Racers Reunited, Thanks chaps, Target 84 is over for now. Good racing with you, cheers!

  • Thread starter Zolon32

I've been running it on CM's and it feels good. About 1.5 seconds a lap difference between the grades.

Perhaps you could handicap using the different tyre types?
Perhaps you could handicap using the different tyre types?

I'm up for that Paul, although 1.5. secs across a one minute lap might be a bit difficult to carry. We'll have to see how it goes, it's nothing serious anyway.

Cheers, Zo.
Hope to join you tonight sometime between 2030 - 2100.
Whether I'm there or not I've a weird circuit that I quite like obviously!? Unfortunately even the NSX takes 2.15 around it. Would welcome your feedback on it if you feel like trying it out. It's the one called figaro opera...should have called it octopus or squid as that's what it reminds me of!

Hope to see you later.

Would welcome your feedback on it if you feel like trying it out.

2:15 is close enough Suts, I'll look forward to having a blast on it.

Don't forget, it's an open public room tonight chaps, not the club room.

Cheers, Zo.
Nice to briefly be back with the Tuesday crew, had to leave as fast as possible at the end since I already was 15 minutes later leaving to pick my girlfriend up from work than I planned. I need a mic so I can add a non-British voice to the discussion. At least ps4 came with one in the box. I don't understand Mics anyways, what does everyone else use?
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what does everyone else use?
I've got two (not used at the same time of course), one's an on/over ear little Bluetooth unit - which I don't use that often since the battery is usually flat. The other is a wired Turtle Beach headset and mic combo. It's the cheapest one they make, it's a bit plasticy but does the job. And being wired there's no batteries to worry about.
It wouldn't be worth spending too much on one since they don't all work on the PS4, you'd need to check what was compatible.

We did hear Jocke, but his English is that good you probably didn't realise it was him. :)

I enjoyed the races. The car and track combo seemed to work quite well.
I use a wired one too. It's an official playstation one, don't know the make but it was around 30 pounds. USB into the playstation, audio lead into the TV. There's two sliders to control game volume and chat volume, plus a mute switch. Usually need to turn the game down a little to hear the chat as the engine noise can over power everything.

Works on ps4 too.

Insomnia is rubbish by the way :scared:
what does everyone else use?

It was good to have you aboard Blue, ace race for the first one. I use the cheapest Turtlebeach, and it seems to work okay when the network is fine. Never had any complaints about comfort either, and the wire's really not an issue in my experience.

I wouldn't use one of those BB's got though, it seems to give him a funny accent ;)

Insomnia is rubbish by the way :scared:


Great racing last night chaps, I can't believe how good that tiny little track is, and congratulations to Rob on his win, ace!

Cheers, Zo.
Great races, great banter, lovely track! đź‘Ť Looking forward to next week!

If you need your racing fix on March 30th, here is a shameless plug: Our prolific track creator @Patrick8308 wants to do a special event in the Makeshift Shuffle club using some of his last track creations. I'm sure you'll have lots of awesome racing there and you only need to buy six cars, three of which you can buy right now (see which in the post linked above) and the other three can be swiftly purchased between the races. So you can attend a shuffle event without buying tons of cars -- how awesome is that? :cheers:
here is a shameless plug:

I have to say chaps, every single time I've joined the Makeshift Shuffle guys I've found superb racing. Looks like I'm going to have to negotiate for three night's racing that week, it'll probably cost me some new curtains, or something. Why does anybody ever get married? :dopey:

Cheers, Zo.
what does everyone else use?
I use this when I can find it (it's so tiny and gets lost amongst other things) and if the battery is charged.
It's a Sony product, works fine for what it is.

Insomnia is rubbish by the way
I slept once. It is an overrated experience.
here is a shameless plug
It's how the RR should be like in my opinion, sharing our stuff.


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My shameless plug is that the wagons are an hour earlier for the next two Friday nights (21:30 instead of 22:30) so if it was too late for anyone before now's your chance.

I'm mostly limited for mics by what the used game store my girlfriend works at has (since then I can get one for little to no money), which is pretty much just the PS branded Bluetooth headset things
If you need your racing fix on March 30th, here is a shameless plug: Our prolific track creator @Patrick8308 wants to do a special event in the Makeshift Shuffle club using some of his last track creations. I'm sure you'll have lots of awesome racing there and you only need to buy six cars, three of which you can buy right now (see which in the post linked above) and the other three can be swiftly purchased between the races. So you can attend a shuffle event without buying tons of cars -- how awesome is that? :cheers:

I have to say chaps, every single time I've joined the Makeshift Shuffle guys I've found superb racing. Looks like I'm going to have to negotiate for three night's racing that week, it'll probably cost me some new curtains, or something. Why does anybody ever get married? :dopey:

Cheers, Zo.

Hey guys,

it would be great if some of you decided to join the special event in the MSS Club I've planned for March 30th. đź‘Ť

As I've mentioned in the event post my wife will be away with our 3 months old son that week so I've got the chance for some online racing once again. Last year I was able to join MSS events quite regularly while my wife was on late shifts. But since she is home continiously and the baby was born I've no time or opportunity for online racing anymore. Besides the new responsibility for our son my wife hardly accepts me disappearing for gaming. :irked: We don't have as much windows as pacifying curtains would be needed. :lol:

Since there are no regular MSS events scheduled during the week anymore I was asking @tarnheld about a suitable date for my planned special event to avoid overlaps with other clubs or events. It came to light only Wednesday would be appropriate.

The participation at MSS events seems to have decreased a bit to about 4-8 members nowadays which is why I'm advertising the event at this club as well. :rolleyes: I guess a full room would provide diversified and exciting racing. Furthermore I'm pleased to present my newest replicas Sugo, Sendai and Autopolis which schould be great fun. The contrived format of sprint races with two optional predefined and competitive cars followed by endurance races with RGO and shuffle car assignments is something new but I hope it will produce interesting races. Hopefully I'm not too rusty and might profit a bit from the home advantage though I didn't have much time to race the tracks yet.

On Tuesday 29th March I'd love to do some online racing too. Would it generally be possible to make a guest appearance at only one event of the series (and what limiter setting should be used then)? :confused:

If so I'd be faced to use the Suzuki GSX-R/4 which I probably don't like particularly. So far as I recall it was hard to control with my old-school technique (DS3, D-Pad , X and [], AT). But that assessment rests on some Seasonal long time ago so I'd have to retest the car again to finally make my decision.

Is the schedule (GSX-R/4 on 29th March) set in stone or might it be possible to use the M3 GTR or the F430 on 29th March? đź’ˇ

Is the schedule (GSX-R/4 on 29th March) set in stone or might it be possible to use the M3 GTR or the F430 on 29th March?
Hi Patrick.
I'm assuming that since we have skipped a week due to BB's absence everything is going to be pushed forward one week. So therefore (you'll be pleased to know ;)) the 29th will now be for the appearance of the M3 GTR. And for the first race at least it will be at 100% power - Zo will let you know what to use for the second race. I'm not sure which track we are using for the BMW yet.

Your event sounds interesting and, when available, I'm always up for a bit of racing. So I hope to join in at some point. đź‘Ť
I'll need to have a proper look to see what cars I require. Tarn said there was only 6, my brain can manage 6.

We need to combine all these clubs to keep the "magic" alive. :P
the 29th will now be for the appearance of the M3 GTR

Yes! đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť

The M3 GTR is a wonderful car and pleases me way better. I'm definately looking forward to join the event. :)

I'll need to have a proper look to see what cars I require. Tarn said there was only 6, my brain can manage 6.

That's correct. For the 3 Sprint Races you would have to choose 3 times:

1) Toyota SUPRA RZ '97 or Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V.spec II (R32) '94
2) Mitsubishi LANCER EX 1800GSR IC Turbo '83 or Toyota COROLLA Levin GT-Apex
3) Opera Performance S2000 '04 or Nismo FAIRLADY Z Z-tune (Z33) '03

In case you don't want to test both options or own any of them yet you'd only need to buy 3 cars.

For the 3 Endurance Races you'd be assigned 3 other cars (or potentially a same car again as they are part of the lists being used) depending on your finishing position at the Sprint Races and the list range choice made by each Sprint Race winner. It might sound a bit confusing but actually it's not that difficult. :crazy:
I'll miss the next 2 weeks as I'm away on hols.

I think I'll be back for the last race of the series hopefully.

Have fun. ;)

I think I'll be back for the last race of the series hopefully.

You'll be missed Suts, but you might make it for the last two meetings, I've a feeling that we'll push it out to five six weeks, to fit in all of the proposed tracks.

I'll be there at a similar time as I was last week

It'll be good to see you Blue. Sorry I can't make the wagons racing, but two nights a week is all I can manage without getting a riot on my hands :grumpy:

See you tonight chaps, Zo.
Can't beat a bit of Wee Shimmy. I'm astonished that you managed to get any shots where I wasn't crashing, well done!

Anybody got a handle on what organised racing is taking place tonight? Wife's hosting book club and wants me out of her hair đź‘Ť

Cheers, Zo.
Can't beat a bit of Wee Shimmy. I'm astonished that you managed to get any shots where I wasn't crashing, well done!

Anybody got a handle on what organised racing is taking place tonight? Wife's hosting book club and wants me out of her hair đź‘Ť

Cheers, Zo.

Wagons at 21:30!
Sorry chaps for being so tardy in updating the results from last week. Done now.

And really sorry Rob for firing up the race before you could get in, it's a really difficult decision to make, especially with a chap as game as you trying to join, but the damn net sometimes thinks we're still in the 20th century :(

Well done Blue, who takes the top of the pile, and will probably stay there if he doesn't turn up for any more races, a matter I ought to have sorted out before we started. Still, onwards and upwards, to Paul's Dingley Dell, with the wonderful BMW GTR, yippee.

Patrick, because the handicap system is already in place, your first race will have to be at 90% on the power limiter. Your finishing position in that race, and any subsequent ones, will dictate your handicap from then on. Welcome aboard, by the way.

See you on Tuesday chaps, Zo.
but the damn net sometimes thinks we're still in the 20th century
I think Rob's still using Alexander Graham Bell's original line. Sorry Rob. ;)

So it's the GTR @ DD OK.
(I've never actually raced there, I hope it's alright)

Edit: I've tried the M3 around the track and it seems to suit it quite well. It's fast and wide so it allows for a bit of sliding about.
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