PURE | JGTS2-Congratulations to champions tony1311 and team Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
One thing we started to do in our championships to stop all arguements about cars is that everyone uses each car either once or twice in the "season".

In our DTM series, They were free to choose what cars used in what order but everyone had to use all cars before they could start "re-using" them a second time.

Then, we split the tracks up evenly between power / speed tracks and handling tracks, alternating track types each race. So there's even chance to use the right "type" of car on the right "type" of track.

This eliminates all arguemets / gripes about cars etc etc because everyone is in exactly the same situation, plus people have some freedom of choice so they can always save a car for a specfic track if this combo is one of their favourites.
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That sounds just like what I prefer my self! But did you try using that in a series with tuning prohibited :-)

(yeah, I follow this thread REGULARY, sure just one of many!)
One of my RL friends who got gt5 recently was having problems getting on the server as well yesterday.

So clearly, at least Southern Ontario is still having problems.

Wiifreak, is your Internet provider Eastlink by chance?
One thing we started to do in our championships to stop all arguements about cars is that everyone uses each car either once or twice in the "season".

In our DTM series, They were free to choose what cars used in what order but everyone had to use all cars before they could start "re-using" them a second time.

Then, we split the tracks up evenly between power / speed tracks and handling tracks, alternating track types each race. So there's even chance to use the right "type" of car on the right "type" of track.

This eliminates all arguments / gripes about cars etc etc because everyone is in exactly the same situation, plus people have some freedom of choice so they can always save a car for a specific track if this combo is one of their favorites.
It's only ever people who haven't driven each car around a couple tracks comparing them head to head that complain they're not equal.

I have yet to set a PB on any track with a GT-R out of this group.
I liked a few others that I could get a tiny bit more speed out of but the HSV for me was very nice on long runs so I picked it. (And hoped to get it in the lotto, which I did :D)

In Fuji my tyres were fine on a 1 stop and on my final laps I could still do 38s/low 39s 👍. Sad that a tiny touch at 100R put my race on the backfoot from the get go..
It's only ever people who haven't driven each car around a couple tracks comparing them head to head that complain they're not equal.

I have yet to set a PB on any track with a GT-R out of this group.

Yeh, we're doing same thing with the GT300's for our next championship, possibly the next LMP & GT1 championships too.

It's not so much equality, but also personal preference aswell.

By having each participant drive every car, it keeps things equal as well as a good diversity of cars on track plus it means no-one misses out on a chance to drive either their favoured/favourite car or seemingly the 'best/worst' car of the series..

Everyone in exactly the same boat.

We've had no complaints or gripes about cars for the entire series, plus most races there's been alot of diversity in the top 5 cars (apart from last week at Motegi - 4 Astra's in top 5!!). But that was 1 out of 10 races where this happened..

But - our website is generaly based on car diversity and most series are focused on getting as many different cars on track as possible, so the guys who race with us are this way inclined "naturally". We try to deter the same car every race/cheat car scenario as much as possible in our rules, so our regulars are intrested in this sort of thing, maybe moreso than others possibly..

Which is why it might be working with us, but maybe not work quite as well with other others...
This will be usefull for all EU drivers I think. Clocks go back an hour this Sunday so the race for us will be 1 hour earlier! 👍
Yeh, we're doing same thing with the GT300's for our next championship, possibly the next LMP & GT1 championships too.

It's not so much equality, but also personal preference aswell.

By having each participant drive every car, it keeps things equal as well as a good diversity of cars on track plus it means no-one misses out on a chance to drive either their favoured/favourite car or seemingly the 'best/worst' car of the series..

Everyone in exactly the same boat.

We've had no complaints or gripes about cars for the entire series, plus most races there's been alot of diversity in the top 5 cars (apart from last week at Motegi - 4 Astra's in top 5!!). But that was 1 out of 10 races where this happened..

But - our website is generaly based on car diversity and most series are focused on getting as many different cars on track as possible, so the guys who race with us are this way inclined "naturally". We try to deter the same car every race/cheat car scenario as much as possible in our rules, so our regulars are intrested in this sort of thing, maybe moreso than others possibly..

Which is why it might be working with us, but maybe not work quite as well with other others...
We're more concerned with which has a few tenths advantage at each track, I'm as guilty as the rest. :D

In that scenario we'd all be going around testing the cars at different tracks to pick out the best for each one possible within the rules.
This will be usefull for all EU drivers I think. Clocks go back an hour this Sunday so the race for us will be 1 hour earlier! 👍

Cool :D

We're more concerned with which has a few tenths advantage at each track, I'm as guilty as the rest. :D

In that scenario we'd all be going around testing the cars at different tracks to pick out the best for each one possible within the rules.

There's nothing wrong with that though...

If guys want to do that, then they can... 👍

It'd take a fair amount of work to get it spot on, and if the cars are roughly equal in the first place - not exactly, but "roughly", then might aswell just save all that work and go with the flow..

12 tracks + 6 cars = 72 "test runs" - good luck Dom!!
It's not about the fastest lap time, but more on how much the car slows down over time with tire wear. I might do a tire run later in the week, just to see whether I'm just imagining things or not. :)


Has anyone tested the fall-off of each car after 15-20 laps? They may all be equal for a few laps, but after that...
The hsvs and zs seem to treat their tires well and run well on long stints.

I think its all dependent on the driver and their style , looking at the fuji replay some drivers in the same cars had different tire wear . So its hard to just say its the car , its a combination of things .
Setup and driving style is far more influential on tyre wear than the car itself...
The hsvs and zs seem to treat their tires well and run well on long stints.

I think its all dependent on the driver and their style , looking at the fuji replay some drivers in the same cars had different tire wear . So its hard to just say its the car , its a combination of things .

I'll disagree on the Z, at least at Fuji. I know we haven't personally raced before, but ask a few of these guys in here and they'll tell you that one of my specialties is making tires last for quite a while. Maybe I could have stretched the car into a 1 stopper on Sunday, but I would have been so slow in the last few laps before the stop that it would have been better to just pit twice. Which is what I did.
Just going off the data from the replay , two z's were racing im pretty sure one of them had better tire wear than most of the other cars (not including the hsvs)
I didn't save the replay, so I couldn't say for sure which one either. I know my wear was really good, but the grip levels didn't match the wear. I was talking about this with Wardez and outlaw in the room yesterday after everyone left. That's a problem still with this game, they slowed down the wear but the grip fall-off is still horrible. Real racing slicks don't feel like ice at 1/3 wear. They should start showing a grip fall-off closer to 2/3 or 3/4 wear.
I didn't save the replay, so I couldn't say for sure which one either. I know my wear was really good, but the grip levels didn't match the wear. I was talking about this with Wardez and outlaw in the room yesterday after everyone left. That's a problem still with this game, they slowed down the wear but the grip fall-off is still horrible. Real racing slicks don't feel like ice at 1/3 wear. They should start showing a grip fall-off closer to 2/3 or 3/4 wear.

Yeah, in the SC430 they were more like the current F1 Pirelli tires where they had distinct cliffs.

first third they were great with no discernible drop off until they got to the first cliff. Then they felt immediately different and stayed consistently "ok" for the middle third. Then they hit another cliff and were just rubbish needing to be nursed for the final third.
Anything past 1/3 wear on the rears and I had a horrible time putting the power down out of corners. Especially turn 6-7.
Anything past 1/3 wear on the rears and I had a horrible time putting the power down out of corners. Especially turn 6-7.

Why don't you post your setup so others can see (and try it)..?

It would be quite easy for certain variables in the setup to be working against you in those corners...

2 things in particular can loose grp, specific to those corners...as with the corkscrew @ Laguna...

Has anyone tested the fall-off of each car after 15-20 laps? They may all be equal for a few laps, but after that...

I will at some point this week.

Granted, the season's already started so this is more about developing setups to minimize fall off.
If you're trying to get to gate19.net there is a massive issue at my web hosts datacenter, they're on the case and it's been going on for about 10-20 minutes now.

It's not just you.
Ah, well there was an important post I was about to make, and it seems right as I hit submit the server started having trouble. I really hope my post wasn't so blasphemous that I crashed your host's datacenter Tim.

haha, but in seriousness... I'll just have to bring it here since there's no telling how long the site's gonna be down.

We were discussing kicking up the power on the Zs. This is what I responded with in the thread:
And we're quickly forgetting how well Jason did with it the week before...
And how little he practiced (as far as I heard) for this race at Fuji.

If we're changing specs, let's make both the Z and SC430 have oil changes, so at least people can stop griping about the "difficulty" of not having to do something.

I'll have some "with oil" specs to propose for both cars shortly...

Yeah, Jason actually had the wrong spec. He was overpowered, he didn't say exactly by how much, which may explain the better pace in the pre-season.

I'm agreeing that we should just let the Zs dial it up to 100% power.

What's that put it at in hp (not home atm)?

And I really don't think we should be having it run less aero.

As for going with a fresh oil spec for the SC's why o why?

I will at some point this week.

Granted, the season's already started so this is more about developing setups to minimize fall off.

Season's started yes, but there's no reason we can't still tweak spec's. Also, there's no way to minimize tire wear rate with a setup. Only driving more smoothly or slowly helps, and even then it's a bit different car to car as you'd know.
The thing with the Z, as we've indicated before, is that it's a special case among this batch of cars. It's the only one from 2006, it has more torque than the rest, so that makes it feel a lot more unstable through out the race, from start to finish. So it suffers slightly more in terms of driveability from start to finish of a race. But it doesn't actually have a worse drop off, as we're discussing it. The other cars drop off at the same rate, there are no separate "cliffs" - GT5 isn't that deep of a simulator, people saying the car drops off differently are giving the game too much credit.

The Z is fine, it may need just a bit more power, but that's not going to drastically affect the outcome of its performances over the full distance of a race.
Car's has a monster powertrain, you just need to train more finesse into driving it, you can't just bean it like the rest of the cars. Once you get that down you'll find it quite rewarding I'd think.

@ H

We're going for the thrill of competing your given car type against another and seeing who can push their teams and machines beyond in order to gain victory. All that drama. The spec's we're using are even more balanced than we had last season. Anyone can drive pretty much any car in the field at any track and have them all fall within a half a second of each other. Five-tenths. We don't have the problem of people thinking one car will dominate. And if there are, those arguments will be dispelled quickly as the season goes on.

This is a very different sort of championship. The people involved, matters defined, ideas and concepts realizes didn't just come together over night. The results will speak for themselves. Halle hallelujah! xD
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Car's has a monster powertrain, you just need to train more finesse into driving it, you can't just bean it like the rest of the cars. Once you get that down you'll find it quite rewarding I'd think.

I found that enough finesse on the throttle to keep the rear in check resulted in horrible drive out of corners, as stated earlier.

And yes, I *may have* run Grand Valley and also qualified for Fuji with the wrong specs.

Edit: And Indy, now that I think about it.
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Ah, well there was an important post I was about to make, and it seems right as I hit submit the server started having trouble. I really hope my post wasn't so blasphemous that I crashed your host's datacenter Tim.

haha, but in seriousness... I'll just have to bring it here since there's no telling how long the site's gonna be down.

Oh ye of little faith. I wasn't expecting it to be out more than an hour or two. :P

If you're trying to get to gate19.net there is a massive issue at my web hosts datacenter, they're on the case and it's been going on for about 10-20 minutes now.

It's not just you.

Back online.
It's just that Reddit's been down for hours. So not much server faith today x)

I found that enough finesse on the throttle to keep the rear in check resulted in horrible drive out of corners, as stated earlier.

And yes, I *may have* run Grand Valley and also qualified for Fuji with the wrong specs.

Edit: And Indy, now that I think about it.

Getting that new Z broken in? Remember to not change oil for it at any point.
Haven't even purchased it yet. Probably won't until later in the week. And it may not even be broken in my race time.