Quick-Match concept

  • Thread starter raweer
500PP Sportcars at Tsukuba, 600PP Supercars at High Speed Ring, Super GT GT500 at Silverstone, 650PP Racing Cars (GT3) at Spa-Francorchamps. A few good ones but not much change from last week.
Somebody should make a general Quick Match thread in the Seasonal Subforum.
Somebody should make a general Quick Match thread in the Seasonal Subforum.
I could, would it go in the Seasonal Sub-Forum though?

Here we go, I've got it all done, just need to add a few things in the OP, so please bear with me.
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Hard to believe they've had what, 7 or 8 years to develop this aspect of the game since it was introduced in Prologue, and this is the best they can come up with:tdown:👎

Well said. Its true that the body follows the head. If Kaz encourages innovation and fresh thinking the group will follow but my feeling is like yours, they are very conservative, unwilling to take risks and so the game remains very similar over the years. I don't necessarily fault them because the game is selling but to me it seems the whole QM thing exemplifies this attitude. Throw out the most basic thing possible and keep them happy with the promise of better things in the future.

If I had would I have to ask you how you counted them?

I just assumed that, since you've taken the time to comment negatively about QM in this thread, and have liked several negative posts about it, you would have taken the 5 minutes necessary to investigate it for yourself. Looking around the forums it seems you have a lot to say about GT, and have a nice little group of back-patters and yes-men to support you, or vice-versa. If, as you say 'Its true that the body follows the head', what are you, the head of this crew, or the body? I can think of a part of the body that fits nicely.

You want your opinion taken seriously, and for Kaz to listen to your (frequently valid) complaints? Be professional and do your homework. I don't see it happening. Good luck trolling, I'm done here.
There is a caption at the bottom of each of the four entry billboards in the Quick Match Dashboard that says "4,582 races", etc., etc. This morning I counted 30,000 races being run concurrently.........unless I am interpreting those numbers wrong, that is just staggering. I've now run about 60-70 races in the GT500 Class, am really enjoying it and every once in awhile come across some really fast, respectful drivers.
Thanks. Quite an impressive number. Much more popular than open lobbies.
Server was shakey today. Dropped out several times once in a race.

Had some good races after finding a stable room. Got smashed around in the tunnel then forced into pitlane once, got my own back in the next races clearing out on the others until they dropped off. Great fun, when it works.
Meh. SPA was boring in every room I entered I got a 6:58-7:01 in the BMW and 2nd would always be between 7:08-7:20. 1 or two of their races were 7:05s and I got a 7:03 ones cause someone tried to spin me. last week was more fun

Thanks. Quite an impressive number. Much more popular than open lobbies.

Yeah I just wish they had some matchmaking so players at similar racing speeds could race so what happened up there ^^ is more uncommon.
I kind of liked the way the quick match was done in Forza 2.
It basically just threw you into a public room that was created by other players so you may get pretty much any type of settings but it did try to match you with other drivers of similar ranking, drivers that you had rated as preferred and tried to avoid pairing you with drivers you rated to avoid.

The good thing about this is that one it allowed people to quickly find a race and two it did not reduce the number of user created public lobbies. I still like the online system that was in Forza 2 better than any Forza or GT title to date.
really good racing tonight with WHAHOOOOO we were both getting 6:58s on spa and there was someone else at 6:59, then 2 or 3 around 7:02 so, one or two little mistakes and there would be a car there to take advantage :)
Quick match is a noob-fest definitely, out of 10 players you find there, only 1, or maybe 2 are usually good.
Very very typical that when I get to the inside to try to overtake them, they always brake later than me to avoid being overtaken... and run very wide and off track of course :D
But its still fun anyway, the only thing that I really cannot handle is the laggers who can hit your car hard with the strange movements.
I am a noob - but having said that, I do use my proximity markers to avoid collisions where possible.

Is the car warping across the track and acting like a jittery drug user a symptom of lag? I am hoping it is, otherwise there are some really horrible drivers.

There are some corners on Spa that I will brake late on, not because of fear of being passed, but I have found if I hit the apex just right, a corner that should be done at 80-90KPH(2nd gear), I can do easily at 100-110KPH(3rd gear).

The only time I disappear into "Siberia" is thanks to lag, or the nob in front not able to make up their mind which line to take.
This latest round of races is even more unstable than before, using multiple screens and the side screens keep crashing especially on the 500pp races. Arrrgh!
Still, I'm having heaps of fun, when it works.
Earlier today I had a few races just "one on one" on the high speed track with a good driver and even though I lost, I kept getting closer on each rematch and I learnt a lot, the next race was another "one on one" but this time the guy just crashed into me straight away so I reset.
No tyre sound in one room made it different, thought I had heaps of grip for a few corners.

Had a weird thing where I was stuck on pit straight camera with the steering shaking. Had to shut GT6 to get out.

Few close races, love the way it ghosts when idiots try and side swipe you on a straight.
Quick match is a noob-fest definitely, out of 10 players you find there, only 1, or maybe 2 are usually good.
Very very typical that when I get to the inside to try to overtake them, they always brake later than me to avoid being overtaken... and run very wide and off track of course :D
But its still fun anyway, the only thing that I really cannot handle is the laggers who can hit your car hard with the strange movements.
Admittedly, I do that often, cause I'm usually in ultra light cars, so when a car with equal braking capability brakes late.... off the track I go, about 5% of the time. :P

I am a noob - but having said that, I do use my proximity markers to avoid collisions where possible.

Is the car warping across the track and acting like a jittery drug user a symptom of lag? I am hoping it is, otherwise there are some really horrible drivers.

There are some corners on Spa that I will brake late on, not because of fear of being passed, but I have found if I hit the apex just right, a corner that should be done at 80-90KPH(2nd gear), I can do easily at 100-110KPH(3rd gear).

The only time I disappear into "Siberia" is thanks to lag, or the nob in front not able to make up their mind which line to take.

Usualy lag, but sometimes with fast aggressive drivers, they are out of control because they clipped the grass the the exit of the last corner, but they usually regain control, or spin within 3-4 seconds. lol
Admittedly, I do that often, cause I'm usually in ultra light cars, so when a car with equal braking capability brakes late.... off the track I go, about 5% of the time. :P
Id never care what the other car does in this case. Brake as late as you can but within the capabilities of your car, not depending of what the other does
It would be a step in the right direction if quick match add these things:

- the ability to change your vehicle while you in the lobby.

- have the ability to invite your friends.

If they do this that would be cool.
Quick match is good but will never beat shuffle. I just wish pd can add it back already. But I do appreciate them adding this though. At least this is sort of like it in a way.
Id never care what the other car does in this case. Brake as late as you can but within the capabilities of your car, not depending of what the other does
I only use the other car reference after a few laps and learning their driving capabilities. :)
Thanks I'll give that a go and see if it helps. Are UK servers more prone to issues then? Not sure I'm committed enough to relocate just to get a race ;)
I take it back, just had 2 hours of great racing, really like the ghost mode when cars are sliding, only got punted off a couple of times and take the pressure of a bit, don't want to ruin somebody else's race. Two thumbs up for polyphony 👍👍.
Does anyone else think the "coming soon" event box may relate to a new event type? I'd love to see shuffle or online rally trials (like the Sierra event) added to Quick Race options.

This new game mode is really adding some playability for me, pre 1.12 I was mainly time trialling but now I'm splitting my time between a few event types.
A car that's about to ram into another car will become ghosted and drive straight through the car it's going to hit, it happens automatically.

And sometimes it just doesn't work properly and you get rammed by dirty racers
Great fun , some great players some spoilers. Love the close racing but not the dive bombers . Have had only minor internet problems . I really like the fact that everyone picks from a set group of cars , no cheater cars . Plan to continue to use this feature .
Lovin' this mode. Just be even better if people attacked the racing line instead of competitors. Nothing wrong with rubbing, but ramming when they have no chance of catching or making the corner sux though. Great when they ghost through into the barriers.
Just raced at Tsukuba earlier & finished 1st by 1.7 seconds. When the results of the race came up it showed me in 1st then the driver who finished 8th & last moved to the top & was given the win even though he was over 8 seconds slower than me. Myself & the other 6 drivers all dropped by 1 place. How can a driver finish last but be given the win & receive the payout for 1st place? Second time this has happened now. Most of the time it just disconnects from server. Complete waste of time!
Yep had this happen a few times too. =-O Just console yourself as I do in the fact that, we all know who won and the money is minor. Still glitches like the server disconnections and rankings need sorting.
I've never really tried Quick Match. (I went into a room once just to watch & it was a dog show.) Is it possible to set up a Quick Match room for 'friends only'?
@Jaywalker No, it isn't.
I recently posted in the "worst you have dealt with" thread just "Quick Match".
It's like Destruction Derby, back in the PS1 days for the most part. I will give it another spin soon, maybe I'm wrong about it.

All these posts here, how close the races were and stuff mean nothing, 'cause aside from Expert Class (no experts in there, though) every lower tiered classes are equipped with forced boost & SRF; so, nothing to compare here.

Anyway, the intention of PD to implement this feature is good and obviously a lot (of dirty kids) race there together.
In my point of view, netcode has to be polished (for the other online modes as well) and I think, Quick Match isn't really that quick yet. In fact, it takes longer e.g. on Tsukuba to warmup the race than actually racing the 3 laps. Not good.
We'll see what happens next.

Right now, I want proper "normal" online racing back, perhaps including engine- and tyresounds for everyone participating; that'd be cool...:banghead: