[RACE] Weekend Fun Runs - Thnks fr th mmrsFinished 

...You are full H.A.M. right now.

I commend you.
I think everyone's grasped the idea that I don't sugar coat any thing. If I think there's something stupid, I say it, and I expect the same to be done to me. Not apologetic for being blunt either because it lit a fire to get something done ASAP.
Im very glad to see the WIP Rules and that is a start, but and I am going to use an analogy that very few will get but its the only way I can express it, we are at the start of a Hors category climb with a long way to go. Here is what I mean
I understand if you all want to leave. There are times where I want to throw in the towel too. HOWEVER, I encourage you to read this and stay for at least one more weekend to try to change your mind:


  • No member or guest is allowed to attack or harass another member or guest for their race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, sex, or religious beliefs.
  • No member shall shun another member under any circumstance
  • All criticism must be constructed and presented in a kind manner
  • If tempers get the best of members, and an arguement breaks out, both members must settle the accident in a civil manner before attending another room

Stock cars / NASCAR
  • Minor pushing, bumping, and shoving is permitted, but multiple instances of the actions resulting in a crash may lead to driver in question being parked.
  • At Daytona Superspeedway, no passing below the yellow line is permitted unless otherwise stated before the race.
  • At Motegi Superspeedway, no passing below the white line is permitted unless otherwise stated before the race.
  • Retaliation, while technically legal, is very frowned upon and is not encouraged.
Open Wheel Racing

  • Intentional pushing, bumping (Including bump drafting), and shoving is NOT permitted unless otherwise stated before the race.
Touring Cars and Sports Cars

  • Minor pushing, bumping, and shoving is permitted, but multiple instances of the actions resulting in a crash may lead to driver in question being parked.
General Racecraft

  • Be aware of your surroundings and only drive to the extent of your driving talent.
  • If you crash another driver and you know it was your fault and not a racing accident, yield your position.
  • Do NOT under any circumstance, go the wrong direction on the track with intent to hurt the progress of another driver(s) race. Failure to comply to this rule will lead to an immediate suspension.
Safety Car Procedure/Flag Rules

  • Green Flag - (GREEN, G) - Go! The race is green and racing has begun!
  • Yellow Flag [Road Course] - (YELLOW, Y) - Be aware of the area denoted as yellow, there is a situation where the track is not clear.
  • Yellow Flag [Oval]/Full Course Yellow/Caution/Safety Car - (FCY, CAUTION, SC, SCD, C) - The field is neturalized and you are no longer racing. Slow down and queue behind the Safety Car if applicable, or leader, and await further instruction.
  • Red Flag - (RED FLAG, RED, R) - The race has been stopped. The field will park the cars in the area designated by Race Control or the room host.
It's still a WIP, and that is what I have so far.
Sorry but I don't think I'm able to join for 2 weeks, still I did read the (WIP) Rules.
Glad to see some definite rules down. Now there's something to base complaints at verses hearsay.
Glad to see some definite rules down. Now there's something to base complaints at verses hearsay.

Couldn't have it said better myself, really. Now people can actually back up their concerns/complaints with something tangible as opposed to peform pure mud-slinging competitions. I'd call that an improvement, and a good start as well. Sure, I know some will always have suggestions to add more and more rules to the list, but Nas did say that it's still a W.I.P. after all. Instead of using bad feelings to get ourselves down, let's use them for something a bit more constructive.

I'm sure most can at least agree with my last sentence...
Checked this thread after being away for a night and holy 🤬 has it escalated quickly.
English, brotha, do you speak it?

And nascar, it depends on what you're doing. I may join, but if it's something that doesn't interest me, then I'll just leave shortly afterwards.

The power of Google Translate says "I can come" in Spanish.

The internet is your friend.
Just as a note, I'm avoiding using my mic a lot because I've been losing my hearing recently, and I'm getting it tested next week for a possible hearing aid, so I just want to keep loud shouty noises (which happen a lot in Fun Runs) away from my ears.
I can come
Out of context FTW.
The power of Google Translate says "I can come" in Spanish.

The internet is your friend.
I'm aware of it being in Spanish; I actually remember a little Spanish from my classes. I was making note of it because of the AUP saying English only.
I might be on later as I am not leaving for a place until tomorrow. I won't be here tomorrow for sure, though.

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