PURE | JGTS2-Congratulations to champions tony1311 and team Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
Just finished my quali (3:53.6xx) and I observed Mich's run (3:54.205) Now I'm heading off in a few hours to California to watch the premier of GT Academy USA at Rees's house in SD.

I'll be back Saturday night but I'll of course be checking in on my phone over the next two days, I just won't be able to make videos with horrible dialogue in them :(

That's so sad to hear. I'll have to drop a slice next time to morn for my homies across the pond.

I meant that if it's from a chain it's generally rubbish compared to what gets made in good local joints. The food itself is not the issue, and moderation? hahaha... I'm from Buffalo, most of our diet is bar food. We invented the chicken wing :P

Haha, I've been to the Anchor Bar and Grill. They claim to be the originators. Deliciousness.
You do realize these chains typically start as a single local restaurant?

and they turn into crap once they scale out :P

Haha, I've been to the Anchor Bar and Grill. They claim to be the originators. Deliciousness.

Yep, they get the prize for being the first. Bit over priced now that they're a tourist trap, least they didn't start sucking. They're probably the 3rd or 4th best in the city.

Being in ohio your probably inundated with BW3 franchises (IIRC they started in Columbus?). Which is kind of a crap shoot whether they're good or not. Most of the time though the wings are too small, overcooked, overspiced, and/or come with f'n ranch dressing rather than bleu cheese. :grumpy:
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Lord... I knew my early Q would keep me out of D1.. :banghead:
Well, I had to go, so what to do..
Nice time Eddie btw! 👍
And it'll be tough for me if Michouw reach D1, and I miss it by ,004.. :banghead: :lol:
Eddie I think the countdown timer in the OP is off by a week.

Anyone practicing later?
Eddie I think the countdown timer in the OP is off by a week.
I think so too.. ;)

lol dennis i'm sorry :'( ^^"
Haha, don't be.. 👍
I thought a 54.2 was going to be faster than it appears right now.
Did'nt think it was that easy to beat with a one shot lap.. But it probably is.

Just finished my quali (3:53.6xx) and I observed Mich's run (3:54.205) Now I'm heading off in a few hours to California to watch the premier of GT Academy USA at Rees's house in SD.
Say hello to him from me, and wish him good luck with his family and all. 👍
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You guys are sick. friggin eat local ...

There is no grading system; all chain pizza (and pretty much any bar food, wings & things) is trash.

We used to have a place called Eds pizza. Little hole in the wall out by the river. My god it's to date the best pizza I've eaten. To bad he got caught selling buds out his pizza shack.

Now I know what the side salad there was about. LoL
Sorry to hear that Paul.. And not a word from Jordan either.. Looks like I'm alone.. :(

I always turn up (only exception was LILO, and I was going through a rough patch then) unless stated otherwise, whether or not I say anything during the week. I'm really not in the mood to waste the small amount of time I have practicing all week when I just get dc'd as soon as the race starts. It really irritates me, working to get into D1 only to be denied the chance to race, especially when time is limited as it is. My router is STILL dropping connection intermittently, so I've not decided whether I'll qualify or not. I'll turn up to the race, but I don't have any hope for my connection, and if I disconnect again, I'll really consider quitting because by then I'll be way out of competition for any of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th.. etc championship spots, and seeing as competition is my main source of motivation, then there won't really be much point.
Hm, while my friend is driving. I will fix the countdown timer with my phone, in the middle of the Mojave desert, while drinking a Fanta Naranja (Orange you glad I speak a little Spanish).

Here it goes.
Hm, while my friend is driving. I will fix the countdown timer with my phone, in the middle of the Mojave desert, while drinking a Fanta Naranja (Orange you glad I speak a little Spanish).

Here it goes.


Also, I probably won't get any practice/Q time until Saturday.
Ah damn, i thinjk i forgot to carry a over the 1 or something
Please pay no attention to the OP till this Saturday when I'm back from my trip

Welp, looks like i lost it, it's alright , I'll just design a new once I'm home.




Well done!! 👍

OP's crystal clear now. Any questions?
Is it just me or is PSN taking a really long time to load my friend list?
Is it just me or is PSN taking a really long time to load my friend list?
From the Playstation twitter:
We're aware that some of you are experiencing slow PSN access. We're working to resolve it as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience
For those that watched GT Academy, please don't post any spoilers here. Take it to the Pure forum :)
For those that watched GT Academy, please don't post any spoilers here. Take it to the Pure forum :)

Yer no fun.

By the way mule, there is an update for the ps3 that may or may not be affecting PSN login. Just now updated mine.