From what I've seen, only Jordan and McFizzle have made constructive points as to why Patrick shouldn't/won't be able to take part in the finals, and it does make sense. I mean, to friends, a death threat can mean nothing and usually doesn't, but when it's someone who doesn't know the guy, then things can easily blow out of proportion. I myself remember when someone in my high school was excluded because they wrote that one of the head of years should die on Facebook. He didn't seriously mean it and I know he didn't, but it was still a foolish thing to do and resulted in all sorts of crap, including the threat of police action. Similar case here - I can tell by the story of how things have panned out that he isn't a threat to society, he just had a moment where life got the better of him, happens to all of us at least once, but Nissan and Sony will obviously not want to get involved, because it's bad for the reputation. I find the cynical, judgemental nonsense that others are spouting to be very reminiscent of envy though. It seems some people saw mention of discretionary action and immediately thought *criminal* and have gone on a vendetta towards someone they don't even know. This is a petition, not a debate, if you really don't agree with it, then don't sign and don't post looking for a reaction! Personally, it is simple imo. Has he been threatening people all his life? Has he actually attempted to carry out his threat? From what I've read, his personality doesn't reflect the threats he has made. This is possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (please tell me how something you've worked towards for several months isn't constructive?), and to miss out because of a troubled moment in your life is just really unfortunate and should not be punished, but unfortunately the law (and the world) doesn't work like that. The fact that this punishment is based on something that was said online is very flimsy though, you can't tell whether someone is joking, being sarcastic or being serious through a block of text.