Pushrod Supercar...I love it.

  • Thread starter Onikaze
The Z06 hasn't officially released a ring time but it has been said that it has lapped it in under 8 minutes, i don't know how long M3 CSL did it in but i doubt it was that quick.
The M3 CSL does it in around 8m10s to 8m15s
A little birdie told me it ran a 7.56 around the ring, but what do I know I just work on the project :P.
No it doesnt.

BMW M3 CSL ( 8/2003) 7:50

Kaboom M3 CSL faster round the ring than the Z06

Like i said before no time has been released for the Z06 yet so how can you tell??
The fastest M3 CSL time is 7'50 at the Ring. And I do think the C6 Z06 could do a similar time.
The ultima gtr is faster then a z06 (by a good amount) but you guys are complaining about the z06's interior. I don't think they ultima is appointed anywhere near as good as the zo6.

I don't think you can wrap up a car completely based on it's time around one track.
I do agree with this. It would be riducoulous for someone not to beat that time.
No, cos thats a bloody good time, your generally talking fast supercars when you go faster, I think it can be done in a Z06 but were not exactley talking 7'30's, I think mid-high 7'40's could be achieved though.
The ultima gtr is faster then a z06 (by a good amount) but you guys are complaining about the z06's interior. I don't think they ultima is appointed anywhere near as good as the zo6.

I don't think you can wrap up a car completely based on it's time around one track.
I agree with the second part, I'm not too sure what your getting at with the first though, yes the Ultima is faster than a Z06, it's also cheaper over here and it's not a horrid plastic interior, just a bare one.
The ultima gtr is faster then a z06 (by a good amount) but you guys are complaining about the z06's interior. I don't think they ultima is appointed anywhere near as good as the zo6.

Exactly people are like ye but Z06 sooo fasttttttttttttttt but its not like your gonna be doing 0-60 counting everytime you go for a drive. Interior is a big deal and comfort. Just for that reason alone I would rather have a 911 over a Z06 and then mayeb get like a superbike or one of these kit cars.
Well like I said, that was the time I was told, but that went down a bunch of people.

The Z06 is fast, it's quick, it's one of the best supercars on the market...get over it.
^^ I agree with this comment. But at the same time I won't put the performance to a lesser level than I do when I talk about TVR's.
I know nothing about TVR's other then the fact I think they are ugly as sin. I'm sure they are great cars, but I'll never know about them since we don't get them over here. I would be intrested one of these days to drive one.

In fact it surprises me that GM doesn't have one...hell we have an EVO 7 at the proving grounds that was imported from Japan. I think we could at least get a TVR of some sort.
I know nothing about TVR's other then the fact I think they are ugly as sin.


Ugly! :grumpy:
GM dissect their competetion?

Every major automotive company in america owns thousands of competitors cars. In fact there are cars at GM that I don't even know what it is. Most of the cars are picked apart though...it's perfectly legal to do.

And Jacks...I can't say its a good looking car.
With regards to TVR's looks I think this should be kept for a different thread. I do like the looks of the Sagaris, but it's not beautiful, thats how I class the C6 Vette as well. The Cerbera and Griffith on the other hand are very nice looking cars imo. The Sagaris btw has been voted best sportscar of the year bt TopGear and is in the running in Evo, Autocar and CAR magazines.

Sorry I'm going on about TVR too much again, lol.
So...From what i've learned..

-z06 = very fast
-z06 = bargain(in the US of A)
-z06 = espensive azz **** elsehwere(value in question)...

Alright!...and there you have it!....

Chevy's the wal-mart of american supercars...
Wal-Mart of Supercars? Oh god the guys in the office are going to get a kick outta that one. :lol:
How much would it cost to get a TVR over in the States?

Oh, you couldn't even get it done could you...

Would surely be a lot more than the Z06.

I've only seen one Mag list a Z06 at 4 seconds, and they also listed it as 12.3 1/4 Mile...so I wouldn't put too much stock in that, as they are the same people who say Camaro's were 14 second cars...

Personally, I think there is too much crap in the Z06 interior, Id like to see it stripped out a little more, lighter seats...and though it would raise the cost, some carbon fiber work on the dash and whatnot...

Drop that weight under 3000lbs...

Oh, last I checked, the Z06 ran a 7'43 at the Nurburgring, unless it has officially been announced that the Blue Devil, which is still just a rumor, was the one that set that time.

So yeah, it's faster than an M3, and then some.
Personally, I think there is too much crap in the Z06 interior, Id like to see it stripped out a little more, lighter seats...and though it would raise the cost, some carbon fiber work on the dash and whatnot...
The floorpan is CF I believe...and I would much rather have it in a structural position than a decorative one. ;)
the passenger floorpan is CF from what i've read, as are the wheel tubs (carbon Fiber/balsa wood)...and various structural parts...(carbon fiber/aluminum)

AS for interior..
I agree...Navigation is kind of a stupid thing to have in the z06 but oh well....
well, I'm not saying to put it in as bling, hell, use more aluminum like in the Elise if you want.

I don't need the plastic interior or leather seats.

Oh, that wasn't a Blue Devil running a 7'43.


They and everyone else list the same test numbers, sub 4 0-60, 0-100 in under 8, 1/4 in under 12, and 7'43 around the Ring.

That's pretty damn awesome no matter how you put it...what's the fastest TVR run from a stop/turn the Ring in?
Hmm, I'd ask Blazin about that, he was pretty sure that time was the BLue Devil and he's probably the most reliable source we can have on Corvette related subject on here. Besides info in the article wa wrong, very wrong. Theres plenty of stock production cars that have ran faster times than 7'42, yet the article's author only thinks there one which is a hit to credibility. It's not like thats an unknown fact either.
I haven't been told anything about the Blue Devil other then they were doing testing in Germany with it. Which I assumed was the ring. GM has not offically released times, but the talk about the office is 7.56 but then again no body can say for sure. I'll talk to my boss on Monday, but he might not know.
For it's price in the US though, the fact it has a super crap interior is justifiable, but for £55k like it's priced over here for the base C6 it's not.
It's a whole lot better than the C5's interior was.