R.I.P Ryan Dunn!

  • Thread starter 20832
Way to look like a heartless ass. I hope you never have to speak at someone's funeral. What an unfortunate event that'll be for everyone.

Im not. By the contrary! Im an educated person and if i did think of something similar in a funeral, i wouldnt say anything in respect of the victim! I have very good scence. Who do you think i am a heartless ass?! :lol:

Just made a dumb decision.

Just?! Imagine if we all did those dumb decisions!

It's Porsche. :yuck:

I know! The blasphemy:P:!
Im not. By the contrary! Im an educated person and if i did think of something similar in a funeral, i wouldnt say anything in respect of the victim! I have very good scence. Who do you think i am a heartless ass?! :lol:
Just?! Imagine if we all did those dumb decisions!

I know! The blasphemy:P:!

*Sense......just sayin.
He might've been a complete moron for drink driving, but it doesn't take away from the fact he entertained millions of fans worldwide with the CKY/Jackass crew for more than the past decade. He provided hours of laughs, just a shame he made a fatally stupid decision. RIP.


May he rest in peace.
R.I.P. Dunn.

I know you guys are saying hes in the "sewer" so to speak, of people, but himself and Steve-O appeared on Minute to Win It a few days ago. They raised (don't quote me on this) somewhere in the neighborhood of $25,000 for charity. Yes, D&D'ing is an extremely stupid decision, but good people make mistakes too.
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Even if he was drunk, a life has been lost. RIP man.

Thats right a life has been lost, the passenger in the car. As for Dunn, Stupid things happen to stupid people. Its a pitty that he had kill somebody else aswell.
110mph should not have been a lethal crash in a Porsch 911, GT3 or no.

But it was.

Don't D&D.

Me thinks you don't quite understand the laws of physics. Combined with the fact that these cars are not race cars, a crash into a tree head on at 110mph will obliterate the car.

There is a very good reason that Rally cars have been slowed down and another reason that you will never see an open tree near a race track.
May he rest in peice. I wish all his family and friends the best of luck. But when it boils down to the details. Driving drunk at 110mph? I'm sorry, and flame me all you want but I just don't feel sorry for HIM. He should have know before drinking that he would have to drive home, and even more so with a car that powerful that could lose control so easily, even when your NOT intoxicated. That should give him the insentive not to have two drinks. One may be okay. But anymore than that, noway.
Driving drunk at 110mph? I'm sorry, and flame me all you want but I just don't feel sorry for HIM. He should have know before drinking that he would have to drive home, and even more so with a car that powerful that could lose control so easily, even when your NOT intoxicated.

I agree. I would feel sorry if he died reasonably, by not drunk driving, drug reference, or other immaturity. If he had chosen the correct decision, Ryan would still be alive, as well as the passenger.
Sucks thats he dead, funny guy and great to weatch in Viva La Bam and Jackass. Particularly when he stole Bams car in Viva La Bam, great episode.

R.I.P Ryan. :(
R.I.P Ryan Dunn, you may now be a jackass to the dead. (Hopefully people don't take that as an insult towards him :scared:)
To all the people bashing on Ryan Dunn, are you sure he was the driver or is it an assumption??

Also, don't tell me you never drunk a beer and then drove.
If you would crash then, people also would be talking that you drove drunk.

Stupid things happen to even smart people.

Bush also was drunk a lot :D
Death is always sad, but if he was drinking and then driving at >100mph on country roads I have no sympathy.

Celebrity or not, drinking and driving is wrong... anyone that does it risks both their own life and the life of their passengers and other innocent road users.
You could say that...

*puts on sunglasses*

he DUNN goofed.


Rest in peace, Ryan.

There are certainly one or the other who don't (personnally I nearly don't drink anymore, so I don't do it when i drive, but it also happend to me after a meal and a glass of whine to take the car)
But if the whole forums starts to say that, i have a serious doubt about it, let alone the fact that statisticly it would not be possible.

The fact that he drink and than do an exessive speed, that's an other point.

Also how many people do you think are on prescriped drugs because of stress, panics, depression and still use the car. For me that is equally worring if not more that the dude who drank a glass of whine over the meal
I'm sad he's dead because I love Jackass and he was a cool guy. But it is hard to have any sympathy when you look at the details... :/

This pretty much summarizes how I feel. As the page says, I will never forget the Hot Wheels toy scene in Jackass.