RaceRoom: The Racing Experience General Discussion

  • Thread starter MagpieRacer
Yes Competitions are hotlap challenges atm. You dont need to own the content they use.

Regarding the setups: Because we can not save separatly ones atm the users always share screenshots of their setup settings. The settings u made stay saved for that car/track.
Ok...got a couple of "new guy" questions.

1-I have purchased DTM 92 and the European track pack about 5 days ago. I am able to race the new cars on my new tracks BUT I just found out that I should have track folders in my Simbin/Car setup folder so I can put car tunes/setups in but there aren't any.....there is nothing in my Car setup folders...Do I have to make these folders or do I have a bad download or something??

2-These "Experience Competitions" I keep reading about...What exactly is this??...If I have the content for these races do I just try to beat peoples times??...Hotlaping?? or are there certain times I can race real people?? I have looked in the Multiplayer but there are very few lobbies that have anybody in them..And if they are in them its only 2-3 people. Am I searching wrong??

1 - I think you are confusing this game with Assettocorsa. There you can put .ini files with setups in your maps. Raceroom currently doesnt give this option but the interview with D. Juncadella made clear that this is something they are working on. Currently as AK mentioned you have to work with screenshots.

2 - when you buy DTM2014-experience you are not only able to drive online and do competitions but also a singleplayer mode with full DTM-season. Likewise with ADAC GT2014.
With the other content you cant do this, only single races in singleplayer and multiplayer. So that's why they call DTM2014 and adacGt "experience packs".. :)

I did some multiplayer races with 22 guys yesterday in the gtr3 class on track so i guess u r looking at the wrong time maybe.. All classes can provide some good racing with the right people on track!
1 - I think you are confusing this game with Assettocorsa. There you can put .ini files with setups in your maps. Raceroom currently doesnt give this option but the interview with D. Juncadella made clear that this is something they are working on. Currently as AK mentioned you have to work with screenshots.

2 - when you buy DTM2014-experience you are not only able to drive online and do competitions but also a singleplayer mode with full DTM-season. Likewise with ADAC GT2014.
With the other content you cant do this, only single races in singleplayer and multiplayer. So that's why they call DTM2014 and adacGt "experience packs".. :)

I did some multiplayer races with 22 guys yesterday in the gtr3 class on track so i guess u r looking at the wrong time maybe.. All classes can provide some good racing with the right people on track!

Thanks for clearing this up a little. So where is the best place to find "screen shots" of car setups?? Im having a tough time trying to set my cars up. Also can I do a single player season with my DTM 92 or I have to buy an "experience pack?

So far Im realy enjoying the feel of this game. Its nothing like I have ever experienced in a Counsole racer. I just need to figure a lot of little things out...Also while I have your attention, Ive noticed on this game that my FPS stays at 60 and wih AC I can get up to 80 FPS...Is it possible I can get more out of R3E??..I have my settings in game maxed out but I cant see anything to change FPS.
Personally i mostly use default setups. I only change diff, and brake settings a bit sometimes.

Custom Championchips are around the corner and then you can set up your own season with the "normal" R3E content ;)
Thanks for clearing this up a little. So where is the best place to find "screen shots" of car setups?? Im having a tough time trying to set my cars up. Also can I do a single player season with my DTM 92 or I have to buy an "experience pack?

So far Im realy enjoying the feel of this game. Its nothing like I have ever experienced in a Counsole racer. I just need to figure a lot of little things out...Also while I have your attention, Ive noticed on this game that my FPS stays at 60 and wih AC I can get up to 80 FPS...Is it possible I can get more out of R3E??..I have my settings in game maxed out but I cant see anything to change FPS.

You can find out a lot of info HERE and HERE.

You don't have to buy the whole DTM 92 pack to do single player races, you can buy one car and the grid will be populated with all the cars. And of course you can test drive each one for free to decide which you want (the Merc, Bimmer, and Audi are the best ones).

If your tv/monitor is only 60hz then you really don't need anything over 60fps.
...Also while I have your attention, Ive noticed on this game that my FPS stays at 60 and wih AC I can get up to 80 FPS...Is it possible I can get more out of R3E??..I have my settings in game maxed out but I cant see anything to change FPS.
You most likely have VSYNC enabled in R3E. With this enabled the graphics engine will try to sync to the refresh rate of your monitors, in many cases using vsync will eliminate or reduce screen stuttering/jerky-ness. I use vsync in all of my sims, helps more in some than others but to me R3E runs best with vsync enabled.
You can find out a lot of info HERE and HERE.

You don't have to buy the whole DTM 92 pack to do single player races, you can buy one car and the grid will be populated with all the cars. And of course you can test drive each one for free to decide which you want (the Merc, Bimmer, and Audi are the best ones).

If your tv/monitor is only 60hz then you really don't need anything over 60fps.

Im a member of those sites but I haven't found any setups in Sector3 but I did find a few in RD but not all cars and tracks maybe I need to dig a little deeper. I already own the DTM 92 Pack, were do I find the Seasons to play?? Ive done single races but I don't see anything about a season. When I go into Single race I just select car and track and go...

Also I do have VSYNC enabled and my monitor is 60hz but it can go to 120hz, I might turn it off to see what it would look like.

@FuzzyFassbender You must be stalking me..:cheers: Any way about my issue with my tracks in the setups folder, I went in Practice and changed some setting on the car and looked FOREVER for a SAVE button but couldn't figure it out. But when I backed out the game and looked in my Simbin folder low and behold there they were. I guees Im so used to consouls that you have to save everything I was freaked out it did it for me...Im slowly learning..
Im a member of those sites but I haven't found any setups in Sector3 but I did find a few in RD but not all cars and tracks maybe I need to dig a little deeper. I already own the DTM 92 Pack, were do I find the Seasons to play?? Ive done single races but I don't see anything about a season. When I go into Single race I just select car and track and go...

Also I do have VSYNC enabled and my monitor is 60hz but it can go to 120hz, I might turn it off to see what it would look like.

@FuzzyFassbender You must be stalking me..:cheers: Any way about my issue with my tracks in the setups folder, I went in Practice and changed some setting on the car and looked FOREVER for a SAVE button but couldn't figure it out. But when I backed out the game and looked in my Simbin folder low and behold there they were. I guees Im so used to consouls that you have to save everything I was freaked out it did it for me...Im slowly learning..

Sorry, I thought you meant FFB/graphics settings. I don't know anything about tuning so I can't help there. Not too many people play R3E (compared to other sims) so there isn't a whole lot out there, what you can find on RD is probably the best you're gonna get. That's also why the online servers are usually pretty empty.

Only "Experiences" have seasons (DTM 2014 and ADAC). The DTM 92 is just a "pack" (collection of cars and sometimes a few tracks) so you can't do a proper championship with those. They have said they're introducing custom championship in an upcoming update so soon you'll be able to create your own championship with any cars you want.
Yaaaay a Raceroom thread!

Anybody excited for these upcoming cars?

Group-5 Nissan, Chevrolet & Porsche all coming our way!



I have a hunch the caddie and the other cars will be coming along also over the weekend. I could be totally wrong though.
Way more then 20 bucks. I didn't have alot of content at the time. If I remember correctly I spent about 50-70 bucks with the discount so at 50% off I saved 50-70 dollars.
Last year i bought all content available that i didn't have yet. It really is a great deal. Especially if your just getting into the game.

"Unfortunately" i was too impatient and already bought Indy and mid Ohio the past weeks when they were 40 and 30% off.. But Laguna Seca, Sonoma and some more cars that were are still missing will soon be acquired :lol:
I have a few questions to regular R3E players:

1. How much does it cost (without the sale) to buy all of the contents roughly? I know some packs overlap and contain several cars/tracks. In that case use the cheapest permutation possible to get all cars/tracks.

2. What are the chances of Simbin/Sector 3 releasing GTR3 or similar in the future containing all the contents from R3E?

3. I've heard there is a test drive function. Is this for cars or tracks or both? Are there any restrictions when test driving? Time limit, can't use it to race, can't tune the car, etc? And I assume you have to redownload the car/track every time you take it for a test drive? I don't race much so I'll be happy to just use test drive to hotlap the cars if that means I don't need to buy them.

It's such a shame because I really enjoyed Simbin games in the past (GTL, GTR2, Race07) and I'm sure R3E is similarly amazing. But I can't justify spending so much on one game when my time is also split between AC, PCARS, GSCE, rFactor, RBR, GT6 and a smattering of other arcade racers :indiff:
Ya it is the past and we all now whats happend years ago. But thanks to the raceroom entertainment AG the studio wont get closed. You dont get rich as dev in this genre. They are working hard and try to make the best out of a small budget.

And to support your favourite sim racing developers is always a good thing :)

At the moment you download the game it contains all released content to this point so you dont have to download and wait if you buy something.

Test drive is every time on R3E Raceway for 5 min and you can do that over and over again and again and...

You can also have some fun for free in the competitions : http://game.raceroom.com/competitions/ because you dont need to own this content to participate ;)
I have a few questions to regular R3E players:

1. How much does it cost (without the sale) to buy all of the contents roughly? I know some packs overlap and contain several cars/tracks. In that case use the cheapest permutation possible to get all cars/tracks.

This is hard to quantify due to various discounts or how you approach it. The cars are split into classes, to race in a class you only need one of the cars so you don't have to buy all of them if you don't want to. It's best to buy some of the Experiences first because it will give you some content which will then result in discounts when you buy other Experiences/Packs that share some of the content. If you wanted to buy everything I'd estimate around $150 USD, but to buy enough content to really, thoroughly enjoy what the game has to offer you could get buy with only spending $60-70. With the current Easter discount you could get it done for a lot less. So basically the price of a standard Playstation game will get you most or all of the tracks and more than enough cars to enjoy all the game has to offer.

2. What are the chances of Simbin/Sector 3 releasing GTR3 or similar in the future containing all the contents from R3E?
Can't answer this for sure, but there are currently no signs of this ever happening.

3. I've heard there is a test drive function. Is this for cars or tracks or both? Are there any restrictions when test driving? Time limit, can't use it to race, can't tune the car, etc? And I assume you have to redownload the car/track every time you take it for a test drive? I don't race much so I'll be happy to just use test drive to hotlap the cars if that means I don't need to buy them.
It is only for cars, every test drive happens on the Raceroom Raceway circuit and lasts for 5 minutes per test drive. But you can test drive each car for as many 5 minute sessions as you want. I don't believe it gives you any timing info though, it's just driving.

But there are also several hot lap competitions that are free to participate in, you get to try some of the cars and circuits and you can lap as many times as you want. All for free, you don't need to own the content used in the competitions.

It's such a shame because I really enjoyed Simbin games in the past (GTL, GTR2, Race07) and I'm sure R3E is similarly amazing. But I can't justify spending so much on one game when my time is also split between AC, PCARS, GSCE, rFactor, RBR, GT6 and a smattering of other arcade racers :indiff:

One of the nice things about R3E is you don't have to buy it all at once. You get some content for free, but the free cars use "old physics" so they don't truly represent what the game offers. The newer cars feel better and older cars are getting updated with the new physics somewhat regularly. But if you were to take advantage of the current Easter 50% off sale (only good for another couple days I believe) you could drop $20 USD and get enough content to allow you to get some good enjoyment and then decide if you want to spend more in the future. And if you do want more, you can just spend $5 or $10 here and there and slowly build your content library. So, buy some stuff and get some good use out of it, when you start to get bored with it you can buy a few more things and get some fresh enjoyment. With some clever shopping you can get a lot of content and a lot of fun for a minimal price. I would suggest starting with the WTCC pack and the DTM 92 pack, that should give you about a dozen cars total and a half dozen circuits to keep you entertained for a while, and right now you could get that done for under $20 I believe.
I have a few questions to regular R3E players:

1. How much does it cost (without the sale) to buy all of the contents roughly? I know some packs overlap and contain several cars/tracks. In that case use the cheapest permutation possible to get all cars/tracks.

I agree with Brandon.. But I would do this if i could restart raceroom, the most effective way to get all content imo..

Buy 65euro VRP from the Raceroom website store and you get 35euro discount, so this equals 100eur ingame or 10 000VRP and you only spend 65eur.

Then start with DTM2014 experience (3 newest dtm and 8 tracks), which is after all the core of this game and the european track pack. (Total of 3300vrp i think)
All the other tracks in discountperiods or when they are discounted as (mount panorama, Suzuka, Indianapolis,...) Add another 2000vrp at max!
Then in Total you have all 25 beautiful tracks with multiple layouts..

Fill on with what you want: i personally dont want/need all the wtcc or dtm92 cars for example, prefer to focus on some specifically to get more out of it!
For example: i bought my 2 favourite wtcc-cars (Leon and BMW), 2 favourite DTM92-cars (mercedes 190evo and Opel omega), the RuF GTR2, some historical/group 5 cars , adac gt-car etc.. And cars are quitej cheap imo so i think if you spend another 2000vrp (wisely) you got at least one car to participate in each series..

And you still have about 3000vrp left for future updates and discount-periods..
So you actually could get all content and even have left for future content for 65euros if u make use of discount periods.

Correct me if i'm wrong.. :embarrassed:
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Here's an example, I just got 4 cars and a track (with multiple layouts) for less than a 6pack of decent beer (thanks in part to the Easter 50% off sale). Not a bad deal in my book. 👍

Screen shot 2015-04-03 at 1.47.48 PM.png
Alright, thanks for all the input everyone :) At this point I think I will just stick with the free content first. At the moment I still have a backlog of other games to play anyway. I'll just wait until I get bored with those and then start having a look at R3E's paid content. Maybe by then the prices have gotten cheaper 💡

Just another question though: how much vRP equals 1 USD? And is there a way to earn vRP in game? If yes, how easy it is to earn say 1 USD equivalent?
Right now all the cars and tracks are 50% off, for two more days, won't get any cheaper. :sly:

My best estimate is 100 Vrp's is about $1.20 USD. There's no way to earn them in the game. You can pay directly through Steam or you can buy them in bulk directly from the RaceRoom web store and you get a little discount on them.
Right now all the cars and tracks are 50% off, for two more days, won't get any cheaper. :sly:

Well there's always Easter next year :sly:

My best estimate is 100 Vrp's is about $1.20 USD. There's no way to earn them in the game. You can pay directly through Steam or you can buy them in bulk directly from the RaceRoom web store and you get a little discount on them.

That's a bit self defeating for the system isn't it? Why don't they just list the price as a normal currency then? :boggled:

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