Personally for me I wouldn't go much over a 4 inch lift and 36's but that's me.
Which is why they are questionable. what is the necessity for a 20 inch lift?
I think anything more than ~6 inches is sort of useless unless you just want to crush cars.
Becuase people like me and my friends like to go mudding and throw it around. Going through a 20 foot pit of mud is more fun than you think. Open all your windows, blast some music and whip it around. Try it sometime. Call me a redneck but I think it's a hell of a time. Partying, bonfires, beer, the whole 9. Especially loud ass trucks. Lots of them.
Eventually I'd like to put 44s on the truck we have. Not in the budget right now.
Agreed, it's just like lowering cars really, there comes a point where it might be useful in certain circumstances but definitely not practical, and then there's the extremes of just being plain inpractical and exxagerated for the sake of looking good or just because
like here
2 shifters? Is one of them for a transfer case or something?
That moment when you really want to do a great job of converting a RHD car to LHD...
Close enough.
^That looks like the result of what happens when Transformers inbreed hahah.