Ah, well there was an important post I was about to make, and it seems right as I hit submit the server started having trouble. I really hope my post wasn't so blasphemous that I crashed your host's datacenter Tim.
haha, but in seriousness... I'll just have to bring it here since there's no telling how long the site's gonna be down.
We were discussing kicking up the power on the Zs. This is what I responded with in the thread:
And we're quickly forgetting how well Jason did with it the week before...
And how little he practiced (as far as I heard) for this race at Fuji.
If we're changing specs, let's make both the Z and SC430 have oil changes, so at least people can stop griping about the "difficulty" of not having to do something.
I'll have some "with oil" specs to propose for both cars shortly...
Yeah, Jason actually had the wrong spec. He was overpowered, he didn't say exactly by how much, which may explain the better pace in the pre-season.
I'm agreeing that we should just let the Zs dial it up to 100% power.
What's that put it at in hp (not home atm)?
And I really don't think we should be having it run less aero.
As for going with a fresh oil spec for the SC's why o why?
I will at some point this week.
Granted, the season's already started so this is more about developing setups to minimize fall off.
Season's started yes, but there's no reason we can't still tweak spec's. Also, there's no way to minimize tire wear rate with a setup. Only driving more smoothly or slowly helps, and even then it's a bit different car to car as you'd know.
The thing with the Z, as we've indicated before, is that it's a special case among this batch of cars. It's the only one from 2006, it has more torque than the rest, so that makes it feel a lot more unstable through out the race, from start to finish. So it suffers slightly more in terms of driveability from start to finish of a race. But it doesn't actually have a worse drop off, as we're discussing it. The other cars drop off at the same rate, there are no separate "cliffs" - GT5 isn't that deep of a simulator, people saying the car drops off differently are giving the game too much credit.
The Z is fine, it may need just a bit more power, but that's not going to drastically affect the outcome of its performances over the full distance of a race.
Car's has a monster powertrain, you just need to train more finesse into driving it, you can't just bean it like the rest of the cars. Once you get that down you'll find it quite rewarding I'd think.
@ H
We're going for the thrill of competing your given car type against another and seeing who can push their teams and machines beyond in order to gain victory. All that drama. The spec's we're using are even more balanced than we had last season. Anyone can drive pretty much any car in the field at any track and have them all fall within a half a second of each other. Five-tenths. We don't have the problem of people thinking one car will dominate. And if there are, those arguments will be dispelled quickly as the season goes on.
This is a very different sort of championship. The people involved, matters defined, ideas and concepts realizes didn't just come together over night. The results will speak for themselves. Halle hallelujah! xD