lol.
So yeah, you guys should claim your prizes, or at least tell me you're going to pass lol.
I'll choose when I get my PS3 back (sometime tomorrow).

Still intend in putting up the last lap up here.