PURE | JGTS 3 - Series complete! Congrat's to Driver champion MSP_JTown and Team champions Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
Damn it, I'm really not gonna make D1 this week xD
Is anyone about to qualify me? Left it a bit late:nervous:.....Should of done it last night.
Green said I should try to get officials ruling - during my Q jash got kicked from room, and in the same minute in a chicane I felt a jump/lag like and crashed out on first lap... I guess there is no retry. But maybe a ONE lap qualy?
Yeah that's fine, you can get another run with one flyer, that's covered in the qualifying stipulations as qualifying being interrupted by network issues.

I need to quali also, but Green's room looks to be currently full. Any help?
Shouldn't be, it was just him and Adam, weird.
Only made it for 5 didn't realize it was going to be so busy lol, I can't even get bck into my own room so in ghosts room but don't think he's here, still haven't Q'd lol
Jashugano1 - 1'46.935 clean
Great race last week guys, it would normally be up on a Saturday but I forgot to upload last night, so tis my bad! Will be being uploaded tonight as it takes 5+ hours for my slow internet (Bad thing about living in the countryside). But I have to say it was awesome to watch, an hour went by like 5 minutes had gone!

Should be a good watch, it's done a little like a TV Program :), so hopefully you'll like it, next race I'll adjust sounds a little more but other than that it seems awesome to watch to me :D!

Good luck for this weeks races!

P.S. please can you keep qualification laps as I might ninja a few off you for something I want to do before the race kicks off!
Someone create a bigger room and post room number I can join to help

Creating one now 1472 4710 9952 5897 9776

GTP Green

1:46.535 clean
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Any room open with space? wanted to get a few practice laps in for settings and then qualify

edit: space just opened up
I'm going to make a second lobby for anyone ready to quali or having connection problems with the other room. Give me a min. Will edit with room number.

Room Number: closed
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didnt know so many were online or else id make a full room


1:46.169 clean
I'm going to make a little room now for some testing if anyone wants to join.

Here's hoping a few D1 guys don't show, I want to race in D1 after my mess of a Q session
d2 race should be a lot tougher that last seasons d2 race , should be fun races either division today


1:47.887 dirty
1:46.341 clean


1:45.011 clean


1:48.311 clean
1:46.788 dirty


1:45.624 clean
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Hope there is still time to qualify. Signing on soon.
You have two hours left, you can always watch the countdown in race briefing posts, like this week's here:

Quick question about the racing, is bump drafting allowed?
Yes, but you should let people know that you're going to do it in the lobby, not everyone's going to be cool with doing it. If someone seems shaky about it, do not pursue it. But if you just plan on doing it with team mates or such, yes of course. I'm down for bumpdrafting myself.
1:46.953 clean
-:---.--- "effing pedals"

Found out that running the clutch which has a linear position sensor through the adjustable non-linear brake input is less than ideal. The knob must have gotten bumped as the brakes started dragging under the weight of the pedal for lap 2; was probably doing it lap1 too since I was having trouble with understeer and went mad slow.

Sucks, but whatever... sometimes you have to make the best of a broken car.
hellboy will be here tonight but can't do his qualif , put him at the back of the grid please
Wow! Nice pole time PASM. Man, can't wait to find out what happens in D1, please, someone, upload an NTSC copy of the replay ASAP.

@carracerptp Can you host D1?