Does it really get any worse?
That's just wrong. I give it 👎 👎 .
Does it really get any worse?
Does it really get any worse?
Take one Mercedes Benz R-Class thingy. Sodomize. Pray to Shiva to have mercy on it's horrible, disfigured, bloated car-soul.
Used to be a 6 series.
Now is a Sick series.
Used to be a 6 series.
Now is a Sick series.
Used to be a 6 series.
Now is a Sick series.
30's.Jesus....On second thought, what size are those god damned wheels on that R class? They look way too big....
Sweet Shiva.
Unfortunately, it's prettier than a stock 6-series.
At least the speed dent on the door makes up for it. How did he even get a dent that high in the first place?***Longs for they days when only 4x4s were lifted this high***
And lets leave the John Deere colors on tractors.....
Sweet Shiva.
Oh my Shiva! Is that a Monte Carlo?
Pray to Shiva
*snips a Shiva-picture*
Sweet merciful Shiva! That's horrid!
...why the Shiva can't Alpine demonstrate their gear...
Did I miss some mass-conversion to hinduism in this thread?
(re-thinking it, I see a reason. Jesus/Allah/Jehova didn't do a thing to stop these cars from existing... Perhaps Hindu gods are the answer?)
But if you wanna go for the hindu gods, take the goddess of annihilation, Kali...
^ Yes, she is standing on top of Shiva
That's just awesome.yay for ugly cars, stupid doors and ghastly 'flake
That's just retarded.stumpydino