Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
What do mods spend the majority of their time doing?

Mostly we spend our time plotting which member we should pick on next. Apparently.

I think the longest-serving non-Jordan moderator is NocturnalPS.
Followed closely by sn00pie.

second to Browsing, I spend much of my time in the underpinnings of GTPlanet, researching IP's, and fighting the good fight against spammers.
Ahah. Ok then. Now I have a question directed at Famine.

When and where was this taken from?

Originally Posted by Duke
i have a kweston: how do u find ur way too skool every morning o w8 mabe that the prblm
Well, I would've never though to search for such a thing. I also never thought it would have dealt with hybridding a car in GT3 so I most likely would have dismissed it as not being the right thing I was looking for. Thats interesting though. I thought there would be more of a story with a huge debate or something. Oh well.
Followed closely by sn00pie.

second to Browsing, I spend much of my time in the underpinnings of GTPlanet, researching IP's, and fighting the good fight against spammers.

I thought minsblu was one of the first as well?

Yes, I think that Misnblu might be the first. And I'm pretty sure that Pako predates Noc & Snoopie.
Yes, it is indeed Misnblu. :) He was one of the highly active members of the original site, and was a logical choice for the staff as the community quickly grew after I moved it from MSN Groups to GTPlanet. I've known him for more than 8 years now.
Sometimes we get drunk and misplace our keys, and then we have to throw a tennis ball at the window to get the admins to let us back in.

Can mods see/view invisible members?
Yes, we lots of things.
Well, I would've never though to search for such a thing. I also never thought it would have dealt with hybridding a car in GT3 so I most likely would have dismissed it as not being the right thing I was looking for. Thats interesting though. I thought there would be more of a story with a huge debate or something. Oh well.
The poster in question asked about 750 questions, which were mostly repeats of the same questions, and which were mostly answered in great detail, yet he persisted. It was almost the equivalent of this conversation, except spread over 3 different boards, numerous threads, and rendered in unintelligble txt msg spk and horrendous grammar:

"Hi, I just got GT3 and a PS2. How do I play?"
"Well, you run races, earn money, and collect prize cars."
"Yes, but how do I play?"
"Well, if you see these 9 threads here, they'll show you how."
"Yeah, but how do I play? I mean it!"
"You put the disc in and turn the PS2 on, then wait."
"I put the GT3 disc in but nothing's happening."
"Did you turn the PS2 on?"
"I didn't know you had to do that. How do I turn it on?"
"You push the little button with the Power symbol on it."
"But how do I play GT3?"
Ahah. Ok then. Now I have a question directed at Famine.

When and where was this taken from?

I was looking for that once myself. It was a sarcastic reply:)👍
I think it won the awarded for the best quote or the most quoted quote.

Yes, it is indeed Misnblu. :) He was one of the highly active members of the original site, and was a logical choice for the staff as the community quickly grew after I moved it from MSN Groups to GTPlanet. I've known him for more than 8 years now.

I see he only jumps on occasionally. His message below his name is just "original member". I personally have never actually seen him around before. Being a member since 2001 probably makes this not the most exciting place though.(Not saying this place is boring.)

Duke:How dumb of a question can you ask!!!!! They are plain idiotic questions which anybody would know the answer to.
You'd be suprised, I used to work with a girl who thought the speed limit on a motorway was 90mph and I got her confused when I asked if she knew how when you send a fax, the piece of paper managed to go down the wires and come out at the other fax machine. And that's a true story :scared:.
Wow, it's ironic to see my name come up from the dead.
Yeah, I jump in here from time to time, and I'm always thankful that Jordan keeps me as a moderator.

I do stay pretty busy as an admin on the and do alot of posting on the car forums. I still play GT4 from time to time and I'm ready to purchase the PS3 once the GT5 comes out.
With Forsa Motorsport being out of the question now and two XBox360's down because of the game, I'll stick with the GT5 as my racing game of preference.

And yeah, I've gotten over the Civic from a long time ago and have been working on the Cavalier project/ track car for the last 8 years.

I'm also proud of the way Jordan has taken this place from a little hole in the wall forums by MSN and made it into one of the biggest forums I've ever seen. Kudo's to the mods that do run this place and to Jordan for having a vision of the future.

So you'll continue to see me from time to time and I'll always be a member here unless I die or something.. :D
So, were you on the old gtplanet? At least from what i gather there was an old gtplanet in 2001.
Wow, thats an old site, still about guessing its not that active anymore.

I'd say it's very active still, that's just an archive link, showing what we looked like in the past, it's still though.

What about PR? Wasn't he the second member on the entire site or something like that?

Nope, I joined in January 2002 when closed down for maintenance/changes of plans... A bunch of GTF members came in pretty much at the same time, some didn't stay, others stayed and became more active... GTF was pretty much the first GT source on the web, back in 97 or 98 actually, it's pretty sad to see it's now dead.

Nocturnal PS Was around back then, old forum, surprised it is still there really. All posts are from 02 or older.

Soooo awesome to see this stuff. I had read some stuff on the forums here actually back then too, so the layout n stuff looks familiar from what I can remember. I kinda wonder why it took me so long to join.