PURE | JGTS 3 - Series complete! Congrat's to Driver champion MSP_JTown and Team champions Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
Not yet, but now I'm thinking it should be Skeng since he's last in D1 now with 38 drivers racing. Here's how it breaks down, room assignments:

D1 host, SkengD
1472 6118 3701 4252 9329:

D2 host, Wardez

D3 host, Mule:
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Ok guys, just please remind everyone in your rooms that the race isn't starting at the regular start/finish, but further up ahead at the point marked in these pictures:



Good luck!
Alright, give me a couple minutes. Race starts at the top of the hour, right?
Yes, everyone get in the rooms quick so we can get inspections done and get things going !
D3 room OPEN


Sorry for te delay, was gonna risk running wireless, but when I was asked to host, I went ahead and stuck the wire in.
Had a fun race! Some slight issues and possible incidents, but other than that it was really tight and a lot of fun.

Race 1

Race 2
I've probably practiced more for thes two races than all of JGTS2 combined. It really sucks when someone decides "OH HEY LET'S PULL OUT OF LINE WITHOUT LOOKING TO SEE IF ANYONE'S BESIDE ME AND OOPS SORRY I DOORSLAMMED YOU AND CAUSED YOU TO WRECK AND TAKE OUT 2 OTHER CARS AND GIVE YOU ENGINE DAMAGE AND RUIN YOUR RACE LOL," after I specifically told you after the first race to play nice.

I made setup changes after quali and was getting consistent low to mid 45's without draft. I feel myself getting better all the time. But nope. I'm not allowed to do well.
Those great results will come, you just gotta keep your head in it and you'll earn the payout, it will be sweet, with the rich aftertaste of victory.
Bit of a mixed bag for me, this week.

The first race was a total disaster. I could not keep anyone behind me due to the extreme drafting. As a result, I was driving too aggressively, plus I appeared to be suffering from lag, and I sustained damage twice by lap 9. I was completely livid and parked my car off the track, effectively rage-quitting. You wouldn't have wanted to see how angry I was at the time. :mad:

Thankfully I calmed down for the second race, where I decided to be much less aggressive. Instead of trying to overtake at every possible opportunity if I was behind, I would just wait for a long straight and overtake then. I also braked much earlier when I was immediately behind someone. Unfortunately, I saw a car not slowing down for the chicane and I had to slow to avoid it, even though it probably wasn't even there (lag), which allowed nissman to pull away. To my surprise, everyone had pitted by lap 11, leaving me with clear air, so I made the most of it and stayed out an extra four laps. When I came out after pitting, I was far enough ahead in 2nd that the two MSP drivers behind me couldn't exploit my draft, so I stayed in 2nd to the finish. I was really pleased with my strategy having paid off. :)

Well done to nissman for winning both races 👍

A few people have been commenting about me and lag, so I'll just explain: I've been at my father's house this week to help out with the garden, so I had to race using his connection, though I wasn't expecting it to be laggy. My home connection is completely lag-free as far as I know, so hopefully I shouldn't suffer from lag in any of the coming races.

I won't be able to make next week as it's at Twin Ring Motegi, which I haven't bought and don't plan to with GT6 just around the corner, so I'll see you all at the Nürburgring in two weeks time :cool:
People with PAL copies of GT5, please upload your replays for us to send them to Tidgney for him to make recap videos, he just finished Tokyo and it'll be available to view later today or tomorrow. The faster we can get those out to him, the faster we can get the video.

Also, the top three qualifiers; if you could upload your qualifying replays, that'd be great as well.

Cheers guys, I'm not gonna be around till later tonight, gonna take a nap, cheers!
Race 1:

11. Cue77 (quit lap 23)
12. Third Reign (dc lap ??. Was fairly early)

Race 2:


I parked it on lap 17.

PM's will be sent about both races.
Two great races for me, finished 4th and 3rd after starting 9th on the grid, also a 3rd, 5th and 6th for the team in Race 2, and on top of that there were great battles going on all down the field 👍:)
Sorry I missed this race guys. I needed a new car so I ended up buying a Fiesta ST yesterday and between having fun with the car and unexpected company last night the race slipped my mind.
Sorry I missed this race guys. I needed a new car so I ended up buying a Fiesta ST yesterday and between having fun with the car and unexpected company last night the race slipped my mind.
That's okay. It's always fun playing around with a new car. :D

If I could just somehow afford a 370Z...
Sorry for quitting the 1st race, came out pits with like 3 or 4 cars coming down the straight thought my best option would be to try and beat them through turn 1 rather than get bogged down in traffic. Fair to say I miss judged it on cold tires and just couldn't turn in ....sorry Mirial I did my best to get out your way :(.

Second race I finished where I started pretty much lol, My wee battle with Eddie at the end was the highlight:dopey:. Think he got damage or something and ended up having to race me for 9th :lol:. Still finding it hard getting used to following cars through corners :dunce:, the draft just throws me and I just can't get any sort of a rhythm going. Oh yeah didn't save replays either cause I was in such a bad mood when I left :ouch:..Sorry.
Always good to practice a few races in the week and get a feel of the dirty air
So what did you guys think about the dual heat format? Any changes you'd like to see?

tbh, I didn't expect the races to be quite that long, I want to aim for around 30 minutes, but the way they were at then, with mandatory pits, made for awesome full-out racing, no need to worry about tires. Guess that'd be even more true if the length was reduced to something like 75km each.

How'd your hosting debut go?
So what did you guys think about the dual heat format? Any changes you'd like to see?

tbh, I didn't expect the races to be quite that long, I want to aim for around 30 minutes, but the way they were at then, with mandatory pits, made for awesome full-out racing, no need to worry about tires. Guess that'd be even more true if the length was reduced to something like 75km each.

How'd your hosting debut go?

I think the race length was perfect , gave some of those in the back a slight chance to catch up the midfield.

Hosting was fine, ive hosted a few d2 races before my connection seems good enough . I didnt hear any lag issues or complaints , so seems all was well .

practice lounge open now

1472 6399 8580 0413 7865
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Nice racing yesterday. Had a super battle with Eddie in race 1, last lap parabolica was the deciding factor, I knew I had to nail the corner for Eddie not to get my slip to beat me to the finish line and I managed to do that, won by 0.2 so very close finish at the end.

In race 2, I came from 5th to 1st in one lap as the slip in Monza is just to strong. Then I saw a crash just behind me in the second chicane which took out 2nd placed driver and that gave me a chance to get a lead of few seconds and I held that till the end. I guess a nice result but still very dissapointed about my Q effort, hopefully I wont be making mistakes like this anymnore.

Anyone posting D1 results? I would really like to see them.