Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
@HuskyGT looks like Vagabond is hinting at something. ;)
Are you feeling alright?

I was talking about this handsome chap:

Here's two questions I've just thought of:
  1. What is your earliest GTP memory?
  2. What is your earliest Moderator memory?
Of course, some answers may be classified. Just reply with what you best can I guess.
Having my very first thread closed.

Uh... Being made a moderator... though that's a bit more hazy. Don't mix vodka and rum, kids.
  1. What is your earliest GTP memory?
  2. What is your earliest Moderator memory?
1) Registering to be able to download GT4 videos. Then posting in the Simpson's quotes thread.

2) Saying yes.
I suppose I worded my second question a little weird. Other than accepting being an official GTP Staff member, I meant. Oh well. I still got answers. Thanks, @TB and @niky. :)
Other than accepting being an official GTP Staff member, I meant. Oh well. I still got answers.
Moments before saying yes - being freaked out at receiving a PM from @Duke. :lol:

First real memory after saying yes - I honestly can't remember. Keep in mind it was nuts here right before GT5 came out!
Moments before saying yes - being freaked out at receiving a PM from @Duke. :lol:

First real memory after saying yes - I honestly can't remember. Keep in mind it was nuts here right before GT5 came out!
I cannot imagine you in any scenario as freaked out for anything.
Moments before saying yes - being freaked out at receiving a PM from @Duke. :lol:

First real memory after saying yes - I honestly can't remember. Keep in mind it was nuts here right before GT5 came out!
I wasn't around for the days just before GT5, but I bet. Might as well have replaced posts with nuts then, huh? A computer screen carved from a nut maybe? :lol:
Clearly you've never been to Singapore on the receiving end of a PM from The Neon One.
Or was really around when the The Neon One was sending PMs much. I have received PMs from you and T-12, but that was more for doing work/answering questions/having sporting events ruined for me :lol:.
Having my very first thread closed.
Me too. By @daan :P It was literally years before I made another thread.... In fact I still develop a twitch when I make one now. And I only do it once I've checked daan isn't online. :scared:

First moderator memory - you mean of a mod or being a mod? Of being one - I suppose it was that moment of horror when I realised I hadn't brought donuts.
We're still waiting. :lol:

The GT5 rush was like a tidalanche or landtsunami of overbearing stupidity crashing down on the board like a big, noisy crashy thing. Survivors obviously don't remember much, aside from the occassional paralyzing sharknado and flying piranha flashbacks.

For some of us, the phrases "GT fanboy" and "AWD is gymkhana, not drifting" are still triggerwords. Don't be surprised if you get banned on sight for uttering either. The drift scene was so much nicer back in GT3 and GT4.

(Moderators are immune)
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First moderator memory - you mean of a mod or being a mod? Of being one - I suppose it was that moment of horror when I realised I hadn't brought donuts.
Of being one. :)

But either way, thanks for the answer. đź‘Ť
We're still waiting. :lol:
Ummm..... dammit. I never know when to shut up. :ouch:
The GT5 rush was like a tidalanche or landtsunami of overbearing stupidity crashing down on the board
I actually avoided GTPlanet for a few months when GT5 was released and only came back for the WRS qualifier. I suspect that's probably considered some form of treason...
I had a gymkhana event on Saturday. It was very fun. Subaru AWD + snowy/icy runway = gymkhana...

And I'm serious, too. The event was called Snokhana 2014.
Exactly. I'm saying that I agree with the sentiment of the drifting forum, but I don't know why anyone cares. Both (drifting and gymkhana) are fun.

So, since you dislike the arguments about what is/isn't drifting, why don't you just post that gif of Peter Griffin asking "OMG, who the hell cares?"

Every time, you could just post that and say that any time you slide a car around is fun... Because it is.
Derailing a topic 101

Ooh, I have a question.... Shut the hell up. Do be quiet, what?

Is that two questions?
We're hoping they won't be the rubber kind. But driving on space savers can be fun.

If you haven't watched this, you have no pulse. Yes, you're welcome.

Comfort Hard = Mad Tyte Drifts, yo.

say that any time you slide a car around is fun... Because it is.

It's stickied in the GT5 Drift forum, and we've linked the sticky in the GT6 Drift forum. Still an issue.

Also, here's some arse-dragging to lighten the mood:

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