Q&A with Slightly Mad Studios: Ian Bell [Read OP]

  • Thread starter Kitten
I'm not that familiar with the WTAC series so don't really know how it works.
Assuming that they follow the UK Time Attack Championship rules, which is where the logo where we've seen the Mitsubishi today comes from, the rules for it are generally simple.

The car classes range from entry level street classes to Pro classes and all their events take place at major race circuits in the UK which have MSA status to ensure legitimacy and credibility of times achieved by competing teams.


You might not know but last year, they participated in the Time Attack Championship with a Team SMS-R roster comprising of development team members, professional racing drivers, and celebrity guests.

I'm not that familiar with the WTAC series so don't really know how it works. However, how will it work in game?

WTAC is more of an "event" than it is a series. It's essentially a world finals where the top teams from each participating country face off against each other
Team SVA was named "Team UK" in 2015, (and 2016 I think?).

More about WTAC here:

More about Team SVA as Team UK here:

Team SVA and the build of the Evo VI:

In essence, Time Attack is a Time Trial style event where drivers are given an out lap/warmup lap, then have a set number of "flying laps" in order to set a best time, followed by a cool down/in lap. Best laptime in class wins.

EDIT: Had to add this in since it was a new record set by a Canadian driver :D http://www.prnmag.com/old_site/news...gham-breaks-barrier-in-world-time-attack.html
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Any information that can be passed regarding the career mode? Will it be like in Pcars1? By categories and invitations? With a calendar from January to December?
Pcars 1 was the best simulator I've played so far, but some invitations I did not get for not having done all the game categories. It would be nice if we had access to all events by game time invitations, not by categories.
For example, I do not like FA, FB and FC, but if I do not I will not receive invitations from other events.
Hi Ian! In regards to the Co-Op feature of the game, if one were to be doing GT3 racing, would it be two drivers for the same team in two different cars? Or could it be two or three drivers sharing a car for a longer race? Or both, for that matter. Thanks!
@IanBell @The_American

I wrote a question a few pages back, but didn't tag you in properly (or it might be that I wrote a poor question haha)

About endurance races, will we be able to share the drive with AI drivers? As in you shouldn't be expected to drive the full 24 hours of LeMans single handed right?

Appreciate that we can switch to AI drivers in the pit stop sequence, but what I ideally want is to switch drivers - and then skip to the end of their stint if I wanted to get behind the wheel.

Is that something that's possible, whether it be speeding up the time when the AI driver is taking control (as opposed to simulating the session).


Vitz - looking forward to breaking out the T300 again in September-ish
real NDA can never be lifted. Because we know more than community will ever know, even when the full game is released.
There are many internals that are under NDA about processes, descissions and other things, only boss level is allowed to lift.

Yes. There is a bit less up front info currently for the non WMD2ers compared to the first game but it's does allow SMS to have a lot more control over the quality of information and media. As an WMD2 member it's been fascinating to get an insight into the development process and see the work involved in bringing everything to the table. This Q and A gives everyone else a really good insight it as well though.

I have to say I've learned quite a bit extra about Project Cars 2 from this Q and A that had passed me by on the WMD2 forum. I don't have a PC good enough so am only able to read the forum rather than use my steam key but as a PS4 and PS4 Pro user it does lead me to a question.

@IanBell @The_American

Is there any chance of the console only WMD2 members getting our hands on a test version fairly soon to do meaningful testing that can be actioned before release?
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Yes. There is a bit less up front info currently for the non WMD2ers compared to the first game but it's does allow SMS to have a lot more control over the quality of information and media. As an WMD2 member it's been fascinating to get an insight into the development process and see the work involved in bringing everything to the table. This Q and A gives everyone else a really good insight it as well though.

I have to say I've learned quite a bit extra about Project Cars 2 from this Q and A that had passed me by on the WMD2 forum. I don't have a PC good enough so am only able to read the forum rather than use my steam key but as a PS4 and PS4 Pro user it does lead me to a question.

Is there any chance of the console only WMD2 members getting our hands on a test version fairly soon to do meaningful testing that can be actioned before release?
I'd be in the same boat as you if I got in for WMD3. What do you do on the forum then as you're not able to test the game?
I'd be in the same boat as you if I got in for WMD3. What do you do on the forum then as you're not able to test the game?

Good question. Obviously I can't tell you or I'll be shot. ;)

Actually it's great to peruse most of it on my phone (occasionally on a laptop) and then look at images and video cast onto the 55 inch 4k telly in front of me. Here's what my experience has mostly been made up of.

- Read lots and lots including design documents, development discussions, consultant drivers feedback and other users experiences and feedback.
- Look at pretty pictures
- Watch other people's test clips
- Click the like button
- Give opinions. I'm obviously not going to provide useful feedback on changes to cars, the FFB and tyre models in Project Cars 2 but there's plenty of info around game design, gameplay, options, graphics, livetrack 3, career, audio, tracks, cars, user interface, etc that is shared with us. If I have the time (never as much as I'd like!) I get to see whatever the development team have done each day.
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Good question. Obviously I can't tell you or I'll be shot. ;)

Actually it's great to peruse most of it on my phone (occasionally on a laptop) and then look at images and video cast onto the 55 inch 4k telly in front of me. Here's what my experience has mostly been made up of.

- Read lots and lots including design documents, development discussions, consultant drivers feedback and other users experiences and feedback.
- Look at pretty pictures
- Watch other people's test clips
- Click the like button
- Give opinions. I'm obviously not going to provide useful feedback on changes to cars, the FFB and tyre models in Project Cars 2 but there's plenty of info around game design, gameplay, options, graphics, livetrack 3, career, audio, tracks, cars, user interface, etc that is shared with us. If I have the time (never as much as I'd like!) I get to see whatever the development team have done each day.
Thanks. I didn't expect specifics or even as much as this! Very useful information.
So, is the R34 a SMS made Time Attack car?
As I understand it, it's an SMS tuner, yes.

As the article said, there are none left out there that haven't been modified, so they incorporated some of the most popular upgrades into their own version of the car. Basically added all of the most popular aftermarket tuner add-ons.
@IanBell I have a quick question.....

Why wouldn't you pull over and talk to me?? :lol::lol: But you did put up a good fight. Took me many laps to finally clear you :cheers:

View attachment 637660
I was doing an AOR practice race last week and Clucky decided he would sneak up to second. Fortunately, he went off at the second chicane putting him back where he deserved in 8th.
About the price of the game for lower-end access, but then you end up getting a free copy of the game at the end anyway (at least on PC), so in the end it doesn't really cost anything, plus you get the backstage access and other perks.
@IanBell @The_American @wicken or anyone else that would know.......

In the General Discussion thread, @wicken just shared some screenshots of the Dedicated Server Interface https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/thre...iscussion-thread.342814/page-76#post-11759616 Thanks to Ian for making them available.

This does bring me to a question though.....

Is it safe to assume that this interface allows for management of a remote DS? If so, what can you share already about requirements for that? Any info we can get about DS requirements (port numbers, bandwidth needs, etc.) will help immensely. I am hoping and assuming that it will be the same as the current one, but new features often bring other infrastructure changes as well.

Currently our league server is hosted on the other side of the Continent from me, and if I can I would appreciate being able to get the infrastructure prepared already so our league can make the jump on day 1.

Our current season is scheduled into mid December, but the membership is so eager for the new game that they have already voted in favor of abandoning this season to make the switch to pCARS2 on release day. That bodes well for you, since it is approximately 50 guaranteed day 1 sales :D
One quick question after trying out pCARS 1 with a game pad again: Will the extreme input lag (especially when at high speed) be reduced? I even find it difficult to weave left and right in a straight in a controlled fashion because the steering is so slow that I end up in the grass before my wheel turns the other direction.
One quick question after trying out pCARS 1 with a game pad again: Will the extreme input lag (especially when at high speed) be reduced? I even find it difficult to weave left and right in a straight in a controlled fashion because the steering is so slow that I end up in the grass before my wheel turns the other direction.

There is no input lag at all. Change 'Speed sensitive steering' on the slider.