"R" SpEc TuNeRz Official Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
AYOO WASSUP FF honda drag ppl.. this is HONDA_EG_GSR.. just made this gtp profile.. im in team APL.. (Aggressive Power Line)

it is wut it is danny and whoever else blocked u ain't my problem and if u didn't run ur mouth the way did u wouldn't be put on block but people get tired of hearing u tryn to be a hard ass on the internet and the tunes u run ain't yours so stop lyin lol just be a straight up person and stop bs! U even got blocked by random people that u were sendin messages to bouut me meni and hondaboy after u got kicked so go bother some1 else and find somethin better to with ur life then runnin ur mouth on the internet cuz its old already

HONDA where u been bro ?

Kickin i been busy wit family & stuff.. but i can only get on weekeneds from now on -,-

Ifly / r spec tune !!!!!

lmfaoo @ Ifly / r spec tune..
Didnt ifly break up ? they dead now hahaha no one in it anymore..
I'll just take this moment to remind you of this.

Acceptable Use Policy
You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.

We don't expect perfect English, but please take more care over your posts in future. Thanks.
We don't expect perfect English, but please take more care over your posts in future. Thanks.

Thank you! This thread was getting quite annoying to read through..
Haha Ifly is not dead honda maybe a couple people are not gaming as much but we here. Plus I been busy so I haven't been recruiting at all .
lol i just havent seen ifly at ALL! but yea try to get them get back up because there was alot of competition there.. but dont recruit drama people
Loka, I got like 2000 friends to race and they are not afraid of losing bro. This weekend I race all day and no issues with anybody bro. That’s cool, I race R SPEC leader and he cool. We had no issues. I won’t even mention the entire player I raced with but is for sure that I race all day with no issues. I don’t need to run you or any sore loser anymore. People get mad when I win. But some of them are cool and don’t cry or bark like dogs. Also my tunes are my tunes. You can ask Freddy and DQ Brasil if I can tune. All my times are mine and not copy paste loka. U are in a Team for a long time because you never tune on your own. Only copy paste. I was trying to be nice here but you hate me so much because your DC2 95 and CRX found his dad. D.D.N.B. and C.A. in the house.
Loka, I got like 2000 friends to race and they are not afraid of losing bro. This weekend I race all day and no issues with anybody bro. That’s cool, I race R SPEC leader and he cool. We had no issues. I won’t even mention the entire player I raced with but is for sure that I race all day with no issues. I don’t need to run you or any sore loser anymore. People get mad when I win. But some of them are cool and don’t cry or bark like dogs. Also my tunes are my tunes. You can ask Freddy and DQ Brasil if I can tune. All my times are mine and not copy paste loka. U are in a Team for a long time because you never tune on your own. Only copy paste. I was trying to be nice here but you hate me so much because your DC2 95 and CRX found his dad. D.D.N.B. and C.A. in the house.
Ok we get your point:dopey:
If you have any more beef please PM loko.

ATTENTION!!!! "R" SpEc TuNeRs TEAM MEET SAT. 11/24/12 2-3pm EST
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Loka, I got like 2000 friends to race and they are not afraid of losing bro. That’s cool, I race R SPEC leader and he cool. We had no issues.

I don’t need to run you or any sore loser anymore.

All my times are mine and not copy paste loka. U are in a Team for a long time because you never tune on your own. Only copy paste. I was trying to be nice here but you hate me so much because your DC2 95 and CRX found his dad. D.D.N.B. and C.A. in the house.

Funny thing is loko and r spec is the same guy :lol:
Funny thing is loko and r spec is the same guy :lol:

:confused: Actually NO. The team knows who R_SPEC_LEADER is and trust me it is not Loko_Hooligans. If you ever make it to one of our rooms, you will actually hear both of them talk/argue at the same time.
:confused: Actually NO. The team knows who R_SPEC_LEADER is and trust me it is not Loko_Hooligans. If you ever make it to one of our rooms, you will actually hear both of them talk/argue at the same time.

If I wanted to join your room one day, what cars would you recommend me bring?
This Team is a cool Team! I race many of your members and they are all cool and fast drivers. I really have fun with them. Also we are a good race. I dont know why loko and I hate each other so much??? Its ok!! I think is because we both dont like to lose or we get mad losing. For some reason I dont get mad when I lose but I dont like losing to loko.. LOL!!!
:confused: Actually NO. The team knows who R_SPEC_LEADER is and trust me it is not Loko_Hooligans. If you ever make it to one of our rooms, you will actually hear both of them talk/argue at the same time.

Ok, but what if one of them admitted me directly that they had 2 accounts?
This is true because I seen them in the same room. So is not possible that R SPEC LEADER is Loko_Hooligans. R SPEC LEADER is cool and not cocky, and Loko is the opposite. LOL. R SPEC LEADER doesn’t get mad when he loses and doesn’t get cocky when he wins. LOL!
This is true because I seen them in the same room. So is not possible that R SPEC LEADER is Loko_Hooligans. R SPEC LEADER is cool and not cocky, and Loko is the opposite. LOL. R SPEC LEADER doesn’t get mad when he loses and doesn’t get cocky when he wins. LOL!

i have 2 playstations too. just saying, with the mute button or a friend on the other its possible.
Ok, but what if one of them admitted me directly that they had 2 accounts?

Who doesn't have 2 psn accounts! Still they are not the same person!

This is true because I seen them in the same room. So is not possible that R SPEC LEADER is Loko_Hooligans. R SPEC LEADER is cool and not cocky, and Loko is the opposite. LOL. R SPEC LEADER doesn’t get mad when he loses and doesn’t get cocky when he wins. LOL!

i have 2 playstations too. just saying, with the mute button or a friend on the other its possible.

Its very possible, but they ARE NOT the same person. One lives in CA the other in NY. One is Asian the other Latino. And they argue with each other at the same time. So I'm done with this. If you want to continue to believe that fine. Join a room one time and meet them then you can see your false statements!

Also Deja Vu, I know everyone's aka on this team and like I said who doesn't have two accounts. I even have one. May I ask who is Deja Vu? I don't mean that in a rude way, just whats your PSN I've never seen a Deja vu online.
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Brooklyn girl- first of all R SPEC LEADER is my dad and second of all he dont have 4 arms to play loko and his account just saying think before you talk thank you R SPEC ALL THE WAY :D
This Team is a cool Team! I race many of your members and they are all cool and fast drivers. I really have fun with them. Also we are a good race. I dont know why loko and I hate each other so much??? Its ok!! I think is because we both dont like to lose or we get mad losing. For some reason I dont get mad when I lose but I dont like losing to loko.. LOL!!!

Danny read your Inbox message that i sent you.
If I wanted to join your room one day, what cars would you recommend me bring?

Any Integra DC5 or DC2. Any Civic(we do run Spoons but not that often). Any Prelude. We almost never run Accords. Don't bother with a CRX unless you see a Spoon.

Good Luck and Good Racing:cheers:
This people are awesome and legit, finally keeping up with racers thanks to r spec leader trade, thank you to him, and the others for being so nice
only hondas? limited selection there my friend.
As a Team we only run Honda's. We do switch it up when the room gets boring. And we do run other cars when its not a Team Meet. Outside of the 1/4 world, we all do different things. Some Drift, some Rally, some Grip. I took of 2 months to try GT Academy, I didn't win but I finished 2477th:D

This people are awesome and legit, finally keeping up with racers thanks to r spec leader trade, thank you to him, and the others for being so nice
Your welcome:cheers: Glad we could help you! Also welcome to :gtpflag:

Where can I find a Spoon CRX?????:confused:
Sorry, I should have worded that better:dunce: What I meant to say is, do not bring out a CRX, unless you see a Spoon EK, DC2 or another CRX they are about the closest times to each other, compared to a '97 EK or a '04 DC5.

Also welcome to:gtpflag: casper
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You guys should join my comp on Friday after 2pm EST. Honda vs the world ff, look at my thread.👍
Loka, I got like 2000 friends to race and they are not afraid of losing bro. This weekend I race all day and no issues with anybody bro. That’s cool, I race R SPEC leader and he cool. We had no issues. I won’t even mention the entire player I raced with but is for sure that I race all day with no issues. I don’t need to run you or any sore loser anymore. People get mad when I win. But some of them are cool and don’t cry or bark like dogs. Also my tunes are my tunes. You can ask Freddy and DQ Brasil if I can tune. All my times are mine and not copy paste loka. U are in a Team for a long time because you never tune on your own. Only copy paste. I was trying to be nice here but you hate me so much because your DC2 95 and CRX found his dad. D.D.N.B. and C.A. in the house.

Danny u start a lot of trouble that's why a lot of people don't like you an u pm people when u lose.